Subcommittee on the CAMWS Summer Travel Awards - Charter

Classical Association of the Middle West and South

Subcommittee on the CAMWS Summer Travel Awards



This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities and governs the operations of the Subcommittee on the CAMWS Summer Travel Awards (the “Subcommittee”) of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (the “Association”).


I. Purpose

The Subcommittee’s purpose is to establish and maintain guidelines for nominations for

the CAMWS Grant, Semple and Benario Awards; to solicit nominations for the annual competition; and to evaluate submissions and determine the winner.


II. Membership and Meetings

Composition: The Subcommittee shall consist of five regular members appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution.  Each member shall serve for a term of three years.  No member of the Subcommittee shall serve more than two terms consecutively.


Chair: The Chair of the Subcommittee shall be appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution, and shall normally serve for a term of one year, which may be renewed for up to three years, and as a consequence may extend the Chair’s regular term of service on the Committee.


Meetings: The business of the Subcommittee will normally be conducted over electronic



III. Duties and Responsibilities

Guidelines: The Subcommittee shall be responsible for establishing guidelines governing the submission of nominations for the Awards.  These guidelines shall be consistent with the following provisions:


  •   An individual who wins a Semple Award or a Grant Award may not receive a

  Benario Award in the same year.

  •   No winner may hold any of the three awards (Semple, Grant and Benario) in

  conjunction with another external award geared specifically and exclusively  

  towards expenses of chosen summer program.

  •   The winner of any of the three awards (Semple, Grant or Benario) shall be a  

  member of the Association in good standing in the year of application.

  •   Applications shall be sent to the Chair of the Subcommittee prior to the  

  published deadline and shall consist of an application in electronic or paper  

  (to be sent by mail) format by and affirming the applicant’s eligibility for the

  award. This includes completion in full of all information requested on the

  application form and three letters of recommendation. Recommenders should       

  be able to speak to/for the applicant’s scholarly, pedagogical abilities (where

  applicable) and appropriate fit for attendance and participation at requested 




Solicitation: The Subcommittee shall be responsible for publishing its guidelines on the

Association’s website or wherever else it deems appropriate for the purpose of soliciting nominations for the annual competition.


Judging: The Subcommittee shall act as sole judge in determining the winner of the annual award.  The Subcommittee will endeavor to determine the winner by consensus, but in the absence of a consensus will decide the winner by a simple majority vote.


Reports: The Chair of the Subcommittee shall be responsible for reporting the outcome of the annual competition to the Executive Committee and the Secretary-Treasurer at least six weeks prior to the Association’s annual meeting. The award will be presented by the Chair of the Subcommittee or another member delegated by the Chair at the Association’s annual meeting.


IV. Amendment

This Charter shall not be amended except upon approval by the Executive Committee.





Adopted by the Executive Committee on June 25, 2014.


On January 22, 2020, at the request of the Subcommittee, the CAMWS Executive Committee voted to change the name of this Subcommittee from Semple, Grant and Benario Awards to CAMWS Summer Travel Awards.