CAMWS Membership Dues Structure

CAMWS Membership
for the fiscal year
July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020

includes one annual subscription to The Classical Journal 
All prices in U.S. currency.

Individual  $65
Contingent Faculty* $45
First-Time Teacher or New CAMWS Membership $30
Student Membership $30
Retired Regular Membership (with CJ) $30
Retired Associate Membership (no CJ) $0
Joint Spouse/Partner Membership (single mailing) $90
Retired Joint Spouse/Partner Membership (single mailing)  $50
Life Individual Membership (one-time fee)  $1300
Life Joint Spouse/Partner Membership (one-time fee) $1700
*For eiligibility, see the AAUP definition of contingent faculty.