Panel Proposal for CAMWS-Southern Section

This form allows you to submit a panel proposal for the CAMWS-Southern Section Meeting. If you are submitting an individual abstract, please go to the Abstract Submission Form. First you will provide information about the panel proposer(s) and upload a panel description. Then you will be asked to provide information about individual presenters and upload their abstracts.

You will receive a confirmation via e-mail after submitting this form.

Anyone submitting an abstract for a panel or individual paper, or proposing or participating in a panel, workshop, or round-table discussion, must be a current CAMWS member. If you select "No", you will be redirected to the membership page to join CAMWS. You will then have to return to this page to submit your proposal. Be sure to remind your presenters to renew their CAMWS memberships.

Unfortunately, a high school student cannot propose a panel for CAMWS. Please talk to your teacher about the possibility your teacher proposing this panel for you.

Unfortunately, an undergraduate cannot propose a panel for CAMWS. Please talk to your professor about the possibility your professor proposing this panel for you.

Projectors and screens will be provided for all sessions. Please indicate here if speakers are needed in addition to a projector.
Please indicate the desired length of this panel
If yes, please add the name of the second organizer here.

Before submitting your panel description please read these Formatting Guidelines for CAMWS Abstract Submissions. Proposals not following thee guidelines will be returned to their authors for revision. Please note that your description of the panel should be submitted as an attachment to this form. Once you have submitted the form, you will be asked to provide information about the individual panelists and to upload their abstracts one by one.

Please upload a description of the panel.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: rtf doc docx.