The Membership Committee respectfully proposes the following item of business:
It is proposed that the CAMWS dues structure be reconfigured so as to accommodate a reduced annual rate for individuals who hold contingent-faculty positions. We propose the creation of a new membership category, Individual Contingent-Faculty, made available to CAMWS members whose appointment meets the criteria for contingent faculty as defined by the AAUP.
The accommodation we propose raises by $10 the Individual annual membership rate (from $55 to $65), and reduces the annual dues for contingent faculty by $10 (from $55 to $45). By corollary the Lifetime Membership rate would be increased gradually over three years to $1300 (= 20 x Individual annual) with the rate for new Lifetime Members joining in 2017/2018 set at $1200.
The creation of a new membership category may result in increased membership numbers, while lightening the burden of colleagues whose salary and benefits may be curbed; for members with full-time tenure-track faculty positions the increase in full annual dues is hopefully manageable.
Note: This motion will be on the agenda of the Business Meeting in Kitchener, Ontario, on Saturday, April 8, 2017, for approval by the membership.
CAMWS Membership for the fiscal year July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017
1. Individual ............................................................................................... $55
2. First-Time Teacher or New CAMWS................................................. $30
3. Student.................................................................................................... $30
4. Retired Active (with CJ) ....................................................................... $30
5. Retired Associate (no CJ) ................................................................. . $0
6. Joint Spouse/Partner (single mailing) ................................................ $80
7. Retired Active (with CJ) Joint Spouse/Partner (single mailing) .... $50
8. Life Individual (one-time fee) ............................................................ $1000
9. Life Joint Spouse/Partner (one-time fee) ......................................... $1400
(Changes are marked in bold.)
CAMWS Membership for the fiscal year July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018
1. Individual ........................................................................................... $65
2. Contingent Faculty........................................................................... $45
3. First-Time Teacher or New CAMWS.............................................. . $30
4. Student............................................................................................... $30
5. Retired Active (with CJ) .................................................................... $30
6. Retired Associate (no CJ) .............................................................. . $0
7. Joint Spouse/Partner (single mailing) ............................................. $90
8. Retired Active (with CJ) Joint Spouse/Partner (single mailing) $50
9. Life Individual (one-time fee) ....................................................... $1200*
10. Life Joint Spouse/Partner (one-time fee) .................................. $1600**
*Life Individual would increase to $1250 in FY 18-19 and to $1300 in FY19-20.
**Life Joint would increase to $1700 in FY18-19 and to $1800 in FY 19-20.