CAMWS Awards for Excellence in Teaching
CAMWS offers two awards for excellence in teaching. Kraft Award for Excellence in Secondary School Teaching recognizes outstanding teachers of Latin in public or private schools (middle schools included). The CAMWS Award for Excellence in College Teaching recognizes outstanding teachers of the Classics in college or university. Both full- and part-time teachers (who teach at least half-time with a minimum of five years teaching experience) are eligible for either award. All nominees must be current CAMWS members. Nominees for the Kraft Award must be high school or middle school teachers at the time of application, and nominees for the CAMWS Award must teach at the collegiate level at the time of application. No nominee may previously have won a teaching award from CAMWS.
These awards are made annually. The recipients are announced at the annual CAMWS meeting and each receives an award of $500. Honorees are encouraged to accept their awards in person at this meeting.
The nomination deadline is November 15th. The deadline for receipt of all application materials is December 20th.
Criteria for Excellent Teaching
Kraft Award for Excellence in Secondary School Teaching provides more information about the award for middle and highschool teachers. To make a nomination, go to this Online Nomination Form.
CAMWS Award for Excellence in College Teaching provides more information about the award for college teachers. To make a nomination, go to this Online Nomination Form.
These awards are made by the CAMWS Subcommittee on Teaching Awards. The chair of this subcommittee can be reached at
The 2022-2023 recipient of the CAMWS Award for Excellence in College Teaching is
The 2023-2024 recipient of the
Kraft Award For Excellence In Secondary School Teaching
Named for CAMWS Benefactor Eunice E. Kraft of Western Michigan University, this award recognizes outstanding Teachers of Latin in public or private schools (Middle Schools included). The honoree receives $500, airfare to the annual meeting and two nights' accommodation at the convention hotel. The honoree is encouraged to accept this award in person at this meeting.
The nominee must be a member in good standing of CAMWS. Both full- and part-time teachers (who teach at least half-time with a mininum of five years teaching experience) are eligible for this award. Nominees will be eligible for consideration for three consecutive years, provided that CAMWS membership remains current in each year of consideration. No previous winner of the Kraft Award is eligible to apply for it a second time.
Previous winners of the Kraft Award for Excellence in Secondary School Teaching
Promotional Flyer for Kraft Award
CAMWS Award For Excellence In College Teaching
This award recognizes outstanding college and university teachers of Classics. The honoree receives $500 and is encouraged to accept the award in person at the annual CAMWS business meeting.
The nominee must be a member in good standing of CAMWS and teach classical subjects at a college or university. Both full- and part-time teachers (who teach at least half-time with a mininum of five years teaching experience) are eligible for this award. Nominees will be eligible for consideration for three consecutive years, provided that CAMWS membership remains current in each year of consideration. No previous winner of the award is eligible to apply a second time.