CAMWS 2024 Program with Abstracts

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Friday, April 5, 2024

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Nota Bene:  All session originally scheduled for Forsyth are now in Plaza

Thursday, April 4, 2024

8:00-10:00 a.m. First Paper Session 

Section A: Reception 1 (Regency)

E. Del Chrol (Marshall University), presider

The Lure and Lore of Atlantis: An Analysis and History of Plato’s Timeless Myth, Kristen Kitch (The Pennsylvania State University) 

Zeus Is Dead! Euhemerism in Origen’s Contra Celsum, David De Salvo (University of Arizona) 

Eugenius, Vincent, and Vergil: Poetry and the Saints in Seventh-Century Zaragoza, Dennis Trout (University of Missouri) 

Albescit primus: Playing Chess with Ovid in Two Medieval Latin Pseudepigrapha, Del A. Maticic (Vassar College) 

“A Fruit of his Studies in Ptolemy”: The Geographike Hyphegesis of Claudius Ptolemy in Willibald Pirckheimer’s Germaniae Explicatio, Justin Meyer (Washington University in St. Louis) 

Classical Auctoritas and Encomium in Tycho Brahe’s De Nova Stella, Benjamin C. Driver (Brown University)

Section B: Greek History 1 (Khorassan West)  

Michael Gagarin (University of Texas, Austin), presider

Build the Wall!: Walls, Cultural Contact, and Athenian Democratic Ideology in the Globalizing Achaemenid Mediterranean, Marcus Ziemann (Princeton University) 

The Most Cowardly Free Men?: Darius’ Bridge Across the Danube in Herodotus 4.142 and the Reputation of Classical Ionia, Joshua Nudell (Truman State University) 

Gendered Verbs of Seeing in Herodotus, Sara Landon (Kenyon College)

Herodotus and Narrative Desire, Hilary Lehmann (Knox College)

Thrasybulus and the Restoration of Athenian Democracy, Nicholas Cross (United States Naval Academy) 

Greek Language Concerning Spies, Justice Neasbitt (University of Oklahoma) 


Section C: Latin Epic 1 (Maryland)

Tim Stover (Florida State University), presider

Dressed to Impress: Clothing Intertexts in Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica, Emma Reymann (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

Virgin or not?: Diana, Hecate, and Luna in Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica, Rebecca Deitsch (Kenyon College)

Acrostics of Prophecy and Conflagration in Lucan’s Bellum Civile, Julia Hejduk (Baylor University)

Varied Vestigia: Following Footsteps in Lucan’s Bellum Civile, Emma Scioli (University of Kansas)

Computational Profiling of Genre and Speech Styles in Latin Literature, Joseph P. Dexter (Harvard University) and Thomas J. Bolt (Lafayette College) and Pramit Chaudhuri (University of Texas at Austin)


Section D: Homer (Waterman)

Ruth Scodel (University of Michigan), presider

Sweet to a Broken Heart: Oinos Meliphron as Motif in the Iliad, Simon Kaplan (Indiana University, Bloomington)

Keeping Track of Casualties in the Iliad, Bill Beck (Indiana University, Bloomington)

Imminent Doom and Immanent Art: A Traditional Explanation for Laughter in Iliad 6, Justin Arft (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)

Blurring the Boundaries of Nature and Culture: Natureculture of the Cyclopes in Odyssey 9, Marissa Gurtler (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

Pouring Shame or Pouring Fluids?, Ethan Stokes (University of Arizona)


Section E: Livy (Portland)

Christopher McDonough (The University of the South/Sewanee), presider

The Reman Cycle: Parricide, Stability and Assimilation in Livy 1, Iris Coats (Indiana University, Bloomington)

Indirect Arguments and Military Service in Livy’s Early Books, Aaron Lee Beek (Case Western Reserve University

No Leg to Stand On: Menenius Agrippa’s Fable in Book 2 of Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita, Joshua Bayona (Washington University in St. Louis)

The Dangers of Misusing Livy’s Exempla: How Tullia Minor Misconstrues Tanaquil, Maurice Gonzales (Washington University in St. Louis)

Livius Criticus: A Polybian Intertext at AUC 21.18-19, Philip Waddell (University of Arizona)


Section F:  Greek Philosophy (Plaza)

David J. Schenker (University of Missouri), presider

The Two Endings to the Argument of Plato’s Republic, David Crane (Grand Valley State University)

Icaroplato? Aerial Perspective and Cartographic Imagination in Plato’s “Eleatic Trilogy”, Matthew Pincus (Creighton University)

Meditation and Platonic Contemplation, Benjamin John (Ohio State University)

“Ugly and lacking in proportion”: Ancient Physiognomic Thought from Plato’s Sophist to Adamantius the Sophist, Dan Mills (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Did Aristotle Intentionally Write Bad Arguments?, John Anderson (University of Texas, Austin)


Section G: Roundtable (Kingsbury)

Goals of GSIC for CAMWS Graduate Students, Sarah C. Keith (University of Michigan)


10:15-12:00 p.m. Second Paper Session 

Section A:  Reception 2 (Regency)

Christopher Bungard (Butler University), presider

The Spenser-Harvey Letters: Composing Identity through Quantitative Poetry, Will Corbin (Washington University in St. Louis)

C.G. Heyne, F.A. Wolf, and the Birth of the Professional Classicist in 18th Century Germany, Connor Sedlacek (Johns Hopkins University)

On the Afterlife of the Mausoleum of Augustus: A Ruin-naissance in Soderini’s Sculpture Garden, Victoria Austen (Carleton College)

Virgil at Kitty Hawk, John F. Miller (University of Virginia)

Illustrating Ekphrasis: Arachne’s Tapestry in Visual Media, Krishni Burns (University of Illinois, Chicago)


Section B: Sophocles (Khorassan West)

Lauri Reitzammer (University of Colorado, Boulder), presider

The Anxiety of Emplotment in Sophocles Trachiniae, Matthew Ludwig (University of Toronto)

From Dragon-Slayer to Dragon: The Transformation of Herakles in Sophocles’ Trachiniae, Samuel Brakebill (University of Missouri, Columbia)

Identity Theft: The Dismemberment of Oedipus’ Soterial Self-Conception, Brian Byerly (University of Kansas)

A Seer most like Apollo, Teiresias in Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus, Stephen Ogumah (Hofstra University)

Redoubling and Emblematic Syntax in Sophocles’ Oedipus the King, Jonathan Fenno (University of Mississippi)


Section C:  Workshop (Maryland)

Bayla Kamens (Washington University in St. Louis), Laura Gawlinski (Loyola University, Chicago), Laura Mazow (East Carolina University),organizers

Ancient Greek Textile Production in Action


Section D: Vergil’s Aeneid (Waterman)

                    Jim O’ Hara (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill), presider

Perferre Dolorem: Lucretian Intertextuality in Aeneid IX., Anne Frost (University of Notre Dame)

Ut cera liquescit: Love Magic in Aeneid IV, Michael Frost (University of Notre Dame)

Wearied or Fallen: The Critical Reception of the Creusa Episode and Editorial History of Aeneid 2.739, Emmeline Murphy (Northwestern University)

Divine Response to Battlefield Prayer in Aeneid 7-12, Aidan Mahoney (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)

Camilla and Virgil’s Aesthetic of the Grotesque, James Townshend (Loyola University, Chicago)


Section E: Latin Prose I (Portland)

                    Tom Keeline (Washington University in St. Louis), presider

Pomponius Mela’s Ethical Landscape, Georgia Irby (William & Mary)

Roman History (Cicero’s Version): An Examination of Cicero’s Historical Narratives as Technology of Empire, JuliAnne Rach (University of California, Los Angeles)

Adding Flattery to Insult: Caesar and the Underworld in Cicero’s Pro Marcello and the Letters to Atticus, Isabel Koster (University of Colorado, Boulder)

Nos hic voramus litteras: Feasting on Letters with Pliny, Patrick Callahan (University of California, Los Angeles)

The Politics of Publishing Private Letters: Pliny’s Construction of Social Capital in Letters 10.96-97, Alexandria Istok (Samford University)


Section F: Roman Society and Satire (Plaza)

Cathy Keane (Washington University in St. Louis), presider

Intus et in cute: Persius’ Satires and Schizo-Stoicism, Mason Wheelock-Johnson (Lawrence University)

Bad and Good Teachers in Persius’ Satires: A Divided Allusion to Vergil Georgics 1, Giulio Celotto (University of Virginia)

The Rhetoric of Rusticity in Roman Satire, Mik Larsen (California State University, Long Beach)

Problems with Patronage in Imperial Rome 70-130CE, Zachary A Kozak (Indiana University, Bloomington)


Section G: Roundtable (Kingsbury)

Jennifer Sheridan Moss (Wayne State University) and
Osman Umurhan
(University of New Mexico), organizers and presiders

How Do We Retain Latin HS Students When They Get to College?


1:00-3:00 p.m. Third Paper Session 


Section A: Reception and Gender (Regency)

Justin Arft (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)

Reasserting the Maternal: Harry Potter and the Oresteia, Mitchell Parks (Knox College)

What Happens to Women in Warfare? The Story of the Trojan Women Then and Now, Anastasia Pantazopoulou (Carleton College)

Monster to Maiden: Medusa’s Reception in the #MeToo Movement, Billie Pierce (University of North Carolina, Asheville)

Tracking Archetypes: The Use of the Feminine and Masculine in Modern Interpretations of the Homeric Hymn to Demeter, Erica Hampton (University of Missouri, Columbia)

So Many Helens: Depictions of Helen in Contemporary Young Adult Fiction, Nava Cohen (Northwestern University)

Vergil’s Bacchants in Ferrante’s Neapolitan Novels, Vassiliki Panoussi (William & Mary)


Section B: Greek and Roman Religion (Khorassan West)

John F. Miller (University of Virginia), presider

The Rise of Eileithyia in Mainland Greece, Alexandra Smith (University of Arizona)

Interpreting the Divine in Herodotus: Narratives of Re-Consultation, Ashley Grace Walker (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)

Vespasian the Surgeon of Serapis: Artemidorus and Divine Support of the Flavian Cause in Tacitus’ Histories, Michael Knierim (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

The Impact of Religious Experiences in Mystery Cults and in the Early Jesus Movement: Similarities, Differences, and What They Teach Us, Andrew Burrow (Carson-Newman University)

Slavery and Slave Religion in Macrobius’ Saturnalia, Chloe Chow (Northwestern University)


Section C: Roman History (Maryland)

Adam Kemezis (University of Alberta), presider

You Can Call Me Augusti: Private Epithet for Lares Augusti, Claire McGraw (Louisiana State University)

Free Mustache Rides: CIL IV.8939-40, Dean Murphy (University of Texas, Austin)

Neronian Nicopolis: Civitas Libera and Colonia Romana, Samantha Doleno (Washington University in St. Louis)

Emperor Julian and the City of Rome, Jeremy Swist (Miami University of Ohio)

Silk, the Seres, and the Greco-Roman World, Duane W. Roller (Ohio State University)


Section D: Greek History 2 (Waterman)

Rachel Sternberg (Case Western Reserve University), presider

Shame, Stasis, and Gifts: Aidos and Revolution in Archaic Greece, Samuel L. Henthorn (University of Georgia) (read by Mary Lou Brown, University of Georgia)

Lessons in Violence: Bodies, Boundaries, and Vengeance in Herodotus’ Histories, Sean Moorman (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)

Killer Queens: The Prevalence of Political Violence Among Ptolemaic Women, Elizabeth Engstrom (Florida State University)

Crete in the Hellenistic Period, Michael Gagarin (University of Texas, Austin)


Section E: Workshop (Portland)

Christopher Bungard (Butler University), organizer and presider and Wendy Meaden (Butler University), co-presider

Facing the Audience: Using Masks in Ancient Theatre – TIGR Workshop


Section F: Greek Tragedy (Plaza)

Timothy Wutrich (Case Western Reserve University), presider

The Gendering of Off-Stage Cries in Aeschylus’ Oresteia, Virginia Lewis (Florida State University)

The True Colors of κηκίς‚ (Aesch. Ag. 960), Eleonora Mylli (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

Whips, goads, fetters, yokes: torture in Greek tragedy, Anne Duncan (University of Nebraska, Lincoln)

Reconsidering Philoctetes’ Marginality in Aeschylus’ and Euripides’ fragmentary plays, Panagiotis Sotiroudis (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

Saving Tecmessa in Sophocles’ Ajax, Teresa Danze (University of Dallas)


Section G: Roundtable (Kingsbury)

Lylaah L. Bhalerao (New York University) and Louis N. Mainwaring Foster (University of Colorado, Boulder), organizers and presiders

Ancient World Studies: Which Path to Take?


3:15-5:00 p.m. Fourth Paper Session 

Section A: Women in Roman History (Regency)

Roberta Stewart (Dartmouth College), presider

Making Up Empire: Control, Cerussa, & Roman Cosmetics, Charnice Hoegnifioh (Yale University)

A Woman’s Liberation Through Roman Bathing Practices, Jannette Snyder (Florida State University) and Sydney Parkin (Florida State University)

From Mourning Decree to lex Oppia: The Appearance of Roman Women in the Second Punic War, Anne Truetzel (Davidson College)

Imperial Farce: Tacitus and the Plautine Meretrix, Emma Warhover (Grand Valley State University)

The Lucretia Paradigm:  Tacitus’ Octavia and the Death of the Body Politic, Gwendolyn Gibbons (Indiana University)


Section B: Greek History 3 (Khorassan West)

Nicholas Cross (United States Naval Academy), presider

“Bring Him Home”: Iliad 7.334-5 and the Commemoration of the War Dead in Archaic Greece, Itamar Levin (Brown University)

Political Legitimacy in Classical Thessaly, Taylor Gruman (Angelo State University)

The Spartan Raiders in Asia Minor, 406-394 BCE, Philip Register (Washington University in St. Louis)

Coinage for an Ideal City: Money and Economy in Plato’s Laws, Peter Satterthwaite (University of Pennsylvania)

Reading History with Nicephorus Gregoras: A New Approach to the “Heidelberg Epitome”, Daniel W. Leon (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)


Section C: Mythology (Maryland)

Osman Umurhan (University of New Mexico), presider

Humbaba, Polyphemus and their critics: Poetry and Visual Representation in Classics and Assyriology, Marko Vitas (Brown University)

Marriage and Otherworlds: Τhe Classical Underworld and Medieval English Faerie, Blanche McCune (College of Charleston)

To Be Made Cowardly and Unmanly: Depictions of Female Spellcasters in Classical Literature, Maegan Ferguson (Villanova University)

Magna parens terra est: The Gynecology of Gaia, Miranda Amey (Ohio State University)


Section D: Roman Archaeology (Waterman)

Anna M. Sitz (University of Tübingen), presider

Non-Elite Hunters in the Roman World, Caleb Hammond (University of Arizona)

The Visibility of Vesta: the Effect of Augustan Monuments on Viewsheds in the Roman Forum, Collin Moat (University of California, Los Angeles)

GIS Reconstructions of Roman Roads: How and Why, Gabriel Martinez (University of Missouri, Columbia)

Remembering the Dead in the City: The Place of Death and Burial in Ancient Rome, Marilyn Evans (Kalamazoo College)

Greetings, Salutations, and Warnings: The Role and Dynamism of Mosaic Inscriptions at Pompeian Thresholds, Amanda Chen (Kansas City Art Institute)


Section E: The Un(Lu)canny: Recognizing Unrecognition in Lucan’s Bellum Civile (Portland)

Ford Peay (University of New Mexico), organizer and presider

Why Is He Licking that Sword? Caesar, Laelius, and Uncanny Politics in Book 1 of Lucan’s Bellum Civile, Ford Peay (University of New Mexico)

Heads, Limbs, Trunks: Arboreal Anatomy and Body Horror in Lucan’s Bellum Civile, Ben Davis (University of California, Los Angeles)

Haunting the Narrative: Julia, Creusa, and the Uncanny, Katherine Chohan (University of New Mexico)


Section F: Euripides (Plaza)

Ted Tarkow (University of Missouri, Columbia), presider

Face the Music: Mousikē Therapy in Euripides’ Bacchae, Alexandra Chroscinski (University of Kansas)

The Baccheye: The Eyes and (Mis)Perception within Euripides’ Bacchae, Aaron Fugate (University of Kansas)

Losing control: Tyrannical Eros in Euripides’ Bacchae, Massimo De Sanctis Mangelli (University of Pennsylvania)

Alcestis and Evadne, Phaedra and Iphigenia:  ψυχῆς οὐδέν ἐστι τιμιώτερον or Not? Victor Castellani (University of Denver)

Helen and her phantoms, Christina Filippaki (University of Chicago)


Section H: Poster Session Set Up (Lower Level Lobby)

Bosom Buddies: Female Friendship in Senecan Tragedy, Srija Dey (University of Florida)

Inscribing Identity: The Development of the Latin Script in Ancient Rome and Early Modern Vietnam, Campbell Rosener (Loyola University Chicago)

What’s in a Name: Autobiographical Memory and Identity in the Erotic Graffiti of Roman Pompeii, Katherine Griffith (Indiana University, Bloomington)

Missing the Forest for the Trees: Identifying the Italian Sacred Grove, Laurence Pavlik (Augustana College)


Friday, April 5, 2024

8:00-10:00 a.m. Fifth Paper Session 


Section A: Sophocles and Euripides (Regency)

Angeliki Tzanetou (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), presider

Power Dynamics in Sophocles’ Antigone, with a Special Consideration Towards Usages of ὑπέρ, Frances Harrington (University of Colorado, Boulder)

Antigone the Metic, Paul Touyz (University of Kansas)

Re-Founding Thebes: Euripides’ Phoenician Women and the Chorus’ Song-Cycle, Lauri Reitzammer (University of Colorado, Boulder)

A Topic of Song for Later Mortals:  Exploring Perspectives in Euripides’s Trojan Women and Hecuba, Timothy Wutrich (Case Western Reserve University)

ἐρημόπολις μάτηρ: Hecuba’s politics of care in Euripides’ Trojan Women, Mary H. Gilbert (Mississippi State University) and Gwendolyn Nally (University of Missouri, Kansas City)

Collective Emotions in Euripides’ Rhesus: A Study on Trust and Fear, Anastasia Stavroula Valtadorou (Institute for Advanced Study)


Section B: Roman Comedy (Khorassan West)

Timothy Moore (Washington University in St. Louis), presider

Permanently Punic?: The Endurance of Ethnicity in Plautus’ Poenulus, Joel Allen (City University of New York) and Catherine Stockalper (City University of New York)

Material Marriage: A Critique of Paternal Authority in Plautus’ Stichus, Hannah Sorscher (Colby College)

Talking Around the Victim: The Contentious Discussion of Rape in Terence’s Hecyra, Jo Spellman (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

The Curious Case of Bacchis: Rhetoric and the Meretrix in Terence’s Hecyra, Anna Cambron (Duke University)

Living Property: Depictions of Slavery in Roman New Comedy, Tallulah Trezevant (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)


Section C: Latin Prose (Maryland)

Jonathan Zarecki (University of North Carolina, Greensboro), presider

A Philosophical Stage: Cicero’s Use of Terence in the De Senectute, Rachel Donnelly (University of Kansas)

Natural Influences: Structural and Thematic Influences of Imperial Scientific Encyclopedias, Kathleen Burt (Middle Georgia State University)

Favorinus and the dichotomy of the public and private space in Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae, Vasileios Sazaklidis (University of Texas at Austin)

Truth and Community in Ammianus’ Narrative of Maximinus’ Roman Trials, Adam Kemezis (University of Alberta)

Boudica’s Revolt as Exemplum, Joseph R. Baronovic (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

Natural Ability as Eco-Rhetorical Building, Nicholas J. Gomez (Saint Louis University)


Section D: Latin Poetry: Vergil (Waterman)

Julia Hejduk (Baylor University), presider

Amant Alterna Camenae: Elegiac Influence in Vergil’s Eclogue 3, John H. Henkel (Georgetown College)

Relocating Arcadia: An Intertextual Analysis of Eclogue 5, Mary Lou Brown (University of Georgia)

Dido, the Metapoetic Queen: From Vergil to Ovid, Anthony Smith (University of Florida)

On hating Vergil. Creativity in an Age of Machines, Yanneck Wiegers (Johns Hopkins University)


Section E: Greek Archaeology and Epigraphy (Portland)

Sandra Blakely (Emory University), presider

Ceramic Repair, Secondary Use, and Recycling in the Ancient Mediterranean: Exploring the Social and Economic Significance of Reused Pots, Katrina Kuxhausen (University of California, Los Angeles)

Search for Articles in Linear A, Leah Rosen (University of Arizona)

Quantifying Ceramic Grave Good Value and Elite Status in the Early Iron Age, Delaney Fisher (University of Arizona)

Dark Age Organization: Planning and Inequality at the Early Iron Age Refuge Settlement at Karphi, Crete, Noah Simmons (University of Arizona)

Sit, Stay, Speak: Dogs in Mycenaean Iconography and Homeric Epics as Possible Support for Dialectical Movement in the Late Bronze Age, Rebecca Sanders (University of Michigan)

Still Speaking: Dialogue on the Roadside Stage in Greek Inscribed and Literary Funerary Epigram, Valerie Liang (University of Notre Dame)


Section F: Greek Comedy (Plaza)

Niall Slater (Emory University), presider

Negative Space: Food and Celebration in Aristophanes Frogs, Kristin Lord (Wilfrid Laurier University)

Aristophanic Political Dissent in Frogs 686-705, Daniel Orr (Duke University)

An unusual slave on the Greek comic stage: Xanthias as a trickster slave in Aristophanes Frogs, Vasileios Dimoglidis (University of Cincinnati)

Everybody loves Strepsiades: Type Characters and Family Relationships in Aristophanes, Robert Carpenter (University of Missouri)

The Structures of Aristophanes’s Wasps, Craig Jendza (Denison University)


Section G: Roundtable (Kingsbury)

Robert W. Groves (University of Arizona) and Lisa Ellison (East Carolina University), organizers and presiders

Asynchronous beyond the First Year: Intermediate Latin & Greek Online


Section H: Poster Session Viewing (Lower Level Lobby)

Bosom Buddies: Female Friendship in Senecan Tragedy, Srija Dey (University of Florida)

Inscribing Identity: The Development of the Latin Script in Ancient Rome and Early Modern Vietnam, Campbell Rosener (Loyola University, Chicago)

What’s in a Name: Autobiographical Memory and Identity in the Erotic Graffiti of Roman Pompeii, Katherine Griffith (Indiana University, Bloomington)

Missing the Forest for the Trees: Identifying the Italian Sacred Grove, Laurence Pavlik (Augustana College)


10:15-12:00 p.m. Sixth Paper Session 

Section A: Medicine and Athletics (Regency)

Luis Alejandro Salas (Washington University in St. Louis), presider

Magic and Medicine: Evidence of magical practice at the grave sites of victims of disease, Isabel Matias (University of Arizona)

Hippocrates: Father of Shoulder Subluxation Kinesiotherapy, Marisa Stephens (Washington University in St. Louis)

Female Athletes in Ancient Greece, Geneva Karr (University of Arizona)

Practicing Philosophy: Athletic Training in Epictetus’ Discourses, Sawyer Jones (University of Arizona)

Medica and Patient: Contending with Identity as it Relates to Authority and Submission in Roman Medicine, Christie Vogler (Independent Scholar)


Section B: Archaeology and Art History (Khorassan West)

Duane Roller (Ohio State University), presider

Etruscan Social Structure: Banqueting Imagery on Greek Ceramics, Katherine Matthews (University of Arizona)

Entangled Communities: Multidimensional Use of Nymph Shrines in Ancient Greece, Theodora Kopestonsky (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)

Memory, Migration, and Myth: Negotiating Greek Identity in the Built Environment of Aeolis and Ionia c. 4th c. B.C.E. -1st c. C.E., Isabella Blanton (University of Michigan)

Seeking Jerusalem: Pilgrimage and Embodiment in the Anastasis Rotunda Mosaic from Bordeaux and its Inspirations, Betsy Bevis (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

“Death of the Author” – The Reception of Greek Inscriptions in Late Antiquity, Anna M. Sitz  (University of Tübingen)


Section C: Greek and Roman Philosophy (Maryland)

 Lorenzo Garcia, Jr. (University of New Mexico), presider

Can the Pyrrhonian Skeptic be Moral?, Chelsea M. Bowden (Denison University)

Epicurean Intertextuality in Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura, Alec Smitten (Indiana University, Bloomington)

Empedoclean Elements: Janus’s Interview and Cyclic Time in the Fasti., Patrick Andrews (Washington University in St. Louis)


Section D: Latin Epic 2 (Waterman)

Joseph D. Dexter (Harvard University), presider

Fraternal Strife Among Statius’ Gods, Luke Giuntoli (University of Arizona)

Venatrix Animumque Innupta Remansi: Atalanta’s Ovidian Intertextuality and Asexual Motherhood in Statius’ Thebaid, Laura Harris (University of Washington)

Inclusion and Exclusion in Baebius Italicus’ Ilias Latina and the Homeric Exegetical Tradition, Jennifer Weintritt (Northwestern University)

Re-staging the Lusitanian War in Silius’ Punica, Julia Mebane (Indiana University, Bloomington)


Section E: Greek Poetry: Hesiod and Homeric Hymns (Portland)

Jenny Clay (University of Virginia), presider

Pandoras Initiatory Transition from Maiden to Woman in Hesiod, Madeleine Harris (University of Michigan)

Persephone as Parthenos, Rachael Knodel (Ohio State University)

Hermes’ Hymns in the Homeric Hymn to Hermes, Finn Dierks-Brown (Grinnell College)

A Hunger for Laughter: Hermes Human Uses of Humor, Walter Price (University of Missouri, Columbia)


Section F: Greek Historiography (Plaza)

Emily Baragwanath (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill), presider

Does Greekness Matter? Ethnic Consistency in the Athenian Ambassador’s Speech, Benjamin Leach (Indiana University)

Times of War: The Organization of Narrative in Diodorus and Ephorus, David C. Yates (Millsaps College)

The Fate of the Captured and the Destiny of Empires: Diodorus Siculus and the Aftermath of the Sicilian Expedition, Charles Muntz (University of Arkansas)

“Those who write memoranda on the walls of their houses” (Polybius 5.33.5): A New Form of Historical Writing?, Mary Frances Williams (Independent Scholar)


Section G: Roundtable (Kingsbury)

Monica Cyrino (University of New Mexico) and Antony Augoustakis (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), organizers and presiders

The series DOMINA


Section H: Poster Session Presentations (Westminster)

T. Davina McClain (Scholars’ College at Northwestern State University), presider

Bosom Buddies: Female Friendship in Senecan Tragedy, Srija Dey (University of Florida)

Inscribing Identity: The Development of the Latin Script in Ancient Rome and Early Modern Vietnam, Campbell Rosener (Loyola University, Chicago)

What’s in a Name: Autobiographical Memory and Identity in the Erotic Graffiti of Roman Pompeii, Katherine Griffith (Indiana University, Bloomington)

Missing the Forest for the Trees: Identifying the Italian Sacred Grove, Laurence Pavlik (Augustana College)


2:00-4:00 p.m. Seventh Paper Session


Section A: Presidential Panel: Hypsipyle Through the Ages (Seigle L006)

Andrew Zissos (University of California, Irvine), organizer and presider

Late Euripides and Hypsipyle, Ruth Scodel (University of Michigan)

The Race and the Rhetoric of Hypsipyle’s Speech to Jason in Apollonius’ Argonautica, Jackie Murray (University of Kentucky)

Hypsipyle’s Intertextual Presence in Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica, Tim Stover (Florida State University)

Death and Ritual on Lemnos: Hypsipyle in Flavian Epic, Antony Augoustakis (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

Hypsipyle in the Middle Ages: the Fragmentary Heroine, Carole Newlands (University of Colorado, Boulder)


Section B: Myth, Drama and Classical Receptions in Action (Seigle 204)

Sophie Mills (University of North Carolina, Asheville), presider

The Electricidad Project: A Collaboration between Classics, Theater Arts, and High Schools at Illinois, Angeliki Tzanetou (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

Luis Alfaro: Borders, Impulses, and Beliefs, Yoandy Cabrera Ortega (Rockford University)

Modern Adaptations and Reperformances of Aristophanes’ Ecclesiazusae, Erin Moodie (Purdue University)

Fractured Mythology: Classical Reception and Player Mythopoesis in Returnal, Zachary Elliott (University of Pennsylvania)

A Modern-Day Justification of the Fratricide in Rome’s Foundation Myth: Matteo Rovere’s The First King – Birth of an Empire (2019), Art Spisak (University of Iowa)

Section C: Classics and Pedagogy (Seigle 206)

Morris Tichenor (Louisiana School of Math, Science, and the Arts), presider

Podcasting the Past: Implementing Digital Pedagogy in the Classical Studies Classroom, Rhodora Vennarucci (University of Arkansas)

Digital games in Classical classrooms: VR kottabos, the Royal Game of Ur, and pedagogical horizons, Sandra Blakely (Emory University) and Joanna Mundy (Emory University)

Reveal Your Shape, O Formless One: Using Digital Technology to Re-Paint Cycladic Figures, Michael Hall (University of Arkansas)

To Call It Pedophilia: Teaching Plato’s Symposium with Multiple Consciousness, Andrew Lund (Tulane University)

Tongue Breaks: Teaching Ancient Greek and Latin to Neurodivergent Students, Kristina Chew (Rutgers University)


Section D: Seneca (Seigle 208)

Michael Goyette (Eckerd College), presider

A liber for Liberalis: modeling giving in Seneca’s De Beneficiis, Georgina White (University of Kansas)

Ideal Audiences in Seneca’s Letters, Kate Melberg (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Herculean Madness: Aborted Agency in Hercules Furens, Tiffany Nguyen (University of Pennsylvania)


Section E: Reception Ancient World, Modern Music II: Receptions of Antiquity Across Popular Musical Genres (Seigle 301)

Jeremy Swist (Miami University of Ohio), organizer and presider

Ancient and Modern Criticism of Musical Queerness:  Lil Nas X, Plato, and the 5th c. "New Music", Abigail Bradford (University of Virginia)

Evolution of Aphrodite: Goddess to Pop Music Icon, Princess O’Nika Auguste (Dublin City University)

“‘ἀείσω ξυνετοῖσι’ I will sing to those in the know: Orphic Resonances in the Music of Daemonia Nymphe”, Jordi Alonso (Louisiana State University)

The Mother of Snakes: The Reception of Agrippina the Younger in Metal Music, Christina Hotalen (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)

“Can’t Tell Me Nothing”: The Principate of Hip Hop, John Hayden (Independent Scholar)


Section F: Epigraphy and Papyrology (Seigle 305)

Taylor Gruman (Angelo State University), presider

Ritual Expertise: A Comparative Analysis between the Derveni Papyrus and Religious Rituals in Greece and Persia, Garrett Hanson (University of Arizona)

Iephesos Ia, no. 4: The Artemision During the Ephesian Debt Crisis of 297 BC, Jake N. Pawlush (Washington University in St. Louis)

A Ptolemaic Account Regarding Crown Land (P. Mich. Inv. 7075), Richard Phillips (Virginia Tech)

Inscriptions Writing History: Locating and Connecting the Cult of Artemis Amarysia to Epigraphical Finds at Amarynthos, Marie E. Gruver (Hollins University)

Kids Say the Darndest Things: Inscribed First-Person Speech of Commemorated Children in Imperial Rome, Sarah C. Keith (University of Michigan)

Punctuation in the postclassical antiquity and the Middle Ages as attested by Greek and Latin papyri and other writing materials, Eleni Papadopoulou (University of Florida)


Section G: Ovid’s Metamorphoses (Seigle L004)

Sanjaya Thakur (Colorado College), presider

Ono-Mastiffs: Names, Identity, and Virtuosity in Ovid’s “Dogalog” of Actaeon’s Hounds, Beau Henson (Montgomery Bell Academy)

Passing Queerness in Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Mercury Titterton (Vassar College)

Poet and Puella: Elegiac Analogies in Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Christopher Robertson (Washington University in St. Louis)



Saturday, April 6, 2024


10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Eighth Paper Session 


Section A: Reception 3 (Regency)

Monica Cyrino (University of New Mexico), presider

The Unpopular Octavian: Octavian as a Villain On-Screen, Skylar Wittenborn (Florida State University)

Indiana Jones and the “Jungle Puzzle” Cliché: Contrasting Depictions of New World and Classical Archaeology, Emily Prosch (University of Missouri, Columbia)

One Flesh, One End: Heroic Grief and Sacrifice in The Locked Tomb, Oliver Richards (Bowling Green State University)

An Everyday Hell: Examining the Influence of the Katabasis on Wes Craven’s A Nightmare on Elm Street, Declan Hoch (Indiana University, Bloomington)

From Cyberspace to the Cloud: Classical Reception in Modern Software, Mark Thorne (The Boeing Company)

The Problem of Homer’s Blindness: Sanctity of the Story in I Am One of You Forever, Samantha Decker (Independent Scholar)


Section B: Roman Art History and Archaeology (Khorassan West)

Victoria E. Pagán (University of Florida), presider

Landslides and Recycling: Evidence from the Coriglia Excavation, William Ramundt (University of Buffalo)

Explaining the Absence of Ceres on Augustan Coinage, Jonathan Zarecki (University of North Carolina, Greensboro)

Looking out, Looking in: Villae Maritimae on the Bay of Naples, Rebecca Gaborek (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)

The Material and Meaning of the Emperor Titus’ Post-Vesuvius Rebuilding Inscription in Naples, Steven Tuck (Miami University of Ohio)

Coming Out: Acknowledging Antinous in the Apotheosis of Sabina, Rachel Andrews and Tiffany VanWinkoop (University of Wisconsin, Madison)


Section C: Greek Epic Poetry (Maryland)

Timothy Heckenlively (Baylor University), presider

Anaphora in Greek Epic: New Types, New Tools, Stephen Sansom (Florida State University)

Divine Shame & Early Greek Views of Animal Breeding, Lorenzo Garcia Jr. (University of New Mexico)

The Monster and the Lion, Charles Dearmore (University of Arizona)

The Wisdom of Thersites, Mark Lundy (University of Texas, Austin)

Homeric Funerals: The Literary and The Archaeological, Anna Banowsky (University of Iowa)


Section D: Pedagogy (Waterman)

Laura McClure (University of Wisconsin, Madison), presider

Teaching Word Order at the Elementary Ancient Greek Level (semesters 1-3), Philip S. Peek (Bowling Green State University)

A Near-Peer Support Assignment in GRK 101 and 201, Adriana Brook (University of Toronto)

Markings and Mnemonics to Aid in Learning and Reading Latin, Rebecca Harrison (Truman State University)

Strategies for Designing and Implementing a Faculty-Led Short-Term Classics-Themed Study Abroad Program, Aaron Wenzel (University of Minnesota, Morris)


Section E: Workshop (Portland)

Rachel Becker (University of Puget Sound), organizer and presider

Suicide Prevention for Virgil’s Aeneid: Curriculum Pilot Program,



Section F: Latin Poetry: Ovid (Plaza)

Carole Newlands (University of Colorado, Boulder), presider

Calypso’s Island: An Ovidian Reinterpretation of Homer, Isabel Cooperman (University of Wisconsin Madison)

Maternal Foundations of Rome: Livia in Fasti 1.535-36, Savannah Wahlgren (University of Kansas)

Paternity and Patronage in Pont. 1.2, Joy Reeber (University of Arkansas)

Love and Death:  Epitaphic Intermediality in Ovidian Erotodidaxis, Niall Slater (Emory University)

Ovid’s Cipus and the images of Jupiter Ammon in Forum Augustum, Sanjaya Thakur (Colorado College)


Section G: Panel: The Evolution of CAMWS in the First Decades of the 21st Century (Kingsbury)

Krishni Burns (University of Illinois, Chicago), presider
Thomas J. Sienkewicz (Monmouth College), organizer

CAMWS’s Tenth Decade, Gregory Daugherty (Randolph-Macon College)

CAMWS’s Eleventh Decade, Anne Groton (St. Olaf College)

CAMWS’s Twelfth Decade, Thomas J. Sienkewicz (Monmouth College)

A Decade of CAMWSCorp Interviews, Ward W. Briggs (University of South Carolina)

The CAMWS of the Future: Building a Supportive Space for Classics and Classicists to Thrive, T. Davina McClain (Scholars’ College at Northwestern State University)



1:00-3:00 p.m. Ninth Paper Session 

Section A: Reception 4 (Regency)

Gregory Daugherty (Randolph-Macon University), presider

Examining Thomas Jefferson’s Use of the Classics in Query XIV to Support White Supremacy, Alexander Kiprof (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)

Black Pastorals, Caroline E. Lunt (University of Kansas)

“Now Art Comes”: The Parthenon and Racial Conquest in Kansas City, Benjamin Jasnow (William Jewell College)

The Influence of Classical Scholarship on African Literature, Kariola Mustapha (University of Florida)

Ovid Trans-created: Pygmalion, Orpheus, and Myrrha at the Margins of Reception and Translation in Hilda Hilst’s Letters from a Seducer (1991), Fernando Gorab Leme (University of Michigan)


Section B: Second Sophistic Greek Prose (Khorassan West)

Daniel W. Leon (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), presider

Lucian’s Icaromenippus and the Absence of Rome., Wolfgang Polleichtner (University of Tübingen)

The Politics of Lucian’s Fifth Dialogue of the Courtesans in the Fight for Gay and Sexual Liberation, Ky Merkley (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

Lightning and the Deaths of Charlatans in Lucian, Sara Merker (Cornell University)

Muses, Madness, and Magnets: Plato’s Idea of Poetic Inspiration in Lucian, Samuel Reich (University of Notre Dame)

Statuary and Divine Authority in Philostratos’ Heroikos, Allene M. Seet (University of California, Santa Barbara)

Reviving the Epic Corpse in Heliodorus, Margaret Kammerer (Indiana University, Bloomington)


Section C: Diverse Approaches to Diversity and Inclusion in the Classroom (Maryland)

Theodore A. Tarkow (University of Missouri, Columbia), organizer and presider

Strangers, Outsiders, and Foreign Worlds: Identity and the Other in the Greek Imagination, Leanna Boychenko (Loyola University Chicago)

Black Cultures and Classical Education at Ohio State University, Tom Hawkins (Ohio State University)

Migration and Multiculturalism in the World of Alexander the Great, Denise McCoskey (Miami University)

Black Dionysus: Greek Drama in Africa and the African Diaspora, David Schenker (University of Missouri, Columbia)


Section D: Greek Lyric (Waterman)

Zoe Stamatopoulou (Washington University in St. Louis), presider

Praise of Relatives in Pindar's Isthmian 8 and Olympian 9, Monessa Cummins (Grinnell College)

Ventriloquizing Ixion: Myth and Authoritative Speech in Pythian 2, Kathryn Caliva (St. Bonaventure University)

Thanks to You (O.14.20): Ambiguity of Addressee in Pindaric Epinician, Bryan Norton (Washington University in St. Louis)

Applying for the Position of “Resident Poet”: Damophilos in Pythian 4.279-299Elisa Migliarette (University of California Los Angeles)

Corinna: “Thinking Like a Mountain”, William Brockliss (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

Sappho’s Garden: A Queer Utopia?, Julia Perroni (University of Wisconsin, Madison)


Section E: Orationes vel Acroases Latinae (Portland)

David J. White (Baylor University), organizer and presider

De Vergili Georgicis et Columellae Re Rustica, David J. White (Baylor University)

De allegoria apud Aeneidos supplementorum auctores qui aetate artium renascentium scripsere, Patrick M. Owens (Colgate University)

Auriacus Vindex: Iacobi Triglandii IV de Insidiis, Justin Mansfield (Independent Scholar)


Section F: Roman Historiography (Plaza)

Philip Waddell (University of Arizona), presider

A Possible Catullan Intertext in DBG Book 4, Sydnor S. Roy (Marshall University)

Sexual Metaphors of Enslavement in Tacitus’ Agricola, Claire Cochran (Baylor University)

“Full of awareness and life”: The Body of Marius Gratidianus in the Literary Tradition, Elliott Piros (Loyola Marymount University)

Augustus in Tacitus, Annals 12.60, Victoria E. Pagán (University of Florida)

Creating Conspiracy in Tacitus’ Annales, Meaghan Murphy (Indiana University, Bloomington)


Section G: Latin Poetry 1 (Kingsbury)

Peter Knox (New College of Florida), presider

The Hidden Springs of the Muses in Catullus 68, Rebecca Sears (Washington University in St. Louis)

Catullus in The World of Smells, Ankita Sen (Johns Hopkins University)

Comitibus talibus, quis hostibus caret? (With Friends Like these, Who Needs Enemies), Bryan Carlson (University of Florida, Fort Worth Country Day School)

Quantum femina saevit: Cynthia and the Monstrous Feminine in Propertius Book IV, Jillian White (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)


3:15-5:00 p.m. Tenth Paper Session 


Section A: Greek Language and Literature (Regency)

Sydnor Roy (Marshall University), presider

Dikaiosyne in Herodotus and Xenophon: A Persian Skill?, Rachel H. Sternberg (Case Western Reserve University)

Ethical Investing in oikos and polis: Theodote and Ischomachus’ Wife, Emily Baragwanath (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)

Make Athens Great Again: Fearmongering in the Athenian Courts, Andrew Wolpert (University of Florida)

Use Smaller Words, Socrates: Using Words and Particles to Classify Conversation Types in the Socratic Dialogues, Benjamin Thompson (University of Georgia)

A linguistic account of gendered Greek marital diathesis, Ava Dadvand (Yale University)


Section B: Latin Satire (Khorassan West)

Antony Augoustakis (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), presider

Configuring Contrasts: Lucilius’ Caricatures of Ennius and Accius, Marcie Persyn (University of Pittsburgh)

Dead Poets’ Society: Persius’ Choliambic Prologue and the Tradition of Hellenistic Sepulchral Epigram, Jennifer Ferris-Hill (University of Miami)

Vivite (Dis)Contenti: Populism and the Politics of Disaffection in Juvenal, Heather Vincent (Eckerd College)

The Invention of Fiction in Juvenal Satire 15, Cathy Keane (Washington University in St. Louis)


Section C: Latin Poetry 2 (Maryland)

Vassiliki Panoussi (William & Mary), presider

Hickey Hermeneutics: Varied Visualities of Love-Bites in Latin Love Elegy, Lauryn Hanley (University of Washington)

Books and Book History through Ovid’s Amores 3, Caleb M.X. Dance (Washington & Lee University)

Ovid's Jason: Heroism, Farming, and Monstrosity in Heroides VI and XII, Kaitlin Stephan (University of Notre Dame)

Rape and the word Paelex: Agency and Opprobrium, Anna Everett Beek (Case Western Reserve University)


Section D: Greek Hellenistic Poetry (Portland)

Ivana Petrovic (University of Virginia), presider

The Destruction of the Ash-born Race: Severing Social Ties in Apollonius’ Argonautica, Amanda Rivera (Boston University)

Callimachean Parallelism between Hymns 5 and 6, Mark Buzbee (University of Tennessee, Chattanooga)

Theocritus Idyll 1: The Creative Descent of Daphnis, Naomi Kaloudis (McGill University)

No Reel Glory: The Lack of Burial in Oppian’s Halieutica, Christopher Gipson (Loyola Marymount University)


Section E: Latin Prose (Plaza)

David J. White (Baylor University), presider

Apuleius and the Power of Writing, Tom Van Denburgh (Washington University in St. Louis)

Stars and Constellations in Hyginus Fabulae: Cementing the Link with the De Astronomia, Kristopher Fletcher (Louisiana State University)

Classical Etymology as Christian Practice in Jeromes Epistulae, Mary Clare Young (University of Virginia)

Befriending the Living Martyr: Elite Patronage in Paulinus of Nola, Epistle 18, Benjamin Moon-Black (Duke University)

Parataxis in Latin Literature: A Corpus Study with the Latin Dependency Treebanks, Matthew DeHass (University of Missouri - Columbia)