Wednesday, April 5, 2017
4:30–7:30 p.m. Executive Committee Dinner Meeting The Terrace
5:00–8:00 p.m. Registration Waterloo Rotunda
5:00–8:00 p.m. Book Display Ontario Salon C
6:30–7:30 p.m. Consulares’ Reception (all welcome) Waterloo A
7:30 -9:00 p.m. Opening Evening Featured Panel Waterloo BC
Sponsored by the Women’s Classical Caucus
Featured Opening Evening Panel:
Grace Harriet Macurdy (1866-1946) and her Impact on the Study of Women's History
Elizabeth Carney (Clemson University), organizer
Ann R. Raia (The College of New Rochelle), and Maria S. Marsilio (Saint Joseph’s University), presiders
1. Assessing and Continuing the Contributions of Grace Harriet Macurdy, Pioneering Feminist Scholar: Barbara McManus’ The Drunken Duchess of Vassar: Grace Harriet Macurdy, Pioneering Feminist Classical Scholar. Judith P. Hallett (University of Maryland)
2. Grace Harriet Macurdy and 'Woman Power' in Argead Macedonia: Eurydice, Mother of Philip II. Elizabeth Carney (Clemson University)
3. From Feminism to Orientalism: Grace Harriet Macurdy on Cleopatra and Antony. Walter Penrose (San Diego State)
4. Grace Harriet Macurdy on the Seleucid Queens. Gillian Ramsey (University of Regina)
5. Response. Sheila Ager (University of Waterloo)
9:00-10:30 p.m. Plenary Reception Waterloo Foyer (Cash Bar)
Sponsored by the Women's Classical Caucus
Thursday, April 6, 2016
7:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Registration Waterloo Rotunda
8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Book Display Ontario Salon C
8:00–9:40 a.m. First Paper Session Ontario Salon B
Section A: Greek Religious Art and Architecture
Liane Houghtalin (University of Mary Washington), presider
1. Articulating Identity after the Persian Invasions: A Contextual Analysis of the Temple to Aphaia on Aegina. Joseph V. Frankl (University of Colorado, Boulder)
2. The Architecture of Access: Ramps in Ancient Greek Sanctuaries. Debby Sneed (University of California, Los Angeles)
3. The Pausanias Problem at the Temple of Apollo in Corinth. Angela Ziskowski (Coe College)
4. Visual Images of the Pythia at Delphi: A Priestess at Work. Lisa Maurizio (Bates College)
5. The Ties that Bind: Women and Tomb Ritual in Classical Athens. Laura K. McClure (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
8:00–9:40 a.m. First Paper Session Waterloo A
Section B: Sappho
Andromache Karanika (University of California at Irvine), presider
1. Sappho 44 and Traditions of the Troad. Ruth Scodel (University of Michigan)
2. Sappho’s Helen. Amy N. Hendricks (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
3. Sappho and the Homeric Tradition. Ellen Greene (University of Oklahoma
4. A Beautiful Death: Sappho’s Iliadic Corporeality. William C. Shrout (University of Texas, Austin)
8:00–9:40 a.m. First Paper Session Waterloo B
Section C: Greek Military History
Andrew Alwine (College of Charleston), presider
1. Monsoons, ‘Mutiny’ and Macedonian Limits. Carol J. King (Grenfell Campus Memorial University)
2. The Psychology of Spartan Hoplites: Relationship Development in the Lakedaimonian Phalanx. Stephanie Culp (Brock University)
3. Accustomed to Obedience?: The Ionian Reputation for Martial Weakness. Joshua P. Nudell (University of Missouri-Columbia)
4. The Macedonian Merides, Andriscus, and the Fourth Macedonian War. Paul J. Burton (Australian National University)
5. Defining a Dynasty: Consolidation of Ptolemic Power in Egypt. Amber Kearns (University of Arizona)
8:00–9:40 a.m. First Paper Session Waterloo C
Section D: Attic Rhetoric
Michael Gagarin (University of Texas, Austin), presider
1. Defending Defeat: Chaeronea in De Corona. Max L. Goldman (Denison University)
2. Battling Desire in Lysias 3: Against Simon. Allison Glazebrook (Brock University)
3. The Counterfeit Rhetor: Class in Demosthenes’ Characterization of Aeschines’ Use of Oral and Written Communication in the De Corona. Sarah C. Teets (University of Virginia)
4. The Plot as Persona in Lysias’ Speech VII. Christine M. Maisto (University of California)
8:00–9:40 a.m. First Paper Session Ontario Salon A
Section E: Virgil’s Aeneid and Its Reception
Blanche McCune (Baylor University), presider
1. Vulcan’s Maternal Disposition (and Sex). Melissa Curtis (Baylor University)
2. Miss Me But Let Me Go: Dido Sings Farewell. Philip Barnes (John Burroughs School)
3. Reviving Troy in Aeneid 5. Keith Penich (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
4. What Did a Statesman Look Like: Memorial Statues and Vergil’s Simile (Aen. 1.148–156). Wolfgang Polleichtner (Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen)
8:00–9:40 a.m. First Paper Session Michigan
Section F: Workshop
Veni, Vidi, Scripsi: Ancient Graffiti in the Latin Classroom
Megan Rebman, (Midlothian High School and Monacan High School), organizer and presider
Mary Elizabeth Smith (Oldfields School), presenter
8:00–9:40 a.m. First Paper Session Georgian
Section G: Panel
Translation in Late Antiquity
Andrew T. Faulkner (University of Waterloo), organizer and presider
1. Allusion and Translation: Translating Poetry and Poets in Claudian’s Panegyric for Probinus and Olybrius. Joshua Hartman (University of Waterloo)
2. Jacob of Sarug’s Poem on the Forty Martyrs and Late Antique Syriac Translation Technique. Jeffrey Wickes (Saint Louis University)
3. Paraphrase as Exegesis: Greek Biblical Poetry. Andrew Faulkner (University of Waterloo)
8:00–9:40 a.m. First Paper Session Erie
Section H: Aristophanes
Rebecca Kennedy (Denison University), presider
1. Best Laid Plans: The Uniform Plot of Aristophanes’ Lysistrata. Luke Lea (University of New Mexico)
2. Was Sokrates’ Brother a Filthy Rich Tragic Poet? Ian C. Storey (Trent University)
3. Roasting the Bull(-Eater): Aristophanes’ Treatment of Cratinus in Frogs 354–71. Brian Credo (University of Pennsylvania)
4. Sōphrōn kōmōidia, katapugōn kōmōidia: Aristophanes’ Clouds and the Nature of Comedy. Amy S. Lewis (University of Pennsylvania)
5. Playing the Woman Card: Gender Identity and Social Exclusion in Aristophanes’ Lysistrata. Sarah C. Keith (University of New Mexico)
9:40–10:00 a.m. Break Ontario Foyer
Sponsored by the National Latin Exam
10:00–11:50 a.m. Second Paper Session Ontario Salon B
Section A: Panel 2
CPL Panel
Testing Classical Languages in the 21st Century
Jennifer S. Moss (Wayne State University), organizer and presider
1. Testing as a Part of Genuine Assessment in a High School Language Class. Keely Lake (Wayland Academy)
2. Testing in a College Language Classroom. Jennifer S. Moss (Wayne State University)
3. Assessment from an Instructional Design and Learning Science Perspective. Jaclyn Dudek (Pennsylvania State University)
10:00–11:50 a.m. Second Paper Session Waterloo A
Section B: Tacitus
Roger Macfarlane (Brigham Young University), presider
1. Caesis nulla iam publica arma: Tacitus’ Cassius and Brutus. Juan Dopico (Parish Episcopal School)
2. The Contents of the Lex Cincia (204 B.C.E) and Tacitus’ Intent. David Perry (University of Chicago)
3. Urbs ut scaena: Dramatic Space in the Historiae of Tacitus. Philip Waddell (University of Arizona)
10:00–11:50 a.m. Second Paper Session Waterloo B
Section C: Seneca
Christina Vester (Universityof Waterloo), presider
1. The Hegelian Trajectory of Liberation in Senecan Thought. Benjamin John (University of New Mexico)
2. Epistolary Appropriations, Tusculan Probabilities, and Progress: Seneca, Cicero, Posidonius, in the Defense of Eclecticism and Psychological Dualism. Eric K. Spunde (University of Florida)
3. The Arrogant-making Hand: Manus and Dextra in Hercules Furens. Matthew W. Kelley (Boston University)
4. Callimachean Ars for Enthusiastic Poetry in Seneca’s Oedipus? Maria S. Sarais (University of Missouri-Columbia)
10:00–11:50 a.m. Second Paper Session Waterloo C
Section D: Cicero’s Speeches
Christopher Craig (University of Tennessee), presider
1. Of Meretrices and Men: The Tragicomic Construction of Clodia’s Reputation in the Pro Caelio. Rebecca F. Moorman (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
2. The View from the Top: The ‘Poor’ in Cicero’s Pro Murena. Doug Clapp (Samford University)
3. Philosophical Digression in Pro Sestio, Pro Balbo, and De Haruspicum Responsis. Joseph A. DiLuzio (Baylor University)
4. A New Clementia in Cicero’s Pro Marcello. Molly Harris (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
5. Speak Your Mind: The Symbolism of Seeing, Knowing, and Speaking in In Catilinam I. Jason J. Hansen (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
10:00–11:50 a.m. Second Paper Session Ontario Salon A
Section E: Euripides: Gender and Sex
Kristin Lord (Wilfrid Laurier University), presider
1. Inter-Kin Intimacy: Sexual and Verbal Intercourse in Euripides’ Hippolytus and Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus. Joshua M. Reno (University of Minnesota)
2. Inter-Species Adultery and Hybridity in Euripides’ Cretans. Teresa Yates (University of California, Irvine)
3. Antigone and Indeterminacy at the End of Euripides’ Phoenissae. Thomas K. Hubbard (University of Texas, Austin)
4. Monumentalizing Polyxena: Grave Reliefs in Euripides’ Hecuba. Daniel Turkeltaub (Santa Clara University)
10:00–11:50 a.m. Second Paper Session Michigan
Section F: Panel
Waterloo Institute for Hellenistic Studies Panel
Ptolemy I Soter: A Self-Made Man
Sheila Ager (University of Waterloo), organizer and presider
1. Kings Don’t Lie: Truthtelling and Ptolemy I. Timothy Howe (St. Olaf College)
2. Ptolemy I Soter: A Man of His Own Creation. Waldemar Heckel (University of Calgary)
3. Ptolemy the Reckless: the Son of Lagos’ Actions in the Early Years Following Alexander the Great’s Death. Edward Anson (University of Arkansas at Little Rock)
4. Numismatic Evidence for the Character of Ptolemy I. Catharine Lorber (Independent Scholar)
5. Building a Dynasty: the Families of Ptolemy I Soter. Sheila Ager (University of Waterloo)
10:00–11:50 a.m. Second Paper Session Georgian
Section G: Roman Satire
Osman Umurhan (University of New Mexico), presider
1. Sat-eye-re: Eyes, Vision, and Doppelgängers in Horace’s Satire 1.5. Rachel A. Sanders (Paideia Academy)
2. Mapping Friendship: Horace, Sermones 1.5. Ximing Lu (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
3. From Plume to Palate: A Feast for the Senses in Horace’s Satires Book 2. Amy L. Norgard (Truman State University)
4. Contextualizing the Decontextualized: Social Tensions in the Fragments of Lucilius. James Faulkner (University of Michigan)
5. Laronia Declamans. Charles B. Watson (University of Oklahoma)
10:00–11:50 a.m. Second Paper Session Erie
Section H: Ovid: Tristia and Heroides
John Rauk (Michigan State University), presider
1. Iphigenia among the Barbarians: Tr. 4.4b. Helena R. Dettmer (University of Iowa)
2. Quidquid erit, melius quam nunc erit: Reconsidering Ovid’s Sappho through Her Inscription. Jacqueline Jones (University of Iowa)
3. The Winter of Discontent: Climate and Interiority in the Exilic Poems. Ursula M. Poole (Columbia University)
12:00 -1:20 p.m. Working Lunch for CAMWS Committees Waterloo A
12:00–12:45 p.m. Round Table Discussions #1
“Making Sandwiches in Academia”: Gender and Academic Service Ontario Salon A
Leaders: Amy Pistone (University of Michigan) and Rebecca Kennedy (Denison University)
The Thersites Project
Leaders: Monica Florence (College of Wooster) and Dianna Rhyan (College of Wooster) Ontario Salon B
Post-docs and the Job Market Erie
Leader: Nita Krevans (University of Minnesota)
Submitting a Journal Article: Talking to the Editors of CJ and TCL Waterloo B
Leaders: Antony Augoustakis, CJ Editor (University of Illinois) and John Gruber-Miller, TCL Editor (Cornell College)
Surviving and Thriving as a Small Classics Program II Waterloo C
Leaders: Kristen Ehrhardt (John Carroll University) and Gwen Compton-Engle (John Carroll University)
Graduate Student Issues Committee Michigan
Leader: Sarah Keith (University of New Mexico)
Applying for CPL Grants Georgian
Leader: Keely Lake, CPL Chair (Wayland Academy)
12:50-1:35 p.m. Round Table Discussions #2
CAMWSCorps: Recording the Past, Imagining the Future Ontario A
Leader: Anne U. Groton (St. Olaf College)
Undergraduate Research Ontario B
Leader: Emma C. Vanderpool (Monmouth College)
Increasing Diversity among Classics Students Erie
Leaders: Debby Sneed (University of California, Los Angeles) and Lauren Brooks (BASIS Scottsdale)
CAMWS Latin Translation Contest Waterloo B
Leader: Amy Leonard (Grady High Schoo, GA)
Testing and Assessing Ancient Greek Waterloo C
Leader: Wilfred E. Major (Louisiana State University)
The National Latin Exam: What It Means for You and Your Students Michigan
Leaders: Mary Pendergraft (Wake Forest College) and Liane Houghtalin (University of Mary Washington)
Aequora: Teaching Literacy through Latin Georgian
Leader: Elizabeth Butterworth (Paideia Institute)
1:40–3:15 p.m. Third Paper Session Ontario Salon B
Section A: Pedagogy: Tools and Resources
David White (Baylor University), presider
1. Students Teaching Students: Implementing Goals for Undergraduate Research, Active Learning, and Collaboration. Ann R. Raia (The College of New Rochelle) and Maria S. Marsilio (Saint Joseph’s University)
2. Teaching Data Science for Classics. Marie-Claire Beaulieu (Tufts University) and Anthony Bucci (Tufts University)
3. Reconstructing Antiquity: Alternative Research Projects in Classical Art and Archaeology. Summer R. Trentin (Metropolitan State University of Denver)
4. Text Completions: Collaborating toward Mastery and Treebanked Commentaries of Complete Texts. James M. Harrington (Tufts University)
1:40–3:15 p.m. Third Paper Session Waterloo A
Section B: Gender and Family in New Comedy
Meghan Diluzio(Baylor University), presider
1. Equivalent but not Equal: The Characterization of Sisters Bacchis in Bacchides. Yun Han (Helen) Hsu (Brock University)
2. Plautus and the Marriage Plot. Sharon L. James (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
3. The Girl’s Tragedy and New Comedy: The Importance of Citizen Daughters. Alexandra Daly (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
4. Alienation in Terence: When You Feel You Don't Belong. Ruth R. Caston (University of Michigan)
1:40–3:15 p.m. Third Paper Session Waterloo B
Section C: Cicero
Joseph Diluzio (Baylor University), presider
1. Inverting the Metaphor of Slavery and Freedom in Cicero. Daniel P. Hanchey (Baylor University)
2. Cicero’s Sincerity: A Roman Audience Perspective. Christopher Craig (University of Tennessee)
3. Re-Dating the End of Cicero’s Imperium in 47 BCE. Jonathan Zarecki (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)
4. With Gods on Our Side: Cicero’s Religious Case against Catiline. Nicholas Wagner (University of Minnesota)
1:40–3:15 p.m. Third Paper Session Waterloo C
Section D: Panel 3
From “Second Sophistic” to Imperial Literature
Janet Downie (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), organizer
Lawrence Kim (Trinity University), organizer and presider
1. Classical Sophists in the Second Sophistic. Kendra Eshleman (Boston College)
2. Lovers of Homer in Dio of Prusa’s On Kingship (Or. 2) and Borystheniticus (Or. 36). Lawrence Kim (Trinity University)
3. The Romance Between Greece and Rome in Aelius Aristides’ Orations on Smyrna (Orr. 17–21) and Corinth (Or. 46). Janet Downie (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
4. Experiencing the Divine in Apuleius’ ‘Cupid and Psyche’. Aldo Tagliabue (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
5. Narrative Form and Medical Ethics in Galen’s On Prognosis. Lauren Caldwell (Trinity College)
1:40–3:15 p.m. Third Paper Session Ontario Salon A
Section E: Greek Rhetoric and Philosophy
Carol King (Grenfell Campus Memorial Univesity), presider
1. The Rhetoric of Anticipation in Attic Forensic Oratory. Michael Gagarin (University of Texas, Austin)
2. Thucydides the Rhetor: Reading Thucydides in an Ancient Classroom. Scott Kennedy (The Ohio State University)
3. Analyzing the Audience in the Protheoriae and Dialexeis of Choricius. Caitlin A. Marley (University of Iowa)
4. Manufacturing Descent: Adoption, Inheritance and Civic Identity in Isaios 7.33–42. Andrew Foster (Fordham University)
5. Socrates as αἰτία in the Theaetetus. Brian A. Apicella (University of California, Los Angeles)
1:40–3:15 p.m. Third Paper Session Michigan
Section F: Classical Receptions on Screen
Amy Leonard (Grady High School), presider
1. The World of Room: The Myth of Persephone and Demeter and Narrating Reality. Rocki Wentzel (Augustana University)
2. Dying Historic on the Fury Road: Homeric Epic and Mad Max. Katherine Cantwell (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
3. Dial M for Myth: Early Alfred Hitchcock and Greek Myth. Mark W. Padilla (Christopher Newport University)
4. N. Nikolaides’ Eurydice BA2037 (1975): A Sharp-edged Approach to a Classical Rescue. Roger T. Macfarlane (Brigham Young University)
1:40–3:15 p.m. Third Paper Session Georgian
Section G: Undergraduate Panel I
Rachel A. Sanders (Paideia Academy), presider
1. It Was Only Natural: Oenone’s Narrative in Heroides 5. Samantha Elmendorf (Baylor University)
2. Odds versus Evens: Civil War and the Price of Unity in Aeneid VIII. Cynthia Liu (Baylor University)
3. Father of His Country: The Significance of Parenthood in Aeneid 8. Jamie K. Wheeler (Baylor University)
4. Scandalous Verse, Credible Threats, and Literary Theory: Analyzing Catullus 16. Noah Diekemper (Hillsdale College)
1:40–3:15 p.m. Third Paper Session Erie
Section H: Hellenistic Literature
James J. O'Hara (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), presider
1. Erinna at the Crossroads: Genre-Crossing and Gender-Crossing in Early Hellenistic Literature. Tyler J. Fyotek (University of Iowa)
2. Kingdom Come: The Hellenistic Jewish Adaptation of the Four-Kingdom Schema. Luke Gorton (University of New Mexico)
3. Callimachean Hydrokinetics: Water as a Compositional Device in Callimachus’ Hymns. Maria Combatti (Columbia University)
4. From Bane Helen to Plain Helen: The Role of Helen’s Name in Theriaka 309–19. Kathleen Kidder (University of Cincinnati)
3:15–3:30 p.m. Break Ontario Foyer
Sponsored by Eta Sigma Phi
3:30–5:15 p.m. Fourth Paper Session Ontario Salon B
Section A: Homeric Hymns
Lorenzo Garcia (University of New Mexico), presider
1. Lovely-Haired Demeter: The Hair Motif in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter. Hannah Sorscher (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
2. Dionysian Resonance in Athenaios’ Hymn to Apollo.Corey Hackworth (University of Iowa)
3. Parsing the Mountain: Significance of Mountain Landscapes in the Homeric Hymns. Collin J. Moat (University of Arizona)
4. Chasing a Hero, Changing into a Goddess: Nuptial Discourse and Context in the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite. Andromache Karanika (University of California, Irvine)
3:30–5:15 p.m. Fourth Paper Session Waterloo A
Section B: Panel
The Presence and Role of Biases in the Academic Life Cycle
Kathryn A. Simonsen (Memorial University of Newfoundland), organizer and presider
1. Equity and Graduate Students Pursuing Non-academic Career Paths in Classical Studies. Lisa Hughes (University of Calgary)
2. Unconscious Bias in the Hiring Process. Alison Keith (University of Toronto)
3. Gender Bias in the Evaluation of Scholarship: Problems and Solutions, Sarah Blake (York University)
3:30–5:15 p.m. Fourth Paper Session Waterloo B
Section C: Neronian Literature
Peter Anderson (Grand Valley State University), presider
1. Pure Heroine: Tragic Considerations for Dating the Octavia. Megan Wilson (University of Michigan)
2. Rulers Make Bad Lovers: The Nurse’s Elegiac Exit Strategies in the Octavia. Carina Moss (University of Cincinnati)
3. Language in Pliny the Elder’s Natural History and His Use of Sermo. Wesley J. Hanson (University of Pennsylvania)
4. Pseudo-Seneca’s Octavia and the Last of the Julio-Claudians. Christina Vester (University of Waterloo)
3:30–5:15 p.m. Fourth Paper Session Waterloo C
Section D: Pedagogy: Classics for Everybody
Maire-Claire A. Beaulieu (Tufts University), presider
1. Reviving the Classics: The Importance of Teaching the Classics in Low-Performing and At-Risk Schools. Lauren T. Brooks (BASIS Scottsdale)
2. Self, Identity, and the Other: The Egyptian “Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor” and the Odyssey in the Classroom. Leanna Boychenko (Loyola University Chicago)
3. Oral Delivery of Essays and Oral Examinations in Classics Classrooms. Blanche C. McCune (Baylor University)
4. Teaching Classical Reception: An Expansive Approach. Mark P. Nugent (University of Victoria)
5. Teaching First-Year Writing through Classics. Aaron Wenzel (University of Minnesota, Morris)
3:30–5:15 p.m. Fourth Paper Session Ontario Salon A
Section E: Apollonius Rhodius
Jeffrey Hunt (Baylor University), presider
1. Herodotean Reception in the Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius. Stephen B. Ogumah (The Graduate Center of CUNY)
2. Sounding Human: Jason in Book 4 of Apollonius’ Argonautica and Zeus in Hesiod’s Typhonomachy. Ryan Franklin (Johns Hopkins University)
3. Apollonius’ Construction of Ekphrastic Narrative. Andrew Ficklin (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
4. Beginning with You, Selene: Apollonius’ Allusion to Hom. Hymn 32.18–19 in Arg. 1.1–2. Brian D. McPhee (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
3:30–5:15 p.m. Fourth Paper Session Michigan
Section F: NCLG Panel
What’s a Seal of Biliteracy and What Does It Have to Do with Me?
Mary Pendergraft (Wake Forest University), organizer and presider
1. Current Status of the Seal of Biliteracy. Mary Pendergraft (Wake Forest University)
2. History of the Seal of Biliteracy and National Guidelines, Edward Zarrow (Westwood High School)
3. The Seal of Biliteracy and Classroom Implications. Christopher Mural (Adlai E. Stevenson High School)
3:30–5:15 p.m. Fourth Paper Session Georgian
Section G: Greek Prose
David Schenker (University of Missouri), presider
1. Heracleides of Maroneia and Proxenus of Thebes: Characterization, Structure, and Closure in Xenophon’s Anabasis. John J. Haberstroh (University of California, Riverside)
2. Moral Truth through Moral Fiction: Plutarch’s Life of Antony. Alexis Aquino (Florida State University)
3. Performing Masculinity in Plutarch’s Life of Pyrrhus. Daniel W. Leon (University of Illinois)
4. Lost in Translation: What Are στελμονίαι? Tessa Little (SUNY Buffalo)
5. Watching the Girls Go By: The Wife of Ischomachus and Theodote the Courtesan. Emily Baragwanath (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
3:30–5:15 p.m. Fourth Paper Session Erie
Section H: Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Fasti, and Ars Amatoria
Ronnie Ancona (Hunter College and CUNY Graduate Center), presider
1. Ambiguity in Action: Defining Rumor in Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Lisa Whitlatch (St. Olaf College)
2. Playing with the Calendar: Ars Amatoria 1.399–418. John F. Miller (University of Virginia)
3. Regal Resonances in Ovid’s Fasti. Fanny Dolansky (Brock University)
4. "One from many, many from one” as Empedoclean “Tag” in Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Charles Ham (Grand Valley State University)
5:30-6:30 p.m. Cash Bar Waterloo Foyer and Ontario Foyer
5:30–6:30 p.m. CPL Happy Hour for K-12 Teachers Waterloo A
5:30-6:30 p,m. Happy Hour In Lingua Latina with Paideia Institute Waterloo B
5:30-6:30 p.m. Women's Classical Caucus Business Meeting Waterloo C
5:30-6:30 p.m. GSIC Happy Hour Ontario A
5:30-6:30 p.m. University of Wisconsin Happy Hour Ontario B
6:00–7:45 p.m. Vice-Presidents’ Dinner Michigan
8:00–9:15 p.m. Plenary Lecture Waterloo Ballroom
Presider: Alden Smith (Baylor Univeristy), CAMWS President
“Playing with Time: Anachronism in Ancient Literature” by Peter Bing of the University of Toronto
sponsored by the Waterloo Institute for Hellenistic Studies
9:15–10:30 p.m. Reception Waterloo Foyer
sponsored by the Waterloo Institute for Hellenistic Studies
Friday, April 7, 2017
7:30 a.m.–noon Registration Waterloo Rotunda
8:00 a.m.–noon Book Display Ontario Salon C
8:00–9:45 a.m. Fifth Paper Session Ontario Salon B
Section A: Psychological, Religious and Moral Question in the Roman World
Krishni Burns (University of Akron), presider
1. Rituals and Religious Community in the Roman Curiae. Meghan DiLuzio (Baylor University)
2. Domitian and the Vestals. Casey M. Stark (Idaho State University)
3. Plague, Violence, and Marcus Aurelius’ War on Terror. Timothy C. Hart (University of Michigan)
4. Evolutionary Moral Psychology and Roman History. John A. Lobur (University of Mississippi)
5. Leones et Tigridae et Phocae, eheu! The Lod Mosaic Reimagined through the Fears of Ariadne. Crystal Rosenthal (Independent Scholar)
8:00–9:45 a.m. Fifth Paper Session Waterloo A
Section B: Didactic Literature
Christopher Nappa (University of Minnesota), presider
1. Poeta Oeconomicus: The Labor of Poetry in Vergil’s Georgics. Goda Thangada (University of Chicago)
2. Valuing Knowledge: Technical Manuals on Stones as Cultural Artefacts. Emily M. Rush (Miami University)
3. Columella Res Rustica 10 and Nicander’s Georgica. David J. White (Baylor University)
4. Prolegomena ad Columellam: An Assessment of Columella’s Major Treatise on Agriculture in Light of the Catalonian and Varronian Tradition. Albert A. Requejo (University of Washington, Seattle)
8:00–9:45 a.m. Fifth Paper Session Waterloo B
Section C: Horace
Jonathan Zarecki (University of North Carolina at Greensboro), presider
1. Reading the Epodes Topographically. Steven L. Jones (Houston Baptist University)
2. “He Did It Like a Man?”: Patronage, Power, and Masculinity in Horace’s Epistles 1. Stephanie McCarter (Sewanee: The University of the South)
3. Lydia and the Hebrus: Horace, Odes 1.25. John N. Rauk (Michigan State University)
4. Better Than the Father: Horace’s Appropriation of Homer in Odes 1.15. Katherine L. Bradshaw (George Washington University)
8:00–9:45 a.m. Fifth Paper Session Waterloo C
Section D: Homer’s Iliad
Jeffrey S. Carnes (Syracuse University) presider
1. Homeric Sub-texts in Glaucos and Diomedes: Where Is Pegasos? Jackson Perry (University of Kentucky)
2. The Marriage of Achilles and Patroclus: Conjugal Bonds and Homoerotic Subtext in the Iliad. Celsiana Warwick (University of California, Los Angeles)
3. The Strength of Heroes in the Iliad. Matthew Horrell (University of Iowa)
4. Blind to the Future: Homeric ἄτη and the Tragic Plot of the Iliad. Lorenzo F. Garcia Jr. (University of New Mexico)
5. Poetic Counting Techniques and Compositional Strands in the Catalogue of Ships. Jonathan Fenno (University of Mississippi)
8:00–9:45 a.m. Fifth Paper Session Ontario Salon A
Section E: Greek Tragedy
Ian Storey (Trent University), presider
1. Ektos sumphorās: Tragic Athens. Sophie Mills (University of North Carolina at Asheville)
2. Neoptolemus: The Making of a Cruel Warrior. Kathryn Mattison (McMaster University)
3. The Flower of Persia: Botanical Language in Aeschylus’ Persians. Ryan S. Tribble (University of Iowa)
4. Painting, Mimesis, and Nothing to Do with Dionysus. Scott Farrington (Dickinson College)
8:00–9:45 a.m. Fifth Paper Session Michigan
Section F: GSIC Workshop
We’ve Got Issues: Understanding Graduate Student Needs on Campus and Beyond
Wesley J. Wood (University of Colorado Boulder), organizer and presider
Samuel Hahn (University of Colorado Boulder), presenter
8:00–9:45 a.m. Fifth Paper Session Georgian
Section G: Classical Receptions in the 20th and 21st Centuries
Michele Valerie Ronnick (Wayne State University), presider
1. The Dolls’ Descent: Finding Persephone in the Novels of Elena Ferrante. Judith Fletcher (Wilfrid Laurier University)
2. Remaining in the Mist: Eurydicean Agency in Unamuno’s Niebla. David Delbar (Brigham Young University)
3. The Socratic Black Panther: Reading Huey P. Newton Reading Plato. Brian P. Sowers (Brooklyn College [CUNY])
4. Decisions in Alice Oswald’s “Memorial”. Laurel M. Bowman (University of Victoria)
8:00–9:45 a.m. Fifth Paper Session Erie
Section H: Panel
Senecan Materialism(s): Stoic Physics or the Agency of Matter in the Writings of Seneca the Younger
Clifford A. Robinson (University of the Sciences), organizer
Michael Goyette (Vassar College), presider
1. Effects of Place in Senecan Tragedy. Lisl Walsh (Beloit College)
2. Writing to Realization: Seneca’s 30th Epistle. Scott Lepisto (University of Southern California)
3. Visualization, Emotions, and Understanding in Senecan Exempla. Laury Ward (Hillsdale College)
4. The Materiality of the Voice in Stoic Thought and Seneca’s Personae of Claudius. Clifford A. Robinson (University of the Sciences)
5. Response. Michael Goyette (Vassar College)
9:45–10:00 a.m. Break Ontario Foyer
Sponsored by Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers
10:00–11:45 a.m. Sixth Paper Session Ontario Salon B
Section A: Language and the Manuscript Tradition
P. Andrew Montgomery (Samford University, presider
1. Linguistic Analysis of Demonstratives in Early Latin Fragments. Erica L. Meszaros (University of Chicago)
2. Quod-Switching: Bilingualism and Social Context in the Letters of Pliny the Younger. Edward E. Nolan (University of Michigan)
3. Picking Words with Care: Hypercorrection in the Language of Trimalchio. Colin D. MacCormack (University of Texas at Austin)
4. Defining “Dedication” from a Distance: προσφωνέω in the Greek Manuscript Tradition. Johannes Wietzke (Carleton College)
5. Metaphors of Color Space in Latin. David B. Wharton (University of North Carolina, Greensboro)
10:00–11:45 a.m. Sixth Paper Session Waterloo A
Section B: Late Antique Literature
Brian Sowers (Brooklyn College, CUNY), presider
1. The Role of regio egestatis in Augustine’s Confessions. Holly Maggiore (University of Virginia)
2. Speech, Silence, and Artistic Expression in the Pervigilium Veneris. Daniel Libatique (Boston University)
3. Prudentius’ Psychomachia and the Influence of Cicero’s Second In Catilinam Oration. Evan L. Brubaker (Tulane University)
4. War and Peace in Themistius’ Oration 10. Davide Salvo (University at Buffalo)
5. Sewing Fig Leaves: Stoic Allegory as a Locus of Power in Ambrosian Exegesis. Anthony J. Thomas (University of Minnesota)
10:00–11:45 a.m. Sixth Paper Session Waterloo B
Section C: Pindar and Alcaeus
Simon Burris (Baylor University), presider
1. Pindar Here and Now: Deixis, Reference, and Interpretive Community in the Odes. Jeffrey S. Carnes (Syracuse University)
2. It’s Complicated: Marriage and Kinship in Alcaeus. Kristen Ehrhardt (John Carroll University)
3. Praise of Phylakidas and Pytheas in Pindar’s Isthmian 5. Monessa Cummins (Grinnell College)
4. Who Is the Persona Loquens at Pythian 9.89–96? Dennis R. Alley (Cornell University)
10:00–11:45 a.m. Sixth Paper Session Waterloo C
Section D: Late Imperial Prose
Mark Williams (Calvin College), presider
1. Cutting Both Ways: Culture, Grammar, and Usage in Lucian’s Dialogues on Language. David Stifler (Duke University)
2. Narrating Paideia: Competitive Learning and Homer in Lucian’s Symposium. David F. Driscoll (Stanford University)
3. Tragic Inversion in the Charite Complex of Apuleius’ Metamorphoses. Stephen Bay (Brigham Young University)
4. Thrasyleon: Man or Bear? Transformation through eo in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses. Alison Newman (The Green Vale School)
10:00–11:45 a.m. Sixth Paper Session Ontario Salon A
Section E: Greek History and Historiography
Daniel Leon (Univeristy of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), presider
1. Oligarchy in Ancient Greece. Andrew T. Alwine (College of Charleston)
2. Correcting the Record? Thucydides on Pausanias of Sparta. Rebecca Frank (University of Virginia)
3. Greek Scythians: Exploring Hybridity in Herodotus’ Histories. Benjamin D. Leach (The University of New Mexico)
4. Politician and Polis: Thucydides on Positive Leadership. Drew Stimson (University of Michigan)
5. Do ut debt: Financial Lending Strategies of the Temple of Apollo at Delos. Michael McGlin (SUNY Buffalo)
10:00–11:45 a.m. Sixth Paper Session Michigan
Section F: Panel 8
Finding a New Beat: Teaching Latin Poetry with Popular Music
Theodora Kopestonsky (University of Tennessee at Knoxville), organizer
Justin Arft (University of Tennessee at Knoxville), organizer and presider
1. Wild Nothing: Teaching Latin Intertextuality. Christopher Trinacty (Oberlin College)
2. Medea Sings: Pop Music as Interpretation. Christopher Bungard (Butler University)
3. Before Queen: Vergil and the Musical Tradition of Sampling Popular Song. Naomi Kaloudis (Valparaiso University)
4. What Can Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, and Adele Do for Your Latin Prose Composition Students? Stephen Kershner (Austin Peay State University)
5. Never Out of Style: Teaching Latin Love Poetry with Taylor Swift. Theodora Kopestonsky (University of Tennessee at Knoxville)
10:00–11:45 a.m. Sixth Paper Session Georgian
Section G: Sophocles’ Oedipus
Douglas Clapp (Samford University), presider
1. Student and Teacher: The Use of διδάσκω in Sophocles’ Oedipus at Colonus. Adriana Brook (Lawrence University)
2. Oedipus, Creature of a Day: Personal Identities in Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannos. Emma C. Lape (Dartmouth College)
3. Boeotian Cultic Associations in Oedipus at Colonus. Christopher L. Gipson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
4. “Oh, what a tangled web we weave”: Jocasta’s Suicide in Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus. Michelle M. Martinez (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
10:00–11:45 a.m. Sixth Paper Session ft Erie
Section H: Theocritus
Nita Krevans (University of Minnesota), presider
1. Theocritean Anti-Bucolic. Jeffery Hunt (Baylor University)
2. Theocritean erga: Epic Framing in Idyll 15. Adrienne Atkins (University of Pennsylvania)
3. The Unshod Lover: Philosophical Views of Poverty in Theocritus’ Idyll 14. Noah Davies-Mason (CUNY Graduate Center)
4. Gender and Reception in Theocritus. Jessica L. Wise (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
5. Love Is Vain. Dana Spyridakos (University of Iowa)
All Friday afternoon events will take place on the campus of the Univerist of Waterloo.
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Shuttle service will be provided from the Holiday Inn to campus.
11:45 a.m.–1:15 p.m. Friday Lunch at the University of Waterloo Federation Hall
Buses begin running to Waterloo campus at 11:30 a.m.
12:15-1:15 p.m. Consulares Lunch University Club
1:30–3:25 p.m. Seventh Paper Session Renison College 2918
Section A: Panel
Outside Elite Perspective: the Subaltern in Ancient Art
Tarah Csaszar (Independent Scholar), organizer, and Crystal Rosenthal (Independent Scholar), organizer and presider
1. Here I Lie on the Narrow Beach: Listening to Subaltern Voices in the Epitaphs of Anyte. Kathryn Caliva (The Ohio State University)
2. About Face: Ancient Physiognomy and onflict. Tarah Csaszar (Independent Scholar)
3. Watching the World Go By: Non-Elite Viewership of Roman Processional Movements. Noreen Sit (Yale University)
4. Gender War in the Church: Opposing Views of Women and Their Role in the New Testament. Justin Germain (Southern Methodist University)
5. Condemning Clytemnestra: Exploring the Tragic Heroine in Art and Culture. Rhiannon Pare (Princeton University)
1:30–3:25 p.m. Seventh Paper Session Renison College 1918
Section B: Greek Art and Architecture
Angela Ziskowski (Coe College), presider
1. Hermes and Dionysos at Olympia and the Antikythera Shipwreck. Aileen Ajootian (University of Mississippi)
2. Sports Illustrated: Sports in Minoan Civilization as Further Evidence of Warfare. Lauren Oberlin (University of Arizona)
3. The Amazons’ New Clothes: Representations of Tychai in the Imperial Greek East. Rebecca Katz (University of Miami)
4. Depictions of Female Jugglers in Classical Athens. Jonathan Vickers (Trent University)
5. Memory and Monumentality: “Ritual Tumuli” and the Early Helladic Transition. David B. Roberson (University of Arizona)
1:30–3:25 p.m. Seventh Paper Session Renison College 0901
Section C: CPL Workshop
Fun Fosters the Future: Students as Advocates
Keely Lake (Wayland Academy), organizer and presider
Amy Leonard (Grady High School), presenter
1:30–3:25 p.m. Seventh Paper Session Renison College 2102
Section D: Panel
Around and Across the Pontos Euxeinos: Recent Research in Ancient Black Sea Studies
Altay Coşkun (University of Waterloo), organizer and presider
1. Prosodion Written in Bone: An Inscribed Bone Plaque from the Berezan Island. Anna K. Boshnakova (Sheridan College)
2. Peripheral Aftermath of the Treaty of Apameia in the Black Sea. Germain Payen (Independent Scholar)
3. The Bosporan Kings: Friends or Enemies of the Romans? Altay Coşkun (University of Waterloo)
4. New Observations on the Dura-Periplus Map. Konstantin Boshnakov (Conestoga College)
5. Assessing Regional Wealth in Late Roman Pontos. Hugh Elton (Trent University)
1:30–3:25 p.m. Seventh Paper Session Modern Languages 246
Section E: Undergraduate Panel II
Kara Kopchinski (University of Kansas), presider
1. The Meeting of Minds: An Examination of the Relationship of Socrates and Phaedrus in Plato’s Phaedrus. Hannah Rogers (Baylor University)
2. Metaphors of Ambiguity in Ancient Culture. Linda M. McNulty (University of Texas at San Antonio)
3. Anakin Rex and Vader at Colonus: The Influence of Sophocles on George Lucas’ Tragic Hero. Daniel Hintzke (Monmouth College)
1:30–3:25 p.m. Seventh Paper Session Modern Languages 349
Section F: Interdisciplinary Reception Studies
Rocki Wentzel (Augustana University), presider
1. Classical Imagery in the Graphic Arts of India under the British Raj. Michele Valerie Ronnick (Wayne State University)
2. Alexander the Great: The View from Persia. Liane Houghtalin (University of Mary Washington) and Mehdi Aminrazavi (University of Mary Washington)
3. The Galenic Cook: Why Cooking and Medicine Were Two Aspects of the Same Culture. Sara Agnelli (University of Florida)
4. “Sling Enough Mud and Some Will Always Stick”: Protestant Defamation, False Witness, and Misquoting the Ancients. Clinton J. Armstrong (Concordia University)
1:30–3:25 p.m. Seventh Paper Session Modern Languages 354
Section G: Roman Space and Landscape
Summer Trentin (Metropolitan State University of Denver), presider
1. Stuck in the Middle with You: Vediovis, God of Transitions and In-between Places. Erin Warford (Hilbert College)
2. Ager Publicus: A Re-Examination of Imperium and Provincia in the Second Century BCE. Christian B. Kreiger (Independent Scholar)
3. The Faces of Pompeii and Herculaneum: A Study of Graffiti Drawings. Holly M. Sypniewski (Millsaps College) and Brittany S. Hardy (Millsaps College)
4. The Topography of Prestige: The Development of Triumphal Architecture and the Transformation of the Urban Landscape. Alyson M. Roy (University of Washington)
5. Monumental Palatine. Tyler A. Denton (University of Colorado Boulder)
1:30–3:25 p.m. Seventh Paper Session Renison College 2107
Section H: Panel
Styling the Past: Ancient and Classical Motifs in Fashion and Popular Media
Monica S. Cyrino (University of New Mexico), organizer and presider
1, Greeking Women’s Fashion from 1795 to 1863. Rebecca Futo Kennedy (Denison University)
2. Cleopatra, Egypt, and Early Twentieth-Century Female Dress. Kelly Olson (University of Western Ontario)
3. Illusion and Reality: Historical Costume and Everyday Fashion. Margaret Toscano (University of Utah)
4. Designing Lizpatra (1963): The Vision and Influence of Irene Sharaff. Monica S. Cyrino (University of New Mexico)
5. The Shadow of Cleopatra’s Eyes. Anise K. Strong (Western Michigan University)
3:25–3:40 p.m. Break Foyers of Renison College and Modern Languages
Sponsored by the Dept. of Classics at the University of Waterloo
3:40–5:20 p.m. Eighth Paper Session Renison College 2918
Section A: Pane|
Advances in Teaching Beginning Greek
Wilfred E. Major (Louisiana State University), organizer and presider
1. The 2016 College Greek Exam. Albert Watanabe (Louisana State University)
2. Teaching Ablaut in Elementary Ancient Greek. Rex Wallace (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
3. Sailing through Practice in Elementary Greek: How to Use Pseudo-Skylax’s Periplous. Wilfred E. Major (Louisiana State University)
4. The Politics of Greek Online Courses. Anthony Hollingsworth (Roger Williams University)
3:40–5:20 p.m. Eighth Paper Session Renison College 1918
Section B: Roman Comedy
Ruth Caston (University of Michigan), presider
1. Staging the Foreign: A Look at Plautus’ Curculio. Deepti Menon (University of California, Santa Barbara)
2. That Guy-us: Gaius Sulpicius Apollinaris as a Reader of Terence. Andrew R. Lund (University of Cincinnati)
3. Audience Expectations and Metatheater in Plautus’ Captivi. Rachel Mazzara (University of Toronto)
4. Performing Plautus’ Rudens in the Roman Forum. Seth A. Jeppesen (Brigham Young University)
3:40–5:20 p.m. Eighth Paper Session Renison College 0901
Section C: Workshop
Writing and Culture in the Latin Classroom
James M. Harrington (Tufts University), presider
Cathleen M. O’Shea (Hendrickson High School) presenter
3:40–5:20 p.m. Eighth Paper Session Modern Languages 246
Section D: New Testament and Late Antique Christianity
Rebecca Harrison (Truman State University), presider
1. Prudentius at Large: Quantifying the Influence of Latin Epic on the Psychomachia. Caitlin Diddams (University at Buffalo)
2. The Poem as Offering in Gregory of Nazianzus’ Poetry. Stephen Hill (Independent Scholar)
3. Reconstructing Nonnos: A Pagan Writer and a Christian Bishop? Christopher D. Parkinson (Tufts University)
4. The Beloved Disciple of John 13:23 and Greek Pederasty. Larry Myer (Independent Scholar)
5. The Power of the Hand: χείρ in the Acts of the Apostles. Jennifer C. Ranck (Independent Scholar)
3:40–5:20 p.m. Eighth Paper Session Renison College 2102
Section E: Roman Art and Archaeology
Ellen Greene (University of Oklahoma), presider
1. Claudius and the Monumentalization of Water Supply Improvements in Rome. Melissa A Huber (Duke University)
2. When Is a Shepherd Not (Just) a Good Shepherd? Steven L. Tuck (Miami University)
3. Mapping Micro-Communities in Pompeii. Emily Ann Forden (University of Chicago)
4. Sophisticating a Cyclops: Depictions of Polyphemus in Roman Wall-Painting at Pompeii. Caroline Nemechek (University of Kansas)
5. Animal Husbandry as an Indicator of Cultural Change: Villa de Vilauba. Katie Tardio (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
3:40–5:20 p.m. Eighth Paper Session Modern Languages 349
Section F: Classics in the 21st Century
Nicoletta Sella (Linsly School), presider
1. Beer: Digital Transcription of a Medieval Manuscript. James R. Prosser (Tufts University)
2. 3D Scanning at the Athenian Agora and Corinth. K. A. Rask (Duquesne University)
3. Beyond Cultured Fear: Combating Terrorist Antiquities Looting in Syria and Iraq. Melanie Zelikovsky (Immaculate Heart High School)
4. What Are You Going to Do with That? Connecting Classicists from All Walks of Life via the Legion Project. Jason C. Pedicone (Paideia Institute for Humanistic Study)
5. An Epideictic Revival: Prose Style for Modern Times. Alex J. Petkas (University of California San Diego)
3:40–5:20 p.m. Eighth Paper Session Modern Languages 354
Section G: Latin and Greek Elegy
Elizabeth Manwell (Kalamazoo College), presider
1. Nox clausas liberat umbras: Propertius 4.7 and the Inversion of Paraclausithyron. Kara Kopchinski (University of Kansas)
2. “Close the doors of your ears”: Tracing an Orphic Formula in Augustan Poetry. Adriana Vazquez (University of Washington)
3. Ianua Vota: Inscribed Epigram and Propertius 1.16. Asa Olson (University of Minnesota Twin Cities)
4. Epic Elegiacs: Reading Theognidea 11–14. Lawrence M. Kowerski (Hunter College-CUNY)
3:40–5:20 p.m. Eighth Paper Session Renison College 2107
Section H: Archaeology of Italy
Steven L. Jones (Houston Baptist University), presider
1. Rethinking the Problem of the Pantheon Columns: An Economic Analysis of the Extraction and Transport of the Pantheon’s Monolithic Shafts. Jordan R. Rogers (University of Pennsylvania)
2. Ladies at Louteria: Evidence of Water Cult in Transition Rites of Magna Graecia in South Italian Vase-Painting. Keely E. Heuer (SUNY New Paltz)
3. The Amphorae Typology of the Villa del Vergigno: Trade, Production, and Adaptation in Northern Etruria. William H. Ramundt (University of Arizona)
4. Dancing Soldiers: Representations of Warrior Dance in Etruria. Melissa Ludke (Florida State University)
5. Etruscan Shieldmaidens: Evidence for Warrior Women in Archaic Italy. Megan Esparsa (University of Arizona)
4:30–5:45 p.m. Buses run from Waterloo campus back to Holiday Inn
6:15–7:15 p.m. Cash Bar Waterloo Foyer
7:15–9:30 p.m. Banquet Waterloo Ballroom
Presiding: Peter Knox (Case Western Reserve University)
Welcome: Douglas Peers (Dean of the Faculty of Arts, University of Waterloo)
Response: Laura McClure (University of Wisconsin), CAMWS President Elect
Ovationes: James M. May (St. Olaf College), CAMWS Orator
Address: Alden Smith (Baylor University), CAMWS President
Title: Ekphrasis and Allusions: Cicero's Path and Virgil's Pathos
9:30–11:00 p.m. President’s Reception (Cash Bar) Waterloo Foyer
Saturday, April 8, 2017
7:30-11:00 a.m. Registration Waterloo Rotunda
8:00–9:15 a.m. Business Meeting Waterloo AB
9:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Book Exhibit Ontario Salon C
9:30–10:55 a.m. Ninth Paper Session Ontario Salon B
Section A: Latin Historical/Biographical Narrative
Kathryn Williams (Canisius College), presider
1. Deconstructing the Monuments: Tacitus and the Mausoleum of Augustus. Thomas E. Strunk (Xavier University)
2. Quintus Titurius Sabinus: A Comparison of Blame and Praise in Books Two, Three, and Five of Caesar’s Bellum Gallicum. Guy P. Earle (Berkeley Preparatory School)
3. Africa as a Part of Europe? Sallust’s Geographic Agenda in the Jugurtha. P. Andrew Montgomery (Samford University)
4. Livy on POWs in the Early Days of the Republic. Gaius Stern (SJSU and University of California, Berkeley Ext.)
9:30–10:55 a.m. Ninth Paper Session Waterloo A
Section B: Panel
Introducing the Revised Standards for Classical Language Learning to New Audiences
John Gruber-Miller, Cornell College, organizer and presider
1. From Standards for Classical Language Learning to World-Readiness Standards: What’s New and How It Can Improve Classroom Instruction. Bartolo Natoli (Randolph-Macon College)
2. College Professors and the New Standards for Classical Language Learning. Ronnie Ancona (Hunter College and CUNY Graduate Center)
3 How the Revised Standards for Classical Language Learning Help Beginning Teachers. Timothy Hanford (Hunter College)
4. Backward Mapping with the New Standards. Peter Anderson (Grand Valley State University)
5. The Digital Humanist’s Renaissance: verba volant scripta remanent digita sunt. Cynthia White (University of Arizona)
9:30–10:55 a.m. Ninth Paper Session Waterloo B
Section C: Waterloo Institute for Hellenistic Studies Panel
New Perspectives on Greek and Latin Literary Ekphrasis
Riemer Faber (University of Waterloo), organizer and presider
1. Verbal-Visual Kinship in the Shield of Herakles. Timothy Heckenlively (Baylor University)
2. Aetiology and Descriptions of Works of Art in Callimachus. Flora Manakidou (Democritus University of Thrace)
3. Feasting by Homeric Torchlight: Ekphrasis and Cultural Transmission at De Rerum Natura 2.24-26. Basil Dufallo (University of Michigan)
4. Ekphrasis, Experience, and Experiment. Courtney Roby (Cornell University)
9:30–10:55 a.m. Ninth Paper Session Waterloo C
Section D: Roman Women, Politics and Social Issues
Laura K. McClure (University of Wisconsin), presider
1. Amoralism, Roman Republican Politics, and Historians in an Era of Disillusionment. Michael C. Alexander (University of Illinois at Chicago)
2. Pathways to Power: The Importance of Political Influence in Republican Women’s Social Networks. Krishni Burns (University of Akron)
3. Mutatio Vestis: Clothing and Political Protest in the Late Roman Republic. Aerynn Dighton (University of California, Santa Barbara)
4. The Roman Gens as House: Understanding the Development of the Gens through a House Society Model. Parrish E. Wright (University of Michigan) and Matthew C. Naglak (University of Michigan)
5. New Men, New Mothers, New Daughters: Terentia and Tullia in the Late Roman Republic. Marsha McCoy (Southern Methodist University)
9:30–10:55 a.m. Ninth Paper Session Ontario Salon A
Section E: Homeric Themes
Timothy Neckenlively (Baylor University), presider
1. Blind Poet and “Sight Acts” in the Second Song of Demodocus. Ippokratis Kantzios (University of South Florida)
2. The Victory of the Introduction: Plot Structures in Long-Form Narrative. Elizabeth Deacon (University of Colorado at Boulder)
3. The Limits of Memory as Persuasion in the Iliad and Odyssey. Charles A. Castanon (Indiana University)
4. Hesiod and the Heroes: Dying in Epic Time. Jill K. Simmons (University of Michigan)
9:30–10:55 a.m. Ninth Paper Session Michigan
Section F: Classical Receptions: Music, Fiction and Theatre
Mark Padilla (Christopher Newport University), presider
1. Ignorant is Bliss? James V. Lowe (John Burroughs School)
2. All My Children: The Offspring of Cleopatra in Recent Fiction. Gregory N. Daugherty (Randolph-Macon College)
3. Apuleius, Carl Jung, and Robert Graves: Robertson Davies’ The Golden Ass. Kristopher Fletcher (Louisiana University)
4. Una manus vobis vulnus opemque feret: Rosalind as Ovid in Shakespeare’s As You Like It. Rachel C. Morrison (University of Kansas)
5. Next to Normal: An Interior Oresteia. Rob Groves (University of Arizona)
9:30–10:55 a.m. Ninth Paper Session Georgian
Section G: Ancient Drama and Myth
Corey Hackworth (University of Iowa), presider
1. Bel as Trickster in Berossus’ Creation Myth. David Branscome (Florida State University)
2. Cracking the Fourth Wall: Deceit and Illusion in Euripides’ Medea and Seneca’s Medea. Anastasia Pantazopoulou (University of Florida)
3. Atreus and Thyestes: Icons of Misrule. Anne Duncan (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
9:30–10:55 a.m. Ninth Paper Session Erie
Section H: Lucan
Fanny Dolansky (Brock University), presider
1. The Refinement of Roman Virtus in Libya. Amanda N. Severs (University of Kansas)
2. Casting the Die: Programmatic Themes in Bellum Civile 1.183–219. Samuel Kindick (University of Colorado, Boulder)
3. Caesar’s Storm: The Crafting of Heroic Identity in Bellum Civile. James M. Arceneaux (Indiana University)
4. Robur in Lucan’s Elemental Epic. Hans J. Hansen (Elon University)
10:55–11:10 a.m. Break Ontario Foyer
Sponsored by the American Classical League
11:10 a.m. –12:40 p.m. Tenth Paper Session Ontario Salon B
Section A: GSIC Panel
Now What?: Finding a Job with a Graduate Degree in Classics
Elizabeth Deacon (University of Colorado), organizer and presider
1. ‘Visiting’ Along to Tenure-Track. Osman Umurhan (University of New Mexico)
2. Finding a Primary and Secondary Teaching Position in Latin. Jennifer Kindick (Cherry Creek High School and Ricks Center for Gifted Children)
3. Parallel Lives: Alternative Careers in Classics, Humanities, and Academia.Wesley Wood (University of Colorado at Boulder)
11:10 a.m. –12:40 p.m. Tenth Paper Session Waterloo A
Section B: Ancient Medicine and Disease
Ippokratis Kantzios (University of South Florida), presider
1. Roman Wolves, Worries, and Wasting Disease. Pauline L. Ripat (University of Winnipeg)
2. The Nosos of Athens: Disease and Healing in Sophocles’ Philoctetes. Molly Mata (University of New Mexico)
3. Exploring Aristotle’s Sources: Hippocratic Influence in De Generatione Animalium. Katherine D. Beydler (University of Michigan)
11:10 a.m. –12:40 p.m. Tenth Paper Session Waterloo B
Section C: Euripides
Judith Fletcher (Wilfrid Laurier University), presider
1. Troezen and Athens in Euripides’ Hippolytus: Myth, Politics, and Liminality. Tedd A. Wimperis (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
2. The Environment of Exile in Euripides’ Iphigenia in Tauris. Kristin O. Lord (Wilfrid Laurier University)
3. “Why Not the Nurse?”—Is She the Main Character in Euripides’ Hippolytus?. Michael H. Shaw (University of Kansas)
4. The Sociology of Leaders “Befriending” Followers in Late Fifth-century Athens: Euripides’ Iphigenia in Aulis. Robert H. Simmons (Monmouth College)
11:10 a.m. –12:40 p.m. Tenth Paper Session Waterloo C
Section D: Undergraduate Panel III
Ursula M. Poole (Columbia University), presider
1. Whose Son? Strange Exempla in the Consolatio ad Liviam. Walker Bailey (Baylor University)
2. Hildebrand, Virgil, and Brutus the Trojan. Emma Vanderpool (Monmouth College)
3. Experiencing Death in Petronius’ Satyricon: Trimalchio and Failed Ritual. Nina Raby (The University of New Mexico)
4. Res Gestae: Christianity through the Eyes of a Passive Aggressive Pagan. Marissa N. Sarver (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)
11:10 a.m. –12:40 p.m. Tenth Paper Session Ontario Salon A
Section E: Late Republican Epos
Stephanie McCarter (Sewanee, The University of the South), presider
1. Bovine Lives and Theoretical Virtue in Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura. Collin M. Hilton (Bryn Mawr College)
2. Will the Real Voluptas Please Stand Up? Colette N. Milligan (Benilde-St. Margarets)
3. Quali Positura: The Power of Position in Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura. Alexis Whalen (University of Massachusetts, Boston)
4. Social and Decorative Fabrics: The Coverlet in Catullus 64. Konrad C. Weeda (University of Chicago)
11:10 a.m. –12:40 p.m. Tenth Paper Session Michigan
Section F: Presidential Panel
Ovid and Virgil
Julia D. Hejduk (Baylor University), organizer and presider
1. Festive Allusions: Ovid on the Ides of March. Carole E. Newlands (University of Colorado)
2. Vergil and Ovid: Poets of Their Times, and of Ours. Joseph Farrell (University of Pennsylvania)
3. Archaeologizing Intertextuality in Virgil and Ovid. Peter Knox (Case Western Reserve University)
4. Response. James J. O’Hara (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
11:10 a.m. –12:40 p.m. Tenth Paper Session Georgian
Section G: Flavian Epic
Antony Augoustakis (Universityof Illinois Urbana-Champaign), presider
1. The Lap of a Fury: Images of Perverse Femininity in the Thebaid’s Tisiphone. Rachael Cullick (Oklahoma State University)
2. The Weakness of Poetry in Flavian Epic. Emlen M. Smith (Purdue University)
3. Like Father, Like Daughter(-in-Law). Mitchell R. Pentzer (University of Colorado at Boulder)
12:45-2:00 p.m. Ontario Classical Association Luncheon Simcoe
1:00 p.m. St. James Farmer's Market Excursion
Departure from Holiday Inn Lobby
Preregistration required.
1:30-5:30 Paideia Teacher Training in Active Latin Program Michigan
Preregistraion required.