Title > TOC > Guidelines for the Post of Chair of the Membership Committee  

Guidelines for the Post of Chair of the Membership Committee


The Chair of the Membership Committee serves a three-year term. Successive terms are possible although it is advisable that the Chair serve no more than two consecutive terms to enable other individuals with new approaches and new ideas to chair the committee. The Chair of the Membership Committee serves as voting member of the Executive Committee of CAMWS.

The Chair works closely with the President, the Secretary-Treasurer of CAMWS, the Chair of the Committee for the Promotion of Latin, and the Chair of the Steering Committee on Scholarships and Awards. Most of the contact of the Chair with the State/Provincial Vice-Presidents should be through the Regional Vice-Presidents.



The Chair of the Membership Committee is responsible for recruiting members to CAMWS. This includes soliciting new members and urging lapsed members 'back into the fold.' Each year, generally in the autumn and again early in the new year, the Secretary-Treasurer and/or Chair of the Membership Committee of CAMWS sends updated membership lists to each State/Provincial Vice-President and to each Regional Vice-President. (See Appendix D.)


The Membership Committee develops and updates periodically the CAMWS brochures and membership forms. State/Provincial and Regional Vice-Presidents are expected to distribute these materials in their states/provinces and regions.


State/Provincial Vice-Presidents are expected to include in the information each submits to their his or her Regional Vice-President for their Regional Report the activities undertaken that year toward the promotion of membership for CAMWS. Any creative or innovative methods used that could benefit other State/Provincial Vice-Presidents or Regional Vice-Presidents will be noted in each regional report. Through the information in this report and other feedback obtained throughout the year, the Chair of the Membership Committee will develop and deliver a report on membership progress to the Executive Committee. This same report will then be forwarded to all CAMWS Vice-Presidents for their use.


As a voting member or the CAMWS Executive Committee, the Chair of the Membership Committee is expected to attend two meetings of the Executive Committee annually. The spring meeting of the Executive Committee takes place at the CAMWS annual meeting. In even-numbered years the fall meeting of the Executive Committee takes place in late October or early November, in conjunction with the biennial meeting of the CAMWS Southern Section. In odd-numbered years the 'fall' meeting of the Executive Committee actually takes place in the winter, shortly after the odd-numbered year has ended, in conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Philological Association (formerly held in late December, now held in early January).


The Chair, as a voting member, attends the fall and spring meetings of the Executive Committee meeting on the first evening and/or day. Here the Chair gives a report on the committee's activities, successes, and difficulties. Two copies of the written report of the Chair are due to the Secretary-Treasurer of CAMWS before this meeting. All Executive Committee members receive a copy, as well.

The Chair of the Membership Committee is expected to attend the Regional Vice-Presidents' meeting held on Thursday and the joint meeting for State and Regional Vice-Presidents at the annual meeting. At the latter, the Chair awards certificates to the State/Provincial Vice-President whose state had the highest percentage of membership growth during the year and to the State/Provincial Vice-President with the largest membership enrolled in CAMWS. At both of these meetings strategy for the upcoming year is discussed. During the CAMWS business meeting on Saturday morning a brief overview of the membership report is given, and the award winners are announced again.


Expenses for postage and telephone calls related to the responsibilities of the Chair of the Membership Committee can be reimbursed through the CAMWS Secretary-Treasurer.

CURSUS ANNI for the Chair of the Membership Committee


Update and print membership brochures for distribution in the fall.


Send membership brochures with a cover letter to all State/Provincial Vice-Presidents, Regional Vice-Presidents, and the Chairs of Classics Departments throughout the CAMWS area. A copy of this correspondence should also be sent to members of the Membership Committee, the CAMWS President, and the Secretary-Treasurer.


Target states and regions with membership problems.


In even-numbered years give a mid-year membership report at the meeting of the CAMWS Executive Committee held at the CAMWS Southern Section meeting.

Contact the Secretary-Treasurer concerning preliminary membership figures for the current year. Write to the Regional Vice-Presidents, checking on their regions' membership drives.


If CAMWS Southern Section did not meet in the preceding fall, give a mid-year membership report at the meeting of the CAMWS Executive Committee held at the American Philological Association annual meeting.

Contact State/Provincial and Regional Vice-Presidents about lapsed memberships in their area. Send current membership lists out to each State/Provincial and Regional Vice-President. (It may be easier for the Secretary-Treasurer to mail this for you.)

Remind Regional Vice-Presidents to submit a report to the Membership Committee, separate from the regional report to the CPL Chair, addressing membership activities in their region.


Telephone Regional Vice-Presidents about missing reports. As the reports come in, duplicate them or convert them to machine-readable form immediately. Write the Chair's Membership Committee report. Begin to organize the materials needed for the annual meeting.


Prepare the two membership awards to be presented at the annual meeting.

Attend the annual meeting and the events there where you have responsibilities: the Executive Committee meeting, the Regional Vice-Presidents' meeting, the joint meeting for State/Provincial Provincial and Regional Vice-Presidents, the meeting of the Membership Committee, and, the CAMWS business meeting.


Prepare a list of goals and activities for the next year from suggestions obtained at the annual meeting. Write to all of the State/Provincial and Regional Vice-Presidents, thanking them for their hard work throughout the year. Forward copies of MC materials handed out at the annual meeting to those Vice-Presidents not able to attend.