2016 Meeting at a Glance

All functions will take place in the Colonial Williamsburg Resort unless indicated otherwise.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

5:00-8:00 p.m.                        Registration                                                                       Virginia Foyer

5:00-8:00 p.m.                        Book Display                                                                            Virginia F

6:00-8:30 p.m.                        Executive Committee Dinner Meeting                               Allegheny A

8:00-9:00 p.m.                        Consulares' Reception                                                       Virginia Foyer

9:00-10:30 p.m.                      Antony and Cleopatra (Cines, 1913)                                      Virginia BC

Thursday, March 17, 2016


7:00 a.m.-8:00 a.m.                Women’s Classical Caucus Breakfast                                Allegheny A

8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.                Registration                                                                       Virginia Foyer

8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.                Book Display                                                                            Virginia F

8:15-10:00 a.m.    First Paper Session                                                 

Section A: Aristophanes                                                                                               Virginia A

Section B: Cicero’s Speeches (63-56 BCE)                                                                  Virginia B

Section C: Homer’s Iliad                                                                                               Virginia C
Section D: Classical Receptions: 20th Century Literature                                             Virginia D
Section E:  Roman Art and Archaeology                                                                   Piedmont A
Section F:  Virgil’s Aeneid and its Reception                                                             Piedmont B

Section G: Seneca                                                                                                       Piedmont C

Section H:                   Pindar’s Pythian and Nemean Odes                                           Colony C

Section I:   National Committee for Greek Panel                                                          Virginia E

                  Tools for Teaching Beginning Greek in a New Era                                                    

10:00-10:15 a.m.                    Break                                                                                         Virginia F

10:15 a.m.-noon                     Second Paper Session                                                        

Section A: The Afterlife in Etruria: New Approaches to Funerary Evidence              Virginia A
Section B: Plato                                                                                                            Virginia B

Section C: Livy and Tacitus                                                                                          Virginia C
Section D: Early Greek Poetry                                                                                      Virginia D

Section E:  Pedagogy: Teaching the Classics                                                              Piedmont A
Section F:  Virgil’s Georgics and Columella’s De re rustica                                      Piedmont B
Section G: Roman Satire: Horace and Persius                                                            Piedmont C

Section H: Greek Religion and Mythology                                                                    Colony C

Section I: Imperial Roman History                                                                                Virginia E

12:15-1:30 p.m.                      Committee Lunch                                                             Virginia Foyer
12:15-12:45 p.m.                    Round Table Discussions                                                                 

            Classics in the First Year                                                                                               Virginia A

            2016 National Latin Exam et Alia                                                                                 Virginia B

            Surviving and Thriving as a Small Classics Program                                                    Virginia C

            The One-Room Schoolhouse: Inclusive Learning                                                         Virginia D

                    in the Intermediate Latin Classroom

            Teaching the Aeneid in Translation                                                                             Piedmont A

1:30-3:15 p.m.                        Third Paper Session                                                 

Section A: Tragic Women                                                                                             Virginia A

Section B: Lucretius                                                                                                      Virginia B

Section C: Cicero and his Reception                                                                            Virginia C

Section D: Quisque suos patimur manis: Intertextuality in Virgil’s Underworld        Virginia D

Section E:  Classica Americana                                                                                   Piedmont A

Section F:  Greek Oratory                                                                                           Piedmont B

Section G: Petronius and Apuleius                                                                             Piedmont C

Section H: Hellenistic Poetry                                                                                         Colony C

Section I: Archaeology: Bronze Age to Hellenistic                                                      Virginia E

3:15-3:30 p.m.                        Break                                                                                         Virginia F

3:30-5:15 p.m.                        Fourth Paper Session                                               

Section A: Greek Prose                                                                                                 Virginia A

Section B: Presidential Panel I: New Directions in Flavian Epic                                 Virginia B

Section C: Sophocles                                                                                                    Virginia C

Section D: From the Presocratics to Aristotle                                                               Virginia D

Section E:  Undergraduate Panel I                                                                             Piedmont A

Section F:  Propertius                                                                                                  Piedmont B

Section G: Latin Prose                                                                                                Piedmont C

Section H: Roman Comedy                                                                                            Colony C

Section I: Roman Archaeology: Empire                                                                        Virginia E

5:30-6:15 p.m.                        CPL Happy Hour                                                                Tidewater A

5:30-6:15 p.m.                        William and Mary Alumni Happy Hour                             Tidewater A

5:30-6:15 p.m.                        Paideia Institute Lingua Latina Happy Hour                   Tidewater B

6:15-7:45 p.m.                        Vice-Presidents Dinner                                                        Tidewater C

6:15-7:45 p.m.                        GSIC Panel                                                                        Allegheny AB

                                                Assembling a Teaching Portfolio for the Job Market

6:15-7:45 p.m.                        Workshop                                                                                 Virginia E                                   Vox populo: The Risks and Rewards of Public Scholarship

8:00-9:15 p.m.                        Plenary: Ancient Roman Hairstyling                            Virginia ABCD

9:15-11:00 p.m.                      Reception                                                                           Virginia Foyer

9:45-11:00 p.m.                      GSIC Happy Hour                                                                     Off-Site


Friday, March 18, 2016


7:00-8:00 a.m.                        Vergilian Society Breakfast                                                 Allegheny B

7:30 a.m.-noon                       Registration                                                                       Virginia Foyer

8:00 a.m.-noon                       Book Display                                                                            Virginia F

8:00-9:45 a.m.                                             Fifth Paper Session                                                             

Section A: Homer’s Odyssey                                                                                        Virginia A

Section B: Euripides                                                                                                     Virginia B

Section C: Horace                                                                                                         Virginia C

Section D: Tacitus’ Histories                                                                                        Virginia D

Section E:  GSIC Workshop:                                                                                      Piedmont A

                  Grad to Grad: Support for Current and Future Teaching Assistants

Section F:  Greek History                                                                                           Piedmont B

Section G: Panel: Into the Ancient Woods:                                                               Piedmont C

                  Metaliterary References in Republican Literature

Section H: Pedagogy: Latin                                                                                       Allegheny C

Section I: Ovid’s Fasti and Metamorphoses                                                                 Virginia E

8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.                Ascanius Workshop                                                             Allegheny A

9:45-10:00 a.m.                      Break                                                                                         Virginia F

10:00-11:25 a.m.                    Sixth Paper Session                                                                

Section A: Thucydides                                                                                                  Virginia A

Section B:  Valerius Flaccus                                                                                          Virginia B

Section C: Christianity                                                                                                  Virginia C

Section D:  Greek and Latin Language                                                                        Virginia D

Section E:  Archaeology: Greece and the Mediterranean                                          Piedmont A

Section F:  NCLG Workshop:                                                                                    Piedmont C

                  Supporting and Mentoring New Teachers: A Tirones Project

Section G:  Panel: Teaching Vergil's Aeneid at the College Level:                           Allegheny C

                  Studies and Strategies

Please note that all the Friday afternoon

sessions are at the College of William and Mary.

11:45 a.m.-1:15 p.m.              Lunch                                                                                       Miller Hall                                   Compliments of the College of William and Mary

1:30-3:15 p.m.                        Seventh Paper Session                                                                                                                    

Section A: Presidential Panel II:                                                                                    Small 110

                  Urbs et Orbis: Ancient Rome on the Global Scene

Section B: Greek Cults                                                                                               Morton 342

Section C: Greek Tragedy                                                                                             Small 111

Section D: Imperial Latin Literature                                                                             Morton 38

Section E:  Roman History                                                                                            Morton 39

Section F:  CPL Workshop                                                                                           Morton 20

                  Strangers in a Strange Land: Successful Latin in Urban Schools

Section G: Roman Art and Architecture                                                                    Morton 220

Section H: Plutarch and Lucian                                                                                    Morton 40

1:30-3:15 p.m.                        Open Forum for Undergraduates                                          Morton 340

3:15-3:30 p.m.                        Break                                                     Miller Hall (Brinkley Commons)

                                                                                                                                        Small Hall Foyer

3:30-4:30 p.m.                        Guided Tour of the campus          Office of Undergraduate Admission

                                                of the College of William and Mary

3:30-5:15 p.m.                        Eighth Paper Session

Section A: Greek Comedy and its Reception                                                               Morton 38

Section B: Classical Receptions on Screen                                                                    Small 110

Section C: Panel:                                                                                                            Small 111

                  Prophecy and Ethnography: New Light on Herodotus’ Histories

Section D: Workshop:                                                                                                   Morton 20

                  Achievement Unlocked: The Twice Exceptional Student in the Latin Classroom

Section E:  Epigraphy and Papyrology                                                                        Morton 342

Section F:  Roman Social History and Religion                                                            Morton 39

Section G: Pedagogy: Introductory Courses                                                                Morton 40

Section H: Greek Art                                                                                                  Morton 220


6:00-7:00 p.m.                        Cash Bar                                                                            Virginia Foyer

7:00-9:30 p.m.                        Banquet                                                                           Virginia ABCD

                              Presiding: Monica Cyrino


                              Response: Alden Smith (Baylor University) CAMWS President Elect

                              Ovationes: James M. May (Saint Olaf College), CAMWS Orator

                              Address: Antony Augoustakis (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)                                                  CAMWS President

                                                Title: “Visualizing Epic”

9:30-11:00 p.m.                      President's Reception                                                        Virginia Foyer


Saturday, March 19, 2016


7:30 a.m.-noon                       Registration                                                                       Virginia Foyer

8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.                Book Display                                                                            Virginia F

8:00-9:15 a.m.                        Business Meeting                                                                     Virginia D

9:30-10:55 a.m.                      Ninth Paper Session                                                 

Section A:  CPL Panel:                                                                                                 Virginia A

                  New Trends, New Challenges: Teaching Latin in Secondary School

Section B:  Panel:                                                                                                          Virginia B

                  Of Travels, Fish Jokes, and the Roman Forum: Plautus’ Curculio Revisited

Section C:  Greek Novel                                                                                               Virginia C

Section D:  Virgil’s Aeneid                                                                                           Virginia D

Section E:  The Etruscans                                                                                           Piedmont A

Section F:  Panel:                                                                                                        Piedmont B

                  Now Trending: Intertextual and Intercultural Approaches
Section G:  Panel:                                                                                                       Piedmont C

                  Rediviva: Reception of the Classical Languages in a Post-Classical Context

10:55-11:10 a.m.  Break                                                                                                            Virginia F

11:10 a.m. -12:40 p.m.           Tenth Paper Session                                                              

Section A: Workshop:                                                                                                   Virginia A

                  Living Languages: Second Language Acquisition Research,

                  Ancient Texts and the Latin Classroom  

Section B: Greco-Roman Science                                                                                 Virginia B

Section C: Classical Receptions: Early Modern Period                                                Virginia C

Section D: Martial and Juvenal                                                                                     Virginia D

Section E:  Panel:                                                                                                        Piedmont A

                  Collaborative Pedagogy in the Digital Age:

                  Flipped Classrooms and Lab Environments in Classics

Section F:  Undergraduate Panel II                                                                            Piedmont B

Section G: Cicero                                                                                                        Piedmont C

Section H:  Xenophon and the 4th Century                                                               Allegheny C

Open Meeting for Contingent Faculty                                                                        Virginia E

12:40-1:45 p.m.    Consulares Lunch                                                                                    Allegheny A

12:40-1:45 p.m.    Classical Association of Virginia Lunch                                                  Allegheny B

12:45-1:45 p.m.    Round Table Discussions                                                                                            

            Graduate Student Issues Committee                                                                            Virginia A

            Stand in the Trench, Achilles: Teaching Homer’s Iliad as a War Poem                        Virginia B

Eta Sigma Phi: Its Benefits for Students and for Departments                                    Virginia C

Lingua Latina Viva                                                                                                       Virginia D

CAMWS Latin Translation Contest                                                                           Piedmont A

1:45-3:30 p.m.                        Eleventh Paper Session                                                      

Section A: Panel:                                                                                                           Virginia A

                  Digital Classics

Section B: Homeric Epic                                                                                               Virginia B

Section C: Classical Receptions: 21st Century Literature and Thought                        Virginia C

Section D: Greek Historiography                                                                                  Virginia D

Section E:  Hellenistic Literature and History                                                            Piedmont A

Section F:  Imperial Latin Epic                                                                                   Piedmont B

Section G: Latin Elegy                                                                                               Piedmont C

Section H: Late Antiquity                                                                                         Allegheny C

Section I: Greek Lyric Poetry                                                                                        Virginia E

3:30-3:45                                Break                                                                                  Virginia Foyer

3:45-5:30 p.m.                        Twelfth Paper Session                                                        

Section A: Classical Receptions: Art and Media                                                          Virginia A

Section B: Pindar’s Olympian and Isthmian Odes                                                        Virginia B

Section C: Ovid                                                                                                            Virginia C

Section D: Caesar and Sallust                                                                                       Virginia D

Section E:  Workshop:                                                                                                Piedmont A

                  Bringing Rome Home: Collaborative Technologies

                  for Roman Material Culture and History in the Latin Classroom

Section F:  Herodotus’ Histories and its Reception                                                    Piedmont B

Section G: Statius’ Thebaid                                                                                        Piedmont C

Section H: Roman Politics: Republic and Empire                                                     Allegheny C

Section I: Imperial Greek Literature                                                                              Virginia E

6:00-7:00 p.m.      Cocktail Hour for Campaign for CAMWS                                      Virginia Foyer

7:00-9:30 p.m.      Campaign for CAMWS: Gala Dinner Event                                          Virginia F