Please complete this application to apply for a CANWS New Teacher Start-Up Funds Award. You will receive confirmation via e-mail after submission. Name * Name of School * Address of School * Please provide the full mailing address of the school. Email * Is your CAMWS membership current? * Yes No If your answer is no, you will be automatically directed to the membership page. Please provide a letter of application that details the use of said materials for classroom instruction and the educational goals to be met by classroom utilization of these materials. Letter Or Files must be less than 2 MB.Allowed file types: pdf doc docx. Please provide acurrent CV which includes information of education and relevant employment history CV Upload * Files must be less than 2 MB.Allowed file types: pdf doc docx. Please provide the name and email of your principal who will receive an email requesting a letter of recommendation on your behalf. Please be sure to ask your principal to look for this email which may wind up in a junk mail folder. The principal should email this letter to Name of Principal * Email Address of Principal * Please provide here a copy of your receipt of purchase for classroom materials. Items purchased should be clearly indicated on this receipt. Receipt Upload * Files must be less than 2 MB.Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf. Promotional Photo * Please upload here a formal headshot which can be used for promotional purposes if you are the recipient of this award. Uploading this headshot indicates that you grant permission to CAMWS to use this image to publicize the award.Files must be less than 2 MB.Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png. Previous Award * Have you ever received any CAMWS award or scholarship in the past? YES NO Other Applications * Are you applying for any other CAMWS awards and scholarships this year? YES NO Applications Please indicate which CAMWS awards and scholarships you are applying for this year. Manson A. Stewart Teacher Training Awards Manson A. Stewart Travel Awards CAMWS New Teacher Awards Semple, Grant, and Benario Summer Travel Awards Excavation/Field School Award Faculty-Undergraduate Collaborative Research Grant Manson A. Stewart Undergraduate Awards James Ruebel Undergraduate Travel Award Please provide additional comments here. Comments You will receive an email confirmation upon submitting this application eletronically. Thank you. Leave this field blank