Title > Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS OVERVIEW The CAMWS Handbook Purpose of the Committee for the Promotion of Latin Purpose of the Membership Committee Purpose of the Steering Committee Organizational Structure THE GEOGRAPHIC REGIONS OF CAMWS GUIDELINES FOR THE POST OF STATE/PROVINCIAL VICE-PRESIDENT General Statement General CAMWS Duties CPL Duties Membership Duties Scholarship/Awards Duties Cursus Anni GUIDELINES FOR THE POST OF REGIONAL VICE-PRESIDENT General Statement General CAMWS Duties CPL Duties Membership Duties Scholarship/Awards Duties Cursus Anni GUIDELINES FOR THE MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE FOR THE PROMOTION OF LATIN (CPL) Cursus Anni GUIDELINES FOR THE POST OF CPL CHAIR General Statement Duties Cursus Anni Materials To Gather for the Annual Meeting Materials To Bring to the Annual Meeting Display Table at the Annual Meeting Duties of the CPL Chair at the Annual Meeting GUIDELINES FOR THE MEMBERS OF THE MEMBERSHIPCOMMITTEE GUIDELINES FOR THE POST OF MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE (MC) CHAIR General Statement Duties Cursus Anni GUIDELINES FOR THE STEERING COMMITTEE ON AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS General Statement Duties CAMWS Awards, Prizes, and Scholarships General Statement CAMWS School Awards/Latin Translation Contest Manson A. Stewart Scholarships for Undergraduates Presidential Award for the Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Manson A. Steward Teacher Training and Travel Awards The Semple, Grand and Benario Travel Awards CAMWS Teaching Awards CAMWS Award for Outstanding Publication CAMWS Award for Special Service Cursus Anni for CAMWS Scholarships, Prizes and Awards APPENDICES Appendix A: The Regional Structure of CAMWS (MAP) Appendix B: Samples of Activities Eligible for CPL Funding Appendix C: Procedure for Requesting CPL Funds Appendix D: Suggested Criteria for Reviewing Fund Requests Appendix E: Sample CPL Fund Request Form Appendix F: Annual Report Guidelines Appendix G: Why Should I Join CAMWS? Appendix H: CAMWS Committee Structure Appendix I: The CAMWS Constitution (Revised 2002) Appendix J: Contacting CAMWS