CAMWS Newsletter

The CAMWS Newsletter is published three times a year: in the Fall (late Oct-early Nov.), Winter (Feb), and Spring/Summer (June-July)

Please note that announcements and event advertisements are available to Institutional Members free of charge (
Non-member organizations may elect to purchase space at a cost of $60 per issue.

The latest issue of the newsletter is sent to current CAMWS members via e-mail. If you are not receiving a copy of the newsletter, please contact An archive of earlier issues of the newsletter is available at the bottom of this page.

Send submissions by e-mail to:

Send submissions by regular mail to:

Timothy Heckenlively
CAMWS Newsletter Editor
Department of Classics
Baylor University
One Bear Place #97352
Waco, TX 76798


The deadline for submitting copy for the Fall Newsletter is Oct. 15.

The deadline for submitting copy for the Winter Newsletter is Jan. 15.

The deadline for submitting copy for the Spring Newsletter is May. 15.