April 23 - 25, 2015 – University of Kentucky – Lexington, Kentucky
Deadline for Abstract Submission: November 10th, 2014
The KFLC announces sessions devoted to the presentation of scholarly research in the area of NEO-LATIN STUDIES (post-medieval Latin from Petrarch to the present). Abstracts are invited in all areas and aspects of Neo-Latin Texts, including, but not limited to: Neo-Latin Drama, Neo-Latin Epic (or other poetic genres), Neo-Latin Fiction, Neo-Latin Historiography and Ethnography, Neo-Latin Imitation, Neo-Latin Language and Style, Neo-Latin Letter Collections, Journals, Biographies, Autobiographies, Neo-Latin Rhetoric, Neo-Latin Treatises on Architecture, Botany, Cartography, Geography, Mathematics, Medicine, Music, Philosophy, Theology, Science, etc.
Sessions are 20 minutes followed by a 10-minute question & answer session. In addition to individual abstracts for paper presentations, proposals for panels of 5 papers will be considered.
Individually submitted abstracts should be no more than 250 words.
Panel proposals of 5 presentations should be submitted as follows: The panel organizer should electronically submit a panel proposal. The panel proposal cannot exceed one page in length and should include the theme of the panel, the organizer's name and contact information, and the names, contact information and affiliations of the panel participants. Each participant MUST submit an individual abstract using our online system in addition to the panel proposal. Please indicate that your presentation is part of a pre-organized panel and list the title and organizer of the panel in the abstract.
Papers may be read in English. Acceptance of a paper or complete panel implies a commitment on the part of all participants to register and attend the conference. All presenters must pay the appropriate registration fee by MARCH 1, 2015 to be included in the program.
To submit abstracts and panel proposals BY NOVEMBER 1O, 2015, please visit:
Terence Tunberg, Professor,
Division of Classics,
Department of Modern & Classical Languages, Literatures, & Cultures,
1055 Patterson Office Tower, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0027, U.S.A.