CAMWS 2000 Program

                        Program of the 
                     at the invitation of 
                   The Knoxville Hilton Hotel
             Knoxville, Tennessee, April 5-8, 2000
                       Wednesday April 5

5:00-8:00 p.m. Registration                       Great Smoky Mountain Center

6:00-10:00 p.m.     Meeting of the Executive Committee      Tenase

8:00-10:00 p.m.     Cash Bar Reception hosted by the Tennessee Classical Association Bentley's
     BOOK DISPLAY: An exhibit of books and other instructional materials will be in the
Great Smoky Mountain Center Room. It will be open on Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; Friday
8:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.; and Saturday 8:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.. Coffee will be available when open.

                        Local Committee:
            Janet Colbert, Webb School of Knoxville
           Christopher Craig, University of Tennessee
            Judy Eastwood, Webb School of Knoxville
             Sharon Fischbach, Farragut High School
           Geraldine Gesell, University of Tennessee
          Susan Martin, University of Tennessee, Chair
          Sophia Papaioannou, University of Tennessee
           David Rohrbacher, University of Tennessee
            Harry Rutledge, University of Tennessee
             James Shelton, University of Tennessee
         Elizabeth Sutherland, University of Tennessee
              David Tandy, University of Tennessee
              Deborah Thomas, Bearden High School
      Pamela Tillman, Carter and South Doyle High Schools
         David Toye, Northeast State Community College
          Brenda Turner, Gibbs and Halls High Schools
      Vicki Weaver, Powell and South Doyle Middle Schools
                                                        Thursday April 6
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.      Registration                       Great Smoky Mountain Center
                         8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.     Book Display    Coffee will be provided Great Smoky Mountain Center
8:00-10:30 a.m.     Meeting of the Executive Committee      Tenase

8:15-9:45 a.m. First Session                          Cherokee AB
                           Section A
     Harry C. Rutledge (University of Tennessee), presiding
1.  Propertius 1.3, Eclogue 8 and Bewitched Lovers. Kerill O'Neill (Colby College)

2.  Propertius 2.10.25-26. W. Jeffrey Tatum (Florida State University)

3.  Prosecutor for the Defense (Prop. 2.32). Emily Batinski (Louisiana State University)

4.  Peeping Propertius: Voyeurism in Propertius' Carmina. Stacie Raucci (University of

8:15-9:45 a.m. First Session                          Cherokee DE
                           Section B
                          Greek Lyric
      Ellen S. Greene (University of Oklahoma), presiding

1.  Theognis Spurned. Peter J. Anderson (University of Cincinnati)

2.  The Hero's Tale: The Historical Perspective of Archaic Greek Elegy. Neil Coffee (University
of Chicago)

3.  The Archetypal Beauty of Young Girls in Alcman's Partheneion. Lara K. Aho (University of

4.  Particularizing kaÛ in Bakchylides and Pindar. William H. Race (University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill)

8:15-9:45 a.m.      First Session                      Sequoyah 3
                           Section C
Peter M. Smith (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), presiding

1.  Intellectual Anabasis in Parmenides' Journey to the Intelligible. Svetla Slaveva (University of

                        Thursday April 6
2.  The Role of To Hexes Puknoma in the Epicurean Theory of Vision. Matthew Colvin (Cornell

3.  Knowledge and the Relativity of Sense Perception in Epicureanism. Gwendolyn M. Gruber
(University of Iowa)

4.  The Epicurean and Stoic Infant: Augustine of Hippo on Oikeiosis in Confessions I. David
Noe (University of Iowa)
8:15-9:45 a.m. First Session                           Sequoyah 1
                           Section D
                         Roman Religion
         Carin M. Green (University of Iowa), presiding

1.  Victoriae potestas, regia potestas. Mark Edward Clark (University of Southern Mississippi)

2.  Ritual Vocabulary and Moral Imperatives in Valerius Maximus. Hans-Friedrich Mueller
(Florida State University)

3.  The Temple Sacrifice Motif in Rome: Expressing the Emperor's Pietas. Melanie D. Grunow
(University of Michigan)

4.  Ex Praecepto Iovis Optimi Maximi Dolicheni: Confirmation Liturgy in the Cult of Jupiter
Dolichenus at Rome. Georgia L. Irby-Massie (Louisiana State University)

8:15-9:45 a.m.      First Session                      Sequoyah 2
                           Section E
                          Greek Novel
      Gareth Schmeling (University of Florida) , presider

1.  A "Homeric Hymn to Eros" in Longus' Daphnis and Chloe. Rebecca L. Frost (Rhodes

2.  Daphnis and Chloe and Clitophon and Leucippe: The Education of Love. Jean Alvares
(Montclair State University)

3.  Lying in Lucian's True History. Eric Casey (Colgate University)

4.  True Histories: Lucian's Fantastic Voyage Through the Land of Genres. Pavlos Avlamis
(University of Virginia)

                        Thursday April 6
                              10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.         Second Session         Cherokee AB 
                           Section A
             Imitation and Allusion in Latin Poetry
           Garth Tissol (Emory University), presider

1.  Supplementing Vergil: Ovid, Metamorphoses 10.17-39. Victoria Pagan (University of

2.  Hellenistic Voices and Homage to Hesiod in the Proem of Ovid, Fasti 5. Barbara Weiden
Boyd (Bowdoin College)

3.  Propertius and Homer. Deborah Beck (Colgate University)

4.  Deus nobis haec otia fecit: Poets and Patrons in the Idylls and Eclogues. Hugh A. Cayless
(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

5.  Imitations of Originality: Lucretius and Theocritus at the Start of the Eclogues. Brian W.
Breed (Emory University)

6.  Epicurean Maps of Hell? Homeric Allusions in DRN 3. Eric Kyllo (Baylor University)

                              10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.         Second Session          Cherokee DE
                           Section B
                      Greek Historiography
      John D. Dillery (University of Virginia), presiding

1.  Herodotus as a Performing Wise Man. John P. Given III (University of Michigan)

2.  Change of Mind in Thucydides. Francis M. Dunn (University of California, Santa Barbara)

3.  Towards a Revised Chronology of Xenophon's Life. Bruce M. Laforse (University of

4.  A Literary Triumvirate: Plutarch's Alexander, Caesar, and Pompey. Jeffrey Beneker
(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

5.  The Role of Eros in Plutarch's Lives of Demetrius and Antony. Bradley Buszard (University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

                        Thursday April 6

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.    Second Session                Sequoyah 3
                           Section C
               Classical Tradition in Literature
   William K. Freiert (Gustavus Adolphus College), presiding

1.  Epictetus to the Rescue: Tom Wolfe's A Man in Full. Kenneth J. Reckford (University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

2.  How to Lampoon Your Enemies: Seneca's Apocolocyntosis and Dryden's Mac Flecknoe. D.
Felton (University of Massachusetts at Amherst)

3.  "And You, Tacitus, observe how I make my grove. . .": Classical Reference in the Poetry of
Seamus Heaney. David Kubiak (Wabash College)

4.  Jaroslav Vrchlick 's "Akm‚," Catullus 45, and the Poetics of Adaptation. Robert John
Sklenar (Swarthmore College)

5.  Vergil's Nova Progenies: The Eclogues in Brazil. Philip Barnes (John Burroughs School)

6.  "I heard your cry borne on the wind, and I've come, Helen." Odysseus and Helen in Homer's
and Kazantzakis' Odyssey. Shannon M. Holdridge (Texas Tech University)

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.         Second Session           Sequoyah 1
                           Section D
Panel: Latin and Greek in the Second Year: Linguistic Approaches to the Reading of Texts.
    Deborah Pennell Ross (University of Michigan), organizer

1.  A New Paradigm for the Third Semester Latin Course. Deborah Pennell Ross (University of

2.  Making the Transition from First Year to Second Year Greek. Susan C. Shelmerdine
(University of North Carolina at Greensboro)

3.  The Pedagogy of Particles in Latin. Patrick McFadden (University of Michigan)

4.  Encouraging Independent Readers via the Web. Donka Markus (University of Michigan)

                        Thursday April 6

                              10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.         Second Session           Sequoyah 2
                           Section E
        John Gibert (University of Colorado), presiding

1.  Apollo in Oedipus the King. David Kovacs (University of Virginia)

2.  eàper ¥gÅ m‹ntiw eÞmi.  Regal Rhetoric and Choral Response in Sophocles' Oedipus
Tyrannus 1076-1109. Eric Dugdale (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

3.  Lichas and Deianeira as Agents of Deception in Sophocles' Trachiniae. Keyne Cheshire
(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

4.  Man of Many Turns and the Merchant of Lemnos. Hanna M. Roisman (Colby College)

5.  Pindar and Sophocles: Ajax as Epinician Hero. Thomas K. Hubbard (University of Texas,

6.  Time and the Logic of Friendship in Sophocles' Ajax. Melissa Y. Mueller (University of
California at Berkeley)

12:00-1:00 p.m.     Luncheon Meeting of the Regional Vice-Presidents  Tenase

                         1:00-3:00 p.m.           Third Session               Cherokee AB 
                           Section A
                      Latin Historiography
       James S. Ruebel (Iowa State University), presiding

1.  Legatos ad eum mittunt: The Role of Legati in Caesar, Sallust, and Livy. Kathryn F.
Williams (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)

2.  Evaluating the Influence of Rhetorical Technique on the Roman Republican General's
Persona. Rosemary L. Finch (University of Michigan)

3.  Virtus in Julius Caesar's Bellum Gallicum. David Morin (University of Virginia)

4.  Make Way for the Tribunes: Livy Book 2.1. Douglas C. Clapp (University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill)

5.  The 'Rhetoric of Empire' and its Influence on Livy and Others. Sophie Mills (University of
North Carolina, Asheville)

                        Thursday April 6
6.  The Poisoning of the Julio-Claudians in Tacitus' Annales. Rebecca Edwards (Indiana
University, Bloomington)
                         1:00-3:00 p.m.           Third Session                Cherokee DE
                           Section B
                         Greek History
      Stewart Flory (Gustavus Adolphus College), presiding

1.  Rethinking the Origins of the Peloponnesian War. J. Rufus Fears (University of Oklahoma)

2.  Spartan Strategies in the Archidamian War. Michael P. Fronda (Ohio State University)

3.  Nñmow Despñthw: Spartan Obedience and Athenian Lawfulness in Fifth-Century Greek
Thought. Ellen Greenstein Millender (University of Iowa)

4.  A Classical Fort on the Island of Salamis. Timothy F. Winters (Austin Peay State

5.  Was Demosthenes' Mother a Scythian? Ariel Loftus (Wichita State University)

6.  Hunting and the Macedonian Elite. Elizabeth Carney (Clemson University)

                         1:00-3:00 p.m.           Third Session                 Sequoyah 3
                           Section C
Kenneth J. Reckford (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), presiding

1.  Temporal Transitions in Aristophanes' Acharnians. Greta Ham (Bucknell University)

2.  Cloudcuckooland and the Tyranny of Writing. James Sickinger (Florida State University)

3.  Who is Heracles? Dionysos' Disastrous Disguise in the Frogs. Radcliffe Edmonds
(Creighton University)

4.  Greek Ethnicity in the Peace of Aristophanes. Monica Florence (Boston University)

5.  'Will the Real Athens Please Stand Up?' Identity Problems in Late Plays of Aristophanes.
Victor Castellani (University of Denver)

                        Thursday April 6

                         1:00-3:00 p.m.           Third Session                 Sequoyah 1
                           Section D
                   Classical Tradition in Art
      Eleanor Winsor Leach (Indiana University), presiding

1.  Neoclassicism and Idealism: The Metopes of the Nashville Parthenon. Helen Sanders
(University of Michigan)

2.  Sir Edward Burne-Jones: The Perseus Series. Janice M. Benario (Georgia State University)

3.  Greco-Roman Influence on Japanese Architecture. Patricia N. Freiert (Gustavus Adolphus

4.  Apuleius and the "Allegory of Time and Love" by Bronzino. Ross S. Kilpatrick (Queen's
University at Kingston)


                         1:00-3:00 p.m.           Third Session                 Sequoyah 2
                           Section E
                       Language Pedagogy
      David L. Sigsbee (University of Memphis), presiding

1.  Teaching "Chunking." Dean Simpson (University of Richmond)

2.  Using Computers to Monitor the Practices of Latin Students. John Sarkissian (Youngstown
State University)

3.  Learning Latin with Javascript on the World Wide Web. Robert W. Cape, Dawn Duffy Relf,
Sarah Hustwit (Austin College)

4.  Advice on Foreign Language Learning from the Ancient World. Pauline Nugent (Southwest
Missouri State University)

5.  "So How Do You Say 'Basketball' in Latin?" Latin Words for the Modern World. Thomas J.
Sienkewicz (Monmouth College)

                        Thursday April 6
                         3:15-5:15 p.m.           Fourth Session              Cherokee AB 
                           Section A
                Issues of Gender in Latin Poetry
      Daniel M. Hooley (University of Missouri), presiding

1.  A Courtesan's Choreography: Female Liberties and Male Anxieties at the Roman Dinner
Party. Sharon L. James (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

2.  Cross-dressing and Comedy in Plautus' Menaechmi. Timothy Pepper (Harvard University)

3.  "Gender Trouble": Cross-dressing and Identity in Metamorphoses 9. Shilpa Raval
(University of Missouri-Columbia)

4.  The Lure of the White Bull: The Praeceptor's Portrayal of Pasiphae. Valerie S. Johnson
(Texas Tech University)

5.  Gender and Genre in Propertius' Second Book of Elegies. Ellen S. Greene (University of

6.  Transgressions and Definitions: Topography and Gender in Propertius Elegies, Book 4. Tara
S. Welch (University of Kansas)
                         3:15-5:15 p.m.           Fourth Session               Cherokee DE
                           Section B
                Italian Topography and Epigraphy
       John F. Hall (Brigham Young University), presiding

1.  The Library in the Temple of Peace in Rome. George W. Houston (University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill)

2.  New Neighbors for Jupiter? Julius Caesar's Plans on the Capitoline. T. Keith Dix (University
of Georgia)

3.  Brothels, Booze, and Back Allies? Reexamining the Moral Topography of Pompeii. Julie
Langford-Johnson (Indiana University, Bloomington)

4.  Verse Epitaphs for Campanian Children. Mark C. Mash (University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill)

5.  The Tabula Cortonensis: A New Etruscan Inscription. Michael A. Dumbra (Florida State

                        Thursday April 6

                         3:15-5:15 p.m.           Fourth Session                Sequoyah 3
                           Section C
         Nancy Felson (University of Georgia), presider

1.  Helen, Odysseus, and Homer's Muse. Rick M. Newton (Kent State University)

2.  Sixth-century Athenian Politics and the Catalogue of Women: Odyssey 11.225-332.
Stephanie L. Larson (University of Texas, Austin)

3.  Atlas and Okeanos: Homer, Odyssey 1.52-54. David Branscome (Indiana University)

4.  Under-Cover Goddess: Aphrodite's Robe in the Homeric Texts. Monica Cyrino (University
of New Mexico)

5.  The Nonexistence of "Beautiful Death" in the  Iliad. Leon Golden (Florida State University)

6.  Priam's Narrative Pattern in the Iliad. Bruce Loudon (University of Texas at El Paso)

                         3:15-5:15 p.m.           Fourth Session                Sequoyah 1
                           Section D
                  Panel: Herodotus in Context.
Susan Shapiro and William E. Hutton (Xavier University and William and Mary), organizers

1.  Herodotus, Delphi and the Genesis of History. Stewart Flory (Gustavus Adolphus College)

2.  Reciprocal Action in Herodotus: An Essentially Childish Exchange? Susan O. Shapiro
(Xavier University)

3.  Guests, Hosts, Foreigners, Strangers, Allies: Permutations of Xenia in Herodotus. Elizabeth
Vandiver (University of Maryland)

4.  The Persistence of Myth: Archaic Modes of Expression in Pindar and Herodotus. Jeffrey S.
Carnes (Syracuse University)

5.  Herodotus as Tragic Antagonist. Charles C. Chiasson (University of Texas at Arlington)

6.  Response. William E. Hutton (William and Mary)

                        Thursday April 6

                         3:15-5:15 p.m.           Fourth Session                Sequoyah 2
                           Section E
                      Latin Imperial Epic
  Julia T. Dyson (University of Texas at Arlington), presiding

1.  Stimulant Manes: The Honored Ghost as Narrative Motivator in Imperial Epic. Neil
Bernstein (Duke University)

2.  What Does It Mean to be Right? Dramatic Irony in Lucan's Parthian Debate. Darren B.
Keefe (University of Michigan)

3.  Lugendam formae sine virginitate reliquit: Pyrene and Hannibal's Herculean Crossing of the
Alps in Silius' Punica 3. Antony Augoustakis (Brown University)

4.  Hercules Lost: The Amycus Episode in the Argonautica of Valerius Flaccus. Hugh C.
Parker (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)

5.  Diana without her Quiver. Jason meets Medea, Venus, and Nausicaa in Valerius Flaccus
5.329-406. David A. Guinee (DePauw University)

5:15-5:30 p.m.      Meeting of CAMWS Southern Section      Sequoyah 2 

5:30-6:30 p.m.      Consulares' Reception for New CAMWS MembersBentley's

6:00-7:00 p.m.      Reception: Classical Society of the American Academy at Rome   Sequoyah I

7:00-9:00 p.m.      Dinner meeting of the CPL                 TBA

Fifth Session       No paper sessions scheduled.
                                        Friday April 7
7:00-8:00 a.m.      Joint Breakfast Meeting             Bentley's
                 State and Regional Vice-Presidents
                Committee for the Promotion of Latin
                      and Membership Committee
       John F. Miller (University of Virginia), presiding

                         8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.     Registration   Great Smoky Mountain Center
                         8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.     Book Display    Coffee will be providedGreat Smoky Mountain Center

                    8:15-9:45 a.m.      Sixth Session                    Cherokee AB 

                           Section A
                         Greek Rhetoric
William H. Race (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), presiding

1.  Antilogiae and Sophistic Rhetoric. Michael Gagarin (University of Texas at Austin)

2.  Getting the First Word In: Libanius' Hypotheses to Demosthenes. Craig A. Gibson
(University of Iowa)

3.  The Rhetoric of Greek Prostitution. Jessica Miner (University of Texas at Austin)

4.  Plutarch on Poetry and Prose. David L. Toye (Northeast State Technical Community

                    8:15-9:45 a.m.      Sixth Session                     Cherokee DE
                           Section B
          Anne H. Groton (St. Olaf College), presiding

1.  The Political Body in New Comedy. Susan Lape (University of Washington)

2.  Knocking on Knemon's Door: Customizing the Skene in the Dyskolos. Ariana Traill
(University of Colorado at Boulder)

3.  How Urban is Sostratus' Family in Menander's Dyskolos. Cheryl Anne Cox (University of

4.  The God and the Grouch: The Role of Pan in Menander's Dyskolos. Ippokratis Kantzios
(Richard Stockton College of New Jersey)

                         Friday April 7

                    8:15-9:45 a.m.      Sixth Session                      Sequoyah 3
                           Section C
         David Wray (University of Chicago), presiding

1.  Lesbia and Language: Catullus 86. Marilyn B. Skinner (University of Arizona)

2.  (M)oral Corruption: Catullus c. 97. Elizabeth Manwell (University of Chicago)

3.  Words Fail Me: Reinterpreting the Language of Political Alliance in Catullus' Lesbia Cycle.
Aileen C. Ball (Knox College)

4.  The Scenario of Catullus 1: Deliberation or Exclamation? Timothy Long (Indiana

                    8:15-9:45 a.m.      Sixth Session                      Sequoyah 1
                           Section D
                        Augustan Poetry
          Niall W. Slater (Emory University), presider

1.  Pastoral as Prologue: The Invocation in the Proem of the Georgics. Christopher Nappa
(University of Minnesota)

2.  Poetry Collections and Poetic Women: Establishing Book Structure in Horace's Odes 2.
Elizabeth H. Sutherland (University of Tennessee)

3.  Consoling Vergil: Horace Odes 1.23. Philip Thibodeau (University of Georgia)

4.  Horace Exiled: Epistle 2.2.41-66. Timothy Johnson (University of Florida)

                         Friday April 7
                    8:15-9:45 a.m.      Sixth Session                      Sequoyah 2
                           Section E
                     Programmatic Pedagogy
       Jon D. Solomon (University of Arizona), presiding

1.  Ancient Peoples and Cultures: A "Freshman Interest Group." Ted Tarkow (University of

2.  Teaching New Dogs Old Tricks: Classicists Volunteer in Grade Schools. Nancy Sultan and
Kenny Morrell (Illinois Wesleyan University and Rhodes College)

3.  Program-Building at Kalamazoo College. Peter L. Corrigan (Kalamazoo College)

4.  Ad Astra: Using Latin in a Cross-Curricular Science Unit. Nathalie R. Roy (Episcopal School
of Baton Rouge, LA)

                              10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.         Seventh Session        Cherokee AB 
                           Section A
                         Ovidian Elegy
    Karl Galinsky (University of Texas at Austin), presiding

1.  Re-Reading Io: The Transformation of Hypermnestra in Heroides 14. Jill Connelly (Texas
Tech University)

2.  Ovidius Audientibus: Deconstructing the Augustan Propaganda Machine. Noelle K. Zeiner
(Indiana University, Bloomington)

3.  The Rhetoric of Failure: Text and Countertext in Ovid, Amores 1.1. Caroline A. Perkins
(Marshall University)

4.  Saving the Author from the Obelus: The Munich Manuscripts and the Text of Ovid's
Epistulae Ex Ponto. Martin Helzle (Case Western Reserve University)

5.  Gubernator ... inmemor artis: Ovid as Palinurus in Tristia 1.11. Samuel J. Huskey
(University of Iowa)

6.  Mythical Exempla and the Role of Odysseus in the Tristia. David Johnson (University of

                         Friday April 7
                              10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.         Seventh Session         Cherokee DE
                           Section B
           James M. May (St. Olaf College), presiding

1.  Propria magis prudentiae quam eloquentiae: Style and Implied Social Status in Cicero's
Brutus. Jerise Fogel (Creighton University)

2.  Qui contendit summo iure: The Portrayal of Aggressive Litigation in Three Speeches of
Cicero. Michael de Brauw (University of Texas at Austin)

3.  Tully, You Talk Funny. Thomas D. Frazel (Tulane University)

4.  Creating a Virago: Cicero's Image of Sassia in the Pro Cluentio. Barbara Price Wallach
(University of Missouri)

5.  Sallust vs. Cicero on the Quaestio Mamilia. Gavin Weaire (University of Illinois at Urbana-

6.  Non respondebo ad singula: Cicero on the Limits of Dialectic. Robert J. Gorman
(University of Nebraska, Lincoln)

                              10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.         Seventh Session          Sequoyah 3
                           Section C
                         Greek Culture
      George A. Sheets (University of Minnesota), presider

1.  Impartiality in Archaic and Classical Athens. Ryan Balot (Washington University)

2.  Demosthenes 21: Ober's Utopian Vision. Peter W. Rose (Miami University of Ohio)

3.  Culture in a Suitcase: The Delphic Gnomai, the Seven Sages, and Greek Paideia. John
Dillery (University of Virginia)

4.  Healing Theaters. Karelisa Hartigan (University of Florida)

5.  Converting Alcibiades: Historical Irony in the Alcibiades I. David M. Johnson (SIU

6.  Alexander's Return from India: Punishment or Business as Usual? Philip O. Spann
(University of Utah)

                         Friday April 7

                              10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.         Seventh Session          Sequoyah 1
                           Section D
Panel: Disciplina Abhorret Vacuum: Addressing the Latin Teacher Shortage.
Kenneth F. Kitchell, Jr. (University of Massachusetts at Amherst), organizer

1.  Introductory Remarks. Kenneth F. Kitchell, Jr. (University of Massachusetts at Amherst)

2.  Where Are the Teachers? The Scope of the Problem. Peter N. Howard (Troy State

3.  Putting Classicists in the K-12 Classroom: The Role of the APA. Adam D. Blistein
(American Philological Association)

4.  A Bird in the Hand is Indeed Worth Two in the Bush. Cathy P. Daugherty (Hanover County
Public Schools, Ashland VA)

5.  Dead Duck or Dux Verus? The Latin Teacher Confronts the Crisis in Teacher Education.
Daniel P. Tompkins (Temple University)

6.  Some Possible Solutions to the Latin Teacher Shortage Problem. Kenneth F. Kitchell, Jr.
(University of Massachusetts at Amherst)

                              10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.         Seventh Session          Sequoyah 2
                           Section E
                        Panel: Ecphrasis
Carole Newlands (University of California at Los Angeles), organizer

1.  Contest or Concert? The Rivalry between the Arts in Ancient Greek and Latin Ekphrasis.
Andrew Becker (Virginia Tech)

2.  Timomachus' Medea and Epigram Ekphrases. Kathryn Gutzwiller (University of Cincinnati)

3.  The Meaning of the Palace Description in Seneca, Thyestes 641-64. Riemer Faber
(University of Waterloo)

4.  From Shield to Necklace: Statius and Argia's Necklace. Charles McNelis (UCLA)

5.  The Presence of the Past in Rhetorical Ekphraseis of Monuments and Works of Art. Ruth
Webb (Princeton University)

                         Friday April 7

12:00-1:00 p.m.     Vergilian Society Luncheon          Bentley's
            Buses will leave between 11:30 and 1:30.

1:15-5:00 p.m.  Display of all 102 maps from the Barrington Atlas of the Greek 
             and Roman World (Princeton University Press, September 2000).
            Richard J. A. Talbert (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)Ballroom

                    1:15-2:45 p.m.      Eighth Session                            220
                           Section A
                          Greek Drama
        David Kovacs (University of Virginia), presiding

1.  Dancing the Alphabet: Performative Literacy on the Attic Stage. Niall W. Slater (Emory

2.  Hegemon of Thasos and the Tradition of Epic Parody in 5th Century Athens. S. Douglas
Olson (University of Minnesota)

3.  Aeschylus' G‹bioi. Steve Reece (Saint Olaf College)

                         1:15-2:45 p.m.           Eighth Session                       221
                           Section B
                  Classical Tradition in Film
      Karelisa Hartigan (University of Florida), presider
1.  Teiresias' Renascence in Contemporary Media. Jon D. Solomon (University of Arizona)

2.  Theo Angelopoulos and the Transformation of Classical Texts. Polly Hoover (Wilbur Wright

3.  Plautine Motifs in Risky Business. Marianthe Colakis (The Covenant School)

                         Friday April 7
                         1:15-2:45 p.m.           Eighth Session                     226/7
                           Section C
                         Roman Republic
      Susan D. Martin (University of Tennessee), presiding

1.  Rich Man, Poor Man: Pompey's Death and Burial. Naomi J. Norman (University of Georgia)

2.  Battle Scars and Cavalry Tactics in the Middle Republic. Jeremiah B. McCall (Ohio State

3.  Nepos, Atticus, and the Value of Not Taking Sides. Rex Stem (Louisiana State University)

4.  The Birth of the Literary Field at Rome. Henry J. Walker (Bates College)

                         1:15-2:45 p.m.           Eighth Session                       224
                           Section D
Panel: The National Latin Exam and Forum Romanum: Focus on Instruction.
       Jane H. Hall (Mary Washington College), organizer

1.  Introduction and Overview: Results of the 2000 Exam. Jane H. Hall (Mary Washington

2.  Update on Exam Changes and Analysis of the 2000 Exams. Christine Sleeper (Herndon
High School, Fairfax County Public Schools)

3.  Strategies for Integrating Forum Romanum into Classroom Lessons. Ruth Haukeland
(Schreiber High School, Port Washington, NY)

4.  Incorporating Oral Latin into the Classroom Using Forum Romanum. Carter Drake
(Rockbridge County High School, Lexington, VA)

                         1:15-2:45 p.m.           Eighth Session                       223
                           Section E
Panel: Not So Silly: Redeeming the Artistry of Silius Italicus. 
      Karen F. B. Wang (University of Michigan), organizer

1.  Historicizing Silius: Jupiter's Prophecy in Punica 3. Raymond Marks (University of

2.  Old Foes and New Friends: Hannibal's Army in Silius' Punica. David S. Potter (University
of Michigan)

                         Friday April 7
3.  Silian Slips or a New Aesthetic of Learnedness? Timothy B. Allison (University of

4.  The Triumph of the Magna Mater in Punica 17.1-47. Karen F. B. Wang (University of
                         3:00-5:00 p.m.           Ninth Session                        241
                           Section A
         Presidential Panel: Perspectives on the Aeneid
       John F. Miller (University of Virginia), presiding

1.  Imaginary Romans: The Aeneid as Post-Colonial Text. W. R. Johnson (University of

2.  The Piacula of Aeneas. Julia T. Dyson (University of Texas at Arlington)

3.  Vergil's Aeneid and Greek Tragedy. Karl Galinsky (University of Texas at Austin)

4.  Servius against the 'Harvard School.' Richard Thomas (Harvard University)

                         3:00-5:00 p.m.           Ninth Session                        221
                           Section B
                   Greek Archaeology and Art
    Geraldine C. Gesell (University of Tennessee), presiding

1.  Braziers in the Greek House and Household. Barbara Tsakirgis (Vanderbilt University)

2.  A New Interpretation of the Red-Figure Pottery in the Stoa Gutter Well of the Agora
Excavations. Kathleen M. Lynch (Washington University in St. Louis)

3.  Family Ideology, Not Family History: The Function of Classical Attic Peribolos Tombs.
Wendy E. Closterman (Randolph-Macon College)

4.  Grave Circle A at Mycenae: The Emblem of a genos? Anton G. Janson (Brock University)

5.  Death and the Maiden: Another Look at Phrasikleia. Christina A. Salowey (Hollins

6.  Girl Guardians: The Arrhephoroi and the East Frieze. Erin O'Connell (Bucknell University)

                         Friday April 7
                         3:00-5:00 p.m.           Ninth Session                      226/7
                           Section C
                 Classical Tradition in History
 Ward W. Briggs, Jr. (University of South Carolina), presiding

1.  The Ancient Rome of Adolf Hitler. John T. Quinn (Hope College)

2.  Tacitus, Gustav Freytag, Mommsen. Herbert W. Benario (Emory University)

3.  Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Classics. Trudy Harrington Becker (Virginia Tech)

4.  Classical Influences in the Writings of Martin Luther King, Jr. William C. West (University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

                         Friday April 7
                         3:00-5:00 p.m.           Ninth Session                        223
                           Section D
        W. Joseph Cummins (Grinnell College), presiding

1.  Finding Plato in the Phaedrus. David J. Schenker (University of Missouri-Columbia)

2.  Erotic Dialectic: Thematic Unity in Plato's Phaedrus. Brent Harper (Loyola University of

3.  "Filled Like a Vessel": Plato's Similes of Divine Inspiration. John P. Harris (University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

4.  Socrates and Oedipus: The Tragic Infrastructure of Plato's Apology. Thomas M. Falkner
(College of Wooster)

5.  Character in the Republic. Robert L. Gallagher (University of Memphis)

6.  The Theory of Punishment in Plato's Laws: The Social and Political Function of Retribution.
Mary Wickersham (Northwestern University)

                    4:45- 5:15 p.m.     Buses leave University of Tennessee Center for the University Club

                              5:00 - 6:00 p.m.    Reception                     University Club
                                                                                                              Sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences of the University of Tennessee    
6:00 - 6:30 p.m.    Buses leave University of Tennessee  University Club for the Hotel
                         Friday April 7

                                   7:00-7:30 p.m. Cash bar available           Cherokee Ballroom CDE

                         7:30-9:30 p.m.           ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION BANQUET       Cherokee Ballroom CDE
                                        Presiding:          James M. May (St. Olaf College)    
          Welcome:       Lorayne W. Lester (University of Tennessee)
                         Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
          Response:           James V. Lowe (John Burroughs School)
          Ovationes:               Herbert W. Benario (Emory University)

              Presidential Address: Ovidian Dreams
            John F. Miller (University of Virginia)
                     Tournedos Madagascar:
 Tenderloin Medallions Sauteed in Madagascar Pepper Wine Sauce
             Chef's choice of Vegetables and Starch
                       Bourbon Pecan Pie
   (Vegetarian alternative available if requested in advance)
 Wine and Cocktails will be available from a cash bar at 7p.m..
                                                        Saturday April 8
7:00 - 8:15 a.m.    WCC  Breakfast, Judith DeLuce (Miami University), presiding Bentley's
8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.   Registration   Great Smoky Mountain Center
                    8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Book Display    Coffee will be provided Great Smoky Mountain Center

8:15-9:30 a.m. Annual Business Meeting                Cherokee DE
               John F. Miller (University of Virginia), presiding
                              10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.         Tenth Session          Cherokee AB 
                           Section A
                        Virgil's Aeneid
    Susan Ford Wiltshire (Vanderbilt University), presiding
1.  Dido's Ritual Slaughter. Vassiliki Panoussi (Williams College)

2.  Hic quos durus amor: Dido's Interrelated Retinue at Aen. 6.442-49. Alden Smith (Baylor

3.  Aeneas and Orpheus. Caroline Stark (Sweet Briar College)

4.  Negotiating Ideologies: The Absence of Aeneas. Edward Zarrow (University of Oklahoma)

5. Cybele and Aeneas. Trevor S. Luke (Brigham Young University)

6.  Impius Aeneas: Anger and Vengeance in Aeneid 10. Stephen C. Smith (St. Paul, MN)

                              10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.         Tenth Session           Cherokee DE
                           Section B
                     Greek Oratory and Law
        Michael Gagarin (University of Texas), presiding
1.  The Rhetoric of Courage in the Attic Orators. Joseph Roisman (Colby College)

2.  The Theology of Isocrates. Terry L. Papillon (Virginia Tech)

3.  'Good' and 'Bad' Self-Help in [Demosthenes] 47. David D. Phillips (University of Michigan)

4.  Intent and the Validity of Athenian Wills. Matthew Perry (University of Wisconsin)

5.  Demosthenes, 'Scare Tactic' Rhetoric and Alexander the Great. Ian Worthington (University
of Missouri-Columbia)
6.  Tongues Cold and Lifeless as Lead: Magic in Ancient Judicial and Declamatory Context.
Carol Poster (Montana State University)

                        Saturday April 8
                              10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.         Tenth Session            Sequoyah 3
                           Section C
                          Roman Empire
      Judith Evans-Grubbs (Sweet Briar College), presiding
1.  Felix the Freedman: The Career and Character of Felix, Procurator of Judaea. Austin Busch
(Indiana University, Bloomington)

2.  The Emperor's Mother and the S.C. de Cn. Pisone Patre: Reevaluating Livia's Status Under
Tiberius. Eric D. Huntsman (Brigham Young University)

3. Imperial Families: A Case for Continuity from Augustus to Constantine. Caroline Bryant
(Sweet Briar College)

4.  Social Bandits in the Roman Empire. Joseph E. Lemak (SUNY at Buffalo)

5.  Legal Order and the Bound Colonate in the Later Roman Empire. Dennis Kehoe (Tulane

6.  Friendship, Anger and Prose Style in the Fifth Century A.D.: The Case of Paulinus of Nola,
Sulpicius Severus, and John Cassian. Mark F. Williams (Calvin College)

                              10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.         Tenth Session            Sequoyah 1
                           Section D
  CPL Panel: Alternative Assessment in the Classics Classroom.
       Thomas J. Sienkewicz (Monmouth College), presiding

1.  Alternative Assessments: The New Adventures of Super Ultra Magistra et Discipuli. Dawn
LaFon (White Station High School, Memphis TN)

2.  Heri Didici: A Student-based Form of Alternative Assessment. Sally Davis (Arlington Public
Schools, VA)

3.  Creative Methods of Assessment in an Inner-City College Prep Public School. Rita A. Ryan
(Omaha Central High School)

4.  Old and New Ways to Place Students in College Latin Courses. Sheila Dickison (University
of Florida)

5.  Six Ideas for the Classics Classroom to Supplement Assessments by Standard Exams.
Michele Ronnick (Wayne State University)

                        Saturday April 8
                              10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.         Tenth Session            Sequoyah 2
                            Section E
                      Art and Archaeology
     Barbara Tsakirgis (Vanderbilt University),  presiding

1.  A Roman Priestess at Ancient Corinth? Aileen Ajootian (University of Mississippi)

2.  Japan's Kurashiki Ninagawa Museum of Classical Art. William K. Freiert (Gustavus
Adolphus College)

3.  Ship Frescoes in the Temple of Isis in Pompeii. Wilma Lovejoy (Edison Community

4.  An Examination of the First Appearance of Living Political Leaders' Portraits on Greek and
Roman Coins. Donald C. Huber Jr. (University of the South)

5.  Marsa Nakari 1999: A New Roman Port on the Red Sea Coast of Egypt? Anne E. Haeckl
(Kalamazoo College)

                    12:00 - 1 p.m.      Tennessee Classical Association LuncheonTenase

12:00-1:30 p.m.          Consulares Luncheon            Bentley's
                  Christopher Craig, presiding
            Active Consulares in order of seniority:
          Presidents: Roger Hornsby (Iowa), Arthur Stocker (Virginia), Herbert W. Benario
     (Emory), Alexander McKay (McMaster), Kenneth Reckford (Chapel Hill),
     Charles Babcock (Ohio State), Harry Rutledge (Tennessee), Karl Galinsky
     (Texas), Mark Morford (Virginia), Susan Wiltshire (Vanderbilt), Eleanor Huzar
     (Michigan State), Gareth Schmeling (Florida), Theodore Tarkow (Missouri),
     Ernst Fredericksmeyer (Colorado), Ward Briggs (South Carolina), David Bright
     (Iowa State), Michael Gagarin (Texas), Kenneth Kitchell (Louisiana State), Joy
     King (Colorado), Karelisa Hartigan (Florida), Kathryn Thomas (Creighton),
     William Race (North Carolina), Helena Dettmer (Iowa), John F. Hall (Brigham
     Young),  James M. May (St. Olaf), John F. Miller (Virginia).
          Secretary-Treasurers: John Hough (Colorado), Robert Tucker (Georgia), W. W.
     de Grummond (Florida State), Gareth Schmeling (Florida), Roy Lindahl
     (Furman), John F. Hall (Brigham Young), Gregory Daugherty (Randolph-Macon).

                        Saturday April 8
                         1:00-3:00 p.m.           Eleventh Session             Cherokee D 
                           Section A
                       Hellenistic Poetry
   Benjamin Acosta-Hughes (University of Michigan), presiding

1.  Hercules Incognitus. Paul Ojennus (University of Colorado at Boulder)

2.  Uncertain Foreshadowings of an Uncertain End: The Corinthian 'Aftermath' in Apollonius'
Argonautica. Calvin S. Byre (University of Oklahoma)

3.  Athena and the Muse: Callimachus' Hymn to Athena and Euripides' Rhesus (890 ff).
Stephanie Jayne Winder (Ohio Wesleyan University)

4.  The Invocation of the Iunx in Theocritus' Idyll II.  A Poetic Device or an Actual Magical
Practice? Chrysostomos Kostopoulos (University of Wisconsin)

5.  Amphibian Cocktails: An Examination of Nicander's "Draught of Salamander." David C.
Hillman (University of Wisconsin)

                    1:00-3:00 p.m.      Eleventh Session                   Cherokee E
                           Section B
                         Greek Tragedy
        Ruth Scodel (University of Michigan), presiding

1.  The Perverted Supplication of Aeschylus' Danaids. Chad Turner (Loyola University of

2.  DÛka DÛka jumbaleÝ. Rhetoric and Theology in Aeschylus' Eumenides. Tom Summerford
(University of Florida)

3.  Return and Initiation in Euripides' Iphigeneia in Tauris. Angeliki Tzanetou (Case Western
Reserve University)

4.  Female Song as Resistance in the Plays of Euripides. Kim On Chong-Gossard (Kalamazoo

5.  yanÆn êp¢r g°w „Ell‹dow (Dying for Greece): Nomos and the Greek Community in
Euripides' Hecuba. Patrice D. Rankine (Purdue University)

6.  Jason and Family History in Euripides' Medea. Lora Holland (University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill)
                       Saturday April 8 
                    1:00-3:00 p.m.      Eleventh Session                   Sequoyah 3
                           Section C
                       Culture and Theory
     Marilyn B. Skinner (University of Arizona), presiding

1.  Black Odysseus, White Caesar: When did 'White People' Become 'White'? James H. Dee
(University of Illinois at Chicago)

2.  The Slave's Drunken Holiday: A Pattern of Oppression. Liane Houghtalin (Mary
Washington College)

3.  Quae sunt dicta in stulto: Mediterranean Words and Latin Insults. Benjamin Stevens
(University of Chicago)

4.  Semiotics Ancient and Modern: Aristotle and Umberto Eco. John T. Kirby (Purdue

5.  Jacques Lacan, Plato's Symposium, and What Satyrs Know. Stephen Fineberg (Knox

6.  Monstrous Births and the Female Imagination. Lisa Rengo George (Arizona State

                         1:00-3:00 p.m.           Eleventh Session              Sequoyah 1
                           Section D
First Vice-President's Panel: Striking Some Happy Media: Approaching the Ancient World
              Through Canvas, Cinema, Novel, Song.
        James V. Lowe (John Burroughs School), presiding
1.  The Face That Launched a Thousand Ships ... and One or Two Decent Operas: Helen and the
Trojan War as They Appear in Romantic Opera. Jeffrey Buller (Georgia Southern University)

2.  From Romanticism to Surrealism: The Role of Classical Myths. Mark Morford (University
of Virginia and Smith College)

3.  Classical Pulp: Popular Genres in Recent Historical Fiction. Avery Springer (John
Burroughs School)

4.  Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori? Homeric and Horatian Themes in the War Film.
Martin Winkler (George Mason University)

                       Saturday April 8 
                         1:00-3:00 p.m.           Eleventh  Session             Sequoyah 2
                           Section E
                         Roman Society
    Marleen B. Flory (Gustavus Adolphus College), presiding
1.  The Slave Who Avenged her Master's Death. Judith Evans-Grubbs (Sweet Briar College)

2.  A Reading of Satyricon 100-110: Tattoos and Recognition. Mark Gustafson (Calvin

3.  The "Who's Who" Guide to the Purpurarii of Ancient Rome. Lisa A. Hughes (Mount Allison

4.  Popular Participation in Roman Elections. Darryl A. Phillips (College of Charleston)

5.  Roman Ships: Temples of the Sea. Harry R. Neilson III (Florida State University)

6.  The Christian Objection to Vitae et Necis Potestas and Its Effect on Social Legislation in Late
Antiquity. Catherine Mansell (Tulane University)

                         3:00-5:00 p.m.           Twelfth Session               Cherokee D
                           Section A
                         Greek Religion
      David W. Tandy (University of Tennessee), presiding
1.  Roots of Poseidon in the Levant. Edwin L. Brown (University of North Carolina)

2.  The Goddess of Love: Degrees of Nudity in Cults of Aphrodite. Lisa R. Brody (University of
Notre Dame)

3.  Patterns of Behavior among Ancient Magicians. Collin Anthony Ganio (University of

4.  New Light on Divinatory Literature. Timothy Spalding (University of Michigan)

5.  The Early History of the Kouretes. David D. Leitao (San Francisco State University)

6.  The Uses of Madness: Kouretes, Korybantes, and the Greek Shaman. Sandra Blakely
(Emory University)

7.  What is a "Theran Little Priestess"? An Outline of Early Eastern Mediterranean and Indian
Semiotics on Women. Arti Mehta (Indiana University)
                        Saturday April 8
                         3:00-5:00 p.m.           Twelfth Session               Cherokee E
                           Section B
       Peter E. Knox (University of Colorado), presiding
1.  Obstructionist Goddesses: Aurora and Ceres of Ovid's Amores. Helena Dettmer (University
of Iowa)

2.  The Emperor's New Clothes: Ovid, Augustus, Nudity, and the Lupercalia. Barbara Croft
(University of Iowa)

3.  Broken Family, Broken Narrative: Remus and his Twin in Ovid's Cubist Fasti. Lisa Marie
Mignone (University of Virginia)

4.  Ovid's Address to the Muses, and the Significance of Aesculapius' Episode in Metamorphoses
15.622-744: Conclusion or Introduction? Sophia Papaioannou (University of Tennessee)

5.  Ovid's Practice of  'Double Imitation' in the "Aeneid" (Metamorphoses 13.623-14.608).
Douglas B. Doll (University of Colorado)

6.  From Jupiter to Pythagoras: Animals and Eating in the Metamorphoses. Christopher Star
(University of Chicago)

                         3:00-5:00 p.m.           Twelfth Session               Sequoyah 3
                           Section C
      Kathryn A. Thomas (Creighton University), presiding
1.  Pictures of Change: Teaching Ovid's Metamorphoses through Film. Kristina Chew
(University of St. Thomas)

2.  Strategies for Using Film Epics in Teaching Classical Civilization. Lewis A. Sussman
(University of Florida)

3.  More Than Arms and the Man. Sue Ann Moore (Columbia Independent School)

4.  A Medical Ethics Course Based on Ancient Authors. Catherine J. Castner (University of
South Carolina)

5.  The Classical Tradition and the New World: A Multi-Disciplinary Course. John B. Stillwell
(University of Texas)

6.  Translating Helen. Gina M. Soter (Kalamazoo College)

                        Saturday April 8
                         3:00-5:00 p.m.           Twelfth Session               Sequoyah 1
                           Section D
 Panel: Dˆmos: Bringing Athenian Democracy to a Wide Audience.
Christopher Blackwell and Ross Scaife (Furman University and University of Kentucky),
1.  Putting the Principles and Practices of the Stoa to the Test. Ross Scaife (University of

2.  Dˆmos' Core Primary Sources Project. Christopher Blackwell (Furman University)

3.  Structured Data for Dˆmos. Rob Chavez (Perseus Project)

4.  Archaeological Sources from Democratic Times. Amy Smith (Perseus Project)

5.  Epigraphical Evidence in Dˆmos: Classical Athenian Democracy. Michael Arnush
(Skidmore College)

6.  Poetry and the Dˆmos: State Regulation of a Civic Possession. Casey Due (Harvard

7.  What Al Gore Should Know About Ancient Athenian Democracy. Thomas Martin (College
of the Holy Cross)

                         3:00-5:00 p.m.           Twelfth Session               Sequoyah 2
                           Section E
                   Roman Imperial Literature
     Charles L. Babcock (Ohio State University), presiding
1.  A Spectrum of Ferocity: Power Relations in Martial's De Spectaculis Liber. Janie Anne
Zuber (University of Chicago)

2.  Martial 8.3: The Poet's Muse. Art L. Spisak (Southwest Missouri State University)

3.  Domitian and the Giant Fish: The Feeding Frenzy of Juvenal's 4th Satire. David Larmour
(Texas Tech University)

4.  Picking up the Pieces: Seneca, Phaedra 1262-68. Mario Erasmo (University of Georgia)

5.  Libet reverti: Inversions of Augustan Themes in Seneca's Agamemnon. John A. Stevens (East
Carolina University)

6.  Pliny, Cleopatra and the Pearls. Ian R. McDonald (University of Toronto at Scarborough)

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Published by: Gregory N. Daugherty for the Classical Association of the Middle West and South
Revision Date: 12/16/99
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