Saturday, April 4, 2009
To see the abstract of a paper as a
pdf, click on its title.
7:00-8:00 a.m. Buffet Breakfast sponsored by the Women's
Classical Caucus (Deer/Elk Lake)
7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Registration (Registration Area)
8:00 a.m.-noon Book Display (Ballroom 3)
8:15-9:45 a.m. Annual CAMWS Business Meeting (all are
welcome to attend) (Ballroom 4)
10:00 a.m.-noon Tenth Paper Session (Excelsior Bay)
Section A
Beth A. Severy-Hoven (Macalester College), presiding
- Thirsting for the Divine: Monumental
Fountains in Sanctuaries. Brenda
Longfellow (University of Iowa)
- After the Knot: a first look at Hellenistic
Gordion. Martin
G. Wells (University of Minnesota)
- Urban Identity in Phoenicia: "Hippodamian"
versus "Contour" Planning. S. Rebecca Martin (University
of Minnesota)
- Cultural Change and the Water Systems
of Roman Arabia. Christian
F. Cloke (University of Cincinnati)
10:00 a.m.-noon Tenth Paper Session (Lake Nokomis)
Section B
Marilyn B. Skinner (University of Arizona), presiding
Hebe and Liminality in Catullus 68. Don M. Burrows (University
of Minnesota)
- Uritur et loquitur:
(mis)understanding passionate speech in Catullus 8. Erika J. Nesholm (Georgetown College)
- Let me begin with a question: interrogative
openings in Catullus. Ruth
R. Caston (University of Michigan)
- Lesbia Poems 87 through 109: A
Happy Ending to an Unhappy Love Affair? Helena Dettmer (University
of Iowa)
10:00 a.m.-noon Tenth Paper Session (Spring Park Bay)
Section C
Classical Pedagogy
Kristin O. Lord (Wilfred Laurier University), presiding
- "Dear Student...": Teaching Roman Letters in the Age of Email. Noelle K. Zeiner-Carmichael (College of Charleston)
- Sic paruis componere magna:
Giving students a sense of scale. Stephen
C. Smith (University of Minnesota)
- "I Am Forever Changed": Chasing Amy as Platonic Dialogue,
or Looking Outside the Canon for Pedagogical Inspiration. Amanda
N. Krauss (Vanderbilt
- Speculum Africanum:
Looking at Modern Nigerian Women in the Teaching of Gender in the Ancient
World. Mark A. Thorne (Wheaton
10:00 a.m.-noon Tenth Paper Session (Lake Calhoun)
Section D
Exploring the Impact of the "Living Latin"
Movement on the
Teaching and Study of Latin in North America
Milena Y. Minkova (University of Kentucky),
Terence D. Tunberg (University of Kentucky) co-organizers
here to download all of the abstracts for this panel.
- The Oral Latin Component of a New Introductory Course in the Latin Language.
Milena Y. Minkova (University of Kentucky)
- Speaking of Speaking: Selling Oral Latin to Experienced Teachers. Jacqueline
M. Carlon (University of Massachusetts, Boston)
- Dictation in the Latin Classroom. Martha A. Davis (Temple
University), Daniel Markovic (Temple University), co-presenters
- Using Images to Reinforce Vocabulary and Spark Latin Conversation. Sophia
Rovitti (Concord-Carlisle High School, MA)
10:00 a.m.-noon Tenth Paper Session (Wayzata Bay)
Section E
Aeneid 3
Christopher J. Nappa (University of Minnesota), presiding
- Two Modes of Memory in Aeneid 1. Aaron M.
Seider (University of
- Juno and Amata: Powerful Wives and Political Disorder in the Aeneid. M. Christine Marquis (University
of Minnesota)
- (Re)Constructing Carthage in the Aeneid. Mary
Jane Cuyler (University
of Texas, Austin)
- Anchises as an Interpretive Model in Vergil's Aeneid. Jason
M. Milam (Baylor University)
- From Atlas to Aeneas: Mercury's Mission in Aeneid 238ff. Eddie
R. Lowry, Jr. (Ripon College)
- Exploring Dido's Depth: The Impact of Dido's Multifaceted Character
on Vergil's Aeneid. Laura A. Provance (University
of Arizona)
10:00 a.m.-noon Tenth Paper Session (Lake Harriet)
Section F
Hesiod & Homeric Hymns
S. Douglas Olson (National Humanities Center),
- The Missing Dike in the Hesiodic Theogony? Stacey
S. King (University of Colorado)
- The Belly of Hesiod and the Womb of Zeus: The Authority of Male Pregnancy
in the Theogony. Yurie Hong (Gustavus Adolphus
- Boios' Ornithogonia as Hesiodic
Didactic. Kristopher
F. B. Fletcher (Louisiana
State University)
- Civilized and Savage in the Pseudo-Hesiodic Aspis. Donald
R. Sells (University
of Toronto)
- Lies, Lyres, and Laughter in the Homeric Hymn to Hermes. Christopher
W. Bungard (Butler University)
- Hades Klutopōlos and the Abduction
of Persephone. Ryan
C. Platte (Washington University)
Noon-1:00 p.m. Buffet Luncheon for Minnesota Latin Teachers
(Deer Lake)
Noon-1:00 p.m. Buffet Luncheon for Consulares (Elk Lake)
Presiding: Michele Valerie Ronnick, President-Elect
1:15-3:15 p.m. Eleventh Paper Session (Excelsior Bay)
Section A
Roman Studies
Elizabeth H. Sutherland (University of Tennessee, Knoxville),
- What's in a Name? Polyonymous Nomenclature
and Ummidius Quadratus. Lora
L. Holland (University of North Carolina, Asheville)
- The Date, Nature, and Scope of the so-called lex Plautia
Papiria. Seth
L. Kendall (Georgia Gwinnett College)
- Selling Oneself into Slavery:
Additional Evidence from Justinian's Digest and the Gospels. John G. Nordling (Concordia Theological
- Roman Colonization of the Metapontine
Chora: The Kiln Site at Pizzica Pantanello. Adam P. Hyatt (University at Buffalo, SUNY)
- Two Severan Cities: Leptis Magna
and Rome. Thomas
M. Cirillo (University
of Southern California)
1:15-3:15 p.m. Eleventh Paper Session (Lake Nokomis)
Section B
Silver Prose
Mark F. Williams (Calvin College), presiding
- P. Quinctilius Varus: Fall Guy for
a Failed Imperial Policy. Emil
A. Kramer (Augustana.College)
- Alioqui Nobilissimus:
Sallustian Morality and Augustan Amnesty in Velleius Paterculus. Joseph V. Groves (University of
- The Evil Eye and the Fertilizing Gaze
of the Paterfamilias. Britta
K. Ager (University of Michigan)
- Pliny's Imperial Zoo. Christina E. Franzen (Marshall
- Taken or Given?: The Marriage of Livia in Suetonius' Caesares. Molly
M. Pryzwansky (Duke University)
- Spes Imperii:
Hope in Suetonius' Imperial Lives. Karen
L. Acton (University
of Michigan)
1:15-3:15 p.m. Eleventh Paper Session (Spring Park Bay)
Section C
Entering the Underworld (Vergilian Society)
Steven L. Tuck (Miami University), co-organizer
Patricia A. Johnston (Brandeis University) co-organizer
here to download all of the abstracts for this panel.
- Re-Entering the Underworld at Cumae: Identifying the Grotto of the Sibyl.
Steven L. Tuck (Miami University)
- Allecto’s Descent into the Underworld (Aen. 7.565). Patricia
A. Johnston (Brandeis University)
- The Bough and the Lock: Fighting Fate in the Aeneid. Julia
D. Hejduk (Baylor University)
- The Golden Bough and other Underworld transit tokens. Debbie Felton (University
of Massachusetts, Amherst)
- Ovid as Palinurus in the Tristia. Samuel
J. Huskey (University of Oklahoma)
1:15-3:15 p.m. Eleventh Paper Session (Lake Calhoun)
Section D
Varia Romana
James S. Ruebel (Ball State University), presiding
- Reconciling Plautus. Aileen R. Das (University of Wisconsin,
- Insanity in Plautine language and
Roman popular opinion. Alison
Lanski (University of Illinios, Urbana-Champaign)
- The Limits of Fidelity: Rhetorical
Uses of exprimere by Latin Literary Translators. Christopher Polt (University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill)
- Dardana ab ortu moenia: Capua's Revolt in Punica 11
as a Betrayal of Ancestry. Melissa J. Goldman (University
of Toronto)
- Tiresias and Domitian: a Study
in Statian Necromancy. Casey J.
Starnes (University of Missouri, Columbia)
- Jerome's Passion for Letters. David A. Guinee (DePauw
1:15-3:15 p.m. Eleventh Paper Session (Wayzata Bay)
Section E
Amy E. K. Vail (Baylor University), presiding
- Why Does Homer Lie? Jessica Wissmann (University of
- Creativity and Contextual Sensitivity
in Classical Japanese Formulae and Homeric Epithets. Dygo L. Tosa (University of Texas
at Austin)
- Solemnity, Banality and Sarcasm: Provenances of the Figura
Etymologica in Homer. Todd C. Clary (Cornell University)
- Re-examining Penelope's Stout Hand and Formulaic Infelicities in The
Odyssey. Daniel W. Turkeltaub (Millsaps College)
- Fame and Failure: Uses of Phaidimos in the Odyssey. Joshua
L. Wall (Northwestern
- The Swedish Odyssey. Scott D. Richardson (St.
John's University)
1:15-3:15 p.m. Eleventh Paper Session (Lake Harriet)
Section F
Hellenistic Greek Poetry
Diane Arnson Svarlien (Georgetown College), presiding
- Allusions to Archaic Elegy
in the Epigrams of Leonidas of Tarentum. Alissa
A. Vaillancourt (The Graduate Center of The City University of
New York)
- Callisto and the Arcadians in Callimachus' Hymn to
Zeus. Keyne A. Cheshire (Davidson College)
- A Harvester's Song: Genre and Gender in Theocritus' Idyll 10
and Callimachus' Hymn to Demeter. Andromache Karanika (University
of California, Irvine)
- Enti mias agelas: Unifying Theocritus’ Idylls. Jeffrey
M. Hunt (Baylor
- Fishermen and Cicadas: Theocritus Idyll 1 and the Hesiodic Shield. Christine
E. Lechelt (University of Minnesota)
- Theokritos' 'Idyll 7':
Evidence for the Value of the Cult of Demeter to Kos. Naomi R. Kaloudis (University of Missouri,
3:30-5:30 p.m. Twelfth Paper Session (Excelsior Bay)
Section A
Roman Religion
Carin M. Green (University of Iowa), presiding
- Where were the priestesses of Bona
Dea? Casey M. Stark (University
of Wisconsin, Madison)
- Auspicious Ancestors: perceptions
of the order of things under the Triumvirate. Laura A. De Lozier (University
of Wyoming)
- Motivations for the Worship of Isis
in Rome. Adam
E. Cirzan (University
of Arizona)
- Hooking up the Competition: Casting
Christian Conversion in a New Light. Annette K. Morrow (Minnesota
State University)
3:30-5:30 p.m. Twelfth Paper Session (Lake Nokomis)
Section B
Herodotus 2
Yurie Hong (Gustavus Adolphus College), presiding
- Herodotus on Eros and Tyrants. Stephanie Larson (Bucknell
- The Perils of Friendship: Xenia in
Herodotus. Megan
M. Campbell (University
of Toronto)
- The Constitutional Debate: Herodotus'
(non) Contribution to Political Theory. Sydnor Roy (University of North Carolina, Chapel
- Warring with Words: Themistoclean
Generalship in Herodotus. Jonathan
T. Chicken (Indiana University)
- A Stormy Relationship: the weather
at Artemisium and its connection to other passages in Herodotus' work. Paul P. Moran (University
of Virginia)
3:30-5:30 p.m. Twelfth Paper Session (Spring Park Bay)
Section C
Latin Pedagogy
Robert T. White (Shaker Heights High School), presiding
- Teaching Beginning Latin: Grammar
and Syntax through the Ages. Patricia
N. FitzGibbon (Colorado College)
- Teaching Latin in a Hybrid Class. Julia L. Borek (University
of Alabama)
- The Tradition of Word Reordering:
Donatus, Porphyrion, and Servius. David
L. Sigsbee (University of Memphis)
- Exercises to Build Predictive
Reading Skills. Rebecca
R. Harrison (Truman
State University)
- "Deleterious to the Cause" -- or Not: A Different Approach
to Transitional Latin. James H. Dee (Austin, TX)
- The 2009 National Latin Exam: Preliminary
Results and Revelations. Sally
R. Davis (University of Mary Washington)
3:30-5:30 p.m. Twelfth Paper Session (Lake Calhoun)
Section D
Roman Elegy
Diane Warne Anderson (Saint John’s University/University
of Minnesota), presiding
- Propertius' Swan Song. Thomas G. Hendren (University of Florida)
- Corinna dubitans: How the Rhetoric of Seduction Becomes the
Rhetoric of Failure in Amores 1. Caroline A. Perkins (Marshall
- Time Management in the Medicamina Faciei Femineae. Corinne
E. Shirley (Indiana University, Bloomington)
- The Unreality of Mrs. Naso. Sanjaya Thakur (University
of Michigan)
- Maximian: An Elegiac Successor
of Ovid. Ian D. Fielding (University
of Wisconsin, Madison)
3:30-5:30 p.m. Twelfth Paper Session (Wayzata Bay)
Section E
The Nature of Horror in Classical Antiquity
Edmund P. Cueva (Xavier University), organizer
here to download all of the abstracts for this panel.
- The Nature of Horror and Modern Theorists. Edmund
P. Cueva (Xavier University)
- Horace’s Epode 5 and Modern Horror Theories. Shannon
N. Byrne (Xavier
- The Emperor of Nightmares: Suetonius’ Life of Nero as Horror Fiction. Christopher
Nappa (University
of Minnesota)
- Horror in the Ancient Greek Novel: A Brief Review. Nadia Scippacercola (Università
degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II")
- Ancient Horror in The Dark Knight. Jarrod W. Lux (Conner
High School (KY))
- Response. Debbie Felton (University of Massachusetts,
3:30-5:30 p.m. Twelfth Paper Session (Lake Harriet)
Section F
Ancient Philosophy 2
Brent M. Froberg (Baylor University), presiding
- "By Hera" in Xenophon. David M. Johnson (Southern
Illinois University, Carbondale)
- Soul, Intellect, and Biology in Aristotle's De Generatione
Animalium. John F. Finamore (University of Iowa)
- Metrodorus, Chrysippus, and the
Birth of Athena. David
D. Leitao (San
Francisco State University)
- Seneca on Stoic Walking. Timothy M. O’Sullivan (Trinity
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