2016 Panels




Quisque suos patimur manis:  Intertextuality in Virgil’s Underworld

Julia D. Hejduk (Baylor University), organizer and presider

John F. Miller (University of Virginia), respondent


1.  You will not be Ptolemy: Performing a Callimachean Hymn in Vergil’s Underworld. Brittney                        Szempruch (Stanford University)

2.  Failed Address:  Catullus 101 in the Aeneid. John K. Schafer (Northwestern University)

3.  Mapping the Afterlife:  The Reception of Cicero in Aeneid 6. Spencer Cole (University of Minnesota)




Prophecy and Ethnography: New Light on Herodotus’ Histories

Dustin S. Cranford (University of Maryland, College Park), organizer

Donald Lateiner (Ohio Wesleyan University), presider and respondent


1.  Artemisia and an Anti-Carian Bias in Herodotus. Dustin S. Cranford (University of Maryland,        College Park)

2.  Homer in Herodotus & Aeschylus: Assimilating the ‘Other’. Noah B. Cogan (St. Catherine’s          School)

3.  Herodotus’ Characterization of a Divine Xerxes. Jordan F. Slavik (University of Maryland,                        College Park)

4.  Accept What Is Given: A Reading of Herodotus 8.114. Robert S. Santucci (University of Maryland,          College Park)




Now Trending: Intertextual and Intercultural Approaches

Georgia L. Irby (College of William and Mary), organizer and presider


1.  The Expressive Grammar of Ezekiel 1-2. Rachel Greenfield (College of William and Mary)

2.  Cynthia, sola parentes: the Intertextual Makeup of Propertius 1.11. Harry Samuel Crusemire                 (College of William and Mary)

3.  Apollo in Love: Pursuing Elegy in his Wake. Dereck Basinger (College of William and Mary) 

4.  The Role of Melothesia in Ancient Medicine and Its Relation with the Yavana Jataka. Tejas S.      Aralere (College of William and Mary)










Digital Classics in the Classroom

John C. Gruber-Miller (Cornell College), organizer and presider


1.  Introduction: Digital Pedagogy in the 21st Century Educational Landscape. John C. Gruber-Miller             (Cornell College)

2.  "Modern, Ancient, Awesome”: Academic Classics in the Early 21st Century. Amy R. Cohen          (Randolph College)

3.  Using Virtual Globes in the Classics Classroom. Rebecca K. Schindler (DePauw University)

4.  Digital Pedagogy in the Latin Classroom: The Case of Fronto Online. Bartolo A. Natoli (Randoph- Macon College)

5Making a Collaborative Digital Commentary on Ovid, Metamorphoses 3. Bret Mulligan (Haverford          College)

6The Value of Embedding Digital Humanities in the Undergraduate Curriculum. Eric K. Dugdale       (Gustavus Adolphus College)




Into the Ancient Woods: Metaliterary References in Republican Literature

T. H. M. Gellar-Goad (Wake Forest University), co-organizer and co-presider

Christopher B. Polt (Boston College), co-organizer and co-presider


1.  The Well-Worn Road: Metapoetics from Ennius to Ovid.  John H. Henkel (Georgetown College)

2.  Metatheater, Meretrices, and Life Behind the Scenes in Plautus and Terence. T. H. M. Gellar-Goad          (Wake Forest University)

3.  Lucilius and the Satisfaction of satura. Jennifer K. Ferriss-Hill (University of Miami)

4.  ποιητὴς ὀλιγοποιός: Animal Song and Metapoetry in Cicero’s Prognostica. Christopher B. Polt (Boston College)

5.  The Light of Lucretius: A Metapoetic Acrostic  (L-U-C-E) in De Rerum Natura 5.712-15. Leah J.             Kronenberg (Rutgers University)




Teaching Vergil’s Aeneid at the College Level:  Studies and Strategies

Christine L. Albright (University of Georgia), organizer and presider

James J. O’Hara (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), respondent


1.  Quod accidit in spēluncā, in spēluncā manet: Adapting Aeneid 4 for College-Level Introductory Latin.     Virginia Closs (University of Massachusetts at Amherst)

2.  Learning Vergil with Little Data. Douglas C. Clapp (Samford University)

3.  Approaching the Aeneid through Art. Christine L. Albright (University of Georgia)

4.  Aeneids in English. Antonia Syson (Purdue University)






Of Travels, Fish-Jokes, and the Roman Forum: Plautus’s Curculio Revisited

Mathias Hanses (Penn State University), co-organizer and co-presider

Emilia A. Barbiero (New York University), co-organizer and co-presider


1.  A Cute Illness in Epidaurus: Morbus hepatiarius and other sick jokes in Plautus’ Curculio. Michael S.      Fontaine (Cornell University)

2.  Here and There in Plautus’ Curculio. Emilia A. Barbiero (New York University)

3.  Men Among Monuments: Plautus’s Choragus and Roman Topography. Mathias Hanses (Penn State        University)




The Afterlife in Etruria: New Approaches to Funerary Evidence

Molly R. Swetnam-Burland (College of William and Mary), co-organizer and presider

Gretchen E. Meyers (Franklin and Marshall College), co-organizer


1.  Ceremonial Cloth: The Representation of Textiles in Etruscan Funerary Imagery. Gretchen E. Meyers        (Franklin and Marshall College)

2.  From the Battlefield to the Tomb:  An Analysis of Etruscan Warfare as Evidenced by Funerary         Contexts. Alexander Mazurek (University at Buffalo)

3.  Trade, Value, and Ritual: The Life and Times of a Krater by the Niobid Painter from Perugia.           Molly R. Swetnam-Burland (College of William and Mary) and Keely E. Heuer (State University of    New York at New Paltz)

4.  Demonic or Divine: Exploring the Role of Vanth in Etruscan Art. Kara K. Burns (University of South          Alabama)

5.  Crossing Boundaries: A Gendered Reinterpretation of Etruscan Demons. Jacqueline K. Ortoleva (Seattle Central College)




Collaborative Pedagogy in the Digital Age: Flipped Classrooms and Lab Environments in Classics

                                J. Matthew Harrington (Tufts University), co-organizer and presider          

Marie-Claire Beaulieu (Tufts University), co-organizer



1.  Collaborative Student Research in Classical Mythology: Beyond the Lecture. Marie-Claire Beaulieu         (Tufts University)

2.  Data from Student Treebanking as a Pedagogical Resource. Robert Gorman (University of Nebraska-       Lincoln)

3.  Texts to the People: Treebanking within the Perseids Platform as a Means to Unify the Consumption             and Production of Scholarship across the Discipline. J. Matthew Harrington (Tufts University)

4.  A Lab-style Greek Course: Treebanking and the Flipped Classroom. Drew Latimer (Tufts University)





Rediviva: Reception of the Classical Languages in a Post-Classical Context

Patrick M. Owens (Wyoming Catholic College), organizer and presider


1.  Pagans and Theologians: An Examination of the Use of Christian Sources in Niels Hemmingsen’s De             lege naturae. Eric J. Hutchinson (Hillsdale College)

2.  Bartolomeo Merula: Renaissance Editor of Classical Texts. Angela Fritsen (Episcopal School of     Dallas)

3.  λαοὶ δὲ δὴ ἄλλοι: Theognis in Reformation Germany. Joseph A. Tipton (Winthrop University)

4.  Carthago Indiarum obsesa (sic) sed non expugnata: New Punic Wars in the New World. Dennis           Toscano (Kentucky University)



GSIC Panel

Assembling a Teaching Portfolio for the Job Market

Laura C. Takakjy (University of Texas at Austin), organizer and presider


1.  The Basics of Building an Effective Teaching Portfolio. Bartolo A. Natoli (Randolph-Macon           College )

2.  Writing a Reflective Teaching Statement: Six Words to Guide You. Sophie Mills (University of       North Carolina at Asheville)

3.  Teaching Portfolios for Secondary School Positions. Sherwin D. Little (American Classical League)

4.  Things to Know before You Go: Some Unexpected Challenges. Jennifer S. Starkey (San Diego State       University)




Presidential Panel I

"New Directions in Flavian Epic"

Eleni H. Manolaraki (University of South Florida), organizer

Antonios C. Augoustakis, (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), presider


1.  Sonic Images in Flavian Epic. Eleni H. Manolaraki (University of South Florida)

2.  Reversal of Fortune: Statius’ Thebaid and Valerius’ Argonautica. Tim Stover (Florida State          University)

3.  Empowering Sadness: Grief, Gender and Action in Statius’ Thebaid and Virgil’s Aeneid. Helen V. Lovatt (The University of Nottingham)

4.  Temple Monuments and Literary Memory in Silius’ Punica. Alison M. Keith (University of Toronto)

5.  Searching for Ovid at Silius’ Cannae. Raymond D. Marks (University of Missouri)








Presidential Panel II

Urbs et Orbis: Ancient Rome on the Global Screen

Monica S. Cyrino (University of New Mexico), organizer


1.  “Those Crazy Greeks!”: Federico Fellini’s Reception of Greek Culture in Fellini Satyricon (1969).              Vince Tomasso (University of South Florida)

2.  Sympathy for the Roman-Americans? Causae and Controversy in the Aeneid and Battlestar Galactica      (2003-2009). Meredith E. Safran (Trinity College)

3.  A Roman in Kyoto: Empire Nostalgia in Takeushi Hideki’s Thermae Romae (2012).                                   Monica S. Cyrino (University of New Mexico)

4.  Upstairs/Downstairs: The Comedy of Social Class in Plebs (2013-) and Peplum (2015).                 Stacie Raucci (Union College)




CPL Panel

New Trends, New Challenges: Teaching Latin in Secondary School upon Earning an M.A. or Ph.D.

Barbara P. Weinlich (University of Montana), organizer

Sherwin D. Little (American Classical League), presider

James J. Clauss, (University of Washington), respondent


1.  Doceo, ergo sum: Translating the Skills of the Graduate Student into a Successful Teacher.              Brooke Owens (Lake Forest High School)

2.  The Babysitter, the ABD, and the Absent Minded Professor. Thomas E. Strunk (Xavier University)

3.  High School Teaching, A Vocation for Classics Ph.Ds.  Peter J. DeRousse (Hinsdale South High School)




National Committee for Greek Panel

Tools for Teaching Beginning Greek in a New Era

Wilfred E. Major (Louisiana State University, organizer and presider


1.  Teaching Greek Accents with One Guiding Principle. Emily Varto (Dalhousie University)

2.  Teaching Ancient Greek with a Digital Textbook: Some Preliminary Observations. Michael Laughy            (Washington and Lee University)

3.  Testing Tools for Ancient Greek on Digital Platforms. Wilfred E. Major (Louisiana State University)

4.  The National Greek Exam and Greek in the Junior Classical League. Generosa A. Sangco-Jackson          (Oak Hall School)

5.  The 2015 College Greek Exam. Albert T. Watanabe (Louisiana State University)