Request for Submissions to Diotíma

Request for Submissions to Diotíma


I’ve taken over as Editrix of Diotíma, and I’m beginning the process of migrating and reorganizing content on our new website. Because there are numerous iterations of Diotíma, broken links abound.  As well, most of the material is not up-to-date. I am seeking syllabi, curated bibliographies, pedagogical content, artwork, essays, and potential partnerships with instructors to create content for Diotíma. Please see below for more details.  Welcome to the new Diotíma!

Request for Syllabi

In order to keep things simple, I’m asking anyone who wants their syllabi included on the new Diotíma page to send me a PDF.  If you teach anything related to women, gender, sex, sexuality, race, ethnicity, LGBTQ+, masculinity, or disability in the ancient Mediterranean, or modern receptions of ancient material on the aforementioned topics (or any you believe are relevant but not included), please send along your pdfs.

Request for Curated Bibliographies

A number of open-source, general introductory bibliographies are in progress, but Diotíma wishes to supply more specific curated bibliographies to its readership as well. Are you working on anything related to women, gender, sex, sexuality, race, ethnicity, LGBTQ+, masculinity, or disability in the ancient Mediterranean, or modern receptions of ancient material on the aforementioned topics?  Maybe you’re writing about royal women in Hellenistic dynasties, masculinity in Roman philosophy, queer receptions of Greek lyric poetry, enslaved persons in Roman comedy, comparative studies of Aphrodite and Ishtar—propose a curated bibliography for Diotíma. Students and scholars rely on up-to-date and relevant bibliographies when beginning research projects, preparing course materials, or creating content for a variety of other disciplines. Please submit your curated bibliographies. Creators will be given full credit and may periodically update the content of their bibliographies.

Request for Pedagogical Content

Do you know of pedagogical tools, games, websites, activities, or other items that might be of use to the teaching of women, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, or receptions thereof in the ancient world?  Please send your materials or links to Diotíma. We’re looking for exercises, activities, and other learning materials for primary, secondary, and post-secondary classrooms.

Request for Essays

Do you have an essay on an author from the ancient world, exceptional student essays on topics that may be relevant to other readers, or other longer form notes you would like to share with Diotíma? Please submit them!  Credit will, of course, be given to all authors. Please note, student essays must be accompanied by a note of permission from the student.

Request for Course Involvement

Are you teaching a course on women, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, reception, or something related? Would you like to incorporate submissions to or work on Diotima into your assignments? Please get in touch to see how assignments can be built to contribute to the growth and usefulness of Diotíma.

Request for Artwork

Do you love painting, sketching, doodling, making comics, or any other kind of artistic content with Classical themes? Do you want to see your work featured on pages of Diotíma? Please send high-quality images to be featured on related pages of Diotíma. All artwork with be properly attributed.

Many thanks in advance to all who contribute to Diotíma. With your help, we can make Diotíma a wide-reaching resource for scholars, students, researchers, and enthusiasts of the ancient world.

Serena S. Witzke, editrix
Visiting Assistant Professor
Wesleyan University
Department of Classics
Downey House,
294 High Street, 211
Middletown, CT 06457

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