Subcommittee on the CAMWS Latin Translation Exam Chair
There are two Co-Chairs of the Subcommittee on the CAMWS Latin Translation Exam (Charter: share the responsibility for managing the CAMWS Latin Translation Contest. for both high school and college/university students. One chair is a high school teacher. The other a college/university professor. The Chairs are appointed by the President, typically for a three year term which can be renewed once.
The chairs are ex-officio members of the CAMWS Steering Committee on Awards and Scholarship (Charter:
The chair(s) of this committee also serve ex-officio as members of the CAMWS Steering Committee on Awards and Scholarships.
Schedule of Duties for CAMWS Latin Translation Contest Chairs
Late July / Early August
- Co-Chairs establish contact with the committee.
- -Chairs ask each committee member to submit potential passages. (There may be a sufficient number of “leftover” submissions from previous years, in which case the contribution of additional passages by committee members may be considered an optional activity.)
Mid-August / Late August
- Co-Chairs send out the “ballot” of proposed passages to the committee. Committee members should consider the submissions and vote accordingly, ranking their top three choices for both Intermediate and Advanced. Five points will be awarded for a 1st place vote, three points for a 2nd place vote, and one point for a 3rd place vote.
Early September / Mid-September
- Co-Chairs tally the votes and announce the results to the committee.
- Co-Chairs begin editing and annotating the passages (vocabulary glosses, macrons, etc.).
- Co-Chairs finish editing and annotating the passages and developing translation grading chunks. Committee members provide feedback.
Early November
Registration deadline for the exam.
- Co-Chairs recruit volunteer graders from the participating teachers in the contest.
- Co-Chairs finalize the passages and grading chunks for the contest. Committee members provide a final proofread.
- Co-Chairs send out answer sheets and exam administration instructions to participating teachers / exam administrators. Exams are also sent, but not until just a couple of days before the testing window opens.
Late November / Early December
Exams are administered.
- Participating teachers / exam administrators return the papers to the Co-Chairs.
Late December / Early January
- Co-Chairs provide graders with detailed instructions.
Early January / Mid-January
- Co-Chairs distribute exams for grading. Each grader should expect to receive about 50 papers (depending on the number of volunteers successfully recruited).
Late February / Early March
Graders submit their results to the Co-Chairs.
- Co-Chairs compile the results to determine winners. Usually, the top 2-3% receive Cash Awards, the top 4-7% receive Book Awards, and the top 8-20% receive Certificates of Commendation.
- Co-Chairs announce the results to the committee and to the CAMWS office.
- Co-Chairs prepare a report for the CAMWS office and for the chair of the Steering Committee.
- Co-Chairs announce the results to the participating teachers.
Late March
- Co-Chairs submit a final version of the results (spelling errors in student names corrected, etc.) to the CAMWS office. List of winners is posted on the School Awards web[age.
Late March / Early April (Annual Meeting)
The Chair
- Attends lunch (typically midday Thursday) with members of the Subcommittee to review the year's work and make recommendatiions for the future
- Attends a meeting of the Steering Committee
- Attends the Business Meeting on Saturday morning and announces the winner(s) or delegates another member of the Subcommittee to do so
- Holds an informal roundtable discussion session at the CAMWS annual meeting or delegates another member of the Subcommittee to do so
Late April
CAMWS office sends out awards.
On January 22, 2020, at the request of the Subcommittee, the CAMWS Executive Committee voted to change the name of this Subcommittee from School Awards to CAMWS Latin Translation Exam.