Walking Directions between Hotel and Campus in Boulder

Note: For those who do not choose to walk to the University of Colorado campus for Friday afternoon's lunch at the Stadium Club and paper sessions at the Eaton Humanities building, two Millennium Harvest House shuttle buses will be available for travel to and from these destinations.  CAMWS attendees, who request this service, should inform the hotel front desk of the time at which they would like to travel and their pick up and drop off locations.  The shuttle buses depart from the front lobby of the hotel, and the drivers will designate the places on campus at which pick-ups will be made.

Millennium Harvest House to Stadium Club (10-20 minutes):
Note: maps are available from the hotel concierge, and student volunteers will be posted along the route.

Go out the back of the hotel and walk past gardens and gazebo to Boulder Creek. Turn right (west, towards the mountains) on the creek path and walk less than 1/4 mile to the underpass at Folsom Street. Immediately after passing under Folsom, turn right, climb the stairs to the street, turn right, and walk up the hill (south). You will see the stadium (Folsom Field) as you ascend, but to reach it, you must walk around a large construction site by continuing on Folsom to Colorado Ave. and then turning right (west). From Colorado Ave., enter the covered concourse separating the nearer (east-side) seating from the Stadium Club. Opposite Gate 9, enter the Club’s elevator lobby through double glass doors on your right marked Byron White Stadium Club.

Stadium Club to Eaton Humanities (5-10 minutes):

Return through the concourse to Colorado Ave. Turn right and walk along Colorado until it ends (where motor traffic takes a 90º left turn onto 18th Street). Continue straight ahead into the rear courtyard of Norlin Library. If you could walk through the library, you’d find yourself in front of the Eaton Humanities Building. Since you can’t, walk around it to your left. As you come around into the quadrangle in front of the library, you will be looking at Eaton Humanities straight ahead, a three-story building with campanile just northwest of the library.

Eaton Humanities to Millennium Harvest House (15-20 minutes):

Return to the Millennium Harvest House by back-tracking, or exit through the rear of Eaton Humanities, walk down the hill to the creek path via 17th Street, and turn right onto the path for the 15-20 minute walk back to the hotel.