CAMWS 1997 Program
Wednesday, April 2
5:00-8:00 p.m. | Registration | Century |
6:00-10:00 p.m. | Meeting of the Executive Committee | Sunshine |
Cash Bar Reception hosted by the University of Colorado Champe South Bar
Thursday, April 3
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. | Registration | Century |
N.B. The BOOK DISPLAY, located in Century, will be open Thursday 9:00 a.m.
- 5:00 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., and Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Coffee will be provided.
8:00-10:30 a.m. | Meeting of the Executive Committee | Sunshine |
9:00-10:30 a.m. | First Session | Canyon Half |
Section A
Archaic Greek Poetry
1. A Figura Etymologica in the Homeric Hymn to Hermes | Steve Reece | (Saint Olaf College) |
2. Hermes in the Court of Olympus | Susan C. Shelmerdine | (University of North Carolina at Greensboro) |
3. Blonde Ambition: Chromatic Meaning and Divine Epiphany in the Homeric
Hymn to Aphrodite | Monica S. Cyrino | (University of New Mexico) |
4. Lattimore's Demeter | Elizabeth Holtze | (Metropolitan State College of Denver) |
5. The Metaphoric Use of pevpeira in Archaic Invective Poetry | Eisha Lee | (University of Kansas) |
9:00-10:30 a.m. | First Session | Flagstaff Half |
Section B
Silver Latin I: Lucan
ART SPISAK, presiding
1. Allusive Art in the De Bello Civili: Lucan's Appropriation of Ovidian
Cosmogony, 1.67-82 | Heather L. Van Tress | (University of Iowa) |
2. Cato at the Shrine of Ammon (Lucan, BC 9.564-586): A Study in Stoic
Futility | Robert John Sklenar | (University of Michigan) |
3. Patroclus Ahenobarbus in Lucan's Pharsalia 7 | Chad Turner | (Loyola
University of Chicago) |
4. Prophecy and the Use of "Philippi" in Lucan's De Bello Civili | Rebecca R. Rhodes | (University of Iowa) |
9:00-10:30 a.m. | First Session | Millennium |
Section C
Pedagogy I
ANNE GROTON, presiding
1. Provinciae Imperii Romani: A Student Project on the World Wide Web | Clayton Lehmann | (University of South Dakota) (20 min.) |
2. Windows NT and the New Classics Forum | John W. Thomas | (Iowa State University) (20 min.) |
3. If You Can't Find What You Need, Why Not Make It Yourself? | Robert J. Yankow | (University of St. Thomas) |
4. New Age Latin: A Reading Centered Text and A Computer Authoring
Program Will Do It! | Jane D. Poynter | (Northeast Louisiana University) (20 min.) |
9:00-10:30 a.m. | First Session | Room 231 |
Section D
Cicero, Oratory
JAMES MAY, presiding
1. Cicero's Discursiveness in Pro Sestio 86-92 | Christopher Craig | (University of Tennessee) |
2. Irony and Argument in Cicero's Second Philippic | Robert J. Rabel | (University of Kentucky) |
3. The "Trials within the Trial" in Cicero's Pro Cluentio | Barbara Price Wallach | (University of Missouri) |
9:00-10:30 a.m. | First Session | Room 331 |
Section E
PHILIP A. STADTER, presiding
1. Nomenclature in Classical Athens | Timothy F. Winters | (Vanderbilt University) |
2. Dissonant Elements in Xenophon's Portrayal of Cyrus the Younger | W.W. De Grummond | (Florida State University) |
3. Aristander the Prophet and the Alexander Historians | Timothy Spalding | (University of Michigan) |
4. Alexander and the Persian Obeisance | Ernst A. Fredricksmeyer | (University of Colorado) |
5. Alexander the Not So Great? | Ian Worthington | (University of Tasmania) |
10:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m. | Second Session | Canyon Half |
Section A
Vergil I
1. Tradition and Originality in Vergil and Ovid: Orpheus and Eurydice as
a Test Case | Richard A. Spencer | (Appalachian State University) |
2. Euripides and Lucretius in Vergil Dido and Turnus: Double Vision and
Dreaming | Sarah Smart | (Brown University) |
3. The Greek Presence in Italy in Vergil's Aeneid | Sophia Papaioannou | (University of Texas at Austin) |
4. Vergil's Musa Puerilis: Ars et Vita | John F. Makowski | (Loyola University of Chicago) |
10:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m. | Second Session | Flagstaff Half |
Section B
Women in Antiquity I
BELLA ZWEIG, presiding
1. Attacking the Womb: The Inversion of Fertility in Lucan's Erictho and
Seneca's Medea | Melissa Schons | (University of California at Los Angeles) |
2. Mulieres triumphantes: The Female Body Politic in Livy | Judith Lynn Sebesta | (University of South Dakota) |
3. The Integration of Women into the Roman Triumph | Marleen B. Flory | (Gustavus Adolphus College) |
4. Pandora, Shamhat, Dido and the Rest: 'Reading' Women in "Great Books" | Nancy Sultan | (Illinois Wesleyan University) |
10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. | Second Session | Millennium |
Section C
Panel: Recycling Desire: Gender and Genre From Classical Greek Literature
to the Hollywood Film
1. She Made Him an Offer He Couldn't Refuse: Disclosure and the
Potiphar's Wife Theme | Jeffrey S. Carnes | (Syracuse University) (20 min.) |
2. Escape and Constraint: Female Desire and Narrative Bondage in
Agamemnon and The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover | Holly Haynes | (New York University) (20 min.) |
3. Western Values/The People's Homer | Mary Whitlock Blundell and Kirk Orland | (University of Washington) (Loyola University of Chicago) (20 min.) |
4. Respondent, | Sandra Joshel | (New England Conservatory of Music) (20 min.) |
10:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m. | Second Session | Room 231 |
Section D
Greek Philosophy I: Plato
CARL P.E. SPRINGER, presiding
1. Thrasymachos in Plato Republic I | Eckart E. Schutrumpf | (University of Colorado) |
2. poi' dh; kai; povqen* Self-motion in Plato's Phaedrus | Geoffrey W. Bakewell | (Creighton University) |
3. Speech in Context: Plato's Menexenus and the Ritual of the Patrios Nomos | Bronwen L. Wickkiser | (University of Texas at Austin) |
4. Socratic Education and Socrates' Daimonion in the Theages and Theaetetus | David M. Johnson | (Phoenix College) |
10:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m. | Second Session | Room 331 |
Section E
Hellenistic Poetry I
1. Ladies' Day at the Art Institute: Alexandrian Poets and the Gendered
Gaze | Marilyn Skinner | (University of Arizona) |
2. Unstable Geographies: the Moving Landscape in Apollonius' Argonautica | Julie Nishimura-Jensen | (Arizona State University) |
3. Ambiguity and Suspense in the Phaeacian Episode of Apollonius' Argonautica | Calvin S. Byre | (University of Oklahoma) |
4. Subject to Debate: Questions of Leadership in Apollonius' Argonautica | Sarah Bolmarcich | (University of Virginia) |
12:00-1:00 p.m. | Luncheon Meeting of the Regional Vice-Presidents | Sunshine Room |
[Webmaster's note: the formatting of the original program has been
lost at this point. I have put the remaining information in a simpler format
-- SJH]
1:00-3:00 p.m. Third Session Canyon Half
Section A
Homer I
ROBERT J. RABEL, presiding
1. Divine Antagonism, plavzw, and the Odyssey Proem Bruce Louden
(University of Texas at El Paso)
2. Sexual Fidelity of Female Slaves and the
Stability of the Oikos in Homer's Odyssey James A. Whelton (Loyola
University of Chicago)
3. Penelope as Strategist: First Laugh to Last Laugh Martha Sowerwine
(University of Arizona)
4. The Long Way Home: How Combat Veterans' Experience and Homer's Odyssey
Illuminate Each Other Jonathan
Shay (Tufts Medical School)
5. Philostratus, Arctinus and the Second Psychostasia James G. Farrow
(Wayne State University; Macomb
Community College)
6. Homeric Analysis between F.A. Wolf and Carl Lachmann: The Forgotten
Forty Years (1795-1841) Byron Stayskal
(Indiana University)
1:00-3:00 p.m. Third Session Flagstaff Half
Section B
Roman History
SUSAN MARTIN, presiding
1. From Murder by Poison to Castration and Wrecking: The Life and Times
of a Roman Law Cheryl L. Golden
(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
2. Legal Institutions and the Roman Agrarian Economy Dennis Kehoe
(Tulane University)
3. "Tiberium in Tiberim": Popular Justice, Religious Ritual, and Social
Drama, from the Gracchi to Elagabulus Kenneth
R. Walters (Wayne State University)
4. Dirum Ostentum: Bee Swarm Prodigies
at Roman Military Camps Deborah MacInnes (Vanderbilt University)
5. Claudian Triumphalism and Pomponius Mela's "Map" F.E. Romer
(University of Arizona)
6. The Greater Roman Historians-A Half Century Later Herbert W. Benario
(Emory University)
1:00-3:00 p.m. Third Session Millennium
Section C
Classical Tradition
KEITH DIX, presiding
1. "The best poem written in Latin since the ancient world": Housman's
Stellar Dedication Robert W. Ulery, Jr.
(Wake Forest University)
2. Lady Hamilton's Attitudes and the Recovery of the Ancient Pantomime
Frances S. Newman (University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign)
3. Victorians in Togas: The Paintings of Alma-Tadema Norma W. Goldman
(Wayne State University) (20 min.)
4. The Odysseus Collages of Romare Bearden William K. Freiert (Gustavus
Adolphus College)
5. Graeco-Roman Influences in the Paine Webber Collection of Contemporary
Art Patricia N. Freiert (Gustavus
Adolphus College)
6. The David M. Robinson Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities at the
University of Mississippi: How it was
acquired and how it is used Robert A. Moysey (University of
Mississippi) (20 min.)
1:00-3:00 p.m. Third Session Room 231
Section D
Structure and Meaning in Classical Poetry
1. The Garland Theme in Meleager's Garland Kathryn Gutzwiller
(University of Cincinnati) (20 min.)
2. Structure and Meaning in Latin Poetry: The Example of Propertius 3.11
J. Kevin Newman (University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign) (20 min.)
3. Meaning from Structure in Book 10 of Martial Arthur Spisak (Southwest
Missouri State University) (20 min.)
4. Aesthetic Patterning and Methodology in Latin Poetry Books Helena
Dettmer (University of Iowa) (20 min.)
1:00-3:00 p.m. Third Session Room 331
Section E
Late Greek Prose
KATHRYN A. THOMAS, presiding
1. The Rhetoric of Virtue in Plutarch's Lives Philip A. Stadter
(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
2. Was There an Ancient Greek Popular Literature? William Hansen (Indiana
3. Serious Fiction: New Questions to Old Answers on Philostratus's Life
of Apollonius James A. Francis (University
of Kentucky)
4. The Dream of Social Regeneration and the Greek Romance Jean Alvares
(Montclair State University)
5. Cycles and Sequences in Longus' Daphnis and Chloe Stephen A. Nimis
(Miami University, Ohio)
6. Cultural Irony and the Construction of Fictional Realities in the
Aithiopika Jon D. Berry (University of Chicago)
3:15-5:15 p.m. Fourth Session Canyon Half
Section A
Hellenistic Poetry II
NITA KREVANS, presiding
1. Falling to Pieces: Simaitha's Curse in Theocritus' Second Idyll Karen
L. Edwards (University of Virginia)
2. Mime, Maternity, and Matchmaking in
Theocritus Idyll 11 John T. Kirkpatrick (Northwestern University)
3. Theocritus
12 and the Diokleia David D. Leitao (San Francisco State University)
4. A Venal Age and A Venal Lover: Simonides, Theocritus and Callimachus's
Third Iambus Benjamin Hughes
(University of Virginia)
5. The Philologi in Callimachus' Iambus 1 Paul Ojennus (University of
6. Callimachus' Singing Sea (Hymn 2.106) David A. Traill (University of
California at Davis)
3:15-5:15 p.m. Fourth Session Flagstaff Half
Section B
1. Horace Satires 1.7: Satire as Conflict Irresolution Catherine
Schlegel (University of Notre Dame)
2. Priapus: Horace in Disguise? Martha Habash (Creighton University)
3. Panegyric Bluster and Ennius' Scipio in Horace Sermones 2.1 Kirk
Freudenburg (Ohio State University)
4. The Sympotic Gesture and its Nihilistic Force in Horace Ode 2.7 and
Epode 9 James Young (University of Kansas)
5. Horace Ode 1.37 and the Callimachean Hunter John B. Stillwell
(University of Texas at Austin)
6. Apollo, Pindar and Horace Odes 3.4 John F. Miller (University of Virginia)
3:15-5:15 p.m. Fourth Session Millennium
Section C
Greek Literature and Art
1. Some Problems in Eupolis' Demoi Ian C. Storey (Trent University)
2. An Erotic Aspect of Ancient Greek Athletics Stewart G. Flory (Gustavus
Adolphus College) (20 min.)
3. "The Fox Knows Many Tricks, the Hedgehog but One*" Kenneth F.
Kitchell, Jr. (Louisiana State University)
(20 min.)
4. Goddesses and the Art of Warfare Georgia L. Irby-Massie (University of
5. Sophokles' Philoktetes: An Introduction to the Cult of Herakles
Christina A. Salowey (Hollins College) (20 min.)
6. Back to the Future: Dionysos' Attic Adolescence Stephen Fineberg
(Knox College) (20 min.)
3:15-5:15 p.m. Fourth Session Room 231
Section D
Greek Philosophy II
1. Xenophon's Symposium as Socratic Apologetic Susan Prince (University
of Michigan)
2. Four Orders of Platonic Dialogues and their Hermeneutic Consequences
Carol Poster (University of Northern
3. Eros and Aphrodisia in Dio Chrysostom J. Samuel Houser (Franklin and
Marshall College)
4. Kazantzakis' St. Francis and the Cynics Andrew Reece (Indiana University)
5. Are We Wiser than the Ancient Greeks? Richard Rorty on the
Obsolescence of Plato Jeremiah Reedy
(Macalester College) (20 min.)
3:15-5:15 p.m. Fourth Session Room 331
Section E
Latin Prose
MARLEEN B. FLORY, presiding
1. Strife and the Farmer: Varro's Debt to Xenophon and Hesiod Carin M.C.
Green (University of Iowa)
2. On the Import and Implications of Cato's "Rem tene: Verba Sequentur"
J. Bradford Churchill (University of
3. Appreciating Aper: Conception and Misconception in Tacitus' Dialogus de
oratoribus Sander M. Goldberg (University of California at Los Angeles)
4. Ut diis honos habeatur: Gratitude in Ancient Roman Prayer Frances V.
Hickson-Hahn (University of California
at Santa Barbara)
5. The Role of the Local Stonecutter in the Roman Epigraphic Habit
Douglas C. Clapp (University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill)
6. Disparities in the Epigraphic Evidence for the Roman Governor's Staff
Robert L. Dise, Jr. (University of Northern
3:15-5:00 Fourth Session Sunshine Room
Section F
Pedagogy II
1. Of Praxis and Prosody: Promoting Mastery of Latin at the Intermediate
Level Claude N. Pavur, S.J. (St. Louis
2. The First Synoptic Etymological Thesaurus of Latin Derivatives in
Italian, Spanish, and French: A Summary and
Some Observations James H. Dee (University of Illinois at Chicago)
3. Classical Studies and the Multi-Cultural Text Mary Beth Hannah-Hansen
(Bloomington High School South,
Bloomington, IN)
4. Writing Fairy Tales/Bedtime Stories in Latin: the whys, wherefores and
how-to's Karen Rothberg (Cherry Creek
High School, Denver, CO) (20 min.)
4:00-5:00 p.m. Meeting of the Finance Committee Secretary's Suite
5:15-5:30 p.m. Meeting of CAMWS Southern Section Room 231
5:30-6:30 p.m. Consulares Reception
6:00-7:00 p.m. Reception for the Classical Society of the
American Academy at Rome Room 331
8:00-10:00 p.m. Fifth Session Canyon Half
Section A
1. Comic Language in Catullus 8 Daniel H. Garrison (Northwestern University)
2. Re-Figuring the Feminine Voice: Catullus Translating Sappho Ellen
Greene (University of Oklahoma)
3. Lesbia: The Voice of the Feminine Jeannine Diddle Uzzi (Duke University)
4. Caecilius, a Candida Puella, and Catullus David Kutzko (University of
5. The Substance of Song: Physical Symbolism and Catullus' Conception of
Poetry Christopher Nappa (University
of Tennessee)
6. Poeta anceps: Artistic Colloboration, Ancient and Modern James V.
Lowe (John Burroughs School, St. Louis,
MO) (20 min.)
8:00-10:00 p.m. Fifth Session Flagstaff Half
Section B
Greek Tragedy I: Sophocles' Oedipus Rex
1. 'I Call You the Killer': OT 362 Edwin Carawan (Southwest Missouri State)
2. Silence and Self-Exposure: Jocasta's Death in Sophocles' Oedipus
Tyrannus James Barrett (University of
3. The Illusion of Depth in Sophocles' Oipidous Tyrrannos David Mulroy
(University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
4. Sophocles Poietes and the Story of Oedipus Gina M. Soter (Kalamazoo
8:00-10:00 p.m. Fifth Session Millennium
Section C
Panel: Initiatives in Technology for Classical Studies
1. Introducing Multimedia at Ball State: A Critical Appraisal Walter
Moskalew (Ball State University) (20 min.)
2. A Perseus for Roman Civilization Gregory Crane (Tufts University)
3. The Ariadne Project: Bringing Visual Information into the Classroom
Walter Stevenson (University of Richmond)
(20 min.)
4. Connecting Research with Pedagogy: The Vergil Project Joseph Farrell
(University of Pennsylvania) (20 min.)
5. The ACS-Mellon Pilot Project in Classics: Toward a Virtual Development
Kenneth Morrell (Rhodes College) (20 min.)
8:00-10:00 p.m. Fifth Session Room 231
Section D
Silver Latin II
JAMES C. MCKEOWN, presiding
1. Unstable Ironies in Juvenal's Eighth Satire Duane Smith (University of
St. Thomas)
2. Transgressing Boundaries: the "Geography" of Juvenalian Satire John
Hamilton (College of the Holy Cross)
3. Clementia in Martial's Hare and Lion Cycle Brett A. Robbins (Indiana
4. Listening for Spanish Cuss-words: Martial's Use of Negative Imagery
about Spain Farland H. Stanley, Jr.
(University of Oklahoma)
5. Oral Performance of Epic in the 1 A.D.: the Proem to Statius' Thebaid
Donka D. Markus (University of Michigan)
6. Statius and the mevga" rJovo" Charles
McNelis (University of California at Los Angeles)
8:00-10:00 p.m. Fifth Session Room 331
Section E
Cicero and Lucretius
Christopher Craig, presiding
1. Cicero on the Homeric Sirens: The Enchanting Effect of Cognitio et
Scientia Mark Farmer (Loyola University of
2. Dialectic and perfecta philosophia in the Tusculan Disputations Robert
J. Gorman (University of Nebraska)
3. Cicero on the Inconsistency of Epicurean Thought and Action Kirk
Summers (University of Alabama)
4. The Locus Amoenus in the de Rerum Natura of Lucretius Daniel Mortensen
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
5. Lucretius and Roman Epic Tradition in DRN 3.833-37 Eric A. Kyllo
(University of Wyoming)
Friday, April 4
7:00-8:00 a.m. Joint Breakfast Meeting Millennium
State and Regional Vice-Presidents
Committee for the Promotion of Latin
and Membership Committee
8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Registration Century
8:15-9:45 a.m. Sixth Session Canyon Half
Section A
TINA SAAVEDRA, organizer
Panel: Minorities and the Classical Tradition
1. A Loose Canon? Minorities and the Classical Tradition Tina Saavedra
(University of Chicago)
2. Representing Underrepresented Groups in the High School Classics
Classroom Michele Ronnick (Wayne State
3. SPLAT: Combining Spanish and Latin Susan Robertson (Frenship High
School, VA)
4. The Alexandria Project at Chicago: Ancient Civilizations on the South
Side Elizabeth Manwell (University of
8:15-9:45a.m. Sixth Session Flagstaff Half
Section B
Catullus and Propertius
J.K. NEWMAN, presiding
1. Taking Attis out of the Jungle Christopher C. Spelman (Oberlin College)
2. How to Start an Epyllion: Diction and Tradition in Catullus 64.1-7
David L. Wray (Kennesaw State University)
3. Catullus 68.53-58: Hot Springs, Cool Rivers, and Heracles Elizabeth
Vandiver (Northwestern University)
4. A Closer Look at Propertius 3.19 Alison Orlebeke (Princeton University)
5. Travel, Cartography, and Gender: Mapping Self and Cynthia in the Poems
of Propertius Denise Eileen
McCoskey (Miami University, Ohio)
8:15-9:45 a.m. Sixth Session Room 231
Section C
Greek Oratory
1. Women's Voices in Attic Oratory Michael Gagarin (University of Texas
at Austin)
2. Lysias 24 (For the Invalid) and Comic Poneria John R. Porter
(University of Saskatchewan)
3. Imperalist Consciousness in an Age of Diminishing Expectations:
Demosthenes' First Philippic Peter W. Rose
(Miami University, Ohio)
4. Does Isocrates Distinguish between mu'qw" and muqwvdh"? Jeffrey A.
Rydberg-Cox (University of Chicago)
8:15-9:45 a.m. Sixth Session Room 331
Section D
Greek Tragedy II
EDWIN CARAWAN, presiding
1. At the Right Hand of the Father? The Athenian Seat of Honor in
Eumenides 998-99 Charles C. Chiasson
(University of Texas at Arlington)
2. Iambic Elements in the Eumenides Nick Dobson (University of Texas at
3. Orestes, Ixion, and Adrastus Clifton Kreps (Truman State University)
4. The Troades of Euripides and the Sicilian Expedition J. Rufus Fears
(University of Oklahoma)
8:15-9:45 Sixth Session Sunshine
Section E
JUDITH DE LUCE, organizer
Panel: Reading Cicero's Laelius de Amicitia in Context*
1. Uncommon Commmonplaces: De Senectute and De Amicitia Judith de Luce
(Miami University, Ohio) (25 min.)
2. Mapping the Terrain of Amicitia John Gruber-Miller (Cornell College)
3. Creativity, Old Age, and the De Amicitia Margaret Fusco (Vassar College)
*Participants will discuss ideas introduced in abstracts.
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Seventh Session Canyon Half
Section A
Ovid I
JOHN F. MILLER, presiding
1. Vergil, Ovid, and the Epitheton Ornans James C. McKeown (University
of Wisconsin-Madison)
2. Amores 1.3, Iliad 14, and the Foiled Lover in Ovid's Amores Dennis R.
McClure (University of Iowa)
3. Sabinus in Ovid's Exile Poetry Martin Helzle (Case Western Reserve University)
4. Mors nobis tempus iners: Ovid's Ex Ponto 1.5 and the Dead Poets'
Society Alden Smith (Baylor University)
5. Coming Home: Tristia 3.1 and Ovid's Fasti Carole Newlands (University
of California at Los Angeles)
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Seventh Session Flagstaff Half
Section B
Greek Comedy
THOMAS K. HUBBARD, presiding
1. Greek Tragedy and Comedy: Another Synkrisis Gregory Dobrov
(University of Michigan)
2. Pericles' Law Censoring Comedy Kent Rigsby (Duke University)
3. Aristophanes' Proboulos: Politics and Desire in the Lysistrata James
F. McGlew (Iowa State University)
4. Hyperbolus on Samos E. Christian Kopff (University of Colorado)
5. Karkinos I of Athens: A Comic or a Tragic Poet? S. Douglas Olson
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Seventh Session Room 231
Section C
Late Latin and Christian Authors
1. Non-canonical Sources for the horti Sallustiani Linda W. Rutland
Gillison (University of Montana)
2. Out of Africa and into Spain: the Setting of Florus' Vergilius Orator
an Poeta John T. Quinn (Hope College)
3. Structured Piety/Structured Poetry in Prudentius' Cathemerinon
Athanasia Worley (University of Illinois at
4. Evidence for the Audientia Episcopalis in the New Letters of Augustine
Noel Lenski (University of Colorado)
5. "Me First": Name Positioning and Christian Adaptations in Ancient
Letters John G. Nordling (Valparaiso
6. Martin Luther, the Oreads of Wittenberg, and Sola Gratia Carl P.E.
Springer (Illinois State University)
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Seventh Session Room 331
Section D
Greek History
PETER GREEN, presiding
1. The Folly of Reason: Dreams in the Histories of Herodotus Dianna
Rhyan (Columbus State Community College)
2. Herodotus on Cleomenes: Literature, Folklore and History William E.
Hutton (Truman State University)
3. Contradictory Proverbs in Herodotus Susan O. Shapiro (Vanderbilt
4. Thucydides and Plato on the Frailty of Logos Gregory Schalliol
(University of South Dakota)
5. Alcibiades Against Democracy: Thucydides 6.89-92 and Pseudo-Xenophon
A.J. Bonnell (Ball State University)
11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Meeting of the Steering Committee Secretary's
12:00-1:00 p.m. Vergilian Society Luncheon Millennium
Buses will leave at 12:40
Eighth Session Room 157A/B
Section A
KATE RABITEAU, organizer
Panel: Teacher's Conference on the Advanced Placement Latin: Program
of the College Board
1. Preparing for the Multiple Choice Section of the AP Latin Examination
Kate Rabiteau (ETS) and Barbara
Weiden Boyd (Bowdoin College)
2. The Grading of the AP Latin Examination Peter Howard (Troy State
3. Teaching the AP Vergil Course Susan Bonvallet (Wellington School,
Columbus, OH)
4. "The Novus Magister meets the Novus Homo": Teaching the AP Cicero
Course for the First Time Jeff
Greenberger (Riverhead High School, Riverhead, NY)
1:15-2:45 p.m. Eighth Session Room 158A/B
Section B
Silver and Late Latin
MARK MORFORD, presiding
1. The Use of Irony in Seneca's Consolatory Letters Marianne Kane Graff
(University of Iowa)
2. Ancient vs. Modern Reaction to Seneca's Emasculation of Maecenas
Shannon N. Byrne (Ball State University)
3. The Ethics of Horticulture: Pliny the Elder and Statius on Roman
Gardens Karen Sara Myers (University of
4. Exemplum or Historiola? Literature as Magic in Apuleius' Apology
Thomas D. McCreight (Loyola College in
5. Male Sexuality and Failure in Ancient Roman Fiction Edmund P. Cueva
(Xavier University)
1:15-3:15 p.m. Eighth Session The Forum
Section C
Greek Art and Archaeology
1. The Dog on the Roof: A Protogeometric Naiskos from Crete Linda
Collins Reilly (College of William and Mary)
(20 min.)
2. Domestic Architecture on the Kastro at Kavousi, East Crete: An Ethnoarchaeological
Approach to Interpretation Margaret S. Mook (Iowa State University)
3. A Daedalic Lead Pendant from the Kastro at Kavousi, Crete Lee Ann
Turner (Boise State University)
4. A Cup by Makron: A Lesson in Athenian Prosopography R.D. Cromey
(Virginia Commonwealth University)
(20 min.)
5. The Attribution of Greek Temples: The Case of W.B. Dinsmoor's "Theseum
Architect" William Aylward (University
of Cincinnati) (20 min.)
1:15-4:00 p.m. Eighth Session Room 235
Section D
MARY DEPEW, organizer
Presidential Panel: Cameron's Critics
A Panel Discussion of Alan Cameron's Callimachus and his Critics
1. Introduction: Mary Depew (University of Iowa)
2. Text and Performance/Text or Performance Peter Bing (Emory University)
(20 min.)
3. The Muses' Bird-Cage, then and now: Cameron and Apollonios Peter
Green (University of Texas at Austin)
(20 min.)
4. Virgil after Cameron Richard Thomas (Harvard University) (20 min.)
5. Ovid's Callimachus and his Critics Peter Knox (University of Colorado)
(20 min.)
6. Respondent: Alan Cameron (Columbia University) (25 min.)
3:00-4:30 p.m. Ninth Session Room 157A/B
Section A
Panel: Teaching Etymology in a Classics Program
1. English as a Second Language for Speakers of English John W. Burke
(Kent State University)
2. Etymology and Word Histories John F. Finamore (University of Iowa)
3. Teaching Medical Terminology as a Classics Course Lesley Dean-Jones
(University of Texas at Austin)
4. Vocabulary Development: Prolegomena to a New Contextual Approach
Martha J. Payne (Ball State University)
3:00-4:30 p.m. Ninth Session Room 158A/B
Section B
Greek Tragedy III: Sophocles
1. Marriage and the Polis in Sophocles Helen E. Moritz (Santa Clara
2. Approaches to Manhood in Sophocles' Trachinian Women Joseph Roisman
(Colby College)
3. Heroic Illiteracy: Could Herakles Read? Karelisa Hartigan (University
of Florida)
4. Sophocles' Philoctetes: Fathers and Sons Hanna M. Roisman (Colby College)
3:25-4:40 p.m. Ninth Session The Forum
Section C
Classical Art and Archaeology
DAVID A. TRAILL, presiding
1. Hellenistic Genre Sculptures: Redefining the Originals Aileen
Ajootian (University of Mississippi) (20 min.)
2. Recent Archaeological Survey in the Heel of Italy Duane W. Roller
(Ohio State University, Lima) (20 min.)
3. Power of the Peristyle: Modesty and Illusion in the Domus Augusti
Jennifer A. Rea (University of Wisconsin-
4. Parthians on the Grand Came of France: New Evidence Derek B. Counts
(Brown University)
Reception at Leanin' Tree Museum
Buses leave at 4:45.
7:30-9:30 p.m. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION BANQUET Canyon/Flagstaff
Presiding: ANNE GROTON (St. Olaf College)
Welcome: PETER SPEAR, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
(University of Colorado)
Response: JANE HALL (National Latin Exam)
Ovationes: HERBERT W. BENARIO (Emory University)
Presidential Address: HELENA DETTMER (University of Iowa)
Catullus: A Personal Perspective
Saturday, April 5
8:15-9:30 a.m. Annual Business Meeting Canyon Half
8:15 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Registration Century
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Tenth Session Canyon Half
Section A
Greek Tragedy IV: Euripides
1. Divine Helen: The Ritual Basis of Social Commmentary in Euripides'
Helen Bella Zweig (University of Arizona)
2. The Function of the Dragon Chariot in Euripides' Medea James C.
Jacobson (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
3. Discourse of Praise and Blame in Euripides' Medea Laura McClure
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
4. Apollo and Athens in the Ion David B. Dodd (University of Chicago)
5. The Surrogate Wombs of Euripides' Ion John E. Thorburn (Baylor University)
6. Listening or Looking: The Agon in Troades 914-1041 Matthew Gumpert
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Tenth Session Flagstaff Half
Section B
Vergil II
1. Aeneid Ecphraseis and the Aeneid Christine Perkell Zarbin (Emory
2. Volvens Fatorum Arcana Movebo: The Metaphor of the "Unrolling Fate" in
the Aeneid (1.262) Svetla Slaveva
(University of Iowa)
3. Cracking the Stateliest Measure: Vergil's Broken Cadence in Aeneid 1
and 4 Herman Rego Pontes (Trent
4. The Buzz on Bees: Ideal Community in the Aeneid Andrew Blumreich
(Cornell College)
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Tenth Session Millennium
Section C
Latin Literature and History
1. Caesar's Iter to Spain in 46 B.C.: Historicity and Literary
Antecedents Philip Spann (University of Utah)
2. Actoris partis chorus officiumque virile defendat: the Muse of Horace
Philip Barnes (John Burroughs School, St.
Louis) (20 min.)
3. Perverse Space in Ovid's Heroides David Fredrick (University of
Arkansas) (20 min.)
4. Trimalchio's Bath and Bathing in the Satyricon Brice Erickson
(University of Texas at Austin) (20 min.)
5. Roman and Modern History in MGM's Quo Vadis Martin Winkler (George
Mason University) (20 min.)
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Tenth Session Room 231
Section D
Women in Antiquity II
1. Women's Epithets in Homeric Epic: Aspects of the Feminine Ideal Thea
K. Smith (University of Cincinnati)
2. Pericles' Muting of Women's Laments (Thuc. 2.45.2) Wm. Blake Tyrrell
and Larry J. Bennett (Michigan State
3. The Myth of Male Weaving: Textile Production in Classical Athens
Ariel Loftus (York University)
4. A Rendezvous in Patras? or, Eros and Women in Pausanias Darice Birge
(Loyola University of Chicago)
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Tenth Session Room 331
Section E
Ancient Comedy
KENT RIGSBY, presiding
1. Boys will be Girls: Aristophanes' Fake Women Dolores M. O'Higgins
(Bates College)
2. Aristophanes and the Construction of Greek Homosexuality Thomas K.
Hubbard (University of Texas at Austin)
3. Engendering Servitude in Plautus' Pseudolus Leanora Olivia (Millsaps
4. The Moral Mechanism of the World in Plautus' Rudens Wilfred E. Major
(Loyola University of New Orleans)
5. Of Roman Identity in Plautus' Amphitryon Walter J. Mucher (University
of Puerto Rico-Cayey Campus)
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Tenth Session Sunshine Room
Section F
CPL Section
A. Block Scheduling
1. Cindy Pope (TI IN Network Region 20 Educational Service Center)
2. Mary Fran Horgan (Cor Jesu Academy, St. Louis, MO)
B. International Baccalaureate
1. Mary Pendergraft (Wake Forest University)
2. Kendra Ettenhofer (Colorado Springs)
10:00-11:00 a.m. Meeting of the Manson-Stewart Scholarship Committee
Secretary's Suite
12:00-1:30 p.m. Consulares Luncheon Sunshine Room, JOHN
HALL, presiding
1:00-3:00 p.m. Eleventh Session Canyon Half
Section A
Homer II
1. How to do Things with Signs; an Analysis of the s*ma in Homeric Epic
Ahuvia Kahane (Northwestern University)
2. jAnavgkh and Personification in the Iliad Phillip L. Lenihan
(University of Chicago)
3. Iliad 6.201: Did Bellerophon Wander Blindly? Eddie R. Lowry, Jr.
(Ripon College)
4. IIiad 18.497-508 and the Theme of Reconciliation Anson Green (San
Antonio College)
5. Homer, History, and Human Sacrifice Anastasios Daskalopoulos
(University of Missouri)
6. Individual Poet and Epic Tradition: The Legendary Singer John Miles
Foley (University of Missouri)
1:00-3:00 p.m. Eleventh Session Flagstaff Half
Section B
Silver Latin III: Seneca
CARIN GREEN, presiding
1. Walking Tall: the Final Entrance of Atreus in Seneca's Thyestes Mark
Morford (University of Virginia)
2. Rhetoric and Reason: The Messenger Speech in Seneca's Thyestes
Michael Ridgway Jones (University of
3. Hunting and Imperial Excess in Seneca's Phaedra Benjamin R. Dollar
(University of Texas at Austin)
4. Roman Marriage Law and the Conflict of Seneca's Medea Laura Abrahamsan
(Cleveland State University)
5. Vergilian Intertextuality in the Third Choral
Ode of Seneca's Agamemnon Jennifer MacDonald (University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
6. Bad Mothers, Suspicious Sons, and Nervous Authors: Seneca's Oedipus
608-618 Brian S. Hook (Creighton
1:00-3:00 Eleventh Session Millennium
Section C
JANE HALL, organizer
Panel: Technology in the Classroom: Beyond the Overhead Projector
1. Technology in the Classroom James S. Ruebel (Iowa State University)
2. The VRoma Project: A Virtual Community for the Teaching of Classics
Suzanne Bonefas (Associated Colleges of
the South)
3. The Roman City and the City of Rome G. Edward Gaffney (Montgomery Bell
Academy, Nashville, TN)
4. Forum Romanum John J. Donohue (Bloomsburg University) (20 min.)
1:00-2:45 p.m. Eleventh Session Room 231
Section D
Classical Culture
1. Asebeia and its Development in Greek Literature Elise P. Garrison
(Texas A & M University)
2. Spreading the Pain Around: a Remedy for Anguish in Archaic and
Classical Greece Jennifer Clarke Kosak
(Emory University)
3. Periphoretus and Two Disability Studies Models Martha L. Edwards
(Truman State University)
4. Cheiron the Centaur and Male Coming-of-Age John S. Rundin (University
of California at Los Angeles)
5. The Orbis and the Oikoumene: Ancient Concepts of Natural Order and
Space Sherill L. Sparr (East Central
University) (20 min.)
1:00-3:00 p.m. Eleventh Session Room 235
Section E
Ovid, Metamorphoses
1. The Punishment of Men: Petrification and Sexual Rivalry in Ovid and
Others Debbie Felton (Ball State University)
2. Constructing the Male: Archetypes in Ovid Philip S. Peek (Bowling
Green State University)
3. Achelous's Mirror: Multiple Reference and Narrative Complexity in
Ovid, Metamorphoses Book 9 Barbara Weiden
Boyd (Bowdoin College)
4. Achilles at the Centauromachy: Metamorphoses 12 Margaret Worsham
Musgrove (University of Oklohoma)
2:00-3:00 p.m. Meeting of the Membership Committee Secretary's
3:00-4:30 p.m. Meeting of the Committee for Long Range Planning Secretary's Suite
CAMWS Convention Local Committee
Co-Chairs: Peter Knox, Barbara Hill, Joy King
Zachary Biles, University of Colorado
Victor Castellani, University of Denver
Owen Cramer, Colorado College
Alexis DuBrul, University of Colorado
Nick Eddy, University of Colorado
Karen Elliott, University of Colorado
John Gibert, University of Colorado
Noel Lenski, University of Colorado
Noriko Knox, University of Colorado
MacKenzie Mapelli, University of Colorado
Edward Moore, University of Colorado
Sonia Mueller, University of Colorado
Karen Rothberg, Cherry Creek High School
Ken Stensler, University of Colorado
Toby Terrell, University of Colorado
Committees 1996-1997
Executive Committee
Helena Dettmer, University of Iowa (Chair)
Gregory N. Daugherty,
Randolph-Macon College, VA (Secretary)
William Race, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Jane Hall , National Latin Exam
John Hall , Brigham Young University, UT
John Miller, University of Virginia
David Tandy, University of Tennessee (Finance)
Rob Ulery, Wake Forest University, NC (Steering)
Cathy Daugherty, VSEN, Varina High School, VA (CPL)
Carter Phillips, Vanderbilt University, TN (Membership)
Jane Phillips, University of Kentucky 1997
Marleen Flory, Gustavus Adolphus College 1998
Ross S. Kilpatrick, Queens University 1999
James Reubel, Iowa State University 2000
Finance Committee
David W. Tandy, University of Tennessee 1997 (Chair)
Ward W. Briggs,
Jr., University of South Carolina 1998
Eric Huntsman, Brigham Young University
James M. May, St. Olaf College, MN 2001
Gregory N. Daugherty, Randolph-Macon College ex officio
Committee for the Promotion of Latin
Cathy P. Daugherty, VFEN, Varina
High School (Chair) 1997
Daniel B. Levine, University of Arkansas 1997
Barbara Hill, University of Colarado 1998
Anne H. Groton, St. Olaf College, MN 1999
Jane Hall, National Latin Exam ex officio
Committee on Membership
F. Carter Philips, Vanderbilt University (Chair) 1999
Robert C. Ketterer, University of Iowa 1997
Susan C. Shelmerdine, University of North Carolina at Greensboro 1998
James H. Dee, University of Illinois at Chicago 1999
Gregory N. Daugherty, Randolph-Macon College ex officio
Jane Hall, National Latin Exam ex officio
Committee on Merit
Herbert W. Benario, Emory University, GA (Chair) 1999
Sally R. Davis,
VA 1997
Oliver Phillips, University of Kansas (retired) 1998
Robert W.
Ulery, Jr., Wake Forest University, NC 1998
Kathy Elifrits, MO 1999
Brent M. Froberg, University of South Dakota 1999
Nominations Committee
William H. Race, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chair)
Kenneth F. Kitchell, Jr., Louisiana State University, LA 1997
Joy K. King, University of Colorado (retired) 1998
Karelisa Hartigan, University of Florida 1999
Kathryn A. Thomas, Creighton University, NE 2000
Program Committee
Helena Dettmer, University of Iowa (Chair) 1996
Michael Gagarin, University of Texas at Austin 1997
Ward W. Briggs,
Jr., University of South Carolina 1997
Marleen B. Flory, Gustavus Adolphus
College 1998
Howard Don Cameron, University of Michigan 1999
Resolutions Committee
Oliver Phillips, University of Kansas (retired) ( Chair) 1996
Daniel B. Levine, University of Arkansas 1997
William J. Napiwocki, IN 1998
Good Teacher Committee
Barbara A. Hill, University of Colorado (Chair)
Rick M. Newton, Kent State University, OH
W. Jeffrey Tatum, Florida State
1998 Robert J. Rabel, University of Kentucky
Steering Committee on Awards and Scholarships
Robert W. Ulery, Jr., Wake Forest University, NC (Chair) 1998
Slater, University of Southern California (Chair-designate)
Eddie R.
Lowry, Jr. Ripon College (Advisor) 1999
Charles L. Babcock, Ohio State
University (Advisor) 1997
Jeffrey L. Buller, Georgia Southern University
(Advisor) 1999
James S. Ruebel, Iowa State University (Advisor) 1997
Gregory N. Daugherty, Randolph-Macon College ex officio
Helena Dettmer, University of Iowa ex officio
Subcommittee on Teaching Awards
Jeffrey L. Buller, Georgia Southern University (Chair) 1997
David Fletcher, FL 1998
Edward A. Phillips, Grinnell College, IA 1999
Marcia Dobson, Colorado College 1999
Subcommittee on College Awards
Eddie R. Lowry, Jr., Ripon College (Chair) 1996
James A. Arieti, Hampden-Sydney College, VA 1997
Mary E. Kuntz, Auburn University, AL 1997
John Stevens, East Carolina University, NC 1999
Stephen R. Todd, Baylor College, TX 1999
Subcommittee on Education and Training Awards
James S. Ruebel, Iowa State University (Chair) 1997
William J. Napiwocki, IN 1997
Rita Ryan, NE 1998
Subcommittee on Manson-Stewart Scholarships
Charles L. Babcock, Ohio State University (Chair) 1997
Brent M. Froberg, University of South Dakota 1998
Anne H. Groton, St. Olaf College, MN 1999
Robert W. Ulery, Jr., Wake Forest University, NC ex officio
Ad Hoc Committee on Long-Term Planning
Helena Dettmer, University of Iowa
William H. Race, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
John F. Hall, Brigham Young University, UT
Joy K. King, University of Colorado (retired)
Kenneth F. Kitchell, Jr., Louisianna State University
Return to the CAMWS Homepage
Published by: Gregory N. Daugherty for the Classical Association of
the Middle West and South
Revision Date: 01/07/97