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2015-16 Recipients of CPL Funding
- Cynthia White (University of Arizona) received a BIG for hosting a Classics Day. For a report, click here.
- Kelly MacFarlane (University of Alberta, Edmonton) received a BIG for sponsoring a Taste of Classics event at the University of Alberta Open House. For a report with photos, please click here.
- The Dacula Latin Club (Patrick Yaggy, Gwinett High School, Gwinett GA) received a BIG for hosting the Latinitas Awards Ceremony on May 11, 2016.
- Amanda Wall (Georgia Southern University) received a BIG for sponsoring the Exploratory Latin Club at the local elementary school in Statesboro (GA) -- now in its second year.
- Sherri Madden (Masters Academy, Matthews NC) received a BIG for MACC Mission, a series of outreach events organized and hosted by her students. Sherri also received a Caristia Grant for each of the four student groups that she is teaching this year. For photos of her MACC Mission project, please click here.
- Jonathan Fenno (University of Mississippi) was successful in securing a BIG on behalf of Monica Granderson (Jackson State University) for inviting Prof. Michele Ronnick to discuss her scholarship on William Sanders at the annual READ-IN event. For photos, click here.
- Nicoletta Villa-Sella (Linsly School) received a BIG for organizing the West Virginia State JCL Convention. Among the highlights will be a presentation by Victoria and Thomas Jordan: "Rome in the 23rd Century: Roman History and Mythology in the Star Trek"
- Mary Pendergraft (Wake Forest University) received a BIG for hosting an outreach event, featuring Joe Goodkin: "The Odyssey: A Folk Opera"
- Jeremy Walker (Crown Point High School) received a BIG for providing his students of Latin with 'real' Roman banquet experience at the end of the school year.
- E. Del Chrol (Marshall University) received a BIG for hosting an outreach event with Jonathan Zarecki: "How I learned to stop worrying and love the lorica"
- Jessica Bergeron (Eagle Ridge Academy) received a BIG for having Joe Goodkin perform at the Minnesota / North Dakota State JCL
- Robert Simmons (Monmouth College) received a BIG for organizing the annual Classics Day at Monmouth College.
- Ted Gellar-Goad (Wake Forest University) received a BIG for taking his students to the North Carolina Junior Classical League convention in Chapel Hill, to perform 10-minute adaptations of plays by Aristophanes and Plautus for an audience of middle- and high-school Latin students.
- Salvador Bartera (Mississippi State University) secured a BIG for staging Seneca's Phaedra next September. The performance will be part of the "Classical Week," sponsored by the Honors College. Salvador also received a Caristia Grant for sponsoring a reception and/or breakfast for the participants a seminar on Caesar's De Bello Gallico, held by Professor Krebs, who will visit MSU in April. The Caesar seminar is intended for Classics majors who wish to become High School teachers, but will be open also to local scholars and MS High School teachers who teach Caesar.
- Diana Webb secured a BIG for keeping her students involved in NJCL and NMJCL and, more specifically, enabling them to participae to the National NJCL Convention in Indiana.