Panels and Workshops for Boulder 2015


Facing Sickness: Medical Topics in Greco-Roman Literature
Alexander J. Hamilton (Ohio State University), organizer

1.  Humoral Theory and Archilochus Fragments 230 and 234. Katrina Vaananen (Ohio State University)
2.  Demons and Disease in Vergil's Aeneid. Alexander James Hamilton (Ohio State University)
3.  Caedens Dicere Verum: Juvenal's Use of Vergil in Satire II. Mark Wright (Ohio State University)
4.  Sophocles' Philoctetes as Therapeutic Tool. Christine Schaefers (Ohio State University)

Feminist Approaches and Perspectives in Undergraduate Classics Courses
Sanjaya Thakur  (Colorado College), organizer

1.  The Fog of War: Teaching Ancient Warfare with a Feminist Perspective. Matthew Taylor (Beloit College)
2.  Feminist Classics and the Burden of Authority. Lisl Walsh (Beloit College)
3.  Challenges for Male Instructors in Teaching Feminist Perspectives and Issues of Sexual Violence. Sanjaya Thakur (Colorado College)

Graduate Student Issues Committee Panel: Making the Most of Your Graduate Student Experience
Sarah C. Teets (University of Virginia), organizer

1.  Unwritten Rules: The Art of Being a Graduate Student. Jackie Elliott (University of Colorado Boulder)
2.  Departmental Citizenship and Strategic Planning for the Graduate Student. Stephen Collins-Elliott (University of Tennessee)
3.  Starting and Managing a Dissertation Support Group. Deb Trusty (Florida State University)
4.  Dr. Sanegrad or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the PhD. Hunter Teets (Compass Youth and Family Services)
5.  Teaching Latin in the Broader Community. Tyler Lansford (University of Colorado Boulder)

Growing Greek: New Activities and Resources at the Beginning Level
Wilfred Major (Louisiana State University), organizer

1.  Using Present Tense Markers to Make Beginning Greek Easier. Wilfred E. Major (Louisiana State University)
2.  From the Ground Up: Building a Greek Curriculum. Wayne Rupp (St. Mary’s Dominican High School, New Orleans)
3.  The Growth of Greek: The National Greek Exam and Junior Classical League. Generosa Sangco-Jackson (Oak Hall School)
4.  The College Greek Exam 2014-15. Albert Watanabe (Louisiana State University)

Keeping Latin Teachers in the Classroom: How Mentoring Works (NCLG Panel)
Mary L. Pendergraft (Wake Forest University), organizer

1.  Mentoring and the Latin Teaching Methods Course. Alison Orlebeke (University of Colorado Boulder)
2.  Mentoring is Vital. Daniel W. Leon  (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
3.  From Generation unto Generation. Kendra Henry (Colorado College)
4.  A New Teacher's Perspective. Benjamin Burtzos (Thomas MacLaren School)

Navigating a Career in Classics
Amy Pistone (University of Michigan), organizer

1.  The Path to Tenure. Mary L. Pendergraft (Wake Forest University)
2.  Planning Academic Parenthood: Negotiating a Family-Friendly Contract and Navigating Work-Life Balance. Yurie Hong (Gustavus Adolphus College)
3.  The Two Body Problem, Contingent Positions, and Parenting on the Tenure Track. Sean Easton (Gustavus Adolphus College)
4.  Parenting in the Academy: Policy, Personal Experience, and the Future. Pamela Gordon (University of Kansas)

Rethinking Memorization in Learning Latin (CPL Panel)
          Barbara P. Weinlich (Eckerd College), organizer

1.  Quomodo Dicitur? The Importance of Memory in Language Learning. Jacqueline Carlon (University of Massachusetts Boston)
2.  Follow the Latin Brick Road: Minimalizing and Redefining Memorization in Latin Learning. Kenneth Kitchell (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
3.  Old Wines in New Skins: Rethinking Memorization in the Greek and Latin Classroom. B.A. Gregg (The Cleveland School of Science and Medicine)
4.  Metaphorical Competence as an Aid to Idiom Learning in Latin. William Short (University of Texas at San Antonio)
5.  Memorization:  Mastery or Modification? Eddie Lowry (Ripon College)

Satiric Takes on Philosophy, Philosophic Takes on Satire
T. H. M. Gellar-Goad (Wake Forest University), organizer

1L'Anti-Ennius chez Lucrèce: Satire and Literary Polemic in De Rerum Natura. Mathias Hanses (Columbia University)
2.  Civic Ambition and Satiric Authority in Lucilius and Lucretius. T. H. M. Gellar-Goad (Wake Forest University)
3.  Sermones 2.5: A Shady Prophet, an Obsequious Hero, and a Poet with Something to Prove. Sergio Yona (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
4.  The Consolation of Not-philosophy in Lucilius and Juvenal. Catherine Keane (Washington University in St. Louis)
5.  Lucian's Nigrinus: What is the Effective Corrective? Mitchell Pentzer (University of Colorado Boulder


Easily Enriching the Youngest Minds with Latin: Student Programs, Teacher Programs, and Scholarships from Ascanius: The Youth Classics Institute
Kevin Jefferson (Ascanius: The Youth Classics Institute)
Nadia Ghosheh (Ascanius: The Youth Classics Institute)

Latin at the Middle School Level: Who Are Our Students? How Do We Reach Them?
Megan O. Drinkwater (Agnes Scott College)

Linguistic Mastery for the New Millennium
Bernard Carrington (American Leadership Academy)

Reverse-engineering a Syllabus: Using Learning Objectives to Design Your Courses (GSIC Workshop)
Jennifer  L. LaFleur  (University of Virginia)