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CAMWS 2001 ProgramProgram of the Wednesday April 18 5:00-8:00 p.m. Registration Aspen 6:00-10:00 p.m. Meeting of the Executive Committee Executive Boardroom 8:00-10:00 p.m. Cash Bar Reception hosted by the Utah Classical Association Birch BOOK DISPLAY: An exhibit of books and other instructional materials will be in the Aspen Room. It will be open on Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; Friday 8:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.; and Saturday 8:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.. Coffee will be available when open. Local Committee: John F. Hall, Chair (Brigham Young University) Thursday April 19
1. Protologia. Fred Naiden (Tulane University) 2. Jury Size and Jury Competence in Classical Athens. David William Madsen (Seattle University) 3. Athens and Empire: Tyrant City or Just Power? Sara Forsdyke (University of Michigan) 4. Where a Citizen Stands: Civic Identity in Fourth-century Athens. Brad L. Cook (Ohio Wesleyan University)
1. The Role of Poem 8 in Ovid's Amores, Book 1. Ippokratis Kantzios (University of South Florida) 2. Amores 2: A Collection of Studies in Contrast. Helena Dettmer (University of Iowa) 3. The Sacrifice of Orion's Daughters (Ovid, Met. 13.681-701): a Neglected Epic Ekphrasis Revisited. Sophia Papaioannou (University of Akron) 4. Metamorphoses 13.623-14.608 and Fasti 3.545-656: A Question of Precedence. Douglas B. Doll (University of Colorado) Thursday April 19 2. Character and Plot Revision in the Ancient Novel. Stephen A. Nimis (Miami University of Ohio) 3. Wedding Between the Lines: Achilles Tatius and Marriage in Roman Alexandria. Saundra Schwartz (Hawaii Pacific University) 8:15-9:45 a.m. First Session Juniper Section D 1. Reading and Moral Reflection in Seneca's Troades. Patrice Rankine (Purdue University) 2. Seneca's Medea and Atreus: "More Than Was Dreamt of in His Philosophy?" Stephen B. Heiny (Earlham College) 3. The Last Comer Has the Advantage: Allusion and Intertext in Seneca's Troades. Melissa L. Considine (S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo) Thursday April 19 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Second Session Birch Section A 1. Cow Priestess and Calendar Girls. Linda W. Rutland Gillison (University of Montana-Missoula) 2. The Hellenocentric Point of View of Herodotus at 7.150. Lee E. Patterson (University of Missouri) 3. Voices from the Grave: Strategies of Commemoration in Greek Tombstones. Eric Casey (Sweet Briar College) 4. On the Prominence of the Orator in Attic Decrees. William C. West (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) 5. Defining the Oikos in [Dem.] 43. Wendy E. Closterman (Bryn Athyn College) 6. "Now You See Me ... Now You Don't": Envisioning Invisibility in the Greek Magical Papyri. Richard L. Phillips (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
1. Assuming the Master's Values: The Slave's Response to Punishment and Neglect in Menander. Cheryl Anne Cox (University of Memphis) 2. The Conception of Melancholia in the Characterization of Knemon in Menander's Dyscolos. Chrysostomos Kostopoulos (University of Wisconsin-Madison) 3. Marriage in Plautus: Humor in the Hornets' Nest. John W. Thomas (Iowa State University) Thursday April 19 4. Manners of the Age: Education in the Truculentus. Ariana Traill (University of Colorado at Boulder) 5. Resistance to Recognition and "Privileged Recognition" in Terence. William S. Anderson (University of California, Berkeley)
1. Thersites eugenes? The Social Status of the "Worst of the Achaeans". James R. Marks (University of Texas at Austin) 2. The Iliad's Quarrel with Aphrodite. Naomi Rood (University of Chicago) 3. Patroklos: An Analogue to Agamemnon. Robert Holschuh Simmons (University of Iowa) 4. The Duals in Iliad, Book 9: A New Proposal. Bruce Louden (University of Texas at El Paso) 5. Interruption in the Odyssey. Robert J. Rabel (University of Kentucky) 6. Understanding Penelope's Dream (Odyssey 19 and 20). Keely K. Lake (University of Iowa) Thursday April 19 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Second Session Juniper 1. Say What You Think: Credibility and Consistency in the Works of Cicero. Mark S. Farmer (Valparaiso University) 2. Cicero on the Publication of his Letters. Jennifer Ebbeler (University of Pennsylvania) 3. Giton: Petronius' Tragic Hero(ine). John F. Makowski (Loyola University of Chicago) 4. Elevation to the Tribunal: The Sexual Implications of Mercury Grasping Trimalchio by the Chin (Petronius, Sat. 29.5). James Whelton (Centre College) 5. Petronius' Satyricon 24: Quartilla's asellus. Martha Habash (Creighton University) 6. Profit and Loss in Seneca's Epistulae Morales, 1-29. Amanda Wilcox (University of Pennsylvania)
1. diapherein in Herakleitos: Presocratic Deconstruction. Erin O'Connell (University of Utah) 2. Parmenides' Closed-Loop Concept of Time and the Illusion of Linear Time-Consciousness as Radical Critique of Hesiod's Theogony. Martin Henn (University of Kansas) 3. Herakles the Philosopher. Philip Holt (University of Wyoming) 4. A Textual Puzzle in Themistius' Paraphrase of Aristotle's De Anima. Stephen Bay (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Thursday April 19 5. Biography as Self-Promotion: Porphyry's Vita Plotini. John F. Finamore (University of Iowa) 6. Vomiting in the Neoplatonic Tradition: Catharsis in Martianus Capella's De Nuptiis. Carol Poster (University of Utah and Montana State University) 12:00-1:00 p.m. Luncheon Meeting of the Regional Vice-Presidents Executive Boardroom 1:00-3:00 p.m. Third Session Birch 1. Some Recent Accounts of Class in Homer. Peter Rose (Miami University of Ohio) 2. Changes in Political Power Arrangements in the Eighth Century BC. Walter Donlan (University of California-Irvine) 3. Farming and the Social Order in Homer and Hesiod. Anthony Edwards (University of California-San Diego) 4. Voices, Production Formations, and Trade, Eighth-Sixth Centuries BC. David W. Tandy (University of Tennessee) 1:00-3:00 p.m. Third Session Cedar 1. Multispectral Imaging and the Herculaneum Papyri: Some Preliminary Results. Steven Booras, (Center for the Preservation of Ancient Religious Texts, Brigham Young University) 2. Chrysippus' Old Age: The Logical Questions in PHerc. 307. Catherine Atherton (New College, Oxford) 3. Atomist Rhetoric: Nausiphanes, Metrodorus and Philodemus in PHerc. 1015/832. David L. Blank (University of California, Los Angeles and University of Reading) Thursday April 19 1. Drunken Poet I: Bacchus as Poetic Inspiration in Horace Ode 1.18? John B. Stillwell (University of Texas at Austin) 2. Nimium lubricus aspici: Bodily Encounters in Horace's Ode 1.19. Elizabeth H. Sutherland (University of Tennessee) 3. C.IV.10: Faces in the Mirror, Ligurinus, Horace, and Vergil. Timothy S. Johnson (University of Florida) 4. The Value of Inept Reading: Horace Satire 1.10. Stephanie J. Winder (Kalamazoo College) 5. Fulfillingness' First Finale: Satisfying the Limit in Horace Satires 1.10. Catherine Schlegel (University of Notre Dame) 6. Poetic Sovereignty in Horace's Epistle 2.2: The Vates Formerly Known as Horace. Aryn Seiler (University of New Mexico) 1:00-3:00 p.m. Third Session Juniper 1. Word and Deed in Greek Tragedy. Joe Park Poe (Tulane University) 2. Aristocratic Rites in the Democratic Theater: Staging the Ideology of the Polis? Kerri J. Hame (Furman University) 3. Atossa's Dream of Dread Portent in Aeschylus' Persians. Lisa Rengo George (Arizona State University) Thursday April 19 4. 'The Best of the Persians': The Ghost as Heroic Other in Early Aeschylean Tragedy. Paul D. Streufert (Purdue University) 5. A Heroine's Rhetoric and a Tyrant's Family in Sophocles' Antigone. Marcel Widzisz (University of Texas at Austin) 6. When a Hero Needs Compassion: Pity in Oedipus at Colonus. Doug Clapp (Iowa State University) 1:00-3:00 p.m. Third Session Maple 1. Hellenistic Warfare and the "Big Push". Anton G. Jansen (Brock University) 2. Polybios on the Admission of Cities to the Achaean League. Michael D. Dixon (University of Southern Indiana) 3. Hellenistic Historians in Context: Berossus of Babylon and Manetho of Sebennytos. Jane Rempel (University of Michigan) 4. The Role of the Gabinians in the Expulsion of Kleopatra VII. Cecilia M. Peek (Brigham Young University) 5. The Fair Captive Spared: An Unnoticed Topos in Herodotus, Plutarch, and Livy. Stewart G. Flory (Gustavus Adolphus College) 6. Herodes Atticus and the Devolution of Imperial Power. Joel Allen (Ohio University) Thursday April 19 1. Quod Petis Arma Dabunt: Epic Rapes in the Fasti. Julia T. Dyson (University of Texas at Arlington) 2. The Perfect Storm- Ovid's Dido in Vergilian Seas. Alena Allen (University of New Mexico) 3. Pudor Unveiled in Heroides VII. Stacie Raucci (University of Chicago) 4. The Argonautic Exile: Ovid and Jason in Tristia 1.10. Samuel J. Huskey (University of Iowa) 5. Ovid, The Elder Pliny, and Modern Decadence. James C. McKeown (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
1. New Light on Dark Corners in the Herculaneum Papyri. Richard C. M. Janko (University College, London) 2. Acts of Intense Attention, Applications, or Focussings? Philodemus and Epicurean 'pibolÆ David Armstrong (The University of Texas at Austin) 3. Philodemus and the Helen pericope of Aeneid 2.567ff.: A New Proof of Authenticity from Herculaneum. Jeffrey B. Fish (Baylor University) 4. Toward an Electronic Publication of PHerc. 78, Caecilius Statius' Obolostates, sive Faenerator. Roger T. Macfarlane (Brigham Young University) Thursday April 19 3:15-5:15 p.m. Fourth Session Elm 1. The Character of Euripides in Aristophanes' Acharnians. John P. Given III (University of Michigan) 2. Control of Costume in Acharnians and Thesmophoriazusae. Gwendolyn Compton-Engle (St. Olaf College) 3. The Curious Matter of the Lenaia of 422. Ian C. Storey (Trent University, Ontario) 4. Frogs 718-737: The Didactic Legacy of Theognis and Aristophanic Comedy. Mark C. Alonge (Stanford University) 5. Rowing for Athens. Jenny Strauss Clay (University of Virginia) 6. Rethinking the Lysistrata: Athenian Policy in 411. J. Rufus Fears (University of Oklahoma) 7. Dimwitted Bandits: Athenian Imperialism and the Stereotype of the Boeotians in Old Comedy. Monica Florence (Boston University)
3:15-5:15 p.m. Fourth Session Juniper Section D 1. Sulla and Sallust on the Surrender of Jugurtha. Robert Ulery (Wake Forest University) 2. Athenian Rome: Sallust, the Transformation of the Roman Demos, and the Construction of Democratic Space. Edward Dandrow (University of Chicago) 3. Fortuna Regia: A Clue for King Porsenna in Livy. Brent Aaron Harper (Loyola University of Chicago) 4. Marcellus at Syracuse (Livy XXV.24.11-14): An 'Alexandrian Footnote'? John Marincola (New York University) 5. The Distinction of Oppidum to Urbs in Livy's Ab Urbe Condita. Guy Earle (University of Florida) 6. Velleius' Imperial Chronology. Emil A. Kramer (Utah State University)
Section E 1. Classifying Hesiod: Aristotle, Genre, and the Works and Days. Matthew Semanoff (University of Wisconsin-Madison) 2. The Plough and the Sickle: Hesiod's Cosmological Tools. Elizabeth Richey (Indiana University) 3. The Programmatic Message of the Kings and Singers Passage: Theogony 80-103. Kate Stoddard (Florida State University) Thursday April 19 4. Hesiod and the Fabricated Woman: Privileging Poetry to Visual Art in the Theogony. Bronwen L. Wickkiser (University of Texas at Austin) 5. Kronos the Grammarian: metis/me tis in Hesiod's Theogony. Charles William Gladhill (University of Georgia)
Phoenix from the Ashes: The Carbonized Petra Papyri and their Secrets. 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Registration Aspen 8:15-9:45 a.m. Sixth Session Birch Section A 1. "No Lots Made You King:" Callimachus' Hymn to Zeus 59-66 and the Ideology of Kingship. Michael de Brauw (University of Texas at Austin) 2. Callimachus the Consummate Artist: Energeia and Kinesis in Aet. fr. 1.39-40. Joseph M. Romero (Mary Washington College) 3. Choral Song and Divine Reciprocation in Callimachus Hymn 2. Keyne Cheshire (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) 4. Divine Assistance in Apollonius Rhodius. Paul Ojennus (University of Colorado at Boulder) 8:15-9:45 a.m. Sixth Session Cedar 1. Augustus: Imperator or Economic Reformer? Kenneth M. Tuite (University of Texas at Austin) 2. Reconstruction of Virtue: Livy and Augustan Rome. Brad Peper (Luther College) 3. The Porticus "Petroniana": Spatial Considerations in the Satyricon. Jeremy Hartnett (University of Michigan) Friday April 20
1. Prudentius' Ventosa Virago. Jessamyn Lewis (Dartmouth College) 2. Symmachus and the Imperial Policy of Dissimulatio. Mark Edward Clark (University of Southern Mississippi) 3. Augustine, the Aeneid and the Roman Family. Maura K. Lafferty (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) 4. Plauti Per Vestigia: The Aulularia in the Querolus. Wilfred Major (Loyola University, New Orleans) 8:15-9:45 a.m. Sixth Session Juniper 1. Q. Cicero, Comm. Pet. 33. W. Jeffrey Tatum (Florida State University) 2. Claudia Quinta (Pro Caelio 34) and an Altar to Magna Mater. Eleanor Winsor Leach (Indiana University) 3. Pardoning Plancina: Munatia Plancina and Livia in the Senatus Consultum de Pisone Patre. Thomas H. Watkins (Western Illinois University) 4. The Centumviral Court in the Basilica Iulia. Leanne Bablitz (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Friday April 20 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Seventh Session Birch
2. The Look of Love: The Identity of the Goddess in Alkman's Louvre Parthenion (PMG 1). Monica S. Cyrino (University of New Mexico) 3. Second-Guessing the Prophet: The Lille Papyrus. Deborah MacInnes (Louisiana State University) 4. Telling Tales of Shame and Desire: Dealing with Binary Opposites in the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite. Margaret M. Toscano (University of Utah) 5. 'This' and 'That' in Pindar's Odes. William H. Race (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Seventh Session Cedar 1. Plautus and the City of Rome. Timothy J. Moore (University of Texas) 2. The Latin Elegists and Isis Campensis. Daniel P. Harmon (University of Washington) 3. Exilic Perspective on the Augustan Palatine. John F. Miller (University of Virginia) 4. The Imperial Amphitheatre and the Face of Power. Carole E. Newlands (University of Wisconsin - Madison) Friday April 20 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Seventh Session Elm 1. The Reluctant Idolater: Petrarch's Letters to Marcus Tullius Cicero. Elizabeth S. Olson (Boston University) 2. The Revestiture of Myth: The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony as Critical Fiction. John T. Kirby (Purdue University) 3. Lord Elgin's Legacy: Sources for the Study of Antiquities Collection and Preservation. Nancy Sultan (Illinois Wesleyan University) 4. Tasting the Honey of Heaven: Capitein's Elegy for Rev. Manger. John T. Quinn (Hope College) 5. Wallace Stevens's Farewell to Florida, Horace 2.6 and Juvenal 1.3: "I hated the vivid blooms". Priscilla Rodgers (University of Washington) 6. Conrad Celtis and the City of Nürnberg. Herbert W. Benario (Emory University) Friday April 20 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Seventh Session Juniper 1. Servi Coniurati: Senatorial Attitudes Toward Slaves in the Bacchanalian Affair. Victoria Pagan (University of Wisconsin-Madison) 2. Tomb and Will: A Freedman's Security for Succession Outside Rome. Lisa A. Hughes (Miami University of Ohio) 3. Judaism, Christianity, and the Patronage of Roman Imperial Women. Eric D. Huntsman (Brigham Young University) 4. Constructing Paternity and Legitimacy in Jurists' Law. Susan D. Martin (University of Tennessee) 5. Access to Legal Protection and the Late Roman Colonate. Dennis Kehoe (Tulane University) 6. Leben wie ein Gott in Frankreich, or Living like a God in Gaul: Response and Aftermath to the Alamanni Invasion of 286/287. J. Kent Gregory (St. Olaf College)
1. When Adam Delved and Eve Span: A Cross-cultural Investigation of Spiders, Spinning and Civilization. Martha Davis (Temple University) 2. Homeric Questions and Field Mouse Goes to War, a Hopi Myth. T. Davina McClain (Loyola University) 3. Kokopelli and Hermes: Tricksters and Shamans in Mediterranean and North American Traditions. Georgia Irby-Massie (Louisiana State University)
4. The Eternal Bonds of Marriage in Provincial Roman and Native American Myth. Johanna Sandrock (Louisiana State University) 5. Response. Lee Edgar Tyler (Independent Scholar)
All Friday Afternoon Sessions Will Take Place at the Ernest L. Wilkinson Student
Center on the Campus of Brigham Young University 1:30-3:00 p.m. Eighth Session 3238 1. O singulare prodigium! Ciceronian Invective as Religious Expiation. Anthony Corbeill (University of Kansas) 2. Fear of Public Speaking. Andrew M. Riggsby (University of Texas) 3. Cicero's Verrines and the Performance of Roman Oratory. Robert Cape (Austin College) 1:30-3:00 p.m. Eighth Session 3380 1. Sphinx Worship in Late Roman Berenike, Egypt. Crystal Fritz (Kalamazoo College) 2. Brothers or Lovers? A New Reading of the "Tondo of the Two Brothers" from Antinoopolis, Egypt. Anne Haeckl (Kalamazoo College) 3. Honoring Hadrian's Visit to Petra: A Re-evaluation of the Treasury. Susan Gelb (University of Texas at Austin) Friday April 20 1:30-3:00 p.m. Eighth Session 3250 1. Deucalion's Children: Divine Justice and Human Culpability in Vergil's Georgics. Christopher Nappa (University of Minnesota) 2. The First Simile of the Aeneid and the Theogony. Catherine J. Mansell (Tulane University) 3. Good to Go: Echoing Expressions at Aen. 4.554f. Alden Smith (Baylor University) 4. Misreading Aeneas: Misdirection and Identification in Aeneid 7-12. Eric Kyllo (Baylor University)
1. The 2001 NLE Syllabus. Jane Hall (Chair, National Latin Exam) 2. NLE: Ties to the Classical Language Standards and New Trends. Christine Sleeper (Fairfax County (VA) Schools, Retired) 3. New Strategies for Forum Romanum: How to Use the TV Series with All Levels.. Mark A. Keith (Chancellor High School/National Latin Exam)
Friday April 20 2. Determining Gender and Age in Greek Iron Age Burials. Travis Ryan Quay (University of Arizona) 3. Polydeukion at Brauron. Aileen Ajootian (University of Mississippi) 4. The Cult of the Aphrodite of Aphrodisias: From Carian to Graeco-Roman. Lisa R. Brody (Oregon State University) 5. Masters of Metal: The Influence of Macedonian Metal Vases on Ceramics. Karin Halvorsen (University of Arizona) 3:15-5:15 p.m. Ninth Session 3252 1. Altitude and Altered States: Vergil's Uses of Ingens and Its Etymological Implications. Lorina N. Quartarone (University of Montana) 2. Domitius Marsus and Maecenas' Patronage: Martial's Fiction. Shannon N. Byrne (Ball State University) 3. Martial as Iambographer. Art L. Spisak (Southwest Missouri State University) 4. Martial's Scandalous Spectacles: Beauty vs. Beast. Janie Anne Zuber (University of Chicago) 5. Statius' Silvae 2.1 and Flavian Family Values. Austin M. Busch (Indiana University) 6. Satiric Ekphrasis: The Sea-Storm of Juvenal 12. Catherine Keane (Northwestern University) Friday April 20 2. John Barton's Theatrical Cycle Tantalus. Victor Castellani (University of Denver) 3. Death by Fire: Meleager's Mother and David Lynch's Log Lady. Michele Valerie Ronnick (Wayne State University) 4. Isocrates' Helen, Princess Diana, and Popular Culture. David Mirhady (Simon Fraser University) 5. Ridley Scott's Gladiator: Mad Maximus Beyond Cyber-Rome. Martin M. Winkler (George Mason University) 6. eBay as an Ephemeral Database for the Study of Classics in Popular Culture. Jon Solomon (University of Arizona) 2:15-5:15 p.m. Ninth Session Varsity Theater 1. Land and Obedience in Luke/Acts. S. Kent Brown (Brigham Young University) 2. Maleficium, Fear, and Maiestas in the Trial of Jesus. John W. Welch (Brigham Young University) 3. Feeding Christians to the Lions: Persecution and Propaganda in Early Christianity. John F. Hall (Brigham Young University) 4. History and Nature in Early Christian Thought. Noel B. Reynolds (Brigham Young University) 5. New Light on Third Century Theban Christianity. John Gee (Brigham Young University) Friday April 20 5:15 - 6:15 p.m. Reception Sponsored by Brigham Young University Museum of
Art 7:00-7:30 p.m. Cash bar available Canyon/Arches 7:30-9:30 p.m. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION BANQUET Canyon/Arches Presiding: Cathy P. Daugherty (Hanover (VA) County Schools) Of Catiline and CAMWS Christopher P. Craig (University of Tennessee) Menu: 8:15-9:30 a.m. Annual Business Meeting of CAMWS Birch 8:15-9:30 a.m. Annual Business Meeting of CAPN Elm 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Tenth Session Amphitheater 1. Technology as Scholarship: Case Study of a Virtual Sculpture Gallery. Judith de Luce (Miami University of Ohio) 2. Reconstructing the Urban Image of Ancient Rome: An Examination of Scale Models. Chris Johanson (University of California, Los Angeles) 3. Dancing and Dying: The Display of Elephants in Ancient Roman Arenas. Jo-Ann Shelton (University of California, Santa Barbara) 4. The Library in the Portico of Octavia and the Fire of AD 80. George W. Houston (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) 5. Toponyms on the Via Augusta. Philip Spann (University of Utah) 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Tenth Session Cedar 1. The College Counselors Speak. Sherrilyn Martin (Keith Country Day School) 2. Latin Outreach: The View From the Middle. Cathy P. Daugherty (Hanover County (VA) Public Schools) Saturday April 21 3. Working with Counselors. Willie Lovejoy (Florida Gulf Coast University) 4. Working with Administrators and Teachers to Introduce Latin into the Elementary School Curriculum. E. Christian Kopff (University of Colorado) 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Tenth Session Elm 1. Of Gods, Philosophers and Charioteers: A Journey of an Allegory from the Odyssey to the Phaedrus. Svetla Slaveva-Griffin (University of Tennessee) 2. Metic Mettle: Polemarchus and Book I of Plato's Republic. Geoff Bakewell (Creighton University) 3. Plato's Symposium as Apologia. Tom Strunk (Loyola University - Chicago) 4. A Platonic Pseudology: Re-examining the Hippias Minor. Lorenzo F. Garcia, Jr. (University of California, Los Angeles) 5. Makarismos in Plato's Apology. W. Joseph Cummins (Grinnell College) 6. Aitios 'Anaitios': Cosmology as Ideal Rhetorical Discourse in Plato's Timaeus 27c-30c. Zina Giannopoulou (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Saturday April 21 1. Euridipes' Hippolytus: Variations on a Plot from Ancient to Modern. Sophie Mills (University of North Carolina at Asheville) 2. Compassion and Friendship in Euripides' Herakles. James F. Johnson (Austin College) 3. Tragic Striptease: The Sacrifice of Polyxena in the Hecuba of Euripides. Jennifer L. Benedict (College of William and Mary) 4. Unity through the agon in Euripides' Hekabe. Heather Waddell (University of Iowa) 5. Wave Good-Bye to Romantic Tragedy in Iphigenia Among the Taurians. George Adam Kovacs (Memorial University of Newfoundland) 6. Why Is the Last Word in Helen 'Theoclymenus'? Gary Mathews (North Carolina School of the Arts) 12:00-1:30 p.m. Consulares Luncheon Willow James S. Ruebel (Ball State University) , presiding Active Consulares in order of seniority:
Secretary-Treasurers: Robert Tucker (Georgia), W. W. de Grummond (Florida State), Gareth Schmeling (Florida), Roy Lindahl (Furman), John F. Hall (Brigham Young), Gregory N. Daugherty (Randolph-Macon).
1. Think Again: A Student's Response to Carpenter's Argument for 'Reassessing the Goal in Latin Pedagogy'. Rebekah Richards (University of Colorado-Boulder) 2. Latin Grammar as the Romans Taught It. John C. Traupman (St. Joseph's University) 3. Increasing Reading Proficiency in Latin. Cody W. Wood (Ricks College) 4. Teaching Greek Tragedy Through Japanese Noh. William K. Freiert (Gustavus Adolphus College) 5. Women in Antiquity: A General Education Course. Charlayne D. Allan (University of California - Davis) 6. Speaking and Writing in Latin, and the new Institute for Latin Studies at the University of Kentucky. Terence O. Tunberg (University of Kentucky) Saturday April 21 1. A Different Approach to Diverse Latin Learners. Sherwin D. Little (Indian Hill High School, Cincinnati, Ohio) 2. Options for Latin Assessment. Rebecca Jessup (University of Colorado) 3. Tending the Sheep-Helping All Latin Students Succeed. Kenneth F. Kitchell, Jr. (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) 1:00-3:00 p.m. Eleventh Session Elm 1. The Cold Cares of Venus. Warren S. Smith (University of New Mexico) 2. On Learning to Dislike Catullus: The Torture of Love and the Love of Torture. James H. Dee (University of Illinois at Chicago) 3. Two Related Topics in Catullus 68: The Exemplum of Laodamia and the Simile of the Late-Born Grandchild. Marilyn B. Skinner (University of Arizona) 4. Clumsy Allusiveness: A Meaningful Trip in Catullus and Ovid. Laurel Fulkerson (Florida State University) 5. The Fragment of Gallus from Qasr Ibrim and Extent of Its Influence on Roman Love Poetry. Zara M. Torlone (Miami University of Ohio) 6. God(dess) Save the Princeps: Propertius 3.4. Carol U. Merriam (Brock University) Saturday April 21 1. Worshipping Herakles: Cult and Regional Identity. Christina A. Salowey (Hollins University) 2. Commerce, Chios, and the Athenian Empire. Joseph N. Jansen (University of Texas at Austin) 3. Simply Smashing: Etruscan Rituals of Breakage and Mutilation. Nancy T. de Grummond (Florida State University) 4. Diachronic Aspects of Representation in the Cult of Diana. Lora L. Holland (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) 5. Erotic Ambiguities: Hermaphroditus in the Domestic Context. Emma Scioli (University of California, Los Angeles) 3:00-5:00 p.m. Twelfth Session Amphitheater 1. Empowering Intermediate Students to Create an Interactive, On-line Reader. John Gruber-Miller (Cornell College) 2. Antiqua Lingua, Commenta Nova: New Devices for the Intermediate Learner of Latin. Claude Pavur (Saint Louis University) 3. An On-Line Intermediate Level Latin Supplement. Ann Raia (The College of New Rochelle) 4. Putting the Tutorial into Hypertext. Rob Latousek (Centaur Systems, Ltd.) 5. Doing Things with Texts: a Skills-oriented Approach to Teaching Intermediate
Latin with the Help of Technology. Donka D. Markus (University of Michigan) 3:00-5:00 p.m. Twelfth Session Cedar 1. Maternity, Mortality, and Maturation in Herodotus' Story of Cleobis and Biton (Hist. 1.31). Charles C. Chiasson (University of Texas at Arlington) 2. Kleon's Silence in Thucydides. Gwendolyn M. Gruber (University of Iowa) 3. Diagnosing the Underlying Condition: Considering the Missing Connections between the Presbeutikos and Epibomios. Eric D. Nelson (Pacific Lutheran University) 4. Rhetoric and Life in 4th Century Athens. Jerise Fogel (Columbia University) 5. Aristotle's Account of hybris in the Rhetoric. Ben Gracy (University of New Mexico) 6. Plutarch's Debt to Dionysius of Halicarnassus' Epistula ad Pompeium. George W.M. Harrison (Xavier University) 3:00-5:00 p.m. Twelfth Session Elm 1. Lucan and the Un-Making of the Trojan Legend. Ian McDonald (University of Toronto at Scarborough) 2. The Pre-Battle Harangue at Pharsalus (BC 3.85.4): Did Caesar Tell a Joke? John Nordling (Baylor University) 3. The Aeneid Rewound: Silius Italicus' Presentation of the Fall of Saguntum. Timothy B. Allison (University of Michigan) Saturday April 21 4. Rapit infidum victor caput: Hasdrubal and Gender Role Reversal in Silius Italicus' Punica 15. Antonios Augoustakis (Dickinson College) 5. Virtuous Violence in Statius' Thebaid. Neil Coffee (University of Chicago) 6. Ino and Her Stepchildren in the Argonautica of Valerius Flaccus. Hugh C. Parker (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)
1. The Vision of Augustus and Twelfth Century Renovatio Literature. Cynthia White (University of Arizona) 2. The Classical Greek Art of Leonard Baskin. Kathryn A. Thomas (Creighton University) 3. The Music of Hate and Love: An Appraisal of Three Musical Settings of Catullus LXXXV. Philip Barnes (John Burroughs School) 4. Ralph Vaughan Williams - Musician and Platonist. James V. Lowe (John Burroughs School) 5. "A Perfect Collaborator": Erik Satie and Socrate. James E. Betts
(Monmouth College) Aileen Ajootian 9b 11d Donka D. Markus 12a Margaret M. Toscano 7a William C. West 2a
Committee on the CAMWS Centennial Committee on Development Committee on Finance Committee on Membership Committee on Merit Committee on Nominations Committee on the Annual Meeting Program Committee for the Promotion of Latin Committee on Resolutions
Subcommittee on the Grant, Semple and Benario Travel Awards Subcommittee on the Good Teacher Awards Subcommittee on the Manson A. Stewart Education and Travel Awards Subcommittee on the Manson A. Stewart Scholarships Subcommittee on the School Awards Published by: Gregory N. Daugherty for the Classical Association of the Middle
West and South |