The Chair of the Teaching Awards Sub Committee (Charter: : https://camws.org/teach-com-charter ) oversees the evaluation of applications for two different awards:
(1) Kraft Award for Excellence in Secondary School Teaching recognizes outstanding teachers of Latin in public or private schools (middle schools included), and
(2) The CAMWS Award for Excellence in College Teaching recognizes outstanding teachers of the Classics in college or university. Information on the Nomination and Application process is found here: https://camws.org/awards/teacher.php.
The Chair is appointed by the President, typically for a three year term which can be renewed once.
The chair is an ex-officio member of the CAMWS Steering Committee on Awards and Scholarship (Charter: https://camws.org/steer-com-charter).
Schedule of Duties for Teaching Awards Subcommittee Chair
August or September:
The Chair
- Confirms with President and Secretary-Treasurer the names of the current members of the subcommittee.
- Contacts each committee member to confirm every member’s willingness to participate.
- Checks the CAMWS website (see above) to make sure that the names of committee members are listed correctly.
- Makes sure that all members agree that the published guidelines by which portfolios will be assessed are appropriate. If the Committee develops new guidelines, contact the Secretary-Treasurer to have them published immediately.
- Discusses with the Secretary-Treasurer when the deadline for submitting applications should be, in relationship to the date of the Meeting, and make sure that date is published on the website. The Committee needs time to deliberate and make a decision, and the awardees need time to plan their travel. Note that CAMWS has funds to support travel and hotel costs for Kraft winner; discuss the details with the Secretary-Treasurer.
September, October:
The Chair
- Confirm with the CAMWS office that the “hold-over” nominees are still CAMWS members; when you contact those who are not, remind them to renew their memberships.
- Contacts all “hold-over” nominees and offers them the opportunity to update their portfolios. Makes sure they realize that each item they add requires them to choose an item to delete—the portfolios may not contain more than the number of letters and documents specified on the website (above).
- Makes sure that the CAMWS Newsletter reminds members to submit nominatioEns by the date decided
- Emails state VPs as well about the awards.
- Sets up a way to keep track of nominations and supporting materials. The practice of using a Google folder has worked well. Insure that all members of the committee have access to the files.
Nominations are due.
Applications are due.
After the deadline for applicaitons (late December-early January_
The chair
- Reminds members of the time by which the committee needs to make its decisions and of the criteria the committee has decided to use for those recommendations. Recent
- asks committee members to rank the candidates in order, and then tallies their rankings. various reports. Using those rankings, the committee discusses the candidates to make a decision. A second round of rankings among the highest scorers may be needed.
Committee decisions are made.
The Chair
- Immediately informs the Secretary-Treasurer and President (and includes the winners’ names, schools, and photos).
- Announces the results individually to the candidates who were not chosen and remind them of their own eligibility for one or two more years, or for none; do this before notifying the winners. It is important that the other nominees hear the decision from the committee and not from social media.
- Notify the winners and encourage the them to attend the CAMWS meeting; remind the Kraft winner of available support, based on earlier conversation with the Secretary-Treasurer. Make sure that the winners understand that the award is given at the Saturday Business Meeting.
March 15
The Chair submits a written committee report to the Chair of the Steering Committee and to the Secretary-Treasurer.
At the CAMWS meeting
The Chair
- Attends lunch (typically midday Thursday) with members of the Sub-Committee to review the year's work and make recommendatiions for the future
- Attends a meeting of the Steering Committee
- Attends the Business Meeting on Saturday morning and announces the winner(s) or delegates another member of the Sub-Committe to do so
Immediately after the Annual Meeting
The chair
- Sends copies of the citations to the Secretary-Treasurer and to each winner.
- Prepares press releases for the winners
Model documents are available in this year’s google folder.