Publications Committee Charter

Classical Association of the Middle West and South
Publications Sub-Committee Charter

This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities and governs the operations of the Publications Committee of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (the “Association”).

I. Purpose

The Committee’s purpose is to serve as a standing advisory body to the Association for all matters related to its publications, and, on occasion, to publication in general in the field as a whole.  The various editors will coordinate their respective publications to best serve the needs of the Association, and will report to the Executive Committee and the members as a whole, as needed, about their activities.   


II. Membership

Composition: The Committee shall consist of ex officio members: the President, the Immediate Past President, the editor of the Classical Journal, the editor of Teaching Classical Languages, the editor of the CAMWS Newsletter, the editor of Classical Journal Online, and the Secretary-Treasurer.  The CAMWS President shall serve ex-officio as chair of this sub-committee.


III. Meetings

Meetings shall be held as necessary, either virtually or in person, to discuss relevant issues as they arise. 


IV. Duties and Responsibilities

Beyond the duties of the various editors in their respective roles, the committee will aid the Association in assessing trends in the publication of academic journals and newsletters and making recommendations about the publication, delivery, accessibility, and finances of the Association publications.  It will also work with other committees, as needed to communicate the ongoing business of the Association with its members. 


V. Amendment

This Charter shall not be amended except upon approval by the Executive Committee.

Adopted by the Executive Committee on June 19, 2014.