CAMWS Excavation and Field School Awards

The Classical Association of the Middle West and South annually awards three $2000.00 scholarships for participation in summer excavation or field school at an archaeological site in the Greco-Roman world.  These awards may support individuals engaged in any stage of the work, including physical excavation, illustration, digital recording, faunal and ceramic analysis.  Generally, one award will be made to at least one graduate student and another to an undergraduate, but teachers at all levels of instruction are also eligible for this award.

One of these awards is named in honor of former CAMWS president Peter Knox of Case Western University. A second award is named in memory of C. McKenzie Lewis of the University of Waterloo (ON).

To be eligible for a CAMWS Excavation and Field School Award, one must be a current member of CAMWS who either

  • holds a teaching position in Greek or Latin in an elementary, secondary school or university within CAMWS territory
  • is enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student in a degree-granting program in Classics or who is enrolled in a program in History, Art History, Anthropology or Archaeology with a primary academic focus on the Greco-Roman world.   

Professional archaeologists are not eligible for these awards.

While priority will be given to applicants who have not had previous excavation experience in the Greco-Roman world, applicants returning to the field are also encouraged to apply.

These awards are administered by the Subcommittee on the Excavation and Field School Awards.

To apply for an award, please submit this Online Application Form by January 30th of each year. 

Please note that this application requires letters of recommendation. It would be wise for applicants to discuss this with prospective recommenders early and warn them about this due date.

Recipients are encouraged to accept the award in person at the annual CAMWS business meeting and are expected to submit a written, illustrated report for the CAMWS Newsletter.

Note 1: An individual who wins one of the CAMWS Excavation and Field School Awards cannot also receive a Semple, Grant, or Benario Award from CAMWS in the same year.

Note 2: An individual cannot accept one of these awards from CAMWS if he or she receives another award or scholarship for the same field school and the combined amount of these awards would be more than the cost of the field school.

For further information, contact the chair of the Subcommittee on the Excavation and Field School Awards at


Congratulations to the Recipients of 2023-2024 Excavation and Field School Awards:

  • Olivia Walters (San Francisco State University)*
  • Grace Gleisner (University of Evansville)**
  • Isabella Blanton (University of Michigan)

*recipient of the Peter Knox Excavation and Field School Award

**recipient of the C. McKenzie Lewis Excavation and Field School Award


Previous Recipients

To donate to the fund for these awards, please go to

Promotional Flyer

Subcommittee on the Excavation and Field School Awards