The Chair of the Subcommittee on the Manson A. Stewart Teacher Training and Travel Awards (Charter: coordinates, with the aid of all committee members, the advertisement, deliberation, and report of applications for four different awards: (1) Stewart Teacher Training Awards which offer financial assistance to those who wish to obtain certification to teach Latin at the primary through the secondary level; (2) Stewart Travel Awards which are designed primarily to assist K-12 teachers with cash awards to offset the costs of attending CAMWS meetings, though graduate students, contingent faculty, and undergraduates preparing for a teaching career are also eligible for these awards; (3) The James Ruebel Undergraduate Travel Awards which offer assistance for current undergraduate students travelling to participate in the CAMWS conference; and (4) CAMWS New Teacher Awards which offer financial assistance in paying off student loan debt for new Latin teachers (up to $1000.00), or which offer start-up funds for new teachers for purchasing teaching supplies (up to $500.00).
The chair is also an ex-officio member of the CAMWS Steering Committee on Awards and Scholarship (Charter:
December/January: ascertain committee budget
- subcommittee chair should contact CAMWS Secretary-Treasurer ( to determine the budget for all subcommittee awards for the year
January: applications for all awards are due by January 30
- subcommittee chair receives applications (materials sent to
- subcommittee chair sends list of applicants to Secretary-Treasurer ( and the CAMWS administrative assistant ( in order to (1) confirm the complete list of applicants; (2) confirm that all applicants have paid their CAMWS membership
- subcommittee chair prepares application materials to send to subcommittee members
- application materials should include applicant’s name, school affiliation, contact information, CV (or link to CV uploaded to CAMWS website), personal statement, and budget
- in preparing materials, it is helpful if subcommittee chair makes the materials as easy to read and as accessible as possible
- in preparing materials, it is helpful if subcommittee chair also prepare recommendations of how to allocate award funds in order to help facilitate discussion among committee members
February: solicitation of subcommittee members to judge applications
- subcommittee chair emails subcommittee ( and sends (1) application materials; (2) chair’s recommendations along with instructions for evaluating application materials (please see sample email instruction appended to the end of this document).
- chair should give subcommittee members clear timeline in which to complete their work and ask committee members to respond to the entire group
- subcommittee chair responds and interacts with committee via email about applicants
- subcommittee chair tallies committee members’ votes and writes report
- report is due to the Chair of the Steering Committee on Awards and Scholarships ( and Secretary-Treasurer ( no later than March 1st.
March: contact awardees
- subcommittee chair contacts all applicants via email to alert them whether they won an award or not
- subcommittee chair reminds winners of Stewart Travel Awards that they are expected to be present at the Saturday morning business meeting at the conference to pick up their award check
- subcommittee chair reminds winners of James Ruebel Undergraduate Travel Awards that they are expected to be present at the Saturday morning business meeting at the conference
March/April: participation in the CAMWS conference
The Chair
- Attends lunch (typically midday Thursday) with members of the Sub-Committee to review the year's work and make recommendatiions for the future
- Attends a meeting of the Steering Committee on Awards and Scholarships
- Attends the Business Meeting on Saturday morning and announces the winner(s) or delegates another member of the Sub-Committe to do so
May/June: review committee charter, update charter (if necessary), etc.
- subcommittee chair should review the committee charter: have the subcommittee’s responsibilities changed (e.g., has the subcommittee been assigned new awards?)
- subcommittee chair should involve subcommittee members on any updates to charter
- subcommittee chair sends decisions of subcommittee’s updates to CAMWS Secretary-Treasurer ( and to the chair of Steering Committee on Awards and Scholarships ( no later than June 1st.
August/September: for CAMWS-Southern Section year (CAMWS-SS meets every other year)
- if a year with CAMWS-SS meeting, applications for Travel Awards are due September 1st (for meeting in mid-October). Only Stewart Travel awards are available for CAMWS-SS
- subcommittee chair should be in contact with CAMWS Secretary-Treasurer ( to determine the budget for travel awards for CAMWS-SS (funds will be taken from entire yearly budget, which means fewer funds will be available for awards to annual CAMWS meeting)
- subcommittee chair receives applications (materials sent to
- subcommittee chair prepares application materials to send to subcommittee members
- application materials should include applicant’s name, school affiliation, contact information, CV (or link to CV uploaded to CAMWS website), personal statement, and budget
- in preparing materials, it is helpful if subcommittee chair makes the materials as easy to access and read as possible
- in preparing materials, it is helpful if subcommittee chair also prepare recommendations of how to allocate award monies in order to help facilitate discussion among committee members
- send list of applicants to Secretary-Treasurer ( and the CAMWS Administrative Assistant ( in order to (1) confirm the complete list of applicants; (2) confirm that all applicants have paid their CAMWS membership
- subcommittee chair emails the subcommittee ( and sends (1) application materials; (2) chair’s recommendations along with instructions for evaluating application materials (please see sample email instruction appended to the end of this document).
- chair should give subcommittee members clear timeline in which to complete their work and ask committee members to respond to the entire group
- subcommittee chair responds and interacts with committee via email about applicants
- subcommittee chair tallies committee members’ votes and sends report to the Secretary-Treasurer ( and the chair of the Steering Committee on Awards and Scholasrhips ( This report is also (to be included in yearly report to the chair of the Steering Committee on Awards and Scholasrhips ( due March 1st
- contact the chair of the Steering Committee on Awards and Scholasrhips ( CAMWS Secretary-Treasurer ( with report of award winners
- subcommittee chair contacts all applicants via email to alert them whether they won an award or not
- subcommittee chair reminds winners of tewart Travel Awards that they are expected to be present at the Saturday morning business meeting at the conference to pick up their award check.
October: CAMWS-SS meeting
- subcommittee chair attends CAMWS-SS meeting and reads report and award winners and assists in handing out award checks at the Business meeting on Saturday morning.
- if subcommittee chair CANNOT attend the meeting, the chair should contact the committee to find a proxy who will be at the meeting and can present the awards at the business meeting, or contact the Secretary Treasurer to help find a proxy.
Addendum: sample email instructions for Stewart TT&T subcommittee members:
Dear Stewart Travel Award committee members,
I hope this message finds you all well. I’m writing to ask you to review and rank the applications for the Stewart Teacher Training and Travel awards for the CAMWS meeting this *** in ***.
This year we will be considering not only applicants for Manson A. Stewart Teacher Training and Travel awards, but also applications for the James Ruebel Undergraduate Travel award.
This year we have $5600 budgeted to pay for the CAMWS meeting in ***.
As you go through the applications, I would like to ask you to rank the candidates by merit and need. Here is the description of the award from the CAMWS website to help guide your rankings:
“Travel Awards: Designed primarily to assist K-12 teachers with cash awards to offset the costs of attending CAMWS meetings, including the cost of a substitute teacher. Graduate students, contingent faculty and undergraduates preparing for a teaching career are also eligible for these awards, which are not intended to cover all costs of the travel. The size of the award varies according to the actual cost the travel will entail, the size of the committee's budget, and the number of applications. Awards for travel to annual meetings have ranged from $300 to $700; for travel to the Southern Section meeting, somewhat less.”
In addition, as per the committee’s charter, here are our guidelines for ranking candidates:
“1) the award is designed to support the teaching of Latin, primarily at the secondary level, but current and future teachers of all levels are eligible to apply;
2) the award is both merit- and need-based, and the committee will consider both factors in making its decisions;
3) the committee will give priority to candidates who have not recently received previous Manson A. Stewart awards.”
I am attaching here the list of applicants and their statements (with links to their CVs you can copy and paste to your internet browser—if you have any trouble opening an applicant’s CV, I can email a copy to you). I would like to ask you to send me your rankings within two weeks, but no later than Feb. 19th. I will submit our subcommittee’s report shortly after the 19th to CAMWS Secretary-Treasurer and the chair of the Steering Committee and will only be able to take into account the comments I receive from you before then. Please let me know if you will be unable to respond within that time.
I am also attaching a copy of my rankings and suggested award amounts (totaling $5600.00) in case that will help as you look over the applications. One big issue to keep in mind: we can offer larger awards (particularly for travel), but — obviously — that means we can offer fewer awards. Please let me know if you would prefer to offer more substantial awards or more awards for somewhat less money.
Many thanks in advance for your efforts!
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