The Historian of the Association serves ex-officio as the Chair of the History Committee (Charter: https://camws.org/hist-com-charter) and is responsible each year for arranging and maintaining the Archives of the Association, maintaining a current list of members who are deceased, and continuing the CAMWSCorps project.
The Chair
- Periodically requests from the Secretary-Treasurer copies of significant records of the Association (minutes of executive and full business meetings, important correspondence, and other such documents). All documents remain in the custody of the Secretary-Treasurer, but the chair as Historian selects those that are appropriate to update the history of the association.
- Keeps a record of members of the Association who have died and, when warranted, composes memorial notices.
- Beginning in late January, circulates to the History Committee a list of potential candidates for interviews for the CAMWSCorps project. From that list and/or from suggestions by the members, the committee selects approximately 10 senior members of the Association as potential interviewees.
- In the middle of February contacts the candidates for CAMWSCorps interviews or arranges for another member of the committee to do so.
- With the help of the Secretary-Treasurer and the other members of the committee lines up graduate assistants to conduct the interviews, assigns a room in which the interviews can be held, arranges for the proper electronic equipment to be available, and facilitates the actual interviews.
- Turns over the recordings of the interviews to the Secretary-Treasurer.
- Arranges CAMWSCorps interviews at CAMWS-SS meetings when appropriate.
- Submits a written committee report to the Executive Committee in advance of its meeting on the Wednesday prior to the annual CAMWS meeting.
- Works with the Secretary-Treasurer to designate the best time and place to hold the yearly Committee meeting at the annual meeting of the Association.
- Conducts the business of the meeting.
- Gives an oral committee report to the membership at the annual Business Meeting (or designates another member of the committee to do so).
- Reads the necrology list and, when appropriate, memorial notices at the annual Business Meeting (or designates another member of the committee to do so).
- Approximately every decade updates the history of the organization.