Title > TOC > Guidelines for the Post of Chair of the Steering Committee on Scholarships and Awards  

Guidelines for the Post of
Chair of the Steering Committee on Scholarships and Awards


The Chair of the Steering Committee on Scholarships and Awards serves a three-year term. Successive terms are possible although it is advisable that the Chair serve no more than two consecutive terms to enable other individuals with new approaches and new ideas to chair the committee. The Chair of the Steering Committee serves as a voting member of the Executive Committee of CAMWS.

The Chair works closely with the President, the Secretary-Treasurer of CAMWS, the Chair of the Committee for the Promotion of Latin, and the Chair of the Membership Committee. Most of the contact of the Chair with the State/Provincial Vice-Presidents should be through the Regional Vice-Presidents.



The Chair of the Steering Committee is responsible for making sure that the Chair of each scholarship, and award committee of CAMWS disseminates information throughout the membership in a timely fashion. It is also the Chair's responsibility to insure that each of the members of the Steering Committees (the Chairs of each scholarship and award committee of CAMWS) complete their business prior to the annual meeting. The Chair of the Steering Committee sees to it that in each issue of the CAMWS Newsletter is published current information on the scholarships and awards that CAMWS offers. Each year, generally in the autumn and again early in the new year, the Chair of the Steering Committee sends updated information on scholarships, travel fellowships, awards, as needed, to each State/Provincial Vice-President and to each Regional Vice-President.


The members of the Steering Committee develop and update periodically information on each of the scholarship and awards CAMWS offers. State/Provincial and Regional Vice-Presidents are expected to distribute these materials in their states/provinces and regions.


The Chair of the Steering Committee prepares and delivers an annual report on the status of the scholarships and awards overseen by its various subcommittees to the Executive Committee.


As a voting member or the CAMWS Executive Committee, the Chair of the Steering Committee is expected to attend two meetings of the Executive Committee annually. The spring meeting of the Executive Committee takes place at the CAMWS annual meeting. In even-numbered years the fall meeting of the Executive Committee takes place in late October or early November, in conjunction with the biennial meeting of the CAMWS Southern Section. In odd-numbered years the 'fall' meeting of the Executive Committee actually takes place in the winter, shortly after the odd-numbered year has ended, in conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Philological Association (formerly held in late December, now held in early January).


At the annual meeting the Chair, as a voting member, attends the Executive Committee Meeting. Here the Chair gives a report on the committee's activities, successes, and difficulties. Two copies of the written report of the Chair are due to the Secretary-Treasurer of CAMWS before this meeting. All Executive Committee members receive a copy, as well. At the Executive Committee Meeting, the Chair may put forth motions on changes in amounts awarded, items awarded, etc. as directed by the Chairs of each scholarship and award committee of CAMWS.

The Chair of the Steering Committee is expected to attend the Regional Vice-Presidents' meeting held on Thursday and the joint meeting for State/Provincial and Regional Vice-Presidents at the annual meeting. During the CAMWS business meeting on Saturday morning a brief overview of the Steering Committee report is given and the winners of the various scholarships and awards are announced by the Chair of each committee serving under the Steering Committee.


Expenses for postage and telephone calls related to the responsibilities of the Chair of the Steering Committee can be reimbursed through the CAMWS Secretary-Treasurer.

CAMWS Awards, Prizes, and Scholarships


The Classical Association of the Middle West and South offers a number of scholarships, awards and prizes to its members and their students. A brief description of each of these follows. It is advisable to check the CAWMS website ( or a recent issue of the CAMWS Newsletter for information about periodic changes and adjustments of the dates.



The Classical Association of the Middle West and South offers $250 cash prizes, book awards and letters of commendation to qualifying winners in its School Awards Latin Translation Contest.

This contest, which is a reformulation of the long-standing CAMWS College Awards, is open to advanced Latin students enrolled in secondary schools in the 31 states and 3 provinces of CAMWS. Their teachers must be members of CAMWS, or their school libraries must subscribe to Classical Journal. There is an annual alternation of Prose and Poetry authors. Contestants must translate at sight a one-hour examination consisting of a selection from Latin prose as exemplified by Caesar, Cicero, and Livy. They should translate as literally as possible without violating English idiom, and they should know the vocabulary presented in Colby's Latin Word Lists (published by Longman/ Addison-Wesley), since words cited there are normally not defined on the test. The examination is intended for students who have had at least three years of Latin, but is also open to superior second-year students. It must be administered by a school official other than the Latin teacher during the second week of February.

Writers of the ten most outstanding papers will each recieve a $250 cash prize. An additional twenty outstanding contestants will receive a book prize relevant to Classical antiquity. Other writers of meritorious examinations (10-20) will receive letters of commendation.

Application Deadline: February 1.


CAMWS awards scholarships of $1,000.00 to a limited number of undergraduate students majoring in Classics at the sophomore or junior level at a CAMWS area college or university. Nominees are expected to take a minimum of two courses in Latin or Greek (normally at least one per quarter or semester) during the junior or senior year in which the scholarship is held. Contact the Chair of the CAMWS Subcommittee on Manson Stewart Scholarships for applications and more details.

Students are to be nominated by the Chair of the department or program (no more than two nominations from each institution). The student completes the application form and requests supporting letters from two members of CAMWS (secondary or college instructors), as well as submitting an essay and a college transcript of work to date.

Application Request Deadline: January 31

Completed Application Due: March 1


Since 1996 CAMWS has recognized the outstanding graduate student paper read at the annual meeting. Eligible are graduate students whose paper is accepted on the program of the annual meeting and who will not have received their Ph.D. by the time it is read there. The text of the oral talk is submitted approximately one month in advance of the meeting and an ad hoc committee selects the winner. The award (with a prize of $200) is presented at the CAMWS business meeting at the annual meeting, even though the winner might not yet have read it by the time of the award presentation. Contact the President of CAMWS for more details.

There are two criteria for evaluation of the papers submitted: (1) the quality of the scholarly argument, including the importance of the topic, the originality of the treatment, and the quality of mind displayed; (2) the effectiveness of the paper as an oral presentation, including the quality of the writing, good organization, and interest to an audience.

Deadline: March 1


The Classical Association of the Middle West and South sponsors two awards for primary-, middle-, and secondary-school teachers under the Manson A. Stewart Awards:

Manson A. Stewart Teacher Training Awards

The Teacher Training Awards are designed to provide some financial assistance to those who wish to obtain certification to teach Latin at the primary through the secondary levels, whether the specific courses are needed in Latin or in education. The award is not intended to cover all costs of the training, and the size of the award varies according to the actual costs (primarily tuition and travel), the size of the committee's budget, and the number of applications received during the year. Previous awards have been as high as $700. Contact the Chair of the Subcommittee on Education and Training Awards for applications and additional information.

Deadline: February 15

Manson A. Stewart Travel Awards

The Travel Awards are designed specifically to assist teachers of Latin with a cash award to offset the costs of attending the CAMWS annual meeting in the spring, or the biennial meeting of CAMWS-Southern Section in the fall.

The award is not intended to cover all costs of the travel, and the size of the award varies according to the actual costs travel will entail, the size of the committee's budget, and the number of applications. Awards for travel to CAMWS annual meetings have ranged from $300-$500; for travel to the CAMWS-Southern Section meetings, somewhat less. Contact the Chair of the Subcommittee on Education and Training Awards for applications and additional information.

Deadline for travel to the CAMWS annual meeting: February 15

Deadline for travel to the CAMWS-Southern Section meeting: August 1


The Katherine Semple Award

The Semple Award is a $2500 fellowship for attending the summer session of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. A recipient of this award must be a current member of CAMWS who either: (1) currently holds a teaching position in Greek or Latin in an elementary or secondary schools in the CAMWS territory; or (2) is enrolled as a graduate student in a degree-granting program in Classics. The application must be accompanied by official transcripts and three letters of recommendation. Contact the Chair of the Subcommittee on Teaching Awards for an application and additional information, if desired.

Application Deadline: February 1

The Mary A. Grant Award

The Grant Award is a $2,500 fellowship for attending the summer session of the American Academy in Rome. A recipient of this award must be a current member of CAMWS who either: (1) currently holds a teaching position in Greek or Latin in an elementary or secondary school in the CAMWS territory; or (2) is enrolled as a graduate student in a degree-granting program in Classics. The application must be accompanied by official transcripts and three letters of recommendation. Contact the Chair of the Subcommittee on Teaching Awards for an application and additional information, if desired.

Application Deadline: February 1

The Herbert and Janice Benario Travel Award

The Benario Award is a $1,500 fellowship that a recipient may apply to the summer travel program of his or her choice. A recipient of this award must be a current member of CAMWS who either: (1) currently holds a teaching position in Greek or Latin in an elementary or secondary school in the CAMWS territory; or (2) is enrolled as a graduate student in a degree-granting program in Classics. The application must be accompanied by official transcripts and three letters of recommendation. Contact the Chair of the Subcommittee on Teaching Awards for an application and additional information, if desired.

Application Deadline: February 1


Kraft Award for Excellence in Secondary School Teaching

Named for CAMWS benefactress Eunice E. Kraft, this award recognizes outstanding teachers of Latin in public or private schools (middle schools included) within our area. The honoree will receive $500, airfare to the annual meeting at the Saturday stayover rate, and two nights' accommodation at the convention hotel. On Saturday of the meeting, the recipient will give a brief talk at the CPL panel. Nominees must teach in the CAMWS area and will be eligible for consideration for three consecutive years.

Nominations should be accompanied by the following supporting data (not to exceed ten pages):

  • Information about the school(s) in which the nominee teaches;
  • Levels of Latin courses and enrollments;
  • Success of students in competitions and further study;
  • information about any special courses or forms of instruction developed by the teacher;
  • testimonials from school administrators, fellow teachers and/or students.

Deadline: February 15

Award for Excellence in College Teaching

The winner of this award will receive $500. The nominee must be a member in good standing of CAMWS, teaching Classical subjects full-time at a college or university. Nominations should be accompanied by such evidence of teaching excellence as:

  • student course evaluations or other student comments (which may include alumni comments), and
  • at least two letters of support from the recipient's teaching colleagues at the same or other institutions.

These letters should normally include one from the nominee's department or program Chair. Other evidence of teaching excellence, such as pedagogical publications, is also welcome. Professional service may be considered a tie-breaking factor. Nominees who have not already been recognized through a national teaching award will be given preference. No sitting member of the Subcommittee on Good Teacher Awards or of the CAMWS Executive Committee is eligible for this award.

Deadline: February 15


The CAMWS Award for Outstanding Publication every year recognizes a distinguished first book published by a member of CAMWS during the past four years. An award of $500 plus a certificate is presented at the CAMWS annual meeting. Both monographs and textbooks are eligible; the single criterion is excellence as judged by the committee. Nominations (including self-nominations) are welcome.


The purpose of this award is to formally acknowledge specific accomplishments that have been done "above and beyond the call of duty" for the profession and/or for the promotion of the Classics in CAMWS territory. The award is given pro re nata; some years there may not be a suitable candidate; other years there may be more than one recipient.

Eligibility: CAMWS membership is not required. Recipients can be Classicists or non-Classicists who have made special contributions to the promotion of Latin and Classical studies, especially at the state and local level in CAMWS territory. Ideal candidates are people involved in our field who do much for their local communities or Classics in general, but do not interact frequently if at all at large meetings. nevertheless, these people make MORE than a difference in their areas, states or provinces. Suitable candidates for this award could also include parents or community members who have supported local Latin programs in very notable ways, companies that generously donate money or other resources for the promotion of Latin, school administrators who have helped Latin teachers of programs with access to school rooms or supplies or extra funds., newspapers or magazines that have given free advertising for events, benefactors who have given money for books or scholarships, or perhaps students who have promoted Latin in an original manner.

Nomination and selection process: Submission of a signed statement of nomination 500-600 words in length that describes the nominee and his/her work. Supporting documents are not required but they may be solicited if questions arise. The Chair of the Steering Committee on Awards and Scholarships with advice from the five subcommittee Chairs will then determine the winners. Announcement of the results will be made at the spring meeting.

Deadline: Nominations will be reviewed as they are received until the March 1st preceeding each CAMWS meeting.



  • Application for MANSON A. STEWART TRAVEL AWARDS to CAMWS Southern Section meeting due.


  • Applications for MANSON A. STEWART TRAVEL AWARDS to CAMWS Southern Section annual meeting due on January 1.
  • Requests for applications for the MANSON A. STEWART SCHOLARSHIPS must be received by January 31.


February 1:

  • LATIN TRANSLATION CONTEST applications due.
  • Applications for the KATHERINE SEMPLE AWARD due.
  • Applications for the MARY A. GRANT AWARD due.
  • Applications for the HERBERT AND JANICE BENARIO AWARDdue.

February 15

  • Applications for CAMWS TEACHING AWARDS Kraft Award for Excellence in Secondary School Teaching and the Award for Exellence in College Teaching) due.
  • Applications for the MANSON A. STEWART TEACHER TRAINING AWARD due.
  • Applications for the MANSON A. STEWART TRAVEL AWARD due.


  • March 1: Applications for the MANSON A. STEWART SCHOLARSHIPS due.
  • Written entry for the PRESIDENTIAL AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING GRADUATE STUDENT PAPER due a month before the annual meeting.
  • Nominations for the CAMWS AWARD FOR SPECIAL SERVICE due.