CAMWS Secretary-Treasurer



As chief operating officer of CAMWS, the Secretary-Treasurer (ST) is responsible for all of its financial commitments and provides continuity in planning and policy.  In addition to travel expenses, s/he receives an annual stipend determined by the Executive Committee (EC).  CAMWS also compensates an administrative assistant and reimburses the host institution for postage, printing, telephone charges, supplies, and other routine operating expenses.  

The ST is also the Business Manager for The Classical Journal and TCL and is responsible for maintaining memberships and subscriptions, the mailing of journals and the payment of advertisements.

The ST must be a CAMWS member from an institution in CAMWS territory. CAMWS requires a commitment from that institution to provide office space and computer hardware.   

Course release is usually negotiated between the candidate and the institution.

The candidate should be tenured as a professor or associate professor in Classics or a closely related discipline, with skills in business management, the ability to manage computer databases, website management and familiarity with the operation and membership of CAMWS. Knowledge of Filemaker, Quickbooks and Drupal is helpful. S/he should provide evidence of long-term involvement in the association.  

The ST shall be recommended by the Executive Committee, each for a term normally of five years and renewable only once, subject to election by the membership at the next Annual Business Meeting.

The ST is an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee (Charter: and of all standing committees except the Merit Committee


On-going Responsibilities of the Secretary-Treasurer

  • Pay bills
  • Check and record in QuickBooks all deposits made by the administrative assistant
  • Balance the accounts
  • Supervise EC deliberations via email, track voting and record results
  • Send out periodic reminders via Constant Contact re membership renewal, awards deadlines and annual meeting
  • Post news of interest to members on the website. Optional: Post a new featured CAMWS member on line at least once a month
  • Periodically write acknowledgements for donations to CAMWS
  • Maintain the necrology (with the help of the historian)
  • Find the next site for a CAMWS meeting. This should be done at least once a year. This entails getting an invitation from an institution in an appropriate city, identifying suitable hotels, getting approval from EC for a site visit, making the site visit, and then asking EC to approve the bid. Ideally CAMWS meeting sites should be contracted four to five years in advance.
  • Write three times per annum a message to members for the Newsletter
  • Maintain a paper and electronic archive of the organization


Schedule of Duties for the Secretary-Treasurer


July (the beginning of the fiscal year)

Update the officers, committee members and vice-presidents on the web

Update their forwarding emails at

Post a CFP for the next meeting in consultation with the president. Post this on the web and send it along with a membership renewal reminder to everyone in the Constant Contact database.

Create a final membership report for the previous fiscal year. Send this to the Membership Committee and then to EC for approval by both.

Use Quickbooks to create an Income-Expenses report for the previous year. Send this to the Finance Committee and to EC for approval by both.

Create a proposed budget for the new fiscal year. Send it to Finance Committee and then to EC for approval

Send check to endowment manager for any lifetime memberships made in previous fiscal year.

Prepare end-of-fiscal year documents of upcoming audit, including the income-expense report, new budget, list of any individuals receiving honoraria or awards from CAMWS, etc.

Attend the American Classical League Summer Institute to represent CAMWS with a table



Make arrangements in early August with the President and Local Committee to make a Site visit in Sept

Process (i.e., making anonymous) panel and Workshop Proposals (which are usually due in late August) and sending them to the Program Committee for review and approval.

Work with chairs of awards subcommittees to confirm deadlines and make sure that the websites are up to date.



Inform the submitters of panel and workshop proposals of the Program Committee decisions. This should be done in time for individuals to submit individual abstracts if their proposal was rejected.

Visit the site of the next meeting with the president

Create a webpage for upcoming meeting and post abstracts of approved panels and workshops there.

Process Individual Abstract Proposals (which are usually do in late September) and sending them the Program Committee for review and approval

Ask SCS for complimentary booth at upcoming meeting



Ask President to choose a troschke for upcoming meeting. This item should be purchased by ST well in advance of the meeting.

Plan meeting menus with president

Prepare the on-line meeting registration form



Inform submitters of individual abstract proposals of the decisions of the Program Committee

Post individual abstracts on meeting page

Start to publicize the meeting registration.



Start work on the program

Send out honoraria checks to officers



Attend APA/AIA to represent CAMWS with a booth and to attend, with the president, the meeting of North American Classical organizations.

Send out advertising and exhibiting information for upcoming meeting. This will need significant follow-up and reminders.



Work closely with Local Committee and Hotel regarding details of meeting planning

Plan Consulares lunch with the help of the president

Invite committee members to Thursday lunch at meeting and VPs to Thursday dinner and track acceptances.

Prepare the Agenda for the Annual Business Meeting. (This entails contacting individuals who traditionally give oral reports to determine if they will give these reports themselves or designate others to do it.)



Finish program and send it to the printer.

Prepare an agenda for the EC meeting. (This entails contacting individuals who give reports to submit them in writing.)

Prepare the following reports for the meeting: membership, profit/loss, and endowment.


At the Annual Meeting

The annual meeting traditionally occurs in the period March 15-April 20 and is planned to avoid the dates of Easter and Passover. During this period, the attention of the ST is focused on planning and running the meeting.

Take minutes at the EC meeting on Wednesday and at the Business Meeting on Saturday

Oversee the smooth running of the meeting and trouble shoot



Prepare minutes of EC meeting and Business meeting for approval by EC.

Once Business Meeting minutes are approved, post them on the web for comment by members prior to approval by membership at next Business Meeting

Send two copies of latest volume of CJ to bindery. Upon return one copy is sent to the Missouri Archives. The second is kept in the CAMWS office.

In years when sufficient unbound copies of the Newsletter and TCL have accumulated, send two copies of each to bindery. Upon return, one copy of each is sent to the Missouri Archives and the second is kept in the CAMWS office.


In years when a CAMWS-SS meeting is occurring the CAMWS ST, working with the CAMWS-SS ST, posts a call for papers (as early as February), oversees the on-line submission of abstracts, and confirms membership of submitters. All other aspects of planning for this meeting are in the hands of the CAMWS-SS ST. The CAMWS ST usually attends the meeting as representative the parent organization.