Subcommittee on the Manson A. Stewart Teacher Training and Travel Awards - Charter

Classical Association of the Middle West and South

Subcommittee on the Manson A. Stewart Teacher Training and Travel Awards


This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities and governs the operations of the Subcommittee on the Manson A. Stewart Teacher Training and Travel Awards (the “Subcommittee”) of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (the “Association”).


I. Purpose

The Subcommittee’s purpose is to establish and maintain guidelines for nominations for

the CAMWS Manson A. Stewart Teacher Training and Travel Awards; to solicit nominations for the annual competition; and to evaluate submissions and determine the winner(s).


II. Membership and Meetings

Composition: The Subcommittee shall consist of five or six regular members appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution.  Each member shall serve for a term of three years. No member of the Subcommittee shall serve more than two terms consecutively.


Chair: The Chair of the Subcommittee shall be appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution, and shall serve for a term of three years, which cannot be renewed. Subcommittee members shall be eligible for appointment, provided that they do not exceed two terms consecutively.


Meetings: The business of the Subcommittee shall normally be conducted over electronic media.


III. Duties and Responsibilities

Guidelines: The Subcommittee shall be responsible for establishing guidelines governing the submission of nominations for the Awards. These guidelines shall be consistent with the following provisions:


•     The nominators of a Manson A. Stewart Scholarship shall be members of the Association in good standing in the year of application.

•     Applications shall be sent to the Chair of the Subcommittee prior to the deadline published on the Association website.

•     Complete applications shall consist of at least an application form, a personal statement, CV and statement of projected expenses.

•     The Secretary-Treasurer for CAMWS and/or his/her assistant recommenders shall affirm the applicant’s eligibility for the scholarship.


Solicitation: The Subcommittee shall be responsible for publishing updated guidelines on the Association website.


Judging: The Subcommittee shall act as sole judge in determining the winners of the

Teacher Training and Travel Awards. The Subcommittee shall establish additional specific criteria to rank the applicants, as necessary, but the guiding principles shall be as follows: 1) the award is designed to support the teaching of Latin, primarily at the secondary level, but current and future teachers of all levels are eligible to apply; 2) the award is both merit- and need-based, and the committee will consider both factors in making its decisions; 3) the committee will give priority to candidates who have not recently received previous Manson A. Stewart Teacher Training and Travel Awards. The Subcommittee shall review and agree upon the criteria annually before the date of submission. The Subcommittee shall endeavor to determine the rankings of the applicants by consensus. If there is no consensus, the Subcommittee shall decide by a simple majority vote.


Reports: The Chair of the Subcommittee shall be responsible for reporting the outcome

of the annual competition to the Executive Committee and the Secretary Treasurer

prior to the Association’s annual meeting. The awards shall be presented by the Chair of the Subcommittee or another member delegated by the Chair at the Association’s annual meeting or, when appropriate, at a CAMWS-SS meeting.


IV. Amendment

This Charter shall not be amended except upon approval by the Executive Committee.



Adopted by the Executive Committee on October 20, 2014.