Title > TOC > Guidelines for the Post of Regional Vice President  



CAMWS Regional Vice-Presidents have four major areas of responsibility. First, as representatives of CAMWS in their regions, they are responsible for handling the organization's day-to-day business at the regional level. Second, Regional Vice-Presidents work closely with their State/Provincial Vice-Presidents and serve as the liaison between them and the Chair of the CPL. Third, Regional Vice-Presidents promote membership in the organization. Fourth, they help to promote interest in all CAMWS awards. Each of these areas of responsibility is outlines below.

overseen by the Secretary-Treasurer


Each Regional Vice-President is expected to attend the CAMWS annual meeting. It is customary for the Chair of CPL to hold a special meeting with all of the Regional Vice-Presidents, the CPL Committee members and the Chairs of the Membership and Steering Committees on the Thursday of the annual meeting. In addition to conducting other business, at this working meal the Regional Vice-Presidents help to determine the goals and strategies for CPL during the next year.

It is also important that the Regional Vice-Presidents attend the joint meeting for Regional and State/Provincial Vice-Presidents where the strategy for the upcoming year is announced. It also provides an informal atmosphere for them to converse with the State/Provincial Vice-Presidents throughout the CAMWS area.

Regional Vice-Presidents are also encouraged to arrange meetings with the state or provincial Vice-Presidents State or Provincial Vice-Presidents in their region at the CAMWS annual meeting.


The normal term of office is three years and can be extended. Regional Vice-Presidents who wish to step down are expected to give written notification to the Secretary-Treasurer well before the annual meeting in order to insure a smooth transition. State or provincial organizations are encouraged to become involved in the recruitment of Regional Vice-Presidents for CAMWS and to submit nominations to the Secretary-Treasurer of CAMWS for official appointment by the CAMWS President.


The Regional Vice-Presidents are actively involved in recruiting new State/Provincial Vice-Presidents. Working whenever possible through the appropriate state or provincial organizations, they submit their nominations to the CAMWS President for approval and appointment.


Regional Vice-Presidents may be called upon to assist with special projects of CAMWS and to promote the work of other standing committees. Each Regional Vice-Presidents is expected to maintain close contact and act as a liaison with their state or provincial Classical organizations represented in his or her region.


Expenses for postage and telephone calls related to the responsibilities of the Regional Vice-President can be reimbursed through the CAMWS Secretary-Treasurer.

overseen by the Chair of CPL

Regional Vice-Presidents are CPL's official representatives in their regions. As such they are expected to encourage their State/Provincial Vice-Presidents to solicit proposals for possible CPL funding. Regional Vice-Presidents also act as the second step in screening the proposals which are submitted to CPL. (See Appendices A, B, C.)


The Regional Vice-President works to keep the individual State/Provincial Vice-Presidents well-informed of the progress of the committee, or work to be done, and of information to be passed along to Latin teachers in the area. Much of this work entails writing letters or sending e-mail, but some must be done by telephone. Mail and telephone costs are paid by CPL through the Vice-Presidents' account in the CAMWS budget.

The Regional Vice-Presidents should plan to contact each of their State/Provincial Vice-Presidents at least four times a year. Copies of these communications should be sent to the Chair of CPL in order to keep the Chair abreast of all the activities of the committee.

It is the duty of the Regional Vice-Presidents to encourage the State/Provincial Vice-Presidents to pursue the activities outlined for them in the CAMWS HANDBOOK, especially engaging in promotional activities and requesting funds for Latin teachers in their areas.


The Regional Vice-President is the second step (after the State/Provincial Vice-President) in screening requests for funds and often works with a State/Provincial Vice-President to help develop the request. The Regional Vice-President should make every effort that there is at least one request for CPL funds from every state or province in the region annually.


The CAMWS Regional Vice-President should keep close track of the status of Latin programs in the region. If new programs are being considered, the Regional Vice-President can work with the Vice-President of that state or provide to provide invaluable advice and counsel, to make CPL promotional materials available, and even to suggest funding sources such as CPL grants. The Vice-President can also work through CPL to generate letters of support for threatened programs.


In early January the Regional Vice-Presidents will be contacted by the Chair of CPL and asked to begin gathering material for the submission of their annual regional reports, due to the CPL Chair (with copies of relevant portions to the Chairs of the Membership Committee and the Steering Committee on Scholarships and Awards) by March 1st. Each regional report is made up of summaries of information compiled and submitted by the State/Provincial Vice-Presidents in that region, including information on membership and scholarship activities. Comments by the Regional Vice-President as to what he/she perceives to be the needs of the region as a whole also belong in this annual report.

The ten regional reports form the basis of the annual CPL report to the Executive Committee of CAMWS and other members at the CAMWS annual meeting. Copies of the regional reports are kept on file by the Chair of the CPL and are posted on the CPL web site. Copies of the regional report should also be forwarded to the Chairs of the Membership Committee and the Steering Committee on Scholarships and Awards at the same time. In certain years, an article on CPL containing information on CPL taken from the regional reports has appeared in the Classical Journal and the CAMWS Newsletter. Guidelines for writing a regional report are provided in Appendix F.


The Regional Vice-President directs the activities of the State/Provincial Vice-Presidents as listed in this HANDBOOK. While the Regional Vice-President leaves most of the actual work to the State/Provincial Vice-Presidents, the Regional Vice-President does serve as a resource and a local contact, providing encouragement and (occasionally) a little gentle pressure for the State/Provincial Vice-Presidents. Throughout the year the Regional Vice-Presidents distribute to their Vice-Presidents materials that have been forwarded from the Secretary-Treasurer of CAMWS, the Chair of the CPL, the Chair of the Membership Committee, and/or the Chair of the Steering Committee on Scholarships and Awards.

overseen by the Chair of the Membership Committee


Regional Vice-Presidents should assist in any way possible State/Provincial Vice-Presidents in their responsibilities for recruiting membership to CAMWS in their states or provinces. This includes soliciting new members and urging lapsed members 'back into the fold.' Each autumn and again early in the new year, the Secretary-Treasurer and/or Chair of the Membership Committee of CAMWS sends updated membership lists to each Regional Vice-President and to each State/Provincial Vice-President. The State/Provincial Vice-Presidents use these lists to check on membership in their individual states or provinces. The Regional Vice-Presidents do the same for the entire region. This may be done through mailings, phone calls, e-mail, notices and forms in state/provincial Classical newsletter, or appearances at conventions. (See Appendix E)


CAMWS brochures and membership forms are available from the Chair of the Membership Committee. Regional Vice-Presidents are expected to distribute them throughout their regions.


State/Provincial Vice-Presidents are to include in the information submitted to the Regional Vice-President for the annual regional report any activities undertaken toward the promotion of membership for CAMWS. Creative or innovative methods used that could benefit other State/Provincial or Regional Vice-Presidents should be noted in the regional report and submitted separately to the Chair of the Membership Committee.

overseen by the Chair of the Steering Committee on Scholarships and Awards

Regional Vice-Presidents are responsible for promoting CAMWS scholarships, prizes, and awards. Information on all of these are distributed annually in the late summer or early fall by the various committees in charge of each or by the CAMWS Headquarters Office. Information can also be obtained through the CAMWS Newsletter or the CAMWS Web Site. In particular, the State/Provincial Vice-President should work with local Classical organizations in identifying nominees for the CAMWS Kraft Award for High School Teaching, the College Teaching Award, and the CAMWS Service Award.


CURSUS ANNI for Regional Vice-Presidents



Evaluate the performance of the State/Provincial Vice-Presidents from the preceding year. Work with the President of CAMWS to appoint new Vice-Presidents where needed.


Write to the State/Provincial Vice-Presidents, welcoming them back. Reinforce the goals of CPL and remind them of the availability of CPL funds. Encourage them also to promote the CAMWS Latin Translation Contest (deadline February 1).


Remind State/Provincial Vice-Presidents to promote the Grant, Semple, and Benario fellowships for study abroad (deadline February 1). Encourage them to attend their state/provincial Classical conferences and to distribute CAMWS membership brochures here. Get from the State/Provincial Vice-Presidents a progress report on how the year's special regional goal for CPL is being achieved. Telephone those State /Provincial Vice-Presidents in your region who have not yet been in touch with you this year!


Write to your State/Provincial Vice-Presidents and request information from their state for inclusion in your regional report. Remind them to include activities for which CPL funding was given, membership and scholarship activities, and the general state of Classics in their locale. Set an early deadline for receipt of this material to insure that your final report reaches the Chair of the CPL by March 1. In this letter also inquire if they have contacted all of those CAMWS members who have not paid their dues for the year.


Telephone State/Provincial Vice-Presidents who are late in submitting information to you for the regional report. Submit your regional report to the Chair of CPL by March 1. Along with your report to CPL include a nominee (if any) for 'Outstanding State/Provincial Vice-President.' Submit separate reports regarding membership activities and scholarship activities in your region to the Chair of the Membership Committee and the Chair of the Steering Committee on Scholarships and Awards by March 1.


Make a final push for CPL projects to be funded during the current fiscal year. Begin thinking about possible projects for next year. Submit your letter of resignation to the Secretary-Treasurer, if you do not plan to continue in your post. Your appointment is for a three-year period and is renewable upon the decision of the CAMWS President.

Work the State/Provincial Vice-Presidents to insure that the region has at least one nomination for a CPL award for the best high school promotional activity. Deadline for receipt of applications is March 15.


Attend the CAMWS annual meeting, the Regional Vice-Presidents' Meeting and the joint meeting for Regional and State/Provincial Vice-Presidents. Arrange a special meeting with the Vice-Presidents in your region.


Work with your State/Provincial Vice-Presidents and prepare a list of goals and activities for your region for next year. Submit suggestions to the Chairs of CPL, the Membership Committee, and the Steering Committee on Scholarships and Awards.