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Display name | Description | |
Old Wines in New Skins.pdf | CPL Panel: Rethinking the approach toward Greek and Latin paradigm Memorization | |
A. M. Baertschi_Politics and Violence in Jorge Alí Triana's Edipo Alcalde.pptx | "Politics and Violence in Jorge Alí Triana’s Edipo Alcalde" | |
Adkins_PetroniusApuleiusPanel_CAMWS2015.pdf | Gender Transgression and the Politics of Representation in Apuleius' Metamorphoses | |
Alexander Karsten Sulpicia Handout.pdf | Embracing Ambiguity of Authorship in the Sulpicia Poems | |
Barrios_Lech_Menander.doc | Barrios_Lech_Menander.doc | |
Beck Suspenseful Iteration CAMWS 2015.pdf | Suspenseful Iteration in Homeric Epic | |
Becker (Session VI A) Beyond Scansion in Horatian Lyric Versification.pdf | Beyond Scansion in Horatian Lyric Versification | |
Beckman and Shedd Fraternal Friction Handout.pdf | Fraternal Friction on the Patriarch’s Patera: the ekphrasis in Statius’s Thebaid I.539-551 | |
Behrens Sortes Vergilianae Handout.docx | Redivining the Sortes Vergilianae | |
Belinskaya Patriae Trepidantis Imago.pdf | Patriae Trepidantis Imago: Roma in Lucan's Bellum Civile | |
Berlin_Cloud Atlas_Handout.pdf | Homeric and Platonic Forces in David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas | |
BernsteinComparativeRates.pptx | Comparative rates of text reuse in classical Latin hexameter poetry | |
Besmeared Horace Satire.docx | Besmeared:Horace's Development of New Satire Through Blindness | |
Bill Beck, CAMWS 2015 Handout v.pdf | Bill Beck, CAMWS 2015 Handout v.pdf | |
Bill Beck, CAMWS 2015 Handout.pdf | Before the Beginning: No Story of Troy Before 'The' Story of Troy | |
Bungard - Comedy Violence Undergraduates - Handout .pdf | Bungard - Comedy Violence Undergraduates - Handout .pdf | |
Buszard_GreekTranslationsFabiusPictorHandout.pdf | The Greek Translations of Latin Vocabulary in Fabius Pictor | |
CAMWS2015handoutedits.docx | McCune handout | |
CAMWShandout.pdf | Rome’s Imperial Fate Sealed: Tacitus’ Phoenix and Germanicus | |
Carawan Praxagora&CourtReform.pdf | Praxagora's Court Reform and the Kleroteria | |
Carusi_Another glue of the democracy_Handout.pdf | Another “glue of the democracy”? Public Building Contracts and Labor Market in Classical Athens | |
CHALDEKAS_Idyll_1_Failed_Visions.pdf | "Failed Visions: The Goatherd's Cup and Daphnis in Theocritus' Idyll 1" | |
Christman-Aphrodite.docx | Joyless Mirth: The Timai of Laughter-Loving Aphrodite | |
ChrolPasiphaeCAMWS2015.docx | Is Bestiality Worse than Genderbending? Pasiphae and the problem of chasing tail like a man in Ars Amatoria 1 | |
Cleon's Zombie_Handout.pdf | Cleon’s Zombie in the First Parabasis of the Clouds (591-4) | |
College Greek Exam 2014 Watanabe.pdf | College Greek Exam 2014-15 | |
comic.twins.2015.docx | Comic Twins in Plautus, Shakespeare, and the Marx Brothers: Surrealism and Breaking the Conventions of Social Discourse | |
Compton-Engle_Stage_Nudity_handout.docx | Male Stage-Nudity in Aristophanes | |
Consolation Lucilius and Juvenal.pdf | The Consolation of Not-Philosophy in Lucilius and Juvenal | |
Cosmology and Structure in Aeneid.pdf | Cosmology and Structure in Vergil's Aeneid | |
Craig Hyperbole and Persuasion.pdf | Hyperbole and Persuasion in Cicero's Pro Marcello | |
Crofton-Sleigh Ovid Metamorphoses.docx | The Palatine of the Milky Way: Architecture and Rome in Ovid’s Metamorphoses 1.168-180 | |
D. Salvo. Immigration Policies handout.pdf | Immigration Policies in the Age of Theodosius | |
Dee Handout.pdf | The Motivations of Valens' Army in Tacitus' Histories | |
DeLozier_Medea_and_the_Barista_Handout.doc | Medea and the Barista: Exploring the effect of a chorus member's age. | |
Dobbs (VI C) handout for CAMWS 2015.docx | I've Got a Feeling We're Not in Troy Anymore: New Evidence for Homer's Western Localization of Kirke in the Odyssey | |
Draper Stoic Paradox.pdf | Draper Stoic Paradox.pdf | |
Dropping the Scepter Handout.docx | Dropping the Scepter: The Portrayal of Xerxes as Agamemnon in Aeschylus' Persians | |
dulcenefas_handout.pdf | Dulce nefas: Venus Armed in Statius' Thebaid | |
Eisenfeld Geryon the Hero.pdf | Geryon the Hero, Herakles the God | |
Elomaa - Comparison of Art in the CP.pdf | The Comparison of Art in the Carmina Priapea | |
file name.docx | The Virtues of Achilles | |
Forte CAMWS Archilochus 5W Handout Final.pdf | “Let it go.”: Archil. Fr. 5 West and Homeric Interpretation | |
FranzenCAMWS2015.pdf | Look No Further Than Yourself: Seneca's Oedipus, Deoculation, and the Futility of Introspection | |
Generosa Sangco-Jackson Agon Round NJCL 2014.pdf | Growing Greek Panel: The Growth of Greek: The National Greek Exam and Junior Classical League | |
Generosa Sangco-Jackson FJCL Greek Test 2014.pdf | The Growth of Greek: The National Greek Exam and Junior Classical League | |
Generosa Sangco-Jackson Greek Language Exams Info.pdf | The Growth of Greek: The National Greek Exam and Junior Classical League | |
Generosa Sangco-Jackson NGE information 2015.pdf | The Growth of Greek: The National Greek Exam and Junior Classical League | |
Gordon, Greek Online.pdf | Websites and Online Exercises for Elementary Greek | |
Habib_R_CAMWS 2015 Handout.pdf | Seeking Help from the Gods and Men: Chronological Changes in the Language of Apotropaia | |
Halasz, The Silence of the Shuttle.pdf | The Silence of the Shuttle: The Voiceless Procne and the Absent Philomela in Aristophanes' Birds | |
Handout- Reaching out and Pushing Away.docx | Reaching out and Pushing Away: Caesar and Cato as Antisocial and Prosocial Figures in Lucan’s Pharsalia | |
Handout.docx | The Characterization of Thrasea Paetus in the Tacitean Narrative | |
Handouts for Dr.pdf | “The Cup of Doom: Theocritus and the Heidelberg Exiles” | |
Hartnett Flavius Agricola handout.docx | Flavius Agricola: An Interdisciplinary Model for Senior Capstone Courses | |
Hicks When the Governor is a Subject.pdf | When the Governor is a Subject: The Rhetoric of Misrule in Philo’s In Flaccum and De legatione ad Gaium | |
Horace_Odes_Foreign_Geography.pdf | Horace the Warhawk? : Military ambition and echoes of the Civil War in Odes 1 | |
HuangSupernaturalPhenomenainTacitus.pdf | Silence of the Gods: Supernatural Phenomena in Tacitus' Annales | |
Iliad Panel McPhee Losing Battles Handout.docx | Losing Battles, Winning Glory: Casualty Data and the Tides of War in the Iliad | |
Jones-Lewis - Environmental Determinism and Imperialism in the Germania.docx | Environmental Determinism and the Rationalization of Imperialism in Tacitus’ Germania | |
Klause Silvae Otium.pdf | “Dum vagor aspectu:” Vision, Otium, and the Patron in Statius’ Silvae | |
Krasne - Veluti_cum_Coeus.pdf | Veluti cum Coeus: Civil war's release in Valerius' Argonautica (Krasne) | |
Lindgren Universal Pedagogy Course Resources.pdf | A Universal Pedagogy Course | |
Lindgren Universal Pedagogy Course Syllabus 2015.pdf | A Universal Pedagogy Course | |
LordIonHandout2015.pdf | "Beauty and Truth in Euripides' Ion" | |
Major - Using Present Tense Makers CAMWS 2015.pptx | Using Present Tense Markers to Make Beginning Greek Easier | |
Marquis_POGIL_Handout_CAMWS2015.docx | POGIL in the Language Classroom | |
Mass, Elite and the Contest of Poetic Voices in the Iliad - Handout 150323.docx | Ten Mouths and Ten Tongues: Mass, Elite and the Contest of Poetic Voices in the Iliad | |
Mattison-Philoctetes.pdf | Unnatural Longing: Nostalgia in Sophocles’ Philoctetes | |
McGraw: A Late-Republican Recipe for Divinity (Handout).pdf | A Late-Republican Recipe for Divinity: Making a God at Rome | |
McVeyHandoutCAMWS15.pdf | "Fortuna Ficta Iuvat: Fabricated Narrative in the Letters of Pliny." | |
Memory Panel.pptx | Follow the Latin Brick Road | |
Milco.pptx | Pity, Pietas, and Roman Forensic Oratory in the Passion of Sts. Perpetua and Felicity | |
miller Pindar panel.pdf | What's Past is Pro(cata)logue: Pindar and History in Nemean 2 | |
Miller.CAMWS2015.Handout.pdf | 'dicebant, ego negabam:' The Nature of amicitia and apologia in Cicero's Fam. 3.8 | |
Moench - Kids These Days Achilleid Handout.pdf | Kids These Days: Pudor, Adulescentia, and Comedy in Book 1 of Statius’s Achilleid | |
Moodie_Metatheater_in_Menander.pdf | Making Sense of Metatheater in Menander | |
Mori Vision of the Cyclops CAMWS 2015.pdf | The Vision of the Cyclops in Theocritus’ Idylls 6 and 11 | |
Muse of the Pipes.pdf | Muse of the Pipes: the Aqua Marcia and Aqua Virgo as Roman Poetic Tradition. | |
Musgrove CAMWS 2015 handout.docx | A Collaborative Project on Aristotle's Constitution of Athens | |
Non Homo..pdf | Non homo. Identity and Personhood in the Cena Trimalchionis | |
Oliver - Conflation of Church and State - Presentation Handout.pdf | Oliver - Conflation of Church and State - Religion and Hybris in Solon's Eunomia | |
Parson Dirae Handout.docx | Poetic Potency and Loss in the Dirae | |
Pendergraft (rev)--Links-for-Tenure-Policy.docx | The Path to Tenure, in the panel Navigating a Career in Classics | |
Pendergraft--Links-for-Tenure-Policy.docx | The Path to Tenure, in the panel Navigating a Career in Classics | |
Rapper's Delight the Modernization of Plautus Handout.doc | Rapper's Delight: The Modernization of Plautus | |
Rayor Sappho handout.pdf | The Newest Sappho's Two Minds | |
Reading Herodotus and Solon in tandem_zalin_handout.pdf | Reading Herodotus and Solon in tandem: an argument from numeracy | |
roy.handout.camws.2015.pdf | Wise Men Rush In? The Caution of Croesus in Herodotus' Histories | |
SANDERS, Socrates' "religious innovations" handout.pdf | ||
Sansom CAMWS 2015 Handout.pdf | The Sound Shape of Greek Lyric: Sound and Semantics in Alcaeus fr. 129 | |
Scarborough Abundant Elysian Stream handout.pdf | The Abundant Elysian Stream: Callimachean Poetics in the Pastoral Landscape of Aeneid 6 | |
SchenkerIA&Mx.docx | Athenian Patriotism in Two Acts: Iphigenia at Aulis and Menexenus | |
Self-Domitian.pdf | At Dinner with Domitian | |
Sellers - Caesar Handout.pdf | Aids in Teaching Caesar: Yesterday and Today | |
Sexton--Friends by Force Handout.docx | Friends by Force: Horace, the Epistolary Genre, and Patron-Client Relationships in Epistle 1.7 | |
Shapiro 7 Sages Handout.docx | Sophrosyne or Aphrosyne? The Seven Sages as Herodotean Advisors | |
Simons CAMWS Handout.pdf | Consoling Tiber: Rivers and Exemplarity in the Consolatio ad Liviam | |
Snider, R. Allen - CAMWS Hesiod handout.pdf | ἀλλὰ τίη μοι ταῦτα περὶ δρῦν ἤ περὶ πέτρην, indeed?: the elemental networks of the Theogony | |
Stark_Livia and Vesta.pdf | Livia and Vesta: The Overemphasized Relationship between Empress and Goddess | |
Structure Tristia 3 4a.docx | Ovid’s Tristia 3.4a/3.4b: A Diptych? | |
Structure Tristia 3.4b.docx | Ovid’s Tristia 3.4a/3.4b: A Diptych? | |
Structure Tristia Book 3.docx | Ovid’s Tristia 3.4a/3.4b: A Diptych? | |
Strunk - Cato under the Principate: Stoic Saint or Radical Republican?.docx | Cato under the Principate: Stoic Saint or Radical Republican? | |
Svarlien Hor. Sat.1.2.pdf | Sex, Poetry,and Philodemus in Horace, Satires 1.2 | |
Tandy CAMWS Handout.docx | The “Hymn to Mentula” and the Interpretation of Maximianus’ Opus | |
Teaching with Cinematic & Televisual Texts.pdf | Teaching with Cinematic & Televisual Texts | |
ten Berge - Tacitus, Annals.pdf | Public Spectacle and Memory in the Annals of Tacitus | |
Theo Angelopoulos’ The Travelling Players and the Transformation of Aeschylus’ Oresteia.pdf | Theo Angelopoulos' The Traveling Players and the Transformation of Aeschylus' Oresteia | |
ThomasExilicLivia.pdf | Femina Princeps: In Defence of Ovid's Exilic Livia | |
Thucydides 1.pdf | Why Did Thucydides Justify the Use of Speeches? | |
Thucydides Speech Act Failure Nicias B Mumper.docx | Speech Acts and Communicative Failure in Thucydides | |
Timoleon's Anti-Tyranny Handout.docx | Timoleon's Adaption of Democratic Anti-Tyranny Language in Sicily | |
Tipton Handouts.pdf | “The Cup of Doom: Theocritus and the Heidelberg Exiles” | |
tort.alcaeus.wisdom.exile.handout.pdf | Exile and the Wisdom of Alcaeus | |
Tragic Language and Successful Spectatorship in Seneca’s Tragedies.pdf | Tragic Language and Successful Spectatorship in Seneca’s Tragedies. | |
Trans. 3.4b.docx | Ovid’s Tristia 3.4a/3.4b: A Diptych? | |
Trusty: Starting and Managing a Dissertation Support Group.pdf | Starting and Managing a Dissertation Support Group | |
Using Present Tense Markers paper.pdf | Using Present Tense Markers to Make Beginning Greek Easier (paper) | |
Vasta - Anti-Exemplarity Handout.docx | The Anti-Exemplarity of Sallust’s Metellus Numidicus | |
Verbal echoes between sections in 3 4b.docx | Ovid’s Tristia 3.4a/3.4b: A Diptych? | |
Watanabe - College Greek Exam 2014.pdf | The 2014 College Greek Exam | |
Weimer, Alpheus of Mytilene Handout.pdf | Alpheus of Mytilene and Some Greek Responses to Rome | |
Westerhold Velian Medea.pdf | The Velian Medea | |
Westerhold_The Velian Medea.pdf | The Velian Medea | |
Witzke - Near Miss Incest.pdf | "I Went in a Lover and Came Out a Brother?" Near-Miss Incest in Plautus' Comedies | |
Wood - Latin Punctuation - Pedagogy.pdf | Wood - Latin Punctuation - Pedagogy.pdf |
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