From Playbills to Playdough:
Terracotta Actor Figurines of Greek Middle
Stacey L. McGowen
University of Virginia
Terracotta figurines were produced in the Greek world for some 4,000 years,
with the main period of production extending from the middle of the 7th century
B.C. to the 1st century B.C. Starting in the early 5th century,
figurines were fashioned through the use of molds, which allowed them to
be made inexpensively and to be easily mass-produced. Beginning late
in 5th century, a prevalent motif of terracotta figurines was
the masked comic actor. Due to mass-produced nature of these
objects, it seems likely that theater patrons would purchase them as relatively
inexpensive souvenirs. The actor figurines seem to have originated
at Athens, but production quickly spread throughout the Greek world. Both
originals and copies have been found in Boeotia, Melos, Delphi, Corinth,
Crete, Rhodes, Thasos, Olynthus, Asia Minor, South Russia, Northern Africa,
Taranto, Paestum, Syracuse, Morgantina, Lipari, and Ampurias, and this wide
distribution indicates the popularity not only of the figurines but also
of Athenian comedy during the beginning of the 4th century. Although
most of the comic actor figurines have been discovered in isolation, a group
of fourteen was found in a tomb in Athens. The fourteen statuettes
are now housed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art and are often called the "New
York Fourteen." Since they date to c. 400-350 B.C., a period during which only two complete
comedies have survived, they are a valuable visual record of types of characters
of these lost plays. In addition, as the figurines wear the costume
of Old Comedy but represent the stock characters of New Comedy, they illustrate
the janiform nature of Middle Comedy, which looks back to Old Comedy as well
as forward to New Comedy. The paper will examine the fourteen statuettes
and will consider the possibility that these figurines correspond to two
seven-member casts, although it seems more probable that they represent instead
individual stock characters of early Middle Comedy.