Thursday, April 2, 2009
To see the abstract of a paper as a pdf, click on
its title.
7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Registration (Registration Area)
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Book Display (Ballroom 3)
8:15-9:45 a.m First Paper Session (Excelsior Bay)
Section A
Greek History
Timothy Howe (St. Olaf College), presiding
- Individual Philia as a
Source of Athenian Demagogues' Power. Robert
H Simmons (University of North Carolina, Greensboro)
- The Trial of Orontas: Anabasis. Arthur
P. Keaveney (University of
- Clarifying the Role of Women at symposion and deipnon. Laurie
A. Kilker (Ohio State University)
- Menopause in the Ancient Greek
World. Kristen M.
Gentile (Ohio State
- Civic Honors for Young Girls in
Hellenistic Greece. Ariel
Loftus (Wichita
State University)
8:15-9:45 a.m. First Paper Session (Lake Nokomis)
Section B
Georgia Irby-Massie (College of William
and Mary), presiding
- Remembrance of Wars Past: The Trojan
War and the Fall of the Heike in Greek Tragedy and Noh Drama. Gary Mathews (University of North Carolina
School of the Arts)
- Beyond Aristotle: Webs of Emotions in Aeschylus' Suppliants. Claudia
Zatta (Wabash College)
- The Hiketides' Closing Song:
One Chorus Divided. Paul
Bednarowski (University
of Texas, Austin)
- Becoming the Masculine Ideal: Women
Acting as Hero in Greek Tragedy.
Michelle Myers (Eckerd College)
- Reading ἐκών,
οὐκ ἐκών,
and ἀέκων
in Aeschylus. Stephen C. Fineberg (Knox College)
8:15-9:45 a.m. First Paper Session (Spring Park Bay)
Section C
Roman Historians
Jonathan Zarecki (University of North
Carolina, Greenboro), presiding
- Gallic Ethnography in Context from
Caesar to Tacitus. Ann
M. Morgan (University of Texas)
- Constructing Empire: Julius Caesar
and the Ethnography of Northern Peoples.
Bradley G. Potter (Pontifical College Josephinum)
- Caesar Chrematopoios. Neil A. Coffee (University at Buffalo, SUNY)
- A Sum Greater Than Its Parts:
The Republic in Sallust's Monographs.
Paul A. Montgomery (Samford University)
8:15-9:45 a.m. First Paper Session (Lake Calhoun)
Section D
Aeneid 1
Keely Lake (Wayland Academy), presiding
- The Connotation of Flight in Virgil's Aeneid. Harry
R. Smith (Baylor
- non tam praecipites ruunt currus:
The Boat Race of Aeneas. Thomas
D. Kohn (Wayne State University)
- Dido and the Serpent of Aeneid V.84-9. Barbara
A. Blythe (Brown University)
- "Shades" of Sappho: Melic
Allusion in Aeneid 450-47. Alexander
E. Hall (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
8:15-9:45 a.m First Paper Session (Wayzata Bay)
Section E
Petronius: Author, Identities, Reception
Marsha B. McCoy (Southern Methodist University),
Click here to download all of the abstracts for this panel.
- The Petronian Question within a Neronian Context. Stephen
M. Bay (Brigham
Young University)
- The Cult of Priapus and Queer Identities in Petronius’ Satyrica. Marsha
B. McCoy (Austin College)
- His Career as Trimalchio': Petronian Character and Narrative in Fitzgerald's
Great American Novel. Niall W. Slater (Emory University)
- Petronius and Hunter S. Thompson. Matthew Carter (University of Western
8:15-9:45 a.m. First Paper Session (Lake Harriet)
Section F
Cicero 1
Shannon Byrne (Xavier University), presiding
- Rumors True and False in Cicero's
Letters. Doug
C. Clapp (Samford University)
- Getting Your Way in Cicero's Dialogues. Daniel
P. Hanchey (Baylor University)
- The Jurists in Cicero's Brutus. Michael deBrauw (North
Central College)
- The Ethics of Language in Cicero's De Legibus. Joshua
C. Davies (University
of Tennessee, Chattanooga)
10 a.m.-noon Second Paper Session (Excelsior Bay)
Section A
Poikila Hellenika
Emily West (College of St. Catherine), presiding
- From Shame to Sin: Fictional Prostitutes
and Greek Fiction. Kyle
Harper (University of Oklahoma)
- This Story is Believable: The Rhetoric
of Truth in Strabo's Geography.
Nicholas J. Gresens (Indiana University)
- Why Naupaktos: Endings and Beginnings
in Pausanias, Book X. Aaron
W. Wenzel (Ohio State University)
- Pausanias and the Macedonian Kings:
Samples of a Tortured Relationship.
Emilia Oddo (University of Cincinnati)
10 a.m.-noon Second Paper Session (Lake Nokomis)
Section B
Petronius & Apuleius
E. Del Chrol (Marshall University), presiding
- Revisiting the City of the Cena Trimalchionis. Marc
D. Kleijwegt (University
of Wisconsin, Madison)
- Inscriptions in the Domus Trimalchionis. Teresa
R. Ramsby (University
of Massachussetts, Amherst)
- Declamator Furiosus: Encolpius and Plato's Phaedrus in Petronius' Satyrica.
Grant A. Nelsestuen (Trinity University)
- The De Deo Socratis:
Apuleius' Romanization of Plato and Homer. Anna
Peterson (Ohio State University)
- A Lucretian Venus: Erotic and Divine Love in Apuleius' Cupid
and Psyche.
Melinda K. Wolfrom (Boston College)
- Intertexts between Catullus' Coma Berenices and Apuleius' Met.
David C. Wiltshire (University of North Carolina, Chapel
10 a.m.-noon Second Paper Session (Spring Park Bay)
Section C
Thomas K. Hubbard (University of Texas,
Austin), presiding
- A Case of Platonic Irony at Laches 191b. Steve
A. Maiullo (Ohio State
- Euripides at Plato's Symposium. Joseph Cummins (Grinnell College)
- Alcibiades at the Crossroads:
Philosophers, Courtesans and the Contest for a Young Man's Soul. Nicholas C. Rynearson (University of Georgia)
- Was Alcibiades a Socratic? Alexander S. Alderman (Pacific Lutheran University)
- Pig City Lost. Jim Hamm (University of Minnesota)
- Shifting Allegiances in Plato’s Republic. Laura
A. Ward (Duke University)
10 a.m.-noon Second Paper Session (Lake Calhoun)
Section D
John F. Miller (University of Virginia), presiding
- A new look at Epodes 8
and 12: Horatian iambics and poetic consciousness.
Erika E. Zimmermann-Damer (University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill)
- Old Hags and a Narrative Snag: Horace's Persona in the Epodes. Donald
E. Lavigne (Texas Tech University)
- Horace the ruris amator in Epistles. Stephanie
A. McCarter (University
of the South)
- Horace Ode 11: White Thoughts
on a Winter Day. Jenny
Strauss Clay (University
of Virginia)
- Building A Temple: Horace, Vergil and the Aedes
Herculis Musarum. Eric W. Fanning (University of Minnesota)
- Apollo's Dictation: Odes 15 and the Augustan Recusatio. Shonda
Tohm (University of Michigan)
10 a.m.-noon Second Paper Session (Wayzata Bay)
Section E
On Plautine 'Change: Dealing with the Mercator
Niall W. Slater (Emory University), organizer
here to download all of the abstracts for this panel.
- Trafficking Pasicompsa: A Courtesan’s Travels and Travails in Plautus’
Mercator. Sharon L. James (University of North
Carolina, Chapel Hill)
- A Musical Merchant: The Cantica of Mercator. Timothy
J. Moore (University
of Texas)
- What the Cook Knew: The Cocus in Plautus’ Mercator. J.
Mira Seo (University
of Michigan)
- Syra and Stereotyping of Syrian Slaves in Plautus’ Mercator. John
H. Starks, Jr. (SUNY, Binghamton)
- Mercator Paratragoedans: Plautus Rewrites Teucer’s Exile. Antony
Augoustakis (Baylor University)
10 a.m.-noon Second Paper Session (Lake Harriet)
Section F
Seán Easton (Gustavus Adolphus College),
- The Intrusive Trope: Apostrophe in
Lucan. Paolo Asso (University
of Michigan)
- Lucan: Historical Repo Man. Jennifer E. Thomas (Grinnell
- Death of the Republic: Caieta's Tomb in Lucan's Bellum
Civile. Brent
A. Harper (University of Washington)
- Catullus 64 and Lucan's Pharsalia. Ethan
T. Adams (Loyola Marymount Univeristy)
- Caesar and Cato in the Footsteps
of Aeneas. Emily
E. Batinski (Louisiana
State University)
- Noscendi Nilum Cupido: the Nile in Lucan’s Bellum
Civile. Eleni C. Manolaraki (University of South
Noon-1:00 p.m. Boxed Luncheon Meeting for CAMWS Committees
(Pine/Cedar Lake)
1:15-3:15 p.m. Third Paper Session (Excelsior Bay)
Section A
Reception Studies 1
William K. Freiert (Gustavus Adolphus College), presiding
- The Performance of the Artist in Homer's Iliad. Lauren
E. Crampton (Bryn
Mawr College)
- Franco Rossi's Odissea:
The Greatest Screen Adaptation of Homer. Martin
M. Winkler (George Mason University)
- Goethe's Homeric Hymn to Dorothea. Amy E.
Vail (Baylor University)
- Appropriating an Ancient Hero: Gide's Philoctète. Steve
B. Heiny (Earlham
- Pasolini's Medea: A Twentieth
Century Tragedy. Susan
O. Shapiro (Utah
State University)
1:15-3:15 p.m. Third Paper Session (Lake Nokomis)
Section B
Virgil, Eclogues
Samuel J. Huskey (University of Oklahoma), presiding
- In Defense of Thyrsis: The Importance of the Poetic Loser in Vergil's
Eclogues. Kathleen R. Burt (Marquette University)
- Caelata fagina pocula:
Irony in Virgil's Pastoral Ekphrasis. Holly
L. Murphy (Baylor University)
- Motion and Time in Virgil's Fourth Eclogue. Anna
M. Sitz (Baylor University)
- Errabunda Vestigia: The Traces of Catullus in Virgil's Eclogue. Ashley
A. Crooks (Baylor University)
- The Sky is Falling: Seneca’s Thyestes and Virgil’s Eclogues.
Christopher V. Trinacty (Amherst College)
1:15-3:15 p.m. Third Paper Session (Spring Park Bay)
Section C
From Purple to Perfume: New Studies Concerning Crete
Michele Valerie Ronnick (Wayne State University),
here to download all of the abstracts for this panel.
- Riding the Wind Leuconotus: An Investigation of Creto-Cyrenean
Trade. Andrew J. Koh (University of California, Los Angeles)
- Sweet History: The Importance of Honey in the Ancient Mediterranean
and Its Role in the Cretan Economy. Jennifer L. Meyer (Wayne
State University)
- Looking Through the Purple Haze: Investigating Royal Purple Dye Production
in Crete. Thomas C. Harwood (Wayne State University)
- A Brief Look at the History of Cretan Cypress. Michele
Valerie Ronnick (Wayne State University)
1:15-3:15 p.m. Third Paper Session (Lake Calhoun)
Section D
Iliad 1
Steve Reece (St. Olaf College), presiding
- Feel the Wrath of Their Anger: Aristoxenus' Proem to the Iliad and
the Rhetoric of Anger. Vincent E. Tomasso (Stanford University)
- Reconsideration of the Homeric Seer. Kenneth Yu (Boston
- Speech-Act Theory and the Diapeira of Iliad. Joel
P. Christensen (University of Texas, San Antonio)
- Brothers in the Night: Agamemnon and Menelaus in Book 10 of the Iliad. Benjamin
G. Sammons (Independent Scholar)
1:15-3:15 p.m. Third Paper Session (Wayzata Bay)
Section E
Herodotus 1
Andrew Wolpert (University of Florida ), presiding
- Oracles and the composition of Book 1 of Herodotus’ Histories. Ryan
C. Fowler (Grinnell College)
- Croesus' Tragic Sacrifice. Sophie J. Mills (University
of North Carolina, Asheville)
- Déjà Vu?: Inversion in Herodotus'
Stories of Croesus and Astyages. Kenneth
M. Draper (Indiana University, Bloomington)
- The Problem of Amphiaraos in Herodotus' Histories. David
C. Carlisle (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
- A Unified Conception of Herodotus' Histories 7.8-18. Christian
A. Preus (University of Iowa)
1:15-3:15 p.m. Third Paper Session (Lake Harriet)
Section F
Andrew B. Gallia (University of Minnesota),
- The Case of Lucretia: A Linguistic
Construction of Absence.
Michelle L. Andrews (Princeton University)
- There's No Place Like Rome: Non-Roman
Space in Livy. Alexandra
Kennedy (University of Washington)
- Gracchus and the Slave Army: A
Subplot in Livy's Third Decade. Stacie
Kadleck (Indiana University)
- Fabius, Thucydides, and the
Lessons of History (Livy 28.413 and 17). Wolfgang Polleichtner (Ruhr
3:30-5:30 p.m. Fourth Paper Session (Excelsior Bay)
Section A
Iliad 2
Stewart Flory (Gustavus Adolphus College), presiding
- Kindred Spirit: Nestor's Speech and
Patroclus' Response. Michael
H. Hanel (University of Cincinnati)
- The Performance of Early Greek
Law. Michael Gagarin (University
of Texas, Austin)
- Fathers and Sons at the banquet: Iliad 2
487-50. Rebecca
M. Muich (University of Illinios, Urbana-Champaign)
- Suppliant, Guest, and
the Power of Zeus in Homeric Epic. Miriam
Tworek-Hofstetter (University of Texas, Austin)
3:30-5:30 p.m. Fourth Paper Session (Lake Nokomis)
Section B
Eric Dugdale (Gustavus Adolphus College), presiding
- Phaedra’s Game: Hunting, Sex, and Domestication in Euripides’ Hippolytus.
Tracy Jamison Wood (University of California, Santa Barbara)
- ἄνω κάτω:
spatial metaphor in Euripides' Herakles and the duality of the
hero. Emily
A. Kratzer (University of California, Los Angeles)
- Euripides' Heracleidae and
the Cult of Heroes. Barbara
A. McCauley (Concordia
- The Abduction of Persephone and Euripides' Electra. Brian
V. Lush (College
of Charleston)
- Titans on the Panathenaic peplos? A reconsideration of Hec.
470-4 and IT 222. Zoe Stamatopoulou (University
of Georgia)
- Mimesis, Materiality, and Madness in Euripides' Bacchae. Melissa Y. Mueller (University
of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
3:30-5:30 p.m. Fourth Paper Session (Spring Park Bay)
Section C
Non-tenure-stream Positions: the Future of our Profession?
A Panel Sponsored by the Committee for the Promotion of Latin
Kristin O. Lord (Wilfrid Laurier University),
Carin M. Green (University of Iowa), presiding
here to download all of the abstracts for this panel.
- Contingent Faculty in Classics: Numbers and Causes. Adam
D. Blistein (American
Philological Association)
- Limited-Term Jobs: a Strategy or a Career? Madeleine
M. Henry (Iowa
State University)
- Moving up the Totem Pole: one person’s account of (finally) landing
that tenure-track position. Georgia L. Irby-Massie (College
of William and Mary)
- Sticking (or not) with a Union: Some Benefits and Limits of Unionization
for Classicists in Non-Tenure-Stream Positions. Kristin
O. Lord (Wilfrid
Laurier University)
- Response. Carin M. Green (University of Iowa)
3:30-5:30 p.m. Fourth Paper Session (Lake Calhoun)
Section D
Ovid 1
Sharon L. James (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill),
- Poet and Princeps Femina: Livia in Ovid's Fasti I. Heather
Woods (University
of Minnesota)
- The Transformation of Adultery: Sexual Infidelity in Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Meredith Prince (Auburn
- The Loss of Speech and its Effect on Identity in Ovid's Metamorphoses. Bartolo A. Natoli (University
of Texas, Austin)
- Thyesteis mensis: The Missing Cannibalism Episodes in the Metamorphoses. David J. White (Baylor
- By the Light of the Moon: Medea and Agrarian Magic in Ovid's Metamorphoses. Mariah Smith (University
of Kansas)
- "Suasit amor facinus":
What was she thinking? Notes on scandals in Ovid's Metamorphoses. Garrett. A Jacobsen (Denison
3:30-5:30 p.m. Fourth Paper Session (Wayzata Bay)
Section E
Juvenal and Martial
Antony Augoustakis (Baylor University), presiding
- Mensura Incognita: Problems
of Reception and Interpretation of Juvenal's Ninth Satire. Michael H. Broder (The Graduate
Center of The City University of New York)
- Gravis Occursu, Taeterrima Vultu:
Zoomorphic Imagery and Verbal Humor in Juvenal. Heather Vincent (Eckerd College)
- Juvenal's Vowel Movements. Christopher M. Brunelle (St.
Olaf College)
- Menander in the Admiring Eyes
of Epigram. Charles
S. Campbell (University
of Cincinnati)
- Martial's Interpres: latine loqui fas sit. Peter
J. Anderson (Grand Valley
State University)
3:30-5:30 p.m. Fourth Paper Session (Lake Harriet)
Section F
Greek Rhetoric
Craig A. Gibson (University of Iowa), presiding
- Litigation and Characterization:
Manipulating Stereotypes in Dem. 25 (Against Aristogeiton I). Jess L. Miner (College of Charleston)
- The Case against Nikomachos and
the Amnesty (Lys. 30.7-14). Edwin
Carawan (Missouri State University)
- Ethical Arguments in Athenian Homicide
Courts. Andrew
O. Wolpert (University
of Florida)
- Kin-Killing and the Construction
of Kinship in Isaeus 9, On the Estate of Astyphilus. Bradford D. Holmes (University of Southern
- The Abuse of Religious Ideology in
the Orators. Gregory
P. Sears (Indiana
University, Bloomington)
- The class credentials of fist-fights
in Aeschin. 135-7. Julia
P. Shapiro (University of Michigan)
5:45-6:00 p.m. Business Meeting: CAMWS Southern Section
(Lake Harriet)
6:00-7:00 p.m. Happy Hour for Graduate Students (Pine/Cedar Lake)
6:00-7:00 p.m. Reception for ACM/GLCA/ACS Classicists (Maple
6:00-7:00 p.m. Vergilian Society Reception (Birch Lake)
6:30-8:00 p.m. Dinner Meeting of CAMWS Vice-Presidents
(Deer/Elk Lake)
8:00-10:00 p.m. Fifth Paper Session (Excelsior Bay)
Section A
Roman History
Cheryl L. Golden (Newman University), presiding
- "Their occurence did not seem unreasonable": A comparative-analytical
study of slave wars and peasant rebellions in the Roman world. Adam
E. Donaldson (University of Arizona)
- A New Look at Roman Indifference
Towards Cyprus in the Late Republic. Jonathan P. Zarecki (University
of North Carolina, Greensboro)
- The Status of Rome in Republican
Discourse. Kathryn
L. Steed (Reed College)
- Provincial Attitudes toward the Roman
Empire. Kenneth
R. Jones (Baylor
8:00-10:00 p.m. Fifth Paper Session (Spring Park Bay)
Section C
Greek Religion and Law
Carl A. Anderson (Michigan State University), presiding
- Magic and Religion: A Semiotic
Analysis. Adria R.
Haluszka (Ohio State
- Violent Passions? Nekudaimonesin Greek
Erotic Magic. Rebecca
A. Sears (University of Michigan)
- DTA 87: A view into the "Business
of Magic."
Jennifer L. Finn (University of Michigan)
- Cursing Democracy: The Magic of Binding
Spells and Athenian Law Court Procedures. Werner Riess (University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill)
- Phonos as a Term of Athenian
Law: "Homicide" or
"Killing," Not "Murder/Manslaughter." David D. Phillips
(University of California, Los Angeles)
- Religious Practice and Local Identity
within Pausanias' Periegesis. Flint Dibble (University
of Cincinnati)
8:00-10:00 p.m. Fifth Paper Session (Lake Calhoun)
Section D
Preparing to Publish (GSIC panel)
Sharada S. Price (University of Iowa), organizer
here to download all of the abstracts for this panel.
- Publishing Journal Articles in Classics: An Editor’s Practical Perspective.
S. Douglas Olson (University of Minnesota)
- Publication and You: Thinking Strategically about Publishing. Samuel
J. Huskey (University of Oklahoma)
- Turning a Seminar Paper or CAMWS Talk into a Publishable Paper. Barbara
Weiden Boyd (Bowdoin College)
- Dissertation to Book: Entering a Conversation. Basil
J. Dufallo (University
of Michigan)
- After your dissertation: Your five-year publication plan. Craig
A. Gibson (University of Iowa)
- Response. Bruce Heiden (Ohio State University)
8:00-10:00 p.m. Fifth Paper Session (Wayzata Bay)
Section E
Germanicus & Ovid
Mary L. B. Pendergraft (Wake Forest University), presiding
- Scitus Aratus: Germanicus, Aratea 13. David
P. Kubiak (Wabash College)
- Ovid Imagining Flora. John F. Miller (University of
- Byblis in exemplo est:
the Power of Reception in Ovid's Tale of Byblis and Caunus. Ursula Bergstrom (University of
- Reconsidering Pygmalion. Rachel M. Bruzzone (University
of Virginia)
- Ovid's Orpheus Revisited. Georgia Sermamoglou (University
of Virginia)
- Planting the Seeds of Rome: Three Botanical Love Stories from Ovid's Fasti and Metamorphoses. Angeline
C. Chiu (University of Vermont)
8:00-10:00 p.m. Round-Table Reading of Vergil’s Aeneid,
Book 1 (sponsored by the Society for the Oral Reading of Greek and Latin
Literature) Mark R. Miner, presiding (Lake Nokomis)
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