Membership Committee Charter

Classical Association of the Middle West and South

Membership Committee Charter



This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities and governs the operations of the Membership Committee (the “Committee”) of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (the “Association”).


I. Purpose

The Committee’s purpose is to oversee the organization’s individual and institutional membership categories.  Its principal role is to expand the Association’s membership base within both these categories.  The Committee reports its findings and conclusions to the President, the Secretary-Treasurer, the Executive Committee and, where relevant, other bodies within the organization.


II. Membership

Composition: The Committee shall consist of five regular members appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution.  Each regular member shall serve for a term of three years, which may be renewed for an additional term. In addition the Secretary-Treasurer and the President shall serve as members of the Committee ex officio.  Composition of the Development Committee, as of all committees, should be reviewed annually in order to bring on new expertise and perspectives.


Chair: The Chair of the Committee shall be appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution, and shall normally serve for a term of three years, which may extend the Chair’s regular term of service on the Committee beyond the two-term norm.  There is an expectation that the Chair will have prior experience on the Committee or other offices of the Association, and will serve for one year as Chair-Elect before assuming the chair.  The Chair shall convene meetings, set agendas and communicate the Committee’s findings to the Executive Committee and other relevant officers and committees of the Association.



III. Meetings

Meetings shall be held at least twice per year, utilizing electronic media as necessary, or more frequently as dictated by the urgency of the issues at hand, on a schedule determined by the members of the Committee.  One of these meetings shall be a physical meeting at the Annual Meeting of the Association.  Members may be permitted to attend that meeting by means of electronic media, if necessary.  A majority of members will suffice as a quorum for taking action on the agenda.  The Committee may invite non-committee-members from the Association to participate in meetings for informational purposes on a non-voting basis.



IV. Duties and Responsibilities

Annual Dues: Once every five years (or more often, if requested by the Executive Committee), the committee will review the organization’s dues and membership structure and, after consultation with the Finance Committee and the Secretary-Treasurer, will make recommendations changes in dues or other related matters.


Recruitment: Upon request from the Executive Committee, and after consultation with the President, the Secretary-Treasurer and other relevant committees, the Membership Committee will develop strategies to recruit new individual and institutional members.  The primary responsibility for implementing any membership recruitment campaign will reside with the Committee.


Reports: Each year in advance of the Association’s Annual Meeting the Committee will provide the Executive Committee with a report on the  state of the Association’s individual and institutional membership rolls and other related matters.  This will consist of a careful analytic report on membership data, taking account of the Association’s on-going strategic goals and prospects. This report may be accompanied by recommendations for action by the Executive Committee. The Committee shall respond to requests from the President or the Secretary-Treasurer for such reports at more frequent intervals, as the situation warrants.


VI. Amendment

This Charter shall not be amended except upon approval by the Executive Committee.




Adopted by the Executive Committee on June 13, 2013.