Title > TOC > Guidelines for the Post of CPL Chair  

Guidelines for the Post of CPL Chair



As a voting member or the CAMWS Executive Committee, the CPL Chair is expected to attend two meetings of the Executive Committee annually. The spring meeting of the Executive Committee takes place at the CAMWS annual meeting. In even-numbered years the fall meeting of the Executive Committee takes place in late October or early November, in conjunction with the biennial meeting of the CAMWS Southern Section. In odd-numbered years the 'fall' meeting of the Executive Committee actually takes place in the winter, shortly after the odd-numbered year has ended, in conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Philological Association (formerly held in late December, now held in early January).


During the fall the Chair will begin to prepare for the CAMWS annual meeting, at which a session will be devoted entirely to CPL. Traditionally, this session has been a panel of pedagogical papers. It is also during this session that comments from those in the audience are solicited about what issues the committee should address in the future. The CPL Chair will work closely with the CAMWS President in putting together the session prior to the program deadline.

Here the Chair gives a report on the committee's activities, successes, and difficulties.Two copies of the written report of the Chair are submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer of CAMWS. All Executive Committee members receive a copy, as well.

With the Secretary-Treasurer of CAMWS and the CAMWS First Vice-President, the Chair hosts a meeting for the Regional Vice-Presidents, Chair of the Membership Committee, and Chair of the Steering Committee on Scholarships and Awards. In addition to conducting other business, at this working meal the Regional Vice-Presidents help to determine to goals and strategies for CPL during the next year and may select the 'Outstanding State/Provincial Vice-President' if not already chosen. Regional Vice-Presidents are also invited to the annual Vice-Presidents' meeting.

The CPL Chair also attends the annual joint meeting of the Vice-Presidents. It is most important that the Regional Vice-Presidents attend this meeting, during which the strategy for the upcoming year is announced. It also provides an informal atmosphere for them to converse with the State/Provincial Vice-Presidents throughout the CAMWS area. At this meeting the CPL Chair announces various CPL awards, including those for the outstanding CPL award, the state with the best/most CPL awards, the best state/provincial newsletter, the most improved state/provincial web site, the best high school promotional award, the outstanding State/Provincial Vice-President, and the outstanding Regional Vice-President.

At the annual CAMWS business meeting the Chair also gives the membership a brief report of CPL activities and awards.


Expenses for postage and telephone calls related to the responsibilities of the CPL Chair can be reimbursed through the CAMWS Secretary-Treasurer.


CURSUS ANNI for the CPL Chair


Submit a proposal for a CPL pedagogy panel for the upcoming CAMWS meeting.

Send nominations for new State/Provincial Vice-Presidents, Regional Vice-Presidents, and CPL Committee members to the new CAMWS President for appointment. Remind the outgoing CAMWS President to write letters to those State/Provincial and Regional Vice-Presidents whose term of office has just been completed and/or who do not wish to continue their office. Check CPL stationery for correct names and addresses on the letterhead. Be sure a supply is on hand.



In CAMWS Southern even-numbered Section years, give a mid-year CPL report at the meeting of the CAMWS Executive Committee held at the CAMWS Southern Section meeting.


Contact the President of CAMWS to check on arrangements for the annual meeting. Begin setting aside materials for the display table at the convention. Remind all those to whom money has been given that CPL needs back from them clippings and photographs of their activities.


If CAMWS Southern Section did not meet in the preceding fall, give a mid-year CPL report at the meeting of the CAMWS Executive Committee held at the American Philological Association annual meeting.

Request the annual regional report from the Regional Vice-Presidents. Remind the Regional Vice-Presidents to solicit information from the State/Provincial Vice-Presidents in their region. All states/provinces should be represented in the report. Ask them to include activities for which CPL funding was given, membership and scholarship activities, and the general state of Classics in their locale. Set a March 1st deadline for the regional reports to be submitted to the CPL Chair in order to insure that the CPL report, made up of the ten regional reports plus the Chair's report, will be ready for distribution at the annual meeting.

Ask Regional Vice-Presidents to submit to the CPL Chair nominations (if they have any) for 'Outstanding State/Provincial Vice-President' when they submit their regional reports.

Contact the members of the Committee for the Promotion of Latin and set a date for a committee meeting during CAMWS.


Telephone Regional Vice-Presidents about missing regional reports. As the reports come in, duplicate them or convert them to machine-readable form immediately. Write the Chair CPL Chair's report. Begin to organize the materials needed for the annual meeting.

Call the person in charge of local arrangements for the annual meeting in order to confirm space in the book display room for the CPL exhibit. Be sure that tables, stands, tripods, and whatever AV equipment needed for that display and for the CPL session has been ordered.

Contact the CPL session speakers for information to use in their introductions.

With the help of the members of CPL choose the winner of the CPL Award for the best high school promotional activity, the outstanding CPL activity, the best state/provincial newsletter and web site, the outstanding State/Provincial Vice-President, and the outstanding Regional Vice-President. Inform the Secretary-Treasurer about these awards prior to the CAMWS meeting so that certificates can be prepared and checks written.

Order the plaque for the winner of the best high school promotional activity.


Attend the following events at the CAMWS annual meeting: the Executive Committee meeting, the Regional Vice-Presidents' meeting, the joint Vice-Presidents' meeting, the CAMWS business meeting, a committee meeting of CPL, and the CPL pedagogy session.


Prepare a list of goals and activities for the next year from suggestions obtained at the annual meeting. Write to all the State/Provincial and Regional Vice-Presidents, thanking them for their hard work throughout the year. Forward copies of CPL materials handed out at the annual meeting to those not able to attend.


Materials To Gather for the Annual Meeting

  1. Updated lists of the CPL Committee members and the State/Provincial and Regional Vice-Presidents
  2. Budget Report
    1. A copy of the full budget from the previous year
    2. A copy of the current budget up to March 15, at least
  3. The Annual Regional Reports
  4. Annual Report of the CPL
  5. The CAMWS HANDBOOK: Either run off more copies of the old one or, if necessary, make revisions as needed and duplicated enough copies for all State/Provincial and Regional Vice-Presidents and necessary committees and their members to have.
  6. Any motions that you wish to put forward to the Vice-Presidents or the Executive Committee.
  7. Any ideas which that you wish to have considered, outlined carefully
  8. Any brochures or other materials that CPL has produced or updated that year.
  9. The plaque for the winner of the best high school promotional activity award.
N.B.: Duplicate materials paper of different colors. It facilitates the discussion and makes it hard to mix materials up in your suitcase!

Materials To Bring to the Annual Meeting

  1. Packets for members of the Executive Committee including 1-6 above:
    • Put these in folders or envelopes with names on them. N.B.: While not mandatory, it is an excellent idea to mail this material to the members of the Executive Committee two to three weeks ahead of the annual meeting. It helps the meeting to move more quickly and allows the members to formulate questions ahead of time. It also helps to avoid the problem of having your motions tabled because people have not had enough time to consider them.
  2. Packets for the members of the Committee for the Promotion of Latin.
    • These are identical to those for the Executive Committee. You will also need an agenda for this committee meeting.
  3. Packets for the meeting of the Regional Vice-Presidents
    • These are identical to those for the Executive Committee. You will also need an agenda for this meeting.
  4. Packets for State/Provincial Vice-Presidents
    • Have these ready to put at their places at the joint meeting and mail them afterwards to those who are not in attendance. These packets are generally identical to those described above. You will also need an agenda for this meeting; (collaborate with the President and Secretary-Treasurer in planning this meeting). Also have in each envelope more copies of the budget request forms.
  5. Certificates/Frames/Checks
    1. 'Outstanding State/Provincial Vice-President' (certificate, frame, check)
    2. 'Outstanding Regional Vice-President' (certificate, frame, check)
      • Remind the Secretary-Treasurer to bring the two $200 checks to the annual meeting for presentation to the winners.
    3. 'Outstanding State Newsletter' (certificate).
    4. Plaque for the outstanding high school promotional activity.

  6. 'Sign In' sheet for the joint meeting for State and Regional Vice-Presidents

Display Table at the Annual Meeting

  1. Newspaper clipping describing CPL-sponsored events
  2. Photographs of CPL-sponsored events
  3. CPL brochures and handouts
  4. Letters of thanks received by CPL
  5. Multiple copies of the 'Sample of Activities Eligible for CPL Funding' section found in the Appendix of this publication
  6. VCR with tapes of events or copies of any promotional tapes on hand
  7. Copies of the CAMWS HANDBOOK
  8. Copies of the annual regional reports and the CPL report and\or a sign-up sheet for anyone who wishes to obtain copies

Duties of the CPL Chair at the Annual Meeting


  • Attend the meeting of the Executive Committee as a voting member
  • Report on CPL activities for the year during this meeting
  • Set up the CPL display in the room designated


  • Attend the meeting with Regional Vice-Presidents, CAMWS President, Secretary-Treasurer, Chair of the Membership Committee, and Chair of the Steering Committee on Scholarships and Award; be sure each has made a reservation through the Secretary-Treasurer. Discuss the past year and the year to come.
  • Attend the joint meeting of Regional and State/Provincial Vice-Presidents. The CAMWS Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer are in charge of this meeting. Your functions are: (1) distribute the packets created for the State/Provincial Vice-Presidents; (2) announce the winner of the 'Outstanding Regional Vice-Presidents Award' (have framed certificate and check for presentation); (3) announce the winner of the 'Outstanding State/Provincial Newsletter Award' (certificate); (4) present the CPL report compiled from the regional reports to the group assembled; (5) set preliminary goals and strategies for the next year.


  • Present the 'Outstanding State/Provincial Vice-President Award' (framed certificate and check) and give a very brief report of CPL activities during the CAMWS business meeting
  • Usually the CPL session is also on Saturday.
  • Meet with members of CPL.
  • Take down the CPL display.