Synchronic Web Conferencing Latin Courses at the University of Wyoming

The Latin program at the University of Wyoming will offer synchronic web conferencing sections for 3rd semester (LATN 2030 Second Year Latin) and upper division Latin author courses.  Several publicity materials that contain "Apply Now" hyperlinks to UW Admissions are linked below. The Zoom web conferencing platform permits students in any time zone to enter the classroom and interact with students on the Laramie campus.  Distance education students need a quiet, distraction-free space with internet access and a computer with a microphone; UW provides the Zoom account link.those interested in reading Latin for personal or professional reasons are most welcome to enrolI. Welcome are all students who meet the University of Wyoming's admission policies ( - high school guest students (juniors and seniors only as well as undergraduate students of all categories.A safe and inclusive learning environment is provided  for all students. 

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