CAMWS 2025 Urbana-Champaign, IL.

The 121st Annual CAMWS

University of Illinois

Urbana - Champaign


Meeting Registration

is now open!

Exhibitor Registration is now open!


Information about the hotels:

Hilton Garden Inn - Champaign/Urbana


Homewood Suites by Hilton

Holiday Inn Hotel & Conference Center


About Our Host

Classics at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 


About Champaign, IL.

About Urbana, IL.



Hilton Garden Inn/Homewood Suites Reservations

Holiday Inn Reservations

Program (Revised 2/2/2025)

Placing an Ad in the CAMWS Program

Getting to Champaign-Urbana



  • AMTRAK runs from New Orleans to Chicago and back with a stop in Champaign.


  • Peoria Charter (private bus company) serves many locations, including Chicago airports (O'Hare and Midway), Downtown Chicago, and several Chicago suburbs. Both pick-up and drop-off are available from both campus and several Chicagoland locations.
  • Greyhound (private bus company) has daily service between Chicago and Champaign. Pick up is available from downtown Chicago with drop-off at the Illinois Terminal in downtown Champaign.


The average cost of a taxi is $15-20 to campus from Willard Airport or the Illinois Terminal. For assistance, please ask an employee at the airport or the terminal. Be sure to agree on the cost of your cab fare before leaving for your destination.


Important Documents

Code of Conduct at Meetings

A Guide for Presenting Professional Papers at CAMWS Meetings

A Guide for Presiders of Sessions at CAMWS Meetings

Guidelines for preparing presentation materials (handouts, Powerpoints, etc.) for the CAMWS meeting