The CAMWS Development Committee announces a new initiative to support K-12 Latin teacher training and professional development. This campaign aims to direct resources towards the abiding CAMWS goal of supporting K-12 teachers, both novice and veteran teachers, in many ways—for example, with tuition or other fees for study towards certification or recertification, with start-up funds for classrooms, with courses or other opportunities for professional dev, elopment.
Click here to read a letter about this initiative from the chair of the Development Commmittee, John Miller at the University of Virginia.
The following Consulares have pledged to support this effort financially.
More than $5000 has already been received and much more has been pledged, including a pledge of $20,000 for teacher training via a will.
Antony Augoustakis |
Karl Galinsky |
John F. Miller |
Thomas J. Sienkewicz |
Please join these Consulares and make a contribution at
CAMWS is an educational, not-for-profit organization. It is exempt from federal income tax as a public charity under §501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Current law permits individuals to treat donations to CAMWS as charitable contributions. Please consider remembering The Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Inc. in your will.