Appendix F
Each year, State/Provincial Vice-Presidents are contacted by their Regional Vice-President and asked to submit information on activities that have occurred in their states or provinces that year. Information on membership and scholarship activities should also be included. This material, in turn, is used by the Regional Vice-President in producing an annual regional report. These ten regional reports are submitted to the CPL Chair and become part of the CPL report to the Executive Committee of CAMWS. Copies are available to those who attend the CAMWS annual meeting and are also available by mail and on the CPL web site. In certain years, an article on CPL containing information taken from the regional reports has appeared in the Classical Journal or the CAMWS Newsletter.
This statement describes the process and the purpose but not timing, content, and format. The state report must usually be in the hands of the Regional Vice-President by February 1st. The regional report must be sent to the CPL Chair by March 1st. While these dates sound early, please remember that there is a lot of labor involved in collating the reports and printing them out in time for the CAMWS annual meeting.
As we look ahead to preparing the next report, I think it might be useful for us to brainstorm about what sort of information would be useful in these reports. I sketch out a few suggestions here and hope that you will share your comments with me and fellow Vice-Presidents.
Suggested Content for Annual Report:
- Information on the activities of the state/provincial Classical association;
- Promotional activities in the state or province;
- CAMWS membership (efforts at promotion and results);
- Efforts in the state or province to meet the CPL annual goals;
- Use of CPL monies, interest in CAMWS scholarships, etc.;
- Problems and challenges in the state or province;
Some Suggestions about Format:
- Reports should be written in the third person. Individuals should not be mentioned just by first name alone. Use both first and last name the first time and last name in subsequent references.
- Abbreviations and acronyms should always be explained the first time they are used. Please remember that you are not just writing this for people in your state, province, or region. (ISU, for example, can mean Illinois State University or Indiana State University.)
- State/province reports should not be based solely upon the activities of any one individual or institution but should reflect the activities of people and institutions throughout the state/province.
- The regional report should not be a simple compendium of the state/provincial reports. Rather, some attempt should be made to treat the materially regionally.