The Chair of the Subcommittee on the CAMWS Summer Travel Awards (Charter: oversees the evaluation of applications for Semple, Grant and Benario travel awards. The eligibility requirements, deadlines and criteria are found on the Semple, Grant and Benario webpage. The Chair is appointed by the President, typically for a three year term which can be renewed once.
The chair is also an ex-officio member of the CAMWS Steering Committee on Awards and Scholarship (Charter:
Schedule of Duties for the CAMWS Summer Travel Awards Subcommittee Chair
The Chair establishes email contact with the members of the subcommittee, reminds them of the Jan. 15 application deadline and requests that they reserve a block of time within the three weeks following, in order to make timely decisions about the awards.
The Chair forwards the promotional flyer with a short explanatory email to presidents of state teacher’s organizations and to Directors of Graduate Studies in eligible institutions.
January 1-15 (or earlier)
The Chair answers questions regarding the awards from potential applicants, which generally begin at this time, copying the Secretary-Treasurer on replies to avoid duplication of responses.
January 15:
Deadline for applications.
The Chair
- Confirms the eligibility of applicants and, in the case of the Benario, programs and budgets. (Airfare is excluded.)
- Contacts writers who have not submitted their letters and candidates with incomplete materials by this deadline to solicit missing materials. All materials are required by the time the award is made. The committee may not issue the award to an applicant whose file is incomplete.
- Compiles applications electronically in a shared storage space.
- Distributes application evaluation form to members of the Subcommittee (if one is being used)
January 15-31
The Chair solicits reasoned rankings from the committee and compiles the results in accordance with the committee Charter: by consensus, if possible, and by simple majority vote, if not. Committee members are expected to provide a rationale for their rankings and to rank all candidates. The committee must identify both winners and runners up.
Early February
The Chair informs winners that they have received an award and confirms that they intend to accept it. Upon confirmation, the Chair informs runners up and other applicants and submits names to the Secretary-Treasurer.
February 28
The chair submits to the chair of the Steering Committee and to the Secretary-Treasurer a one-two page report on the committee’s findings and recommendations for improving the process (previous reports can serve as a template).
March/April: CAMWS annual meeting
The chair
- Attends lunch (typically midday Thursday) with members of the Subcommittee to review the year's work and make recommendatiions for the future
- Attends a meeting of the Steering Committee
- Attends the Business Meeting on Saturday morning and announces the winner(s) or delegates another member of the Subcommittee to do so
On January 22, 2020, at the request of the Subcommittee, the CAMWS Executive Committee voted to change the name of this Subcommittee from Semple, Grant and Benario Awards to CAMWS Summer Travel Awards.