Rudolph Masciantonio CAMWS Diversity Awards honor creative work in teaching and advising accomplishments indicative of an individual or collective commitment to principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion with demonstrated impact. There are two awards of $500 each: one for a College/University or K-12 instructor AND one for a College/University Department/ High School defined program. All college-level instructors are eligible for this award. This includes adjunct instructors and graduate students with a teaching appointment. The awards are funded from a portion of his estate which was bequeathed to CAMWS and are administered by the CAMWS Committee on Diversity and Inclusion. In an effort to broaden the impact of CAMWS’ commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, recipients will be encouraged to propose articles for consideration in a future issue of TCL or CJ. Both self-nominations and those prepared by others are invited. Possible nomination materials might include sample syllabi, letters (no more than 3), and other relevant materials. A recent article provides more about Rudolph Masciantonio's support for Classics. Applications are due January 31. |