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Program of the NINETY-FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING at the invitation of THE CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY The Sheraton Cleveland City Centre Hotel Cleveland, Ohio, April 14-17, 1999 Wednesday April 14 5:00-8:00 p.m. Registration Savoy/Lobby 6:00-10:00 p.m. Meeting of the Executive Committee Newman
7:00 p.m. High Tech and High Stakes: Naval Power in the Hellenistic Age. William Murray (University of South Florida) at the Cleveland Museum of Art for the Cleveland Archaeological Society. CAMWS members are welcome. 8:00-10:00 p.m. Cash Bar Reception hosted by the Ohio Classical Conference West Ballroom
BOOK DISPLAY: An exhibit of books and other instructional materials will be in the Savoy Room. It will be open on Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm; Friday 8:00 am - 12:00 pm; and Saturday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm. Coffee will be available when open. Local Committee: John Breuker, Western Reserve Academy John Burke, Western Reserve Academy Thomas M. Falkner,The College of Wooster Karl Frerichs, University School Martin Helzle, Case Western Reserve University Donald Laing, Case Western Reserve University, Chair Rick Newton, Kent State University Donald Poduska, John Carroll University William Prueter, West Geauga High School John Sarkissian, Youngstown State University Amy Sawan, Medina High School Henry Strater, University School Angeliki Tzanetou, Case Western Reserve University Jane Ulrich, Shaker Heights High School Thomas Van Nortwick, Oberlin College Janice Vitullo, Laurel School Robert T. White, Shaker Heights High School Thursday April 15 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Registration Savoy/Lobby 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Book Display Coffee will be provided Savoy Room 8:00-10:30 a.m. Meeting of the Executive Committee Newman 8:30-9:45 a.m. First Session Dolder Section A Augustan Poetry Karl Galinsky (University of Texas, Austin), presiding 1. Healing the Body Politic - An Augustan Solution. Bronwen L. Wickkiser (University of Texas, Austin) 2. Crescendo and Diminuendo: The Triumph Motif in Augustan Poetry. Hugh A. Cayless (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) 3. Catullus as Horace's Suppressed Precursor: Odes 1.22 and 1.32. Thomas K. Hubbard (University of Texas, Austin) 4. Reality and Perception: Images of Witchcraft in Horace's Fifth Epode. Collin Ganio (University of Michigan) 8:30-9:45 a.m. First Session Hassler Section B Language and Linguistics James Dee (University of Illinois at Chicago), presiding 1. Homeric Xeinia, Classical Proxenos and Xenos. William C. West (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) 2. Οἱ Περὶ Τινα in the Histories of Polybius. Robert J. Gorman (University of Nebraska) 3. A Poetic Grammar of Hipponax. Shane Hawkins (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) 4. The Muse as Water: The History of a Metaphor. Jonathan Fenno (College of Charleston) 8:30-9:45 a.m. First Session Ritz Section C Myth Karl Frerichs (University School), presiding 1. Can Apollo Lie? Julie A. Johnson (Southwest Missouri State University) 2. The Craft of Athena: Woman's Work and Myths of Weaving and Fabric. Mary E. Kuntz (Auburn University) 3. In the Labyrinth of Myth-Making: Jim Henson's Greek "Storyteller" Series. Betty Rose Nagle (Indiana University) Thursday April 15 8:30-9:45 a.m. First Session Rockefeller Section D Panel: The Down Under Writing Group: Creating a Research Subculture at a Teaching Institution. Martha L. Edwards (Truman State University), organizer 1. Introduction. Martha L. Edwards (Truman State University) 2. Research Difficulties at an Undergraduate University. David Christiansen (Truman State University) 3. The Down Under Writing Group: Activities. Rebecca R. Harrison (Truman State University) 4. The Down Under Writing Group: Values and Benefits. Natalie Alexander (Truman State University) 5. Plans for the Future of the Down Under Writing Group. Janet B. Davis (Truman State University) 6. Respondent, discussion with audience. William E. Hutton (College of William and Mary) 8:30-9:45 a.m. First Session Hanna Section E Panel: Deixis and the Text. Nancy Felson and Jared Klein (University of Georgia), organizers 1. Deixis in Language and Discourse: A Linguistic Perspective. Jared Klein (University of Georgia) 2. Homeric Performance and the Deixis of Time and Space. Egbert Bakker (University of Montreal) 3. Deixis and Vicarious Travel in Pindar's Fourth Pythian Ode. Nancy Felson (University of Georgia) 4. Discussant. Michael Silverstein (University of Chicago) Thursday April 15 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Second Session Dolder Grand Section A Panel: Vergil in Post-Augustan Poetry. Donka D. Markus (University of Cincinnati), organizer 1. Lucan's Curio and the Problem of Decadent Epic. Robert Sklenar (Swarthmore College) 2. Palinurus Revisited. Katherine Eldred (Northwestern University) 3. The Poet and the Pythia: Vergilian Allusion in Lucan's Delphic Episode. Vassiliki Panoussi (University of Virginia) 4. Orphic Endings: Thebaid 12.817-7 and the end of Georgics 4. Victoria Pagan (University of Wisconsin) 5. Dining with the Emperor: Silvae 4.2. Carole Newlands (University of California, Los Angeles) 6. Riding out the Storm: Vergilian Reminiscences in Valerius Flaccus 1.574-642. Andrew Zissos (University of Texas, Austin) 7. Altera Carthago Capua: Hannibal's Vergilian Models in Punica 11. Elizabeth Klaasen (Bryn Mawr College) 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Second Session Hassler Section B Greek History I Carl A. Anderson (Michigan State University), presiding 1. Fate and Free Choice in Herodotus' Histories. Susan O. Shapiro (Xavier University) 2. Herodotus 5.18-23, Integral Anecdote or Second Proem? Doyle Stevick (Indiana University) 3. Hermaphrodites on Horseback? The Strange Saga of Scythian "Eunuchs" in the Hippocratic Airs, Waters, Places. Charles C. Chiasson (University of Texas at Arlington) 4. Democratic Freedom and Equality: Pericles Answers the Critics (Thuc. II.37). James A. Andrews (Ohio University) 5. Why Melos? J. Rufus Fears (University of Oklahoma) 6. Philoctetes, the Epic Cycle, and Imperial Athens. Robert L. Kane (Miami (OH) University) Thursday April 15 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Second Session Ritz Section C Roman Provinces James Ruebel (Iowa State University), presiding 1. Provincial Responses to Rome: Cultural Interaction and the "Bonus Agricola" in North Africa. David L. Stone (Tulane University) 2. Tenancy in the Roman Estate Economy: The Case of Kellis (Egypt). Dennis Kehoe (Tulane University) 3. First-Century Roman Metz: An Analysis of the Process of Romanization. J. Kent Gregory (Baylor University) 4. The Significance of Marciana Traiana in the Formal Title of Colonia Thamugadi in Numidia. Thomas H. Watkins (Western Illinois University) 5. Roman Land-Surveying in Greece. Serafina Cuomo (Iowa State University) 6. Roman Navigation: Fixed Channel Beacons at Harbor Entrances. Harry R. Neilson III (Florida State University) 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Second Session Rockefeller Section D Sophocles Thomas M. Falkner (College of Wooster), presiding 1. Social Status, Knowledge, and the Use of the Imperative in the Oidipous Tyrannos. Jeffrey A. Rydberg-Cox (Tufts University) 2. Chance Encounters of the Hermetic Kind: Hermes in Sophokles' Oidipous Plays. Arlene L. Allan (University of Exeter) 3. Theseus' Compassion in Sophocles' Oedipus at Colonus. James F. Johnson (Austin College) 4. The Independent Voice of the Chorus in Sophocles' Electra. Stephanie J. Winder (Ohio Wesleyan University) 5. Self-Rule and Self-Sufficiency in Sophocles' Ajax. Susan Prince (University of Colorado) Thursday April 15 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Second Session Hanna Section E Classical Tradition in America John F. Hall (Brigham Young University), presiding 1. Virgil's Aeneid and John Quincy Adams' Speech on Behalf of the Amistad Africans. Michele Valerie Ronnick (Wayne State University) 2. The Remarkable Diary of James Park Caldwell: The Confederate Prisoner of War as Latin Scholar. Kenneth F. Kitchell Jr. (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) 3. Classical Education for Women in Virginia Private Colleges in the Nineteenth Century. Trudy Harrington Becker (Virginia Tech) 4. Pediments Large and Small: The Architecture of Tidewater Virginia. Linda Collins Reilly (College of William and Mary) 5. "The Poem as a Mask": Orpheus and Eurydice in Contemporary American Poetry. Peter Burian (Duke University) 12:00-1:00 p.m. Luncheon Meeting of the Regional Vice-Presidents Newman 1:00-3:00 p.m. Third Session Dolder Grand Section A Catullus Eleanor Winsor Leach (Indiana University), presiding 1. Liber Catulli?: A Reappraisal of the Arrangement of Catullus' Carmina (1-116). Kristina Chew (University of St. Thomas) 2. Posture and Perception in Catullus 45 and Lucretius DRN 1.29-40. Alden Smith (Baylor University) 3. The Sorrows of Telamon: Catullus 65 and the Myth of Teucer's Homecoming. Marilyn B. Skinner (University of Arizona) 4. Mouthing the Words: The Performance of Orality in Catullus c. 16. Elizabeth Manwell (University of Chicago) 5. Legislative Speech and Catullan Epigram. George Sheets (University of Minnesota) 6. Catullus expurgatus: 1558. Bruce W. Swann (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) 7. Jean Dampierre, Prince of the Hendecasyllables. Kirk Summers (University of Alabama) Thursday April 15 1:00-3:00 p.m. Third Session Hassler Section B Homer Steve Reece (St. Olaf College), presiding 1. The Return of the Heroes: Homecoming in the Iliad. F. J. Gruber (Ohio Wesleyan University) 2. Why No Trojan Objection? Marny Menkes Lemmel (Ohio Dominican College) 3. Are ἔπεα πτερόεντα emotional or not? Deborah Beck (Colgate University) 4. Iros: A Model of Comic Bomolochia. Richard Baldwin (Gulf Coast Community College) 5. Bakhtinian Carneval on Homeric Ithaka. Nick Dobson (University of Texas) 6. Penelope's Heroic Hand: χειρὶ παχείῃ. John Miles Foley (University of Missouri-Columbia) 1:00-3:00 p.m. Third Session Ritz Section C Imperial Roman Society Gregory N. Daugherty (Randolph-Macon College), presiding1. The First Public Libraries in Rome: Capitoline Versus Palatine? T. Keith Dix (University of Georgia) 2. Myth, Monuments, and Memory in Augustan Rome. Jennifer A. Rea (University of Wisconsin- Madison) 3. Did Augustus Control Elections in Rome? Darryl Phillips (College of Charleston) 4. Wilson's Disease in Antiquity: Evidence for a Genetic Disorder of Copper Metabolism in the Julio-Claudian Family. David C. Hillman (University of Wisconsin) 5. Roman Augustae and their Sons: The Historiographical Depiction of Imperial Mothers. Eric D. Huntsman (Brigham Young University) 6. Roman Children and Imperial Largesse: The Visual Evidence. Jeannine Diddle Uzzi (Whitman College) 1:00-3:00 p.m. Third Session Rockefeller Section D Classical Tradition in Literature I William K. Freiert (Gustavus Adolphus College), presiding1. From Noman to Inman: The Odyssey in Charles Frazier's Cold Mountain. Elizabeth Vandiver (Northwestern University) 2. Alexander Pope and the "Low" Similes of the Odyssey. Ian R. McDonald (University of Toronto at Scarborough) 3. George Eliot's Medea. Amy Clark (Franklin and Marshall College and Dickinson College) 4. The Prison of Antigone: Virginia Woolf's Mythmaking. Laura McClure (University of Wisconsin- Madison) Thursday April 15 1:00-3:00 p.m. Third Session Hanna Section E New Comedy Anne Groton (St. Olaf College), presiding 1. The Tragic Mask of Comedy: A Reading of Menander's Aspis. Kathryn Gutzwiller (University of Cincinnati) 2. Menander's Thais and the Roman Elegists. Ariana Traill (University of Colorado) 3. "Quis is Menaechmust?" Plautus' Menaechmi and the Play of Identity. Jennifer Trimble (University of Michigan) 4. Death is Funny: Plautus' Tragicomediae and the Use of Death as a Comic Element. John W. Thomas (Iowa State University) 5. (Solely) Between Men: Dangerous Liaisons in Plautus and Catullus. Andrew M. Riggsby (University of Texas, Austin) 6. Teaching Querolus, the Forgotten Roman Comedy. Wilfred E. Major (St. Anselm College) 3:15-5:15 p.m. Fourth Session Dolder Grand Section A Silver Latin Poetry Martin Helzle (Case Western Reserve University), presiding 1. Pleas for Patronage: Poets and Maecenas. Shannon N. Byrne (Ball State University) 2. Reversal of Fortune: Hecuba and Feminine Body Imagery in Seneca's Troades. Margaret Worsham Musgrove (University of Oklahoma) 3. Terence's Eunuchus in Persius Satire 5.161-175. J. Christoff Zietsman (University of Stellenbosch, South Africa) 4. Pietas and Angues in Thebiad 5. Jennifer MacDonald (University of Massachusetts at Amherst) 5. Thematic Unity in Martial Book 1: The Character of the Poet-Persona in the Introduction. Art L. Spisak (Southwest Missouri State University) 6. From Rome to Cumae: Umbricius, Aeneas, and Death in Juvenal, Satire 3. David H. J. Larmour (Texas Tech University) Thursday April 15 3:15-5:15 p.m. Fourth Session Hassler Section B Literacy and Oratory in Athens Charles C. Chiasson (University of Texas at Arlington), presiding 1. The Literate Character of Athenian Democracy. James Sickinger (Florida State University) 2. Xenophon's Socrates on Writing: Memorabilia 4.2. David M. Johnson (Southern Illinois University at Carbondale) 3. How Unlike Solon! Citation of Laws and Portrayal of Character in Attic Oratory. Michael de Brauw (University of Texas at Austin) 4. Aspasia's Composition of Funeral Orations. Terry L. Papillon (Virginia Tech University) 5. Lysias XII and XXXI: Metic Stereotypes in the Aftermath of the Thirty. Geoffrey W. Bakewell (Creighton University) 3:15-5:15 p.m. Fourth Session Ritz Section C Panel: Herakles/Hercules in a Cultural Context. Christopher McDonough (Boston College) and Christina A. Salowey (Hollins University), organizers 1. Love's Labor Lost: Ponos and Eros in the Trachiniae. Mark Padilla (Bucknell University) 2. Reflections on an Etruscan Mirror of Hercle. Christopher McDonough (Boston College) 3. Hercules, the Extinction of the Potitii, and Moral Revival in Augustan Rome. Hans-Friedrich Mueller (Florida State University) 4. Roman Waterworks: A Labor Fit for Herakles. Christina A Salowey (Hollins University) 5. Respondent. Karl Galinsky (University of Texas, Austin) Thursday April 15 3:15-5:15 p.m. Fourth Session Rockefeller Section D Roman Life and Law Duane Roller (Ohio State University), presiding 1. Roman Censorship and the Case of Gnaeus Naevius. Peter L. Corrigan (Kalamazoo College) 2. From Pious Farmer to Agro-businessman-- Religion in Varro's Res Rusticae. Lisa Marie Mignone (University of Virginia) 3. The Darker Side of the Legacy of Cato Uticensis. Rex Stem (University of Michigan) 4. Rhetoric and the Politics of Generalship. Rosemary L. Finch (University of Michigan) 5. Religion and Law: The Meaning of Denuntiatio in Rome's Ius Fetiale. Denvy Bowman (Coastal Carolina University) 6. Burying Virgins, Dead or Alive: The Prohibition against Burial within the City and the Case of the Vestal Virgins. Kenneth R. Walters (Wayne State University) 7. Let (Stoic) Wives be Submissive? Musonius Rufus and a New Testament Code of Household Ethics. J. Samuel Houser (Franklin and Marshall College) 3:15-5:15 p.m. Fourth Session Hanna Section E Greek Drama Monica S. Cyrino (University of New Mexico), presiding 1. Accented Greek and Identity in Attic Drama. Victor Castellani (University of Denver) 2. Illuminating Intersections: Torch-Races and Athletic Characterization in Prometheus Bound. Jason L. Banta (Texas Tech University) 3. Eurydice: Creon's Judge, Antigone's Avenger. William Blake Tyrrell and Larry J. Bennett (Michigan State University) 4. Scholars and Actors: Rhetoric and Self-Definition in the Tragic Scholia. Thomas M. Falkner (College of Wooster) 4:00-5:00 p.m. Meeting of the Finance Committee Secretary's Suite 5:15-5:30 p.m. Meeting of CAMWS Southern Section Hanna 5:30-6:30 p.m. Consulares’ Reception for New CAMWS Members West Ballroom 6:00-7:00 p.m. Reception: Classical Society of the American Academy at Rome Newman 7:00-9:00 p.m. Dinner meeting of the CPL Restaurant Fifth Session No paper sessions scheduled. Optional Events include the Cleveland Symphony, The Clevelan Indians game, and several plays. Contact the Registration Desk for details. Friday April 16 7:00-8:00 a.m. Joint Breakfast Meeting West Ballroom State and Regional Vice-Presidents Committee for the Promotion of Latin and Membership Committee James M. May (St. Olaf College), presiding 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Registration Savoy/Lobby 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Book Display Coffee will be provided Savoy Room 8:15-9:45 a.m. Sixth Session Dolder Grand Section A Panel: Ovid's Amores: Meaning, Text, and Structure Helena Dettmer (University of Iowa), presiding 1. Women and Violence in Ovid, Amores 1.3 and 1.7. Ellen Greene (University of Oklahoma) 2. Ovid and Tragedy. James McKeown (University of Wisconsin) 3. Venus, Juno, and the Linear Structure of Amores 3. Samuel Huskey (University of Iowa) 4. Structure in Ovid's Amores : A Preliminary Study. Helena Dettmer (University of Iowa) 8:15-9:45 a.m. Sixth Session Hassler Section B Early Greek Poetry Thomas Van Nortwick (Oberlin College), presiding 1. Bows and Eros: Hunt as Seduction in the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite. Monica S. Cyrino (University of New Mexico) 2. Hesiod's Fabricated Women. Jenny Strauss Clay (University of Virginia) 3. Tradition in Sappho 1. R. Scott Garner (Princeton University) 4. The Apollodoran Date for Archilochos. B. M. Lavelle (Loyola University-Chicago) 5. Elements of Plot in Stesichoros' Thebaid (fr. 222B). William H. Race (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Friday April 16 8:15-9:45 a.m. Sixth Session Ritz Section C Panel: Epigraphy in the Classroom: Using Inscriptions as Teaching Tools. Timothy F. Winters (Austin Peay State University), presiding 1. Dedicated to Greek: Using Inscriptions in Elementary Greek. Timothy F. Winters (Austin Peay State University) 2. Epigraphy On-Line and in the Classroom: The Cure Inscriptions from Epidaurus. Suzanne Bonefas (Associated Colleges of the South) 3. Using Latin Inscriptions to Teach Language History. Rex Wallace (University of Massachusetts at Amherst) 4. Videre est Intellegere: Latin Inscriptions in Civilization and History Courses. Elizabeth Forbis Mazurek (The University of Notre Dame) 8:15-9:45 a.m. Sixth Session Rockefeller Section D The Society of Ancient Military Historians Panel: Conquerors and Conquered in Classical Antiquity Joseph Roisman (Colby College), organizer 1. Spartans and Helots. Charles Hamilton (California State University at San Diego) 2. Herodotus, Conquest, and Nomos. Brad McNellen (St. Andrews School, Jackson MS) 3. Amore captivae victor captus: Temperantia and Conquered Women in Livy Ab Urbe Condita. Davina McClain (Loyola University at New Orleans) 4. Brigantia and the House of Septimius Severus: Local Goddess as Grist for the Imperial Propaganda Mill. Georgia L. Irby-Massie (Louisiana State University) 5. Respondent. Joseph Roisman (Colby College) 8:15-9:45 Sixth Session Hanna Section E Late Antiquity I Donald Poduska (John Carroll University), presiding 1. Who Killed Homer?: Teaching the Classics in Antiquity. Pauline Nugent (Southwest Missouri State University) 2. The Preface to Macrobius' Saturnalia, the Aesthetics of Discontinuity, and Late Roman Cultural Identity. Joseph L. Rife (University of Michigan) Friday April 16 3. Where the Hades is Hades? Proclus' Interpretation of Plato's Eschatological Myths. John F. Finamore (University of Iowa) 4. Many Beings, Many Souls, Many Intellects: The Concept of Multiplicity in Plotinus' Philosophy. Svetla E. Slaveva (University of Iowa) 5. The Construction of the History of the Soul in Prudentius' Peristephanon and Psychomachia. Marc Mastrangelo (Dickinson College) 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Seventh Session Dolder Grand Section A Latin Elegiac Poetry G. Edward Gaffney (Montgomery Bell Academy), presiding 1. The Reputation of Gallus as a Problem in Literary History. John Rauk (Michigan State University) 2. Dido and Roman Elegy. Benjamin R. Dollar (University of Texas at Austin) 3. Three Works, Two Sexes, One Thing: Tibullus 2.1 on Poetic Production. David Wray (University of Chicago) 4. Sunt Aliquid Manes: Homer, Plato, and Alexandrian Poetics in Propertius IV 7. Casey Dué (Harvard University) 5. Cures for Love's Madness: Propertius' Solutions. Carol U. Merriam (Brock University) 6. Didactic Authority and the Puella in Propertius 1.15. Rebecca L. Frost (Southwest Missouri State University) 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Seventh Session Hassler Section B Aristophanes S. Douglas Olson (University of Minnesota), presiding 1. Greek New Music and the Paradox of Criticism and Use in Aristophanes. Jon David Hague (Austin College) 2. Comic Transformations of Cleon in Aristophanes and Thucydides. Carl A. Anderson (Michigan State University) 3. Pan in Aristophanes' Lysistrata. Katherine Panagakos (Ohio State University) 4. Philokleon's Escape from Polyphemus' Cave in Aristophanes' Wasps. Theodore Tarkow (University of Missouri) 5. An Allusion to Sappho 1.19-20 at Aristophanes' Knights 730? Gwendolyn Compton-Engle (St. Olaf College) 6. The Divine Embassies in Birds and The Homeric Hymn to Demeter. Karen F. B. Wang (University of Michigan) Friday April 16 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Seventh Session Ritz Section C Panel: Cinematic Approaches to Teaching the Classics. Nancy Sultan (Illinois Wesleyan University), organizer 1. Violence and Catharsis: Epic, Tragedy, and Film. Martin Winkler (George Mason University) 2. Nina's Tears, Penelope's Tears: Defining akhos in Truly, Madly, Deeply. Nancy Sultan (Illinois Wesleyan University) 3. Reading Greek Literature Through Film: Pedagogic Uses of Three-Minute Clips. Gregory Nagy (Harvard University) and Thomas Jenkins (Harvard University) 4. Parallels to Antiquity. Jon Solomon (University of Arizona). 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Seventh Session Rockefeller Section D Roman Society Robert W. Ulery, Jr. (Wake Forest University), presiding 1. Capuan Freedmen and the Sale of Slaves. Lisa A. Hughes (Indiana University) 2. Custos mihi purpura: The Praetexta. Judith Lynn Sebesta (University of South Dakota) 3. Mourning Gestures in Ancient Rome. Anthony Corbeill (University of Kansas) 4. The Limits of Culture: Portraits of Barbarians in Roman Art. Elizabeth Bartman (Independent Scholar) 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Seventh Session Hanna Section E Greek History II Donald Lateiner (Ohio Wesleyan University), presiding 1. A Neglected Aspect of Greek Warfare: Transport of the Sick and Wounded. R. H. Sternberg (Muhlenberg College) 2. Tegeans vs. Athenians, Herodotus vs. Plutarch: Reassessing the Historicity of Aristides 12. Chad Turner (Loyola University- Chicago) 3. Bodyguard and Body Guarded: Harpalus under Athenian Law. Christopher W. Blackwell (Furman University) 4. The Lycophron Affair: Personalities and the Law in Late Fourth-Century Athens. David D. Phillips (University of Michigan) 5. Deconstructing Theramenes. Andrew Wolpert (University of Wisconsin) 6. The Trouble with Arrhidaeus. Elizabeth Carney (Clemson University) 7. Unnamed Sources in Plutarch's (Greek) Lives. Brad L. Cook (Tulane University) Friday April 16 10:00-11:00 a.m. Meeting of the Education and Travel Committee Secretary’s Suite 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Meeting of the Steering Committee Secretary’s Suite 12:00-1:00 p.m. Vergilian Society Luncheon West Ballroom ALL FRIDAY AFTERNOON SESSIONS WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE CLEVELAND MUSEUM OF ART AND ON THE CAMPUS OF CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY Buses will leave between 11:30 and 1:30. 1:15-2:30 Eighth Session Recital Hall Section A Classical Tradition in Art I Ward Briggs (University of South Carolina), presiding 1. Writing Unseen Texts: History, Allegory and Ekphrasis in Seventeenth Century Descriptions of Roman Painting. Eleanor Winsor Leach (Indiana University) 2. A Vergilian Reading of the National Gallery's "Homage to a Poet". Ross Kilpatrick (Queen's University) 3. Multiple Metamorphoses: Bernini's Use of Ovid. Ann Thomas Wilkins (Duquesne University) 4. Baroque Virgil: Romanelli's "Dido and Aeneas" Cycle in the Cleveland Museum of Art. Mark Morford (University of Virginia and Smith College) 1:15-2:30 p.m. Eighth Session Classroom F/G Section B Panel: Homeric Echoes: Concepts of Courage in the Iliad and Later Representations of War. Leon Golden (Florida State University), organizer 1. Courage Afoot in the Trojan Plain and Vietnam. Thomas G. Palaima (University of Texas at Austin) 2. Did the Fifth Century Try to Learn Courage from Homer? Paul Woodruff (University of Texas at Austin) 3. The Portrayal of Combat from Homer to Spielberg. William Broyles, Jr. (20th Century Fox) 4. Heroism, Realism, Pathos: How Soldiers Die in the Iliad and The Naked and the Dead. Leon Golden (Florida State University) Friday April 16 1:15-2:30 p.m. Eighth Session Lecture Hall Section C Cicero: Rhetoric and Philosophy John Kirby (Purdue University), presiding 1. The Simile of loci and litterae in Cicero's De Inventione 2.5.16 and De Oratore 2.30.130. Daniel Mortensen (University of Wisconsin) 2. Cato the (Un) Roman Stoic: Cicero's Rhetorical Strategy in Book Four of De Finibus. Mark S. Farmer (Loyola University-Chicago) 3. Friendship as a Possession in Cicero's De Amicitia. Jerise Fogel (Michigan State University) 4. Theatrical Metaphors and the Ages of Man in Cicero's De Senectute. David Branscome (Indiana University) 1:15-2:30 p.m. Eighth Session Classroom H/I Section D Greek Art and Archaeology I John Oakley (College of William and Mary), presiding 1. Amazons in the City. Aileen Ajootian (University of Mississippi) 2. Hephaistos on Foot in the Kerameikos. Stephen Fineberg (Knox College) 3. Theseus in Pursuit: The Politics of Chase. Angela L. Pitts (University of Wisconsin) 1:15-2:30 p.m. Eighth Session Classroom E Section E Classical Tradition in Literature II Michele Valerie Ronnick (Wayne State University), presiding 1. The Catullan Lyric and Anti-Petrarchism in the Poetry of Sir Thomas Wyatt. Jacob Blevins (Texas Tech University) 2. "On Being There": Issues of Identity in Seneca and Anouilh. Martin R. Boyne (Trent University) 3. The Heroes of Old Comedy and William Ian Miller's Anatomy of Disgust. Timothy Long (Indiana University) 4. The Classics in Ethnic Literature. William K. Freiert (Gustavus Adolphus College) Friday April 16 2:45-4:45 p.m. Ninth Session Recital Hall Section A Presidential Session: Arminius and Varus - The Site of the Battle? Herbert W. Benario (Emory University), presiding 1. Introduction. Herbert W. Benario (Emory University) 2. Discoveries in the Teutoburg Forest? The Site of Arminius' Victory. Susanne Wilbers-Rost (Archäologischer Museumpark Osnabrücker Land - Universität Osnabrück) 3. Discussion follows. 2:45-4:45 p.m. Ninth Session Classroom F/G Section B Ovid John Miller (University of Virginia) , presiding 1. Witnessing in Ovid: Authorial Intentions vs. Autonomous Texts. Kerill O'Neill (Colby College) 2. The Y of Phaethon in Ovid's Metamorphoses: Failure of a Pythagorean Initiate. Jacqueline Carlon (Boston University) 3. Cyllarus and Hylonome: A Romantic Interlude (Met. 12.343-428) in the Center of a Mock Epic. Sophia Papaioannou (University of Tennessee) 4. Ovid's Role in Establishing Roman National Identity in the Metamorphoses. Teresa R. Ramsby (Indiana University) 5. Deianira's Reflection on Marriage: Heroides 9.27-32. Jill Connelly (University of Chicago) Friday April 16 2:45-4:45 p.m. Ninth Session Lecture Hall Section C Pedagogy I Stanley Iverson (Concordia College, MN), presiding 1. "Stressless" Metrics. Kathryn A. Thomas (Creighton University) 2. Forum Romanum: Nova Spectacula! Sally Davis and Jane Hall (The National Latin Exam) 3. Teaching with Technology: The VROMA Virtual Community. Diane Harris-Cline (University of Cincinnati) and Barbette Spaeth (Tulane University) 4. A Lesson from Arachne, or, Weaving an Effective Classics Course on the Web. Judith de Luce (Miami University, Ohio) Friday April 16 2:45-4:45 p.m. Ninth Session Classroom H/I Section D Hellenistic World Nita Krevans (University of Minnesota), presiding 1. The Songless Sirens of Apollonius Rhodius. Sarah Bolmarcich (University of Virginia) 2. Banishing the Muses: Acontius and Cydippe in a Callimachean Context. Jennifer Ebbeler (University of Pennsylvania) 3. Implicit Textual Asides in Theocritus and Herodas: Idylls 15.87-8 and Mimiamboi 1.71. David Kutzko (University of Michigan) 4. What has Eleusis to do with Memphis? On the Origin of the Hellenistic Isis Cult in Ptolemaic Egypt. Jonathan David (Pennsylvania State University) 5. The Death of Ptolemy Auletes: A Reconsideration of the Succession and Early Politics of Kleopatra VII. Cecilia M. Peek (Brigham Young University) 2:45-4:45 p.m. Ninth Session Classroom E Section E Greek Art and Archaeology II Stephen Fineberg (Knox College), presiding 1. The Mycenaean Countryside: War Zone or Farmbelt? Anton G. Jansen (Brock University) 2. LH III Bathtub Larnakes of the Greek Mainland. Thea K. Smith (University of Cincinnati) 3. The Appearance and Growth of Residential Districts in Central Athens. Barbara Tsakirgis (Vanderbilt University) 4. An Examination of the Hadrianic Building Projects in Athens. James A. Yavenditti (University of Georgia) 5. An "Aphrodite Among the Dowries"? A Wooden Aphrodite Panel from Berenike, Egypt. Anne E. Haeckl (Kalamazoo College) 4:45: 5:15 pm Buses leave Museum for Thwing Center. You may also walk.
5:00 - 6:00 pm Reception Excelsior Ballroom and the 1914 Lounge on the second floor of the Thwing Center, Case Western Reserve University
The reception is sponsored by the Department of Classics, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities 5:30 - 6:30 pm Buses leave Thwing Center for the Hotel Friday April 16 . 7:30-9:30 p.m. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION BANQUET Grand Ballroom
Presiding: Rick Newton (Kent State University) Welcome: John E. Bassett, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences (Case Western Reserve University) Response: John Breuker (Western Reserve Academy) Ovationes: Herbert W. Benario (Emory University)
Presidential Address: Ideal Orators, Teachers, and Students: Classics and CAMWS in the 21st Century. James M. May (St. Olaf College) Menu: Italian Wedding Soup Ohio City Salad Chicken Duxelle and Salmon Filet Chef's Choice of Rice or Potato Fresh Vegetable Fresh Rolls Coffee or Tea Rasberry Cheesecake Ice Cream Pie Wine and Cocktails will be available from a cash bar. Saturday April 17 7:00 - 8:15 a.m. Women's Classical Caucus Breakfast Bob Hope "Open to everyone, old friends and new.." Hosts: Leanora Olivia, Millsaps College, John Gruber-Miller, Cornell College 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Registration Savoy/Lobby 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Book Display Coffee will be provided Savoy Room 8:15-9:30 a.m. Annual Business Meeting Ritz James M. May (St. Olaf College), presiding 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Tenth Session Dolder Grand Section A CPL Panel: Reaching diverse student populations in the Latin classroom. Tom Sienkewicz (Monmouth College, presiding 1. The Orton-Gillingham Method Teaching Latin to At-Risk Students. Kay Fluharty (Madeira School District) 2. Teaching Latin to Diverse Student Populations in the Same Classroom. Sherwin D. Little (Indian Hill High School) 3. Classics New Odyssey: When West Meets the Rest of the World. William Magrath (Ball State University) 4. Latin for Students with Learning Difficulties. Barbara Hill (University of Colorado) 5. A Call for Classicists in the Junior College. Janet Berardo (Kennedy-King College, Chicago) 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Tenth Session Hassler Section B Plato Jeffrey Carnes (Syracuse University), presiding 1. Socrates, an Unreliable Narrator? The Dramatic Setting of the Lysis. Christopher Planeaux (Indiana University, Indianapolis) 2. Callicles and Athens in Plato's Gorgias. Eric Kyllo (Baylor University) 3. Whip Scars on the Naked Soul: Myth and Elenchos in Plato's Gorgias. Radcliffe Edmonds (University of Chicago) 4. Gorgias, Palamedes, and Myth in Plato's Apology. James Barrett (University of Mississippi) 5. The Wool and the Magnet: Plato's Symposium 175c7-e7 and Ion 533d1-535a1. John P. Harris (University of Alberta) 6. The Symposium: Plato's and Lacan's. Paul Allen Miller (University of South Carolina) Saturday April 17 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Tenth Session Ritz Section C Clay, Stone, and Papyrus Suzanne Bonefas (Associated Colleges of the South), presiding 1. Tracking Mycenaean Deer: An Exercise in Interpretation. Ruth Palmer (Ohio University) 2. Pistyros: Emporion of the North Aegean. Jennifer E. Johnston (The Bolles School, FL) 3. Audi Memnonem: Latin and Greek on the Colossus of Memnon. Paul Allen Legutko (University of Michigan) 4. New Evidence for Marriage and Dowry from Sixth-Century Petra. Robert Caldwell (University of Michigan) 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Tenth Session Rockefeller Section D Silver Age Latin Julia Dyson (University of Texas at Arlington), presiding 1. Eumolpus Declamator: Declamatory Elements in the Bellum Civile of Petronius. Adam Briggs (University of Virginia) 2. Petronius 38.6-11: alapari, alapa, sub alpo, or subalapator. Edmund Cueva (Xavier University) 3. Alter Seneca: Reading the post-colonial relationship between Seneca pater and Porcius Latro. Arti Mehta (Indiana University) 4. Romanitas and Originality in Seneca, De Tranquilitate Animi. R. Scott Smith (University of Illinois) 5. Pliny's Insecurity. Henry J. Walker (Bates College) 6. The Trouble with Testimonia: Seneca, Quintilian, and That Idiot Didymus. Craig A. Gibson (University of Nevada, Reno) 7. An Examination of Aulus Gellius' Noctes Atticae 19.9 and Latin Erotic Epigram. Anne B. Hollister (University of Minnesota) Saturday April 17 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Tenth Session Hanna Section E Cicero: Oratory Christopher Craig (University of Tennessee), presiding 1. Paranoid Style: Cicero's Catilinarians as Conspiracy Theory. Walter E. Spencer (University of Illinois) 2. Domina Dispar: The Portrayal of Clodia in Cicero's Pro Caelio. Anne Leen (Furman University) 3. The Ethics of Rhetorical Criticism: Reading and Teaching Pro Caelio. Robert W. Cape Jr. (Austin College) 4. Conjuring the Dead in Ciceronian Oratory. Basil Dufallo (University of California, Los Angeles) 5. Inimicissimi Ciceronis: Catiline, Clodius, and Antony. Anne E. Christeson (Montgomery Bell Academy, Nashville, TN) 6. Vestiges of Cicero's Ghost in the Muster Rhetoric of Calgacus. F. Andrew Penland (University of Virginia/Henrico County Public Schools) 7. Pillar of Iron or Roman Rainmaker: Cicero in Modern Historical Fiction. Avery R. Springer (John Burroughs School) 12:00 - 1 Ohio Classical Conference Luncheon West Ballroom 12:00-1:30 p.m. Consulares Luncheon Bob HopeJohn F. Miller (University of Virginia), presiding Active Consulares in order of seniority: Presidents: Roger Hornsby (Iowa), Arthur Stocker (Virginia), Herbert W. Benario (Emory), Alexander McKay (McMaster), Kenneth Reckford (Chapel Hill), Charles Babcock (Ohio State), Harry Rutledge (Tennessee), Karl Galinsky (Texas), Mark Morford (Virginia), Susan Wiltshire (Vanderbilt), Eleanor Huzar (Michigan State), Gareth Schmeling (Florida), Theodore Tarkow (Missouri), Ernst Fredericksmeyer (Colorado), Ward Briggs (South Carolina), David Bright (Iowa State), Michael Gagarin (Texas), Kenneth Kitchell (Louisiana State), Joy King (Colorado), Karelisa Hartigan (Florida), Kathryn Thomas (Creighton), William Race (North Carolina), Helena Dettmer (Iowa), John Hall (Brigham Young), James M. May (St. Olaf). Secretary-Treasurers: John Hough (Colorado), Robert Tucker (Georgia), W. W. de Grummond (Florida State), Gareth Schmeling (Florida), Roy Lindahl (Furman), John Hall (Brigham Young), Gregory Daugherty (Randolph-Macon). Saturday April 17 1:00-3:00 p.m. Eleventh Session Dolder Grand Section A Ohio Classical Conference Session and the Vice President’s Panel: Recent Additions to the AP Syllabi. John Breuker (Western Reserve Academy), presiding 1. Aeneid 12.791-842: Juno mentem laetata retorsit. Michelle Pach Wilhelm (Miami (OH) University) 2. The Deaths of Pallas and Turnus. Roger A. Hornsby (University of Iowa) 3. Ovid's Daedalus: Portrait of the Artist as an Old Man (Met. 8.183-235). Kenneth Bratt (Calvin (MI) College) 4. Horace, Carmina 1.13, 1.24, 1.25. Charles Babcock (Ohio State University) 5. Teaching Horace's Satire 1.9: Strategies and Suggestions. Henry V. Bender (The Hill School & Villanova University) 6. Character Building: The New Additions to the A.P. Readings in Cicero's Pro Caelio. Christopher Craig (University of Tennessee) 1:00-3:00 p.m. Eleventh Session Hassler Section B Euripides Angeliki Tzanetou (Case Western Reserve University), presiding 1. Euripides' Ion and the North Slope of the Acropolis. Kevin T. Glowacki (Indiana University) 2. Dramatic Definition and the Ending of Euripides' Ion. John Thorburn (Baylor University) 3. Silence of the Virgins: Comparing Euripides' Theonoe and Hippolytus. Kim On Chong-Gossard (University of Michigan) 4. Falling in Love with Your Image: Narcissism and the Mirror-Image in Euripides' Hippolytus. Eric Dugdale (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) 5. Dionysus and Ares: Forms of Militancy in Euripides' Bacchae. Steven Dimattei (Indiana University) 6. Alcestis and Admetus: Happily Ever After? Hanna M. Roisman (Colby College) 7. Kassandra's Epinikion in Euripides' Troiades. Carin L. Calabrese (University of Chicago) Saturday April 17 1:00-3:00 Eleventh Session Ritz Section C Pedagogy II Cathy P. Daugherty (Hanover County Schools, VA), Presiding 1. The Charleston Revision of the Los Angeles Language Transfer Project. J. Frank Morris (College of Charleston) 2. Making the Transition from Beginning to Intermediate Greek: Creating a Greek Reader with Students. John Gruber-Miller (Cornell College) 3. Scraps for Oedipus: Teaching with Fragments. Carolin Hahnemann (Kenyon College) 4. Stealing the Canon: Proposal for a New Course. Gina M. Soter (Kalamazoo College) 5. Classical Philosophy in Modern Cartoons. Thomas J. Sienkewicz (Monmouth College) 1:00-3:00 p.m. Eleventh Session Rockefeller Section D Roman Historians John Burke ( Western Reserve Academy), presiding 1. The Roman Archaiologia of King Juba of Mauretania. Duane W. Roller (Ohio State University) 2. Substantive Imitation in Livy: Hanno and Hannibal, Cato the Younger and Caesar. Tom Strunk (Loyola University-Chicago) 3. Iam ad Gladios: Exonerating Livy's Use of Polybios. Christopher Barnes (University of Michigan) 4. Conservatism, Thucydides, and a Confused Philosophy: The Pannonian Revolt as an Historiographic Miniature of Tacitus' Annales. Matthew A. Knittel (Xavier University) 5. The Deaths of Sejanus' Children: Paradigms of Behavior in Tacitus' Annales. Brian Daleas (Southern Illinois University) 6. The Example of Livy and the Exemplum of Florus. John T. Quinn (Hope College) 1:00-3:00 p.m. Eleventh Session Hanna Section E Classical Tradition in the Arts II Ross Kilpatrick (Queens University), presiding 1. A Glimpse into a Renaissance Antiquarian's Coin Cabinet: The Hofer Numismatic Manuscript. John Cunnally (Iowa State University) 2. Poetry, Music, and Love in the Creation of a Fin-de-Siècle Sappho. Kosta Hadavas (Beloit College) Saturday April 17 3. Horace the Minstrel, from Prague to Harvard: Choral Settings of Horace. Philip Barnes (John Burroughs School, St. Louis, MO) 4. "Play it Again?": Peter Warlock's Theory of Recollection. James V. Lowe (John Burroughs School, St. Louis, MO) 2:00-3:00 p.m. Meeting of the Membership Committee Secretary's Suite 3:00-4:00 p.m. Meeting of the Committee for the CAMWS Centennial Secretary's Suite
3:00-5:00 p.m. Twelfth Session Dolder Grand Section A Vergil David Schenker (University of Missouri), presiding 1. Temporal Coherency of Selected Ekphrases in the Aeneid. Heath Wilder (University of Florida) 2. Lucretian "Kontrastimitation" and Turnus' Earthly Punishment in the Aeneid. L. L. Holland (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) 3. The Trophy at the End of the Aeneid. Julia T. Dyson (University of Texas at Arlington) 4. Superbia in Vergil's Aeneid: Who's Haughty and Who's Not? David Christenson (University of Arizona) 5. Vergilius Distinctus: The Value of the Punctuation in the Ancient Mss. Herman R. Pontes (University of Alberta) 3:00-5:00 p.m. Twelfth Session Hassler Section B Late Antiquity II Kenneth Kitchell (University of Massachusetts at Amherst), presiding 1. Muddying the Waters of Friendship: Augustine's Reconstruction of Ancient Friendship. Julie Langford-Johnson (Indiana University) 2. The Friendship of Basil of Caesarea and Gregory of Nazianzus. Robert E. Bennett (Kenyon College) 3. Verborum Mysterium: Iconic Prose in Christian Liturgical Texts. Stephen M. Beall (Marquette University) 4. A New Type of Christian Hero: The Military Martyr. John F. Shean (Clarion University) 5. Self-Conscious Hagiography: Aethelwulf's De Abbatibus. Michael Gleason (Millsaps College) Saturday April 17 3:00-5:00 p.m. Twelfth Session Ritz Section C Ontario Classical Association Panel: Teaching Classics at the Millenium: Promotion through Experiential Learning Margaret-Anne Gillis (Barrie Central Collegiate) and Richard Parker (Brock University), organizers 1. Introduction. Richard Parker (Brock University) 2. Brock University Archaeological Practicum. Kevin Fisher (University of Toronto) 3. Ontario Student Classics Conference. Margaret-Anne Gillis (Barrie Central Collegiate) and Josh Hamlyn (University of Toronto) 4. Discussion. Richard Parker (Brock University) 3:00-5:00 p.m. Twelfth Session Rockefeller Section D Lucan Andrew S. Becker (Virginia Tech), presiding 1. Marcia Bellatrix: Re-writing Virgil's Women in Lucan's De bello civili 2.326-391. Antonias Augoustakis (Brown University) 2. The Uses of Violence in Lucan's Bellum Civile. Neil Coffee (University of Chicago) 3. "The Blood Dimmed Tide is Loosed": Lucan's Allusions to Lucretius' Perished World. Sarah Smart (Brown University) 4. Caesar at the Grove: Missing Boundaries and Narrative Voice in Lucan. Darren Keefe (University of Michigan) 3:00-5:00 p.m. Twelfth Session Hanna Section E Ancient Novel Pauline Nugent (Southwest Missouri State University), presiding 1. Longus' Literary Lesbos. Stephen M. Trzaskoma (University of Illinois) 2. Carnival in Cenchreae: Apuleius Metamorphoses 11.8-17. Ian S. Moyer (University of Chicago) 3. Apuleius' Myth of Cupid and Psyche and the Underlying Myth of the Greek Novel. Jean Alvares (Montclair State University) 4. The Return of Spouses in the Metamorphoses of Apuleius. Donald Lateiner (Ohio Wesleyan University) CAMWS Committees 1998-99 Committee on the CAMWS Centennial Kenneth Kitchell Louisiana State University 2006 (Chair) John F. Hall Brigham Young University 2006 Gregory Daugherty Randolph-Macon College 2006 Herbert W. Benario Emory University 2006 Robert W. Ulery Wake Forest University 2006 John Makowski Loyola University of Chicago 2006 Committee on Finance David W. Tandy University of Tennessee 2002 (Chair) Eric D. Huntsman Brigham Young University 2000 Barbara Tsakirgis Vanderbilt University 2001 James M. May St. Olaf College 2001 Gregory Daugherty Randolph-Macon College ex officio Ad Hoc Committee on Long Term Planning James M. May St. Olaf College (Chair) Helena Dettmer University of Iowa William H. Race University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill Kenneth Kitchell Louisiana State University John F. Hall Brigham Young University Gregory Daugherty Randolph-Macon College Committee on Membership F. Carter Philips Vanderbilt University 1999 (Chair) Robert Yankow University of St. Thomas 2000 Mark Damen Utah State University 2001 Alden Smith Baylor University 2001 Committee on Merit Herbert W. Benario Emory University 2000 (Chair) Kathy Elifrits Rolla High School 1999 Brent Froberg Vermillion SD 1999 Jeffrey L. Buller Georgia Southern University 2000 John Breuker Western Reserve Academy 2001 Daniel Levine University of Arkansas 2001 Committee on Nominations John Hall Brigham Young University (Chair) 2003 Karelisa Hartigan University Florida 1999 Kathryn A Thomas Creighton University 2000 William H. Race University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill 2001 Helena Dettmer University of Iowa 2002 Committee on the Annual Meeting Program James M. May St Olaf College (Chair) Leon Golden Florida State University 1999 Christopher Craig University of Tennessee 2000 Karelisa Hartigan University of Florida 2000 Eleanor W. Leach Indiana University 2001 Committee for the Promotion of Latin Thomas Sienkewicz Monmouth College 2000 (Chair) Anne H. Groton St. Olaf College 1999 Janet Colbert Webb School (Knoxville TN) 2000 Owen Cramer Colorado College 2001 John Breuker Western Reserve Academy (ex officio) Committee on Resolutions Christopher P. Craig University of Tennessee 2000 (Chair) Cecilia M. Peek Brigham Young University 2000 John Finamore University of Iowa 2000 Michele Ronnick Wayne State University 2001 Steering Committee on Awards and Scholarships Niall W. Slater Emory University 2000 (Chair) Barbara Hill University of Colorado 1999 Jeffrey L. Buller Georgia Southern University 1999 Eddie R. Lowry Ripon College 2000 Roger T. Macfarlane Brigham Young University 2000 Anne Groton St Olaf College 2001 James M. May St Olaf College ex officio Subcommittee on the College Awards Eddie R. Lowry Ripon College 2000 (Chair) John Stevens East Carolina University 1999 Steven R. Todd Baylor University 1999 Geoff Bakewell Creighton University 2001 Subcommittee on the Grant, Semple and Benario Travel Awards Jeffrey L. Buller Georgia Southern University 1999 (Chair) Edward A. Phillips Grinnel College 1999 Marcia Dobson Colorado College 1999 Susan Bonvallet Wellington School 2001 Subcommittee on the Good Teacher Awards Barbara A. Hill University of Colorado 1999 (Chair) Robert J. Rabel University of Kentucky 1999 Sally Davis Arlington City Schools 2001 William Freiert Gustavus Adolphus College 2001 Subcommittee on the Manson A. Stewart Education and Travel Awards Roger Macfarlane Brigham Young University 2000 (Chair) Timothy Johnson Baylor University 2000 David Guinee DePauw University 2001 Subcommittee on the Manson A. Stewart Scholarships Anne Groton St. Olaf College 1999 (Chair) David Schenker University of Missouri 2000 Helena Dettmer University of Iowa 2000 Executive Committee: James M. May St. Olaf College President Gregory N. Daugherty Randolph-Macon College Secretary-Treasurer John Miller University of Virginia President-Elect John Hall Brigham Young University Immediate Past-President John Breuker Western Reserve Academy First Vice-President Peter Knox University of Colorado Editor, Classical Journal Herbert Benario Emory University Historian G. Edward Gaffney Montgomery Bell Academy Editor, CAMWS Newsletter David Tandy University of Tennessee Finance Committee Niall Slater Emory University Steering Committee Tom Sienkewicz Monmouth College Comm. for the Promotion of Latin Carter Philips Vanderbilt University Membership Committee Ross Kilpatrick (1999) Queens University, Ontario Member-at-Large James Ruebel (2000) Iowa State University Member-at-Large Susan Martin (2001) University of Tennessee Member-at-Large John Kirby (2002) Purdue University Member-at-Large |